
  • To access a scholarship, visit our website and join the waiting list: https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    Hilary Irwin (she/her) is the daughter of Constance (Con) Irwin, in whose name she established the Con Irwin Fub Fund through the Victorian Women's Benevolent trust.

    Learn more about the trust here: https://www.vwt.org.au/sub-fund/5695/

    Georgia and Hilary discuss:
    • The objectives of the Con Irwin Sub-Fund
    • How people can get involved
    • Con's hope for the future for women and girls
    • Some of the incredible other projects funded by the sub fund
    • The recipient of last year's Con Irwin Sub Fund
    • Why Hilary was drawn to supporting the work of the Conscious Combat Club
    • Who Con Irwin was and why this fund was established
    • To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/
    - Support Rounds 4 Respect https://rounds4respect.org/
    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm
    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching
    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat
    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147


    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:
    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7)

    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7)

    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga

  • Fight Science is a special segment of the Conscious Combat Club podcast where we invite researchers to take a deep dive into a paper they’ve written and explain it to us as though we’re 14 years old.

    In this episode I interview Dr Wolf Mehling (he/him), a researcher from the US who explores the psychosomatics of pain and bodily awareness aka interoception and how our relationship to our body affects our health and wellbeing. He is a physician (50%) and researcher (50%) at the University of California San Francisco. He grew up in Germany and his basic training is in general family medicine, manual medicine and psychotherapy.

    In this episode we explore the paper titled:

    A 12-week integrative exercise program improves self-reported mindfulness and interoceptive awareness in war veterans with posttraumatic stress symptoms.

    To contact Wolf:
    Email: [email protected]

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:
    - Donate: https://conscious-combat-club.raiselysite.com/
    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/
    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm
    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online
    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching
    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat
    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147


    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7)

    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) - https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7)

    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Emily Dobrich (she/her) is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Adult Education and Community Development program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include embodied learning, transformative education, social justice, relationality, decolonizing methodologies, and women and gender studies. Emily’s doctoral research explores how embodied learning practices and pedagogies support situated solidarity building and self-determination for decolonization, community building, and collective action.

    To contact Emily:
    Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/emily-dobrich Instagram: @emily.dobrich Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.dobrich.1/

    Georgia and Emily discuss:
    Embodiment and embodied learning in martial arts
    How to cultivate self-determination aka choice in martial arts
    The role of community in self-determination in martial arts
    Gender performance in martial arts
    Barriers for women in martial arts
    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:
    - Donate: https://conscious-combat-club.raiselysite.com/
    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/
    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm
    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online
    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching
    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat
    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7)

    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) - https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7)

    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga

  • Richie Hardcore (he/him) is an educator, speaker, and activist, working in family and sexual violence prevention, masculinities, mental health, and fitness. Richie is a retired multiple New Zealand Muay Thai champion and now works as a coach and personal trainer, having helped some of New Zealand’s most successful fighters achieve their goals. Richie has lived experience and draws on this in his work and our conversation, so please be mindful that this conversation contains discussions of family violence.

    To contact Richie:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website:  www.richiehardcore.com/riseabovecharitabletrust.com  

    Georgia and Richie discuss:

    How kickboxing has helped Richie throughout his lifeUsing martial arts workshops to speak with men and boys about masculinity and consent

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    - Donate: https://conscious-combat-club.raiselysite.com/ 

    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147




    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:


    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 


    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 


    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 


    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/


    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 



    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) - https://qlife.org.au/


    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Dr. George Jennings (he/him) is a Senior Lecturer in Sports Sociology at Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK. George’s research explores martial arts and combat sports, health and society.

    To contact George:

    Email:  [email protected] 


    Georgia and George discuss:

    The definition that: A martial art is an imaginative adaptable system of physical human fighting techniques designed in order to deal with perceived problems in combat and society.The line between art and sport in martial artsThe role of martial arts in decolonising societies, and how can we decolonise martial artsThe value in learning historical martial arts (HEMA)What is a trauma informed martial art? What are some examples of therapeutic martial arts programs? The positives and negatives of learning self help from martial artistsMartial arts movement systems


    Free Webinar: The (combat athlete’s) body keeps the score - Friday February 2nd 8.30am AEDT. Register here: https://www.consciouscombat.club/body-keeps-the-score 


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Donna (she/her) has written award-winning stage and radio plays for audiences of all ages, and has extensive experience in script development, story development, and mentoring and teaching emerging writers from culturally diverse backgrounds. She is also a founding member and co-chair of PYT Fairfield (aka Powerhouse Youth Theatre). Her recent work includes the radio documentary Missing Magdalens (ABC Radio National), and an essay on trauma-informed creative practice Golden Joinery (Sydney Review of Books). She's also a bad-ass graduate of our trauma informed kickboxing program.

    To contact Donna:
    Instagram:  @abeladonnawriter

    Georgia and Donna discuss:

    Magdalen laundries in AustraliaHow the historical oppression of women contributes to today's patriarchyRigid gender conformityInstitutional gender-shaming / slut-shaming 


    Free Webinar: The (combat athlete’s) body keeps the score - Friday February 2nd 8.30am AEDT. Register here: https://www.consciouscombat.club/body-keeps-the-score 

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:


    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 


  • Georgina (George) Capone (she/her) is the founder of the Warrior Women Project, a trauma informed boxing program for women to embrace and unleash their anger, feel empowered and strong. George lives in sunny North Devon where she trained to be a boxing coach and works as a psychologist in adult mental health.


    To contact George:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: warrior_wom3n


    Georgia and George discuss:

    The Conscious Coaching Course and how it helped George to create her programSimilarities and differences between psychology and martial artsWomen's angerGeorge's personal experiences with boxing and mental health

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:


    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147





    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 


    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 


    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 


    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/


    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 



    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/


    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Jess Gordon (she/her) is a school teacher, educational researcher, and BJJ practitioner based in Vancouver, Canada. Combining these areas of interest, she is developing a new, experiential, and transformative approach to student wellbeing. Jess is passionate about putting research into practice and developing lessons and resources to make martial arts a fun and accessible addition to school curricula.


    To contact Jess:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @ariseprograms and @makeyourmove.sel

    Website: www.ariseprograms.com


    Georgia and Jess discuss:

    The Arise ProgramThe Gracie women empowered program (https://youtu.be/gDoDGgtNL28?si=1tToX-nuDECtxQUcEmpowerment self defense.Experiential SEL (social-emotional learning) in schools. How to introduce yelling and voice in a trauma informed way.Martial art based interventions and approaches in schools. Self defense for neurodivergent kids.Schools’ role in supporting student wellbeing and self-regulated learning and the connection to martial arts.

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Can you help us open a dedicated trauma informed martial arts gym? Please watch Georgia present our pitch deck and comment, email us or use the contact form on our site to share your feedback. We seriously appreciate it. If there's anyone or any businesses you know that might like to support our mission, please let us know.


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Content warning: Dieting, eating disorders, poor body image


    This week (September 4th – 10th, 2023) is Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week (BIEDAW). The theme this year is The Time is Now to Act on Eating Disorders and Body Image so we invited 2 of the wonderful clinicians we work alongside at the CCC to share their insights.

    Deb is an experienced Clinical Psychologist who has 15 years experience in working with adults with eating disorders. She has worked in an eating disorder service and has exceptional clinical skills treating anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, OSFED as well as the multitude of people who have serious eating disorder symptoms but don’t fit neatly into a diagnostic box.


    Nicole is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with a special interest in eating disorders, disordered eating behaviour, body-image concern and mental health. Nicole is passionate about practicing from a non-diet, body accepting and Health at Every Size (HAES®) philosophy and uses these principles to help counsel her clients towards a positive and peaceful mind-body-food relationship. 

    To learn more about Person Centred Psychology, visit their website (https://pcpsychology.com.au/) or their instagram @pcpsychologymelbs (https://www.instagram.com/pcpsychologymelbs/)

    Deb, Nicole and Georgia discuss:

    What it means to be an ANZAED eating disorders credentialed professional (https://www.anzaed.org.au/credentialingproject/)The differences and similarities between poor body image and eating disordersWhy eating disorders are so prevalentSome of the early signs a person might be headed to an eating disorderWhich professionals to work with and whenThe HAES approach (https://asdah.org/health-at-every-size-haes-approach/)What to do while waiting to see a clinicianSpecial considerations for martial artists


    Support links:


    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 

    Eating disorder support helpline: https://butterfly.org.au/ 

    Support for carers and families impacted by an eating disorder: https://edfa.org.au/ 

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Content warning: Eating disorders and body image 


    Leading up to Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (BIEDAW), Georgia shares her personal experience with disordered eating. Georgia discusses how her martial arts participation both contributed to her eating disorder and helped her heal from it. 


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147




    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Eating disorder support: https://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/ 

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 


  • Fight Science is a new episode format in which you'll get to hear the authors of peer reviewed papers related to martial arts and combat sports explain their papers in a way that you will be able to understand. Each episode will include practical advice you can implement based on the research. This is part of our commitment to bridge the gap between research and practice.


    Our third paper is:

    Phung, J. N., & Goldberg, W. A. (2019). Promoting Executive Functioning in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Mixed Martial Arts Training. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04072-3

    Georgia speaks with Dr Janice Phung. Janice is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at California State University San Marcos. Her research focuses on well-being outcomes for youth on the Autism Spectrum.

    To follow Janice's work on Instagram: @csusm_afclab

    To contact Janice: https://www.csusm.edu/profiles/index.html?u=jphung

    Please contact Janice if you'd like to read the full paper as it is not open access. 

    You can read another related paper by Janice here: 


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club: 

    Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarmJoin our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/onlineBecome a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coachingJoin our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chatJoin our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147




     Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

     Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

     Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


     QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Kenisha Coy (she/her) is a creative encourager who believes in the value of second chances. She is a taekwondo practitioner and researcher at Lesley University curious about the interplay between art, board breaking, trauma informed martial arts and theatre. She is passionate about applying the power of data, narrative, and martial arts to helping others connect with the best versions of themselves.


    To connect with Kenisha: 


    Website: https://mycareinitiative.org/

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @write1kc @mycareinitiative @breakthroughsilence 


    Georgia and Kenisha discuss:

    How Kenisha got started in TaekwondoBoard breaking as art therapyBinaries in life and martial artsBeing BIPOC in martial artsTrauma informed practice as person centred practiceThe magic of creating charactersIntersectionality as a spectrum How to be a good bystander in martial artsKenisha's PhD thesisCollaboration between trauma informed martial arts practitioners

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarmJoin our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/onlineBecome a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coachingJoin our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chatJoin our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 


    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 


    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/


    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 



    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/


    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Danielle Salber (she/her) is a passionate trauma specialist who merges boxing and psychotherapy to empower individuals, foster hope after trauma, and promote personal growth through empirical therapies. She is dedicated to establishing Boxing Therapy as a recognized and effective approach in mental health.


    To connect with Danielle: 


    [email protected]







    Georgia and Danielle discuss:

    The difference between boxing therapy and trauma informed boxingActivities in Boxing TherapyThe pilot study for Boxing Therapy Dialectical Behavioural Therapy in Boxing TherapyEMDR/Bilateral Stimulation in Boxing Therapy Somatic Experiencing in Boxing Therapy 

    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarmJoin our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/onlineBecome a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coachingJoin our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chatJoin our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147





    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 


    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 


    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/


    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 



    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/


    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Fight Science is a new episode format in which you'll get to hear the authors of peer reviewed papers related to martial arts and combat sports explain their papers in a way that you will be able to understand. Each episode will include practical advice you can implement based on the research. This is part of our commitment to bridge the gap between research and practice.


    This paper is:

    Matthews, C. R., Hurrell, A., Oliver, T. B., & Channon, A. (2023). Boxing, myths and reality building in sport for development programmes. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58(3), 531–549. https://doi.org/10.1177/10126902221112878

    Georgia speaks with Dr Alex Channon. Alex's research has explored how gender relations, gender identity, and sexuality impact on participation in martial arts; the value of martial arts within physical education curricula; media representations of professional fighters; the construction of meaning around notions of ‘violence’ among martial artists; the provision of medical support in combat sports; the roles of referees in mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions; and the social practice of consent in combat sports. 


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarmJoin our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/onlineBecome a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coachingJoin our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chatJoin our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Fight Science is a new episode format in which you'll get to hear the authors of peer reviewed papers related to martial arts and combat sports explain their papers in a way that you will be able to understand. Each episode will include practical advice you can implement based on the research. This is part of our commitment to bridge the gap between research and practice.


    Our first paper is:

    Channon, A., & Matthews, C. R. (2022). Communicating consent in sport: A typological model of athletes’ consent practices within combat sports. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 57(6), 899–917. https://doi.org/10.1177/10126902211043992

    Georgia speaks with Dr Alex Channon. Alex's research has explored how gender relations, gender identity, and sexuality impact on participation in martial arts; the value of martial arts within physical education curricula; media representations of professional fighters; the construction of meaning around notions of ‘violence’ among martial artists; the provision of medical support in combat sports; the roles of referees in mixed martial arts (MMA) competitions; and the social practice of consent in combat sports. 


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:

    Join our free webinar May 12th 2023 https://www.consciouscombat.club/registration-page-42f55003-bf70-460d-876b-af7dc5c62a82  Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarmJoin our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/onlineBecome a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coachingJoin our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chatJoin our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147




    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:

    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • Nicole Sawin (she/they) is a nonbinary and autistic 29-year-old living in Prince George, BC, where they work in child and youth mental health. They grew up in rural, northern Canada, completed their undergrad in Honors Sociology at McGill University, and finished their Master of Social Work at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). Nicole is the founder of Connection Martial Arts, a trauma informed kickboxing program that is an affiliate of The Conscious Combat Club.


    To connect with Nicole:

     [email protected] 




    Georgia and Nicole discuss:

    The differences and similarities between martial arts and social workKarate, kickboxing and body connectionMartial arts and flow statesEmbodying confidence Boxing as bilateral stimulation (Please check out Danielle Salber who has done great work in this space! @daniellepopfitness @boxing_therapy_place) How Nicole includes dialectical behavioural therapy in their trauma informed kickboxing programWhat does trauma informed even mean?Neurodiversity in martial arts Being non binary in martial arts Small town dynamicsSo much more!


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:


    Free webinar about body connection in martial arts: https://www.consciouscombat.club/registration-page-42f55003-bf70-460d-876b-af7dc5c62a82 Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/  Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm  Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/onlineBecome a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching  Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat  Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:


    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 

    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 

    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/ 

    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7)


    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/ 

    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7)



    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga

  • Welcome to the first episode of the Conscious Combat Club podcast. Why have we changed our name and updated our branding? What is the Conscious Combat Club? What are our plans for the future? How can you be part of our journey?


    To get involved with the Conscious Combat Club:


    - Visit our site https://www.consciouscombat.club/

    - Join the waitlist for Melbourne classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/naarm

    - Join our online kickboxing classes https://www.consciouscombat.club/online

    - Become a conscious combat coach https://www.consciouscombat.club/coaching

    - Join our mailing list "Mat Chat' https://www.consciouscombat.club/mat-chat

    - Join our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/640626287248147



    Some listeners might find parts of this conversation distressing. Please take care, link in your support networks, or refer to one of these organizations if you need:


    Mental health support: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support 


    Domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support https://www.1800respect.org.au/ 


    Sexism in sport https://www.respectvictoria.vic.gov.au/


    DirectLine (Alcohol & Drug Support) – 1800 888 236 (24/7) 



    QLife (Queer-Specific Peer Support) – 1800 184 527 (3pm – midnight) – https://qlife.org.au/


    Lifeline (Crisis Support & Suicide Prevention) – 13 11 14 (24/7) 





    The Rebranding

    I explain the reasons behind the rebranding from the Fight Back podcast to the Conscious Combat Club. I discuss how our values have evolved, and how we want to incorporate more mindfulness, mental health, and community building into our podcast and other offerings.

    What is the Conscious Combat Club?

    I provide an overview of what the Conscious Combat Club is all about, including our mission, vision, and values. I discuss our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space for all combat athletes, regardless of their background or identity.

    Our History

    I give a brief history of how the Conscious Combat Club came to be, including how I got started as a trauma informed kickboxing facilitator.

    Our Plans for the Future

    I share our plans for the future, including upcoming guests, topics, and events. I discuss our commitment to continuing to provide informative and valuable content to our listeners and building a supportive community of combat athletes.

    Thank you for tuning in to the first episode of the Conscious Combat Club podcast. We hope you found this episode informative and helpful in understanding our vision for the future. We welcome your feedback and suggestions for future episodes, and we invite you to join us on this journey towards a more mindful and inclusive combat community.

    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga 

  • ***Content warning: Gender Based Violence 


    Today, December 10th, is Human Rights Day and marks day 16/16 of the 16 days of activism. Georgia (she/her), Meesh (she/her) and Penny (she/they) have a fireside chat about how you can be more resourced as we end the 16 days and enter the Christas period. 


    The news has been very heavy recently. We hope this discussion about womanhood, radical joy and survivorship will help fill your cup. 


    Penny Mckay (she/they) responsible for all things people, culture and inclusion at The Fight Back Project. Penny is a graduate of TFBP with a wealth of experience in LBGTQ+ inclusion and mental health. 


    Meesha Hall (she/her) nurtures our purpose and relationship at The Fight Back Project. Meesha is a world champion in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and a graduate of TFBP Online. 


    Georgia, Penny and Meesh discuss: 


    Making ongoing space for disclosure and non-hierarchical survivorship celebration Radical joyWomanhood and being expansive in our relationships with womanhoodWhat we hold in our roles as women and nurturers How practicing collective and self care is key to sustainability How the most radical thing trauma survivors can be is just themselves without apology

    To contact Penny on Instagram: @voiceofsmallchange

    To contact Meesha on Instagram: @meeshabjj



    Sign up to the Conscious Combat Club newsletter here to get the latest updates about mindful and trauma-informed martial arts practices, clubs

    and research.


    Join the Conscious Combat Club on Facebook to meet fellow listeners of this podcast and help us transform martial arts into more inclusive sports for everybody.


    If you'd like to join The Fight Back Project, you'll find the waitlists for Melbourne here and online here.


    If this podcast has inspired you to create your own trauma-informed martial arts program, you can register for my 12 week online course here.


    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga


    The Fight Back Project acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work, live and play. Always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.

  • Leading up to International Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20, people and organizations around the world participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise awareness of trans and gender diverse people, address key issues for our communities and explore ways to promote active allyship. We hope that through promoting the full inclusion of trans and gender diverse people in martial arts, we can break down stigma and reduce barriers to participation for our wonderful communities.


    Transgender Day of Remembrance honours the memory of trans lives lost due to transphobia and the impacts of discrimination. You can find out more about this here: https://tdor.org.au/ 


    In this episode, Penny McKay (she/they) and Pharrell Shaymar (he/him) answer: 


    What does it mean to be an ally?What do the terms "trans" and "gender diverse" mean?What happens when we include vs when we don't include trans and gender diverse people?What are the impacts on mental health on trans people when they are excluded from martial arts?How can martial arts/sports benefit trans people, mentally and emotionally?What are the very best and very worst things you've seen coaches do around LGBTQ+ inclusion?Being inclusive by words instead of actually taking accountability, what is the difference? And how can an ally support the community that shows inclusivity?Where does being trauma-informed fit into this topic? Do coaches need to be trauma informed to be inclusive?What language and framing is useful in addressing transphobia? E.g. if a gym member is casually repeating TERF talking points, how can coaches approach it constructively and minimise defensiveness?How can we work with instructors that refuse to include trans women in women’s only classes?What advice do you have for parents/Guardians who aren't understanding of non binary and trans within facilities ?How do you manage staff and or parents who aren't accepting and inclusive?What is 1 actionable step for martial arts coaches and practitioners to implement this week?

    Content warning: Please note this discussion may include topics which are distressing - please take good care and link in your own support networks or the organizations below if you need. 


    All things trans including language guides: https://www.transhub.org.au/ 

    Young people and their families https://transcend.org.au/ 

    Transgender Victoria https://tgv.org.au/ 

    Pride in Sport www.prideinsport.com.au 

    Queer Combat Collective on instagram

    QLife - 3pm to midnight every day: https://qlife.org.au/

    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    Rainbow Door: https://www.rainbowdoor.org.au/

    13YARN - First Nations Crisis support


    To contact Penny on Instagram: @voiceofsmallchange

    To contact Pharrell on Instagram: @pharrell_shaymar


    Sign up to the Conscious Combat Club newsletter here to get the latest updates about mindful and trauma-informed martial arts practices, clubs

    and research.


    Join the Conscious Combat Club on Facebook to meet fellow listeners of this podcast and help us transform martial arts into more inclusive sports for everybody.


    If you'd like to join The Fight Back Project, you'll find the waitlists for Melbourne here and online here.


    If this podcast has inspired you to create your own trauma-informed martial arts program, you can register for my 12 week online course here.


    Thank you so much to Nari for the beautiful song "Shape Me" heard at the beginning and end of this episode. Nari wrote this song about Shape Your Life, a boxing program for self-identified female survivors of violence in Canada. She wrote this song using the words and experiences shared by participants with Cathy Van Ingen. You can find out more about Shape Your Life in my interview with Cathy in Episode 8. You can hear more of Nari's work by going to her Instagram: @narithesaga