
  • I received the most questions EVER after I shared my six-month fitness journey update in last week’s episode.

    I love that you’re interested in my progress, learning alongside me and asking beautiful follow-up questions.

    Today’s episode is a celebration of your curiosity — a deep dive into the answers to all of your questions about my fitness journey so far, including:

    Who’s my trainer?Why did I sign up to work with her?What do I use for body composition scans?What’s my body fat goal?What’s contributed the MOST to my hair being so thick and healthy? How long are my AFTER dinner walks to support my blood sugar? Is there anything else you can do to experience the same effect that I do?What vagus nerve stimulator did I get?Can I share more about the massive gut health calibration I’ve been experiencing?What’s my overnight oats recipe?Why is it important to support the vaginal terrain? What are my current macros?What’s my stretching practice?AND so much more!

    As promised, here’s a list of all the links I mention in the show:

    My Personal TrainerBody Composition ScaleZen Basil SeedsVagus Nerve Stimulator DeviceVaginal Health ProbioticTara’s Interview With Seed Founder on the Vaginal ProbioticMacros TrackerAndrew Kaufman MD, "Why You Should Exercise While Fasting"Stretching Tool & CourseHair Care:ProseCult+KingThe Innate LifeSRI Dry QFiercely Empowered Mama WaitlistMy Instagram for the Back-to-School Series
  • In the six months since I started my fitness journey, the big wins and lessons I’ve experienced have been incredibly valuable.

    I’m so excited to share them with you in today’s episode!

    Join me as I talk about:

    A decision I made to support myself for the rest of the year.The physical changes I’ve seen and felt.My current metrics that speak to progress.A deep dive into my microbiome and how this was impacting my results.A tiny strategy for walking that’s making a HUGE difference.My unexpected healing crisis in June.A big download I received for how I’ll serve in 2025.And what’s next for me on this journey!

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Join me in today’s episode as I talk about:

    The number one thing to do to help your kids tap into an abundance mindset (in other words, turn weaknesses into opportunities and transform negative experiences into positive ones).The real problem with saying “I’m fine” when you’re not.How playing “make believe” helps develop the ability to visualize, and why this matters later in life.The art of expanding good feelings even on “ordinary” days.Knowing when to hold space for your child’s disappointment and when to coach them through it.Why the meaning of the word “maybe” matters to how your kiddo perceives life outcomes.And so much more!

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Have you noticed that the more you worry, the more there seems to be to worry about?

    Focusing on not having enough money is no different.

    The more you stress, worry about and doubt money, the more you experience a life of stress, worry and doubt. And it simply makes life harder.

    So, how do you change this?

    Join me in today’s episode as I talk about:

    What your limiting beliefs and money memories are.How to know if you’re struggling with money shame.A documentary I’m watching that’s blowing my mind.Why I decided to do the “money work,” and why I haven’t stopped.8 books I've LOVED over the years that will radically change your relationship with money (if you want them to).What to expect when you take action and heal your money stories.And so much more!

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Embracing an abundance mindset has, without a doubt, profoundly changed my life. It’s helped me see endless opportunities and transform negative experiences into positive ones.

    Join me in today’s episode as I talk about:

    The difference between scarcity thinking and abundant living.The top signs that you’re stuck in a scarcity loop.The profound impact of gratitude work.What your RAS system is and how to leverage it to work for you!The number one way to receive more goodness in your life.A new way to look at spending money.Sneaky money beliefs that make life harder.And so much more!

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • It’s been 16 weeks since I started my fitness journey, and I’m so excited to share some of my big wins and lessons with you.

    In today’s episode, I talk about:

    The surprising truth of the transformation process.Physical changes I’ve seen and felt. A triggering experience I had to work through. A major ah-ha to create more momentum.What I’m using to track my daily steps, sleep, stress and more.My unexpected experience with histamine symptoms.Popular macro-friendly foods that contribute to excess histamines in your body, and why I’m eliminating them for a bit. What’s next for me on this journey!

    What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?

    This is the work we do in the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.

    When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what’s possible.

    Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

    The price goes up from $97 to $197 next week!

  • Do you want to know which needle-movers are the most POWERFUL to focus on when it comes to your physical health as a woman?

    In today’s episode, I share what I believe are the top 10. You’ll be forever grateful you made these a priority!

    Listen in as I dive into:

    The issue with food funks.Being unsatisfied with food and feeling overwhelmed by what to eat.What it means to be truly satiated. Why I’m SO giddy about sleep optimization right now.What your sleep has to do with building muscle and enhancing beauty.The number one area to focus on when mysterious symptoms persist or healing feels impossible.And so much more!

    Not only will you discover the top needle-movers to focus on, but most importantly, you’ll find out why being convicted in your choices and healing game plan is highly recommended!

    Doing the work is one thing, but having 110% trust in your body, trust in the healing process, and belief in your transformation story are where the shifts truly take place and the rewards are endless.

    One Drink That Checks All Your Boxes

    FEMfusion is my tried-and-true go-to herbal infusion blend. Each carefully selected herb shines as an incredible source of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and more.

    FEMfusion is intentionally formulated for hydration and mineralization, so you'll feel an instant boost when you drink it!

    And it's available for everyone, even if you aren't in my programs or courses.

    You can get your FEMfusion by following this link!

    What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?

    This is the work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.

    When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.

    Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

  • Here’s what we’re told: When you turn a certain age (hello, 40s), the majority of women are going to experience the symptoms of perimenopause.

    In other words, it’s normal and potentially inevitable that you’ll go through a roller coaster ride of hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, changes in sex drive, vaginal dryness, thinning hair and dry skin, mood swings, heart palpitations, migraines, frequent headaches and poorer concentration. And you’ll ultimately be at a higher risk for other dis-eases and complications.

    Surprise! I don’t agree with this at all.

    Yes, the symptoms are real, but the thing that's causing them isn’t what you think it is.

    In today’s episode, I share with you:

    The allopathic perspective on perimenopause.Symptoms of adrenal dysfunction.The overlap between perimenopausal symptoms and thyroid communication.The copper toxicity connection.And the emotional and mineral connection.

    Ultimately, I invite you to opt out of the belief that there’s nothing you can do except “ride it out.”

    All of the symptoms you experience from your body are communication and asks for help.

    You do not have to live your life with fear of perimenopause symptoms or hopelessness about the healing process. The way back to feeling like yourself again is always going to be with balancing minerals and riding toxicity.

    Your age is not the deciding factor for how you experience your health.

    What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?

    This is the work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.

    When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.

    Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

  • You may already know that parasites exist all around us. Every single person has them.

    What you may not know is how much they're affecting your body and your mind. There’s a high probability that parasites are tied to your current symptoms.

    In today’s episode, my intention is to build a strong case for parasite cleansing!

    I share with you:

    The big symptom I experienced recently that was 100% related to parasites.The numerous symptoms of parasites. (So many of these are likely to surprise you!)What the full moon has to do with parasites.Why we may feel more emotional during the full moon. How to know if the parasites are taking over inside your body.And, most importantly, how to get rid of them!

    If you’ve never targeted parasites before, my goodness, are you missing out.

    The way we target parasites now in the Cleansing Circle is so dang powerful and gratifying… you’ll get results you can see and feel.

    If you’re ready to do this work (for real), join us by following this link. It will change not only your terrain, but the quality of your entire life.

  • Did you know we’re in an iodine crisis?

    This worldwide deficiency is potentially having a major impact on your health.

    Iodine is found in every single cell of your body, which means that every single cell uses iodine! But most importantly, iodine is food for your thyroid.

    In today’s episode, I review:

    The signs that you may be struggling with thyroid issues.The big things to know about iodine.Who's most vulnerable to having an iodine deficiency.And why you may want to consider adding iodine to your daily regimen.Yes, this applies even if you’re taking thyroid medication! (In fact, especially if you’re taking thyroid medication).

    Want to learn the language of your body?

    Isn’t it time you understand the meaning behind the messages that have been in front of you this whole time?

    The doors are still open for you to join me in Body Talk!

    Body Talk will empower you to interpret the outward signs and, most importantly, take that next step to address these communications!

    We're just getting started! Follow this link to learn more.

    What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?

    This is the work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.

    When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.

    Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

  • Do your plans for this year include taking your fitness to the next level, gaining muscle and radically changing your body composition?

    If so, then let’s chat! It’s been seven weeks since I started my highly upgraded fitness journey, and I have so much to fill you in on.

    In today’s episode, I share with you:

    Why I decided to hire a fitness trainer.Who I hired.An update on how it’s going. An overview of my daily workouts. The many wins I’ve experienced in the last seven weeks (although they’re probably not what you think!).Why I’m so motivated to build muscle and what’s contributing the most to my success.An awesome book recommendation to motivate you even more.Other amazing health practices that I’m committed to right now.

    Want to learn the language of your body?

    Isn’t it time you understand the meaning behind the messages that have been in front of you this whole time?

    The doors are now open for you to join me in Body Talk!

    Body Talk will empower you to interpret the outward signs and, most importantly, take that next step to address these communications!

    We start on March 7. Follow this link to learn more.

    What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?

    That's the work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.

    When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.

    Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

  • When was the last time you stopped to question if the things you believe about your health actually are true?

    Any beliefs you have that limit what you think is possible are the biggest roadblocks when it comes to achieving amazing health.

    Mindset trumps every action, every supplement, every biohacking tool, everything!

    In today’s episode, I share the top sneaky limiting beliefs that may truly be getting in the way of you moving the needle forward for your health.

    I also give you super effective perception shifts that you can plug into when you find yourself feeling powerless and stuck.

    Want to learn the language of your body?

    Isn’t it time you understand the meaning behind the messages that have been in front of you this whole time?

    The doors are now open for you to join me in Body Talk!

    Body Talk will empower you to interpret the outward signs and, most importantly, take that next step to address these communications!

    We start on March 7. Follow this link to learn more.

  • Last year, we made something BIG happen in our lives that we’d been wanting for a long time.

    Listen in to hear the story of the unfolding of my favorite manifestation of 2023.

    Not only do I dish the personal details, but I also share with you the process and feelings that come with the territory of going after something really big!

    If you’re into dreaming bigger than ever, this one is for you!

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Have you been feeling stuck, burned out or like you should be "further ahead" by now?

    Maybe you’ve tried everything you could think of to refresh and propel yourself forward, but things still feel stale.

    You may even be asking yourself, "What’s the point of trying?"

    The bottom line is, if you feel like you're in a funk, this episode is for you. I share with you three reasons to keep going that will motivate you to resume your pursuits with newfound clarity. It's perfect for anyone who wants a reminder of the power of staying the course.

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Many people believe a prognosis of dis-ease is unchangeable.

    But it’s not.

    And my client and friend Pam proves that in this incredible story of making the impossible, possible.

    This episode is for anyone who wants to feel inspired and be reminded of what it takes to embark on the healing journey and achieve extraordinary health wins.

    Pam shares what it was like to be abruptly dismissed from her longtime OBGYN, overcome fear every single day, stand up for her truths and, ultimately, continue taking baby steps to achieve her desired outcome.

    As Pam says, “You’re more powerful than you think.”

    So, what will you do with your power?

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Forgiveness is seldom easy, but it will always free you.

    In this episode, I share with you my favorite ways to actively practice forgiveness... for yourself, for an event or situation, for one person or many people.

    When we practice forgiveness, it allows us to let go of those blocks, find our flow, feel that flow, and be liberated to dream big.

    “Forgiveness is a gift to myself. I forgive, and I set myself free.”

    ~Louise Hay

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • Can you feel the energy of the new year? It's so fun to plug into and dream.

    In today’s episode, I share with you the steps I take to set myself up for an extraordinary year.

    We chat about:

    The art of celebration.The big lessons of 2023.An energy leak I closed in 2023.Creating space for what’s next.The many ways my 2023 word of the year led the way.My word for 2024.An invitation to go for your biggest year yet!

    Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

  • In today's episode, I take my time to walk you through the TOTAL Fiercely Empowered Mama experience.

    You’ll get to hear the answers to some of the most pressing FEM membership questions.

    We're Ready to Welcome You

    The FEM Early Bird Exclusive package expired yesterday, but many of you have asked if there’s any way we could extend this incredible offer.

    So, I have some amazing news for you this weekend!

    Now through November 5 ONLY, you can sneak in and claim your membership in FEM with the EARLY BIRD special!

    This means that when you say YES to FEM between now and this Sunday, you’ll instantly save $400 off your membership and receive:

    ACCESS to unlimited bioenergetic scanning – $5,000 value ACCESS to FEMbabes – $997 valueYour very own FEM Starter Kit, filled with my favorite remedies – $330 valueAnd when you pay in full, you'll get a free NES Mobile Bioenergetic Scanner – $150 value

    No other program or offer out there even remotely compares to the level of support, care and work we do inside of Fiercely Empowered Mama.

    If you desire to:

    fully embrace naturopathy in your home,

    step into your full confidence in working with natural healing and remedies,

    receive health wins and upgrades for your children and family members — including your pets,

    and be in a drama-free, loving community of like-minded mamas who have your back...

    We’re ready to welcome you.

    Follow this link and join us.

    Want to get a taste of what it's like to be in Fiercely Empowered Mama?

    Join us in Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course.

    This free experience is guaranteed to provide you with instant empowerment to help your child thrive — no matter the phase of life you’re in.

    We are up and running with so many amazing live classes to come and replays available to you.

    Everything inside this group is only going to be available to you for a limited time! So your full access will last for just a couple more weeks.

    Follow this link to request to join the group, and I'll see you there!

  • Why do mamas say YES to Fiercely Empowered Mama year after year?

    Grab a cup of tea, pull up a chair and join us as we discuss all of Kelsey and Amanda’s biggest FEM wins throughout the years.

    In today's episode, you'll quickly see that FEM not only has the power to upgrade your family’s health, but your entire LIFE too.

    Get to Know Kelsey

    Kelsey is a Michigan wife and mama to three littles ages 7, 4 and 2. She first found FEM in 2019 during her baby’s second hospitalization. She had been dabbling in natural health at the time, but during her son’s health scare, she knew FEM was a program she needed to join.

    In her first year, she was able to use her FEM knowledge and tools to turn her sick child into a thriving child. She went from being a scared mama to being a strong, confident and intuitive mama. She continues to dive deeper into mindset work and expanding the healing possibilities.

    Get to Know Amanda

    Amanda is another Michigan wife and mama with two children, ages 6 and 4, and a 7-year-old fur baby! Her family members planted the holistic seed for her, and then she dove into it herself when she was pregnant with her first baby. She has been using her tools since bringing her babies into the world, noting that neither of her kiddos have been on an antibiotic!

    Amanda’s growth over the last five years has been amazing. Each year she digs deeper into her natural remedies with the community she loves!

    Want to get a taste of what it's like to be in Fiercely Empowered Mama?

    Join us in Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course. This free experience is guaranteed to provide you with instant empowerment to help your child thrive — no matter the phase of life you’re in.

    We are up and running with so many amazing classes to come and replays available to you.

    Follow this link to sign up, and I'll see you there!

    Feeling the pull to join the Fiercely Empowered Mama class of 2024?

    If you've been tuning in lately to all of the incredible stories these mamas have been sharing, and you're feeling the pull to say yes to FEM, you can join us by following this link.

    Right now, through this Thursday, Nov, 2, you can join for $400 off and get in on the current bonuses, including your very own FEM Starter Kit that's packed with some of my favorite essentials!

  • Life is always giving us opportunities to check in with our truth.

    In today's episode, I share with you a few mini life lessons that I’ve experienced recently.

    In sharing how I process the tough and interesting things that come up in my life, I hope to provide you with inspiration and guidance on how to process what comes up in yours.


    You're Invited to the Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course

    As a mom, you’re constantly surrounded by perspectives… Everyone has one, but what’s your truth?

    What does “normal” look like for your child when it comes to sleep, behavior, focus, mood, teeth, diet, skin, digestion, ear infections, energy…? The list goes on.

    You can even take that a step further and wonder, “What does it look like when my child is THRIVING?”

    It can feel overwhelming to try to dig through all of the opinions out there on this!

    No matter the story, the journey to resilient health is always the same.

    When you understand how the body communicates (and the many ways it works to serve us), you will be able to balance it.

    And I can help you break it all down.

    Join me for Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course. This free experience is guaranteed to provide you with instant empowerment to help your child thrive — no matter the phase of life you’re in.

    We are up and running with so many amazing classes to come and replays available to you.

    Follow this link to sign up, and I'll see you there!

    Want to continue the conversation?

    Follow this link and request to join my private Facebook group Fiercely Awakening.