Join Tim & Tom as they listen to the whole album.Every episode they discuss listening to an album they haven’t heard before from beginning to end.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Подкаст про музыку, о музыке, с музыкой, для музыки и под музыкой.
Тут разное: от тёмной электроники до неоклассики, от психоделического эмбиента до инди попа и много чего ещё.
Слушаем и погружаемся в атмосферу треков, испытываем эмоции вшитые в композиции.
Здесь я рассказываю об исполнителях и жанрах, а также делюсь историями из жизни, связанными с выбранными треками. -
Hosted by Oakland music enthusiast Pam Torno, every episode of Select Five features a special guest talking about five songs and why they matter. Subscribe to the podcast now and get to know artists, music makers, filmmakers, community builders and other creatives from the Bay Area and beyond through the music they love.
Many of our assumptions about spiritual intention, sensual pleasure, and the essence of work, community, country, race, and the divine have germinated in Bob Dylan’s need to know what’s blowing in the wind. In a moment when the world we thought we knew seems like uncharted territory, About Man and God and Law hears sixty years of popular music anew, offering both a map and a manifesto for empathy and purpose for anyone seeking a life of meaning inspired by the songs they love. Stephen Daniel Arnoff injects the quest with an equal dose of academic bona fides mixed with a rock and roll irreverence. How does it feel? Let's find out together. Look for the book About Man & God & Law: The Spiritual Wisdom of Bob Dylan coming in December from Morgan James Publishing. More at Join the conversation at
Justicia Pop es un podcast que rinde homenaje al genero musical que ha acompañado nuestras vidas por años.
A través de distintas épocas y tendencias, aquí descubrimos, y recordamos los mejores momentos de las últimas décadas.
En cada emisión tenemos sonidos, anécdotas, datos, y comentarios de las canciones que han defendido a este estilo.
Esto es “Justicia Pop”. -
Ideed on elus asjad. Carl Jung on öelnud, et mitte inimestel pole ideed, vaid ideedel on inimesed.
Ideed võivad vilja kanda ja need võivad ka närtsimist põhjustada.
Oma podcastis räägin inimestega, kelle ideed on vilja kandnud, et näha, kuidas nemad mõtlevad, et aru saada, millised ideed on neid viinud sinna, kuhu nad jõudnud on.
Podcastis räägime põhiliselt loovusest ja põhiliselt muusikutega, kuna olen ise sellest ringkonnast. Usun, et see on huvitav kuulamine ka teiste valdkondade inimestele, kuna loovus on universaalne ja samad loovuse printsiibid võivad kehtida mitmes valdkonnas.
Head kuulamist.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.