Over the last couple of months, we have heard about the experiences that have helped mold or are currently molding multiple women into the their own versions of devine femininity. So, it only seemed fair that the same is done for Kim on her own podcast! In this episode, Kim takes the podium, and we got the only person capable of properly guiding this conversation, Kim's BFF since elementary school Abby Kase. Listen along as the two discuss their shared experiences, their parralell development in life, and what made Kim who she is today!
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Once again we are back for another coaching session! This week, the lovely Regina returns to the podcast to continue building on the progress we had made in our prior session together! In our last session, we worked towards helping Regina overcome shame and visualize her desires so she can continue to develop into the goddess she truly is. But now it's time to start working on making those desires a reality. Listen along as Regina faces the doubt she feels towards being loved, and learn about the inner place Regina visits to remind herself what unwaivering love feels like.
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Shame can be the most debilitating self-inflicted obstacle you face on your journey towards embracing your own definition feminine divinity. Shame can cause you to redefine your perfectly normal actions and choices stemming from real world circumstance towards negatively percieved personal traits. In the case of our nect coachee, the lovely Regina, shame has caused her to carry a perception of unworthyness within herself. However, in her six months of coaching so far, she has managed to land a new job, adopt a dog, and work up the courage to act on a romantic interest of hers. After accomplishing all of that, why should she continue to feel like she is unworthy? Listen along as Regina continues her works towards enlightenment through embracing her inner child, identifying her true wishes in life, and continuing to embrace the golden aura she envisions for herself! Don't write off the goals your inner child and self desire, chase them!
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While reaching alignment can seem like big enough task on it's own, sustaining your alignment is also something that requires your thought and effort! In this episode I am joined by Stephanie Soechtig, an extremely acomplished director, producer, and filmmaker who I had the great pleasure of working with over the past couple of years! Together, we discuss how we create space within our own realms to sustain our alignment through a variety of different methods. Whether it's effectively communicating your needs to your partner, finding time in the day to devote to yourself, or simply evaluating and re-prioritizing where you devote your energy, it is important to still identify yourself and your wellbeing as a critical factor in your alignment!
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Once again, the lovely Kat Short is back on the podcast! In the past we have made great strides with Kat towards stepping into her confidence within her business and her sobriety, but now she is back to discuss the difficulties she is facing as she enters a new chapter of her life. Sometimes, the sad reality that is associated with growing is outgrowing previous relationships, and having to let go of those relationships can be a very painful and frustrating process. However, self-facing neglect and resentment shouldn't be your burden to carry if you are simply existing in a manner that is in alignment with your true self. Growing into yourself can be difficult, but the trials that can accompany the process isn't a sign to stop, it's simply another stage in the process. Listen along as we work with Kat to traverse this difficult stage in her journey.
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Lauren is back and she is ready to continue her work towards career alignment! Recently, she has made the brave decision to volunteer as a speaker at an upcoming conference in her field. However, she is currently struggling with doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, and overall nerves as the date looms closers. To help her overcome these issues, we discuss her anxiety around the situation and how she can best go about overcoming it. Lauren evidently is ready to take this leap because she initially jumped at the opportunity to speak, now we just have to make sure she is ready to be the speaker we all know she is capable of being! Listen along as Lauren prepares to thrust herself into the spotlight and be the positive change she wished to see in her industry!
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Our next coaching subject up is the lovely Lauren! As an independent mother, Lauren has realized that she doesn't need a "prince" to come along and "save her from the world," she has all the strength and capabilities of doing that herself! However, now Lauren is facing the next obstacle in her journey. She is working in the field she wishes to develop a successful, long, and fulfilling career in, but is facing adversity as she tries to elevate herself to the next level. Listen along as Kim and Lauren face these demons of doubt to make sure Lauren can go seize the career she is more than capable of having!
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This week, we are joined by author, entrepreneur, speaker, and overall wonderful person Jillian Johnsrud to discuss her progress coaching and how she helps her clients to build the life they want to live. While hustling and working to create financial security for yourslef is admirable, it is important to recognize when you have enough and when other areas in your life need tending to. Sometimes, it's better to take a break abd spend your energy on the things that are really important in life. Listen along as we discuss intentional living, using money intentionally, creating freedom in your life, and what she learned while writing her new book "FIRE The Haters: Finding The Courage To Create Online In A Digital World."
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The last time we spoke to Ashley, she was beginning to take the steps towards leaving her career in tech to persue coaching, a profession that she is extremely passionate about and excited to work in. Now, she's officially taken the brave yet big leap into entrepreneurship! Ashley has officially left her job and is in the early stages of her coaching business! While this is an amazing step in her development, she now faces determining her worth in the market, finding and defining what her ideal client looks like, and creating a finished product with intentionality while harboring a safe space for her clients to dream and set goals. Listen along as Kim helps Ashley define herself and her business, as well as indentify the mark she wants to leave for herself and her clients!
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As you continue along the journey of life, sometimes you find yourself achieving the goals your younger self dreamed of acomplishing one day. While this is usually seen as a good thing, what if achieving those goals lacks the feeling of the feeling of fulfilment in your life or career that you originally thought it would provide? Well, this happens beause people change, yourself included! In this coaching session, we are joined by Ashley to discuss the current lack of fulfilment she was experiencing in her old career, and how she now is stepping into her power as she transitions her career towards something that she is passionate doing, coaching! Listen along as Ashley identifies the work she needs to do in order to approach her brave decision to persue purpose!
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On this week’s episode, we are joined by Gabby Ortega to discuss presenting your authentic self on social media, as well as the struggle between compromising your values in order to produce content versus remaining true to your values and working with others who align with your values. Finding your place on social media can be tricky, oftentimes it seems easier to regress into creating content based on what your audience wants to see, rather than what you yourself want to create. However, an important thing to remember while using social media is to make sure to do your inner work before and during. Checking in and asking yourself what are your ethics, and values, and how do they align to the content you are putting out on social media. By doing the work, and being conscious on your journey, you may feel more accomplished and whole with your creative endeavors.
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Once again this week, we are joined by the amazing Kat Short! Last time in our coaching session, we discussed the idea of authentically putting yourself out in the public eye and what could be holding Kat back from doing so. Today, we are here to build on that progress as we discuss evolving your idea and yourself in business, avoiding success at the cost of integrity, and giving yourself permission to financially fulfill your needs, while simataneously being a good steward of abundance!
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Our topic today revolves around the issues that arise when we are faced with self promotion and displaying our truths, and the underlying resistance we face when we embark on a journey to showcase our creativity and things important to us. Oftentimes we fear showcasing our vulnerability, even in the advent of helping people, because we are scared of being judged or being abandoned. But by giving into our self doubt we may be abandoning ourselves in the process! While it’s only natural to protect our personal ideas, practices, and even our businesses with a fierce defense, it is important to remember the reason you wanted to share in the first place.
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Welcome to The Feminine Freedom Coach's inagural episode! Today, I am joined by my good friend and collegue Rachel Overvoll who lends a helping hand as I take my first baby steps in the world of podcasting. Together we discuss the purpose of this podcast, who I am and how I got to this point, and how you can help yourself discusover your inner beauty and divinity!
Rachel Overvoll is a Somatic Sex and Intimacy Coach and published author, living in Colorado. Using her credentials from the Somatica Institute and Kinsey Institute, she works through the mediums of embodiment and self attunement to help clients step into the power of an authentic and pleasure centered life. Rachel is passionate about working with clients to move beyond shame, experience safety in their bodies, and live a life embodied in pleasure.
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