How reflective are you on how your day has gone?
Do you feel overwhelmed with the huge amounts of tasks to complete within 24 hours?
How do you feel about being your own boss of life?
Listen to the show with Emma and Emma from Empowered Life on how journaling can transform your day to a more productive, more confident and celebrated life. Even for those of you who feel more of a free spirit, journalling can also be the route to being aware of your space and time out.
Link to William McRaven we discussed his life changing speech on being accountable and "make your bed"
Emma's No 1 Best Selling Journal and Links
Join @emmalewissingingyogi on the topic of Intention Setting through Self Awareness.
The perfect remedy if you are ready to move away from the pressure cooker of New Years Resolution. See if you can bring intention setting through self awareness in to your life to lead you to bliss each and every day.
"The Intention Behind Any Action Is Always More Important Than The Action Itself"
Let us know at @showcasewellbeing / @showcasestudiostives / @emmalewissingingyogi by sharing your daily intentions to inspire others to join your journey #Intentions
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Balancing chakras, what is this? What are chakra's anyway? Is it just a new age craze that has no real backing?
Find out more on the basics of chakras, where they have originated from and how our chakras when in alignment can improve our physical, emotional and spiritual self. in this episode we also dive into how they can block our path and manifest in physical and emotional barriers.
There is a short meditation to balance and align the chakra system from 30.10 if you want to jump to the good stuff and if you already know about the beauty of the ancient chakra system.
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Namaste All Day
For more meditations, yoga classes and wellbeing practises that you can tune into every day head to ShowcaseCo.uk/Om-Demand where you will find a wonderful selection of classes available to you through Showcase Wellbeing or if you are in or around Cornwall UK visit our Studios in St Ives at Showcase Studios St Ives
I would love to hear from you about any topics or meditation themes you would like to hear in the show or if you would like to be featured on the show send me a message at [email protected].uk / message me on Instagram at Emma Lewis Singing Yogi
I wanted to bring some Joy to everyone right now, feelings of anxiety, stress and pressure are on the rise and thoughts are whirling.
I have found a beneficial method of Meditation called "Loving Kindness" that helps to still the mind, connect with Joy and to increase positive thinking through Loving Kindness Meditation. If you want to move straight to the meditation or to bookmark it for a daily practise that you can - forward to 4.22 in the episode.
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
For more meditations, yoga classes and wellbeing practises that you can tune into every day head to ShowcaseCo.uk/Om-Demand where you will find a wonderful selection of classes available to you through Showcase Wellbeing or if you are in or around Cornwall UK visit our Studios in St Ives at Showcase Studios St Ives
I would love to hear from you about any topics or meditation themes you would like to hear in the show or if you would like to be featured on the show send me a message at [email protected].uk / message me on Instagram at Emma Lewis Singing Yogi
Do you feel stuck, maybe a writers block and your just not sure how to shift beliefs that are holding you back?
Maybe you gave your all in your career, business and life recently and reached a level of success that you just didn't expect but not it has plateaued and now you don't know what to do next or how to lift the scale.
Then this show is for you, Join Emma and EFT specialist Sherry Lukey as they introduce a transformation practise of EFT tapping to support heart centred leaders, entrepreneurs and high success individuals to do the next right this trough emotional freeing yourself.
In the show Sherry gifts us a small EFT practise which we hope you find beneficial.
For more information on EFT and to connect with Sherry visit SherryLukey.com / visit her Youtube Channel
What Is Yoga? Whether you are an advanced practitioner or someone that has just heard the word as a part of a fitness workout join Emma on the detail of what yoga really is and how it can crack your heart wide open.
Yoga is here to change our perceptons and connect our Mind - Body and Soul together as one, the shift in your perceptions is magic!
Join Emma on the introduction of what Yoga is, where it came from and how you can practise Yoga everyday without performing the poses that have now defined what our perception of yoga is. When we practise yoga we can reach self relisation through the 8 limbs of yoga.
Send an email to [email protected].uk and tell us how you have incorporated yoga into your life. You could be invited to feature on the Feel Good Club podcast with Emma Lewis Singing Yogi.
Stay connected and share your Feel Good Club vibes @showcasestudiostives, @showcasewellbeing and @emmalewissingingyogi
View our Studios and OM-Demand at ShowcaseCo.uk/St-Ives and ShowcaseCo.uk/OM-Demand
Emma (Singing Yogi and Founder of Feel Good Club Showcase Studios ™ dives into the second episode of the show on "Finding Balance During Autumn"
How do you prepare for hibernation during Autumn whilst balancing the shift form a busy Summer sun season? Join Emma on how to find the balance and harmony of Autumn.
If you are new to the podcast - firstly welcome now subscribe here showcaseco.uk/st-ives-showcase-studios/ to get the most recent releases and all the Feel Good offerings coming your way.
Thank you so much to you for listening and being part of our community.
For more information on our in person studios and community please visit and follow Showcase Studios, for our Om-Demand and online community please visit and follow Showcase Wellbeing and to connect with Emma please visit and follow Emma Lewis Singing Yogi
Please note this podcast is not a substitute for professional / medical advice and is purely for community purposes only. Our GDPR privacy notice can be found here and Libsyn Privacy Notice can be found here
Emma (Singing Yogi and Founder of Feel Good Club Showcase Studios ™ dives into the first episode of the show on "The Art of Surrendering"
Surrendering now as we dive into the new season of Autumn (in the Western Hemisphere) may seems daunting for some as we leave behind the sun drenched, high vibes of Summer. Moving away or into change may feel like a sadness as time as we are told by nature to LET GO. This can feel uncomfortable as we are required to soften when we let go. Join Emma on the discussion on what it means to surrender, why it's important, how we can practise the art of surrendering everyday to reach a true state of happiness.
If you are new to the podcast - firstly welcome now subscribe here showcaseco.uk/st-ives-showcase-studios/ to get the most recent releases and all the Feel Good offerings coming your way.
Thank you so much to you for listening and being part of our community.
For more information on our in person studios and community please visit and follow Showcase Studios, for our Om-Demand and online community please visit and follow Showcase Wellbeing and to connect with Emma please visit and follow Emma Lewis Singing Yogi
Please note this podcast is not a substitute for professional / medical advice and is purely for community purposes only. Our GDPR privacy notice can be found here and Libsyn Privacy Notice can be found here
Here is our introduction of what our podcast is all about and how we will be helping as many people as we can around the world to Feel Good each and everyday through conversations and topics from Yoga - Philosophy - Spiritualism - Creativity and Wellbeing all in between.
We hope the podcast serves your soul and gives you a deep connection to your liberation and freedom to Feel Good