
  • David Mellor is an English freediver who started freediving at 48 years old achieved the incredible goal of freediving to 100m, in competition, at the age of 60 years old.

    In this episode we discuss:

    David and Donny sat down at The Little Blue in Dahab, home of True Depth Freediving, for this interview.
    David became a grandfather!
    David moved to Poole in England when he was 12 years old.
    He was a tool maker by trade and eventually opened his own factory.
    After three kids and a divorce David wasn’t in the best of shape.
    David was 49 years old when he did his first freediving course.
    Shout out to Emma Farrell (Episodes #32 and #50) and Vobster Quay.
    He did his first competition when he was 55 years old.
    At the age of 55 David sold his business and moved into freediving full-time.
    He dived 100m (FIM) for the first at the age of 59 and did 100m in competition at the age of 60.
    Shout out to Harry Chamas (Episodes #49 and #73).
    Shout out o Gus Kreivenas (Episodes #30, #31 and #105).
    Shout out to Alice Modolo (Episode #117).
    Shout out to Federico Mana (Episode #84).
    David didn’t have and LMC or Blackout until he was diving 100m!
    Shout out to Tom Peled (Episode #120).
    What was blocking David’s equalisation at 85m?
    How important is strength training for David?
    Two exercises to improve your hypoxic tolerance (hypoxic runs and static).
    Experiences with squeezing.
    An over expansion injury.
    Does he do flexibility/compressibility training?
    Discussing David’s experience with DCI in Dominica?
    Shout out to Jonathan Sunnex (Episodes #68 and Lost Episode #2).
    What is David thinking when he’s coming up from a dive?
    David’s mum is a total beast!
    How important is nutrition to David?
    Does he take any supplements?
    DESERT ISLAND QUESTIONS - Patreon Exclusive Section!
    David’s retreats with Echo Echo Projects with Lydia Gard and Martin Petrus, and teaching in the UK and other places.
    Why does he freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Marco Nones is one of the most influential persons in the development of freediving on Egypt's Red Sea and a coach to some of the best freedivers in the world.

    In this episode we discuss:

    We met for this interview at Only One Apnea Centre located in Reef Oasis Blue Bay Resort in Sharm El-Sheikh.
    Marco first came to Sharm in early 2000 as a scuba diving instructor.
    The AIDA World Championship was organised by Marco in 2007 and 2008.
    Marco is from Genoa, Italy.
    He started in the scuba business but had to choose freediving in the end.
    About Marco’s contribution to the PSS education materials.
    Marco has been working closely with athletes in, and moving to, the elite level.
    How Marco trains his athletes.
    What positive and negative developments in competitive freediving has Marco seen over the years?
    Where should the aspiring deep freediver put their attention?
    Training all the rings in the system. What are the rings?
    The confusion of performance and training.
    Discussing the mouthfill factor, or ‘Delta’ and how to train mouthfill systematically.
    Marco’s thoughts on using pure O2 to aid recovery or avoid DCS after deep dives.
    On the topic of doping in freediving.
    DESERT ISLAND QUESTIONS - Patreon Exclusive Content
    What is the future of Only One Apnea?
    Why does Marco freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

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  • Enchante Gallardo is a Hawaii born freediving athlete who has recently surpassed the 100m depth.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Enchanted was born and raised on Oahu, Hawaii.
    She went to school in California and lived for many years in Puerto Rico.
    She did her first course with FII in Hawaii and immediately fell in love.
    She spent a lot of time around the water as a kid in Hawaii.
    About surfing and growing up surfing, and wild ocean conditions.
    Questions from Patreon supporter Philip.
    About training freediving in Hawaii, the set up and ocean life there.
    Congratulations on strong performances in both the AIDA and CMAS World Championships in 2024.
    A black out at the beginning of Vertical Blue last year and how Enchante recovered.
    How Enchante balances being a mom with two young boys and training for elite level freediving.
    How did she prepare for and periodise training leading up to the big competitions.
    Shout out to Enchante’s coach Tom Peled.
    Base training, running, strength training and flexibility strategies.
    Her experience with squeezing.
    DESERT ISLAND QUESTIONS - Patreon Exclusive Content
    Plans for 2025?
    Why does she freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Heike Schwerdtner is a trainer of nurses from Germany and also the first woman to beat Natalia Molchanova's static apnea world record. A record that has stood for eleven years.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Heike recently broke the 11 year old STA record held by Natalia Molchanova.
    Shout out to her coach Rami Bladlav who appeared on episode #133
    Heike lives in Bavaria in Germany.
    Heike started swimming at 3 years and began training springboard diving from 7 to 12 years old, then was a professional swimmer until 18 years old.
    Heike started her apnea journey at 40 years old.
    Did apnea help release trauma?
    Did her childhood in the water contribute to her abilities?
    Rami Bladlav appeared on episode #133 of the podcast.
    She doesn’t do much CO2 training.
    Big shout out to Heike’s partner Klaus for his help in training.
    Does Heike use hyperventilation in her statics and how much?
    Heike’s nutrition strategy and how much does she fast?
    Why does she choose a predominantly plant-based diet?
    What kind of supplementation does she use?
    Heike is a nurse trainer.
    Shout out to the Patreon supporters!
    A question from patron Tom about measuring blood glucose and its relation to hypoxia.
    A question from a patron Adrien about memory loss from long statics.
    A question from patron Marc about the day of the world record.
    Mental strategy for long statics.
    How dynamic training enhances static performance.
    Does Heike have her sights on the depths?
    What complementary apnea does she do?
    DESERT ISLAND QUESTIONS - Patreon exclusive section!
    Another massive shout out to her partner Klaus! And to buddy Katerin!

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Lotta Ericson is co-founder, owner and manager of Freedive Dahab, the longest established freediving centre in Dahab, Egypt. She has a deep history in freediving as a competitive athlete and developer of the freediving education systems.

    In this episode we discuss:

    We are in Home Sweet Home, Dahab for this one!
    Lotta is from Sweden and was a social worker before moving to Egypt.
    Lotta’s early days in Dahab, starting in 1998.
    Shout out to Tom Sietas, Episode #52 of the podcast.
    How Dahab has changed over the last 25 years.
    Disappearance of the Israelis.
    The old trip to The Blue Hole, state of the road etc
    Abandoned resorts, building projects along the coast.
    The trash situation in Dahab, out of control? Or better than ever?
    The state of Dahab’s waters, reefs and fish populations.
    Did Jacques Cousteau blow up The Blue Hole?
    The development of freediving in Dahab and The Blue Hole.
    The birth of freediving competitions in The Blue Hole.
    What happened to the decompression chamber in Dahab?
    How freediving competitions have changed over the years.
    How Freedive Dahab came to be and it’s many locations.
    Desert Island Questions - Patreon Exclusive Section
    Does Lotta still like Dahab?
    Why does she freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Samo Jeranko is an elite freediver and top-level coach to freediving athletes, based in Slovenia. In this episode we take a deep dive into the coaching and training strategies he employs for his clients and himself.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Samo was recently in Croatia for spearfishing and the sea temperature was worryingly warm.
    Samo Jeranko first appeared on episode #86 of The Freedive Cafe Podcast.
    Samo now has two long daughters of 3 and a half years old and 6 weeks old.
    How does having young children affect his ability to train?
    Samo is working as a freediving coach both in person and online.
    We discuss the Norwegian Method - the advanced training methodology of Norway’s top athletes.
    A question from Patreon supporter Matthias about specific testing for his coached athletes.
    The importance of good aerobic and strength bases in the early part of the season.
    The biggest mistake freediving athletes make when planning their season.
    About the 10 x 50 DNF exercise and its value.
    How to train Co2 with dry exercises.
    A question from Patreon supporter Vittorio about using dry exercises to facilitate depth adaptation.
    How does Samo approach the situation where a client suffers from barotrauma?
    Thoughts on partially empty and fully empty lung dives.
    On the dangers of hyperventilation.
    Deep dive into the dynamics of strength training for freediving and periodisation.
    Differences between male and female athletes and the influence of the menstrual cycle on training.
    Tips on the best way to recover and get ready for the next dive session.
    Nervous system repair and recovery.
    The three fundamentals of recovery
    Transcendental meditation.
    A question from Patreon supporter Darren about rebuilding trust after a blackout.
    Thoughts on the current state of freediving organisations and the doping scandal.

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Originally produced between 2019 and 2021, the Lost Episodes of The Freedive Cafe were originally released as exclusive content for Patreon subscribers, then lost to time. Recently unearthed in the Sinai desert, I can now deliver them for your listening pleasure!

    This episode with Johnny was originally released on Patreon in July 2020.

    To become a supporter of the podcast through Patreon visit:

    Johnny also appeared on Episode #68

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Stéphane Tourreau is an elite level competitive freediver from France.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Stephane first appeared on episode #5 of the podcast.
    Stephane was in Tenerife at time of the interview.
    Stephane spent 1.5 years in Dominica.
    How did he dive over 100m almost every three days in one year?
    What did his training look like, in general, while he spend those 1.5 years in Dominica?
    Call back to Episode #137 with Bizo Silva about potential for harm to lungs by breathing pure 02 for recovery.
    His experience of getting DCS at Vertical Blue
    About Stephane’s rate of progression, and a 4 year lack of progression.
    The importance of careful planning and keeping a log.
    What are the benefits of passive exhale dives?
    52m on full exhale!
    Stephane’s experience with squeezing.
    Experience with narcosis and adaptation to narcosis.
    Mindfulness as a tool for deep diving.
    What is the best way to increase hypoxic tolerance?
    Thoughts on doping in freediving.
    Why does he (continue to) freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Erika Schagatay PhD is a scientist based in Sweden and Dahab who focuses on researching freediving and apnea.

    She first appeared on Episode #42 of the podcast.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Shout out to Nathan McClatchey for saving this interview, and Chou and Mireia in Barcelona!
    Erika’s ‘Divelab’ in Dahab.
    What is the apnea RAMP test?
    Genetics vs Training.
    Continued and upcoming research to take place.
    Lactate threshold, and diving mammals.
    Do aerobic training benefits also feed into apnea ability?
    On Frank Pernett’s thesis on..
    New theories on the dangers of hyperventilation in serial/repeated, shallow diving.
    A question from Patreon supporter Tom Way about the perfect amount o2 and Co2 to have in the blood.
    It’s easier to hyperventilate than you think.
    Detecting hyperventilation with a chest strap.
    Deep diving with accurate pulse oximetry.
    Lung atelectasis and pulmonary oedema.
    Is there a genetic component to strong desaturation and oedema?
    Different lungs may have different sensitivities.
    Deeper dives may not mean stronger dive response.
    Can arrhythmia cause black out?
    Blood pressure and freediving.
    The spleen effect is not part of the diving response.
    The strength of the dive response is not affected by hyperventilation.
    Clarifying the blood shift.
    What is myoglobin and can we use it? Increase it?
    How does caffeine affect the diving response?
    The effects of alcohol on freediving.
    Can you train for high altitude with apnea training?
    What role does CO2 play in high altitude adaptation?
    A question from Tom about an educational pathway into Erika’s area of research.

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Alenka Artnik is the deepest female freediver in the world. Originating from Slovenia, she transformed her life and broke free of her old bonds to pursue this amazing sport and its deeper dimensions.

    Alenka first appeared on Episode #57 of the show.

    In this episode we discuss:

    She was in Dahab for training at the time of the interview.
    What are the biggest changes Alenka has noticed in Dahab in the 7 years since she was last here?
    Alenka got married! Congratulations!
    Alenka's feelings on the recent doping scandal in freediving.
    What has changed most in Alenka's training over the last 5 years?
    The important role of Tea Košnjek, Alenka's strength and technique coach.
    How important is pool training for freediving?
    Alenka describes her approach to periodisation.
    How many times does she train strength at this time of year?
    The importance of balance in life, and treating oneself every so often.
    How does one maintain strength close to a competition?
    The importance of the mental and spiritual dimensions of freediving.
    How important is visualisation?
    What is Alenka's experience with narcosis?
    The importance of clarity of mind and vision and purpose in life.
    How important is having a training plan?
    Why does Alenka freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Originally produced between 2019 and 2021, the Lost Episodes of The Freedive Cafe were originally released as exclusive content for Patreon subscribers, then lost to time. Recently unearthed in the Sinai desert, I can now deliver them for your listening pleasure!

    This episode with Davide was originally released on Patreon in October 2020.

    To become a supporter of the podcast through Patreon visit:

    Davide also appeared on Episodes #22 and #151

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Kateryna Sadurska is a world record holding freediving athlete from Ukraine. Kate joined me at The Little Blue in Dahab to discuss her amazing 2023, how she trained for those huge dives and how her philosophy of freediving is evolving.

    She first appeared on Episode #139 of the podcast.

    In this episode we discuss:

    This was the first Freedive Cafe interview filmed at The Little Blue | Freediver's Oasis in Dahab.
    Kate first appeared on Episode #139 of The Freedive Cafe.
    A breakdown of Kate's last year including some incredible World Records in CNF.
    Congratulations on Kate's first 100m dive!
    No fins workshops with Stefan Randig.
    Donny is older than Stefan. Very important to note!
    Kate's challenges with equalisation and how it's progressing.
    Ukrainian boycott of competitions in protest at Russian athletes being allowed to compete.
    Dealing with the stress of Ukraine being under attack.
    Donny's one-man-mission to do away with alarms.
    What are the biggest changes Kate has made in her approach to training?
    Kate started working with Samo Jeranko for the 2023 season.
    Getting into the gym for the first time.
    When did Kate know she could do the world record.
    How did Kate and Samo periodise the training in preparation for the big competitions?
    What kind of strength training was she doing?
    How important is strength training for freediving?
    Did they use cardio training, too?
    Kate's best advice for no fins diving.
    The importance of managing buoyancy in no fins.
    How important has nutrition been for Kate?
    On plant-based/vegan diets.
    Is Kate taking any particular supplements for freediving?
    On protein supplementation.
    About Kate's swimwear brand (www.saobrand.com)
    Kate's plans for this year (2024).

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Frank Pernett is originally from Colombia. He has been freediving his whole life and been involved in the deep freediving and freediving competition scenes for many years. He is currently based in Sweden where he is working towards his PhD under the watchful eye of freediving scientist Erika Schagatay

    Frank is a wealth of knowledge about freediving science and physiology and today we discuss some of the traditional topics of freediving science that interest us most as well as some new approaches to understanding the dive response and we talk in detail about what can cause lung squeeze and what protocols we might follow to prevent them.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Frank is from a Columbian island, San Andres in the Caribbean Sea.
    Frank has been freediving since he was a kid.
    He moved to Sweden to work on his Phd with Erika Schagatay.
    How Vertical Blue has changed over the years.
    What makes freediving such a unique sport?
    Frank's main interests and areas of research.
    Common misconceptions about freediving
    Deep dive into the dive response (bradycardia and vasoconstriction).
    A description of vasoconstriction.
    The relation between vasoconstriction and depth.
    Is a lower resting heart rate better for freediving?
    CO2 and CO2 tolerance.
    About early contractions and stretch receptors.
    How is CO2 actually measured in the body.
    Hypoxia and black out.
    How oxygen and CO2 are affected by fasting and diet.
    Lower temperatures to reduce O2 consumption.
    Franks experience with squeezes and how he overcame them.
    What would Frank research with unlimited funds?
    Why does Frank freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Davide Carrera was born in Turin in Italy and began freediving as a child during his summers spent in Leguria.

    He has was part of the World Championship winning teams of 1996 and 2001 and established a FIM world record shortly after when he dove to 91m.

    He moved away from the competitive sphere in the end and went on to study yoga extensively, and he integrates that into his freediving, and it was his tale of solitary wandering across the mediterranean in his 28 foot trimaran that inspired my first interest in Davide.

    We first spoke 5 years ago on episode 22 of the freedive cafe podcast, now we meet, face t face in Dahab, to discuss his recent return to the very top tier of the freediving competitive scene and what it takes to dive 130m deep.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Thanks to Dahab Freedivers and Carlos Diezel for letting us use the Dahab Freedivers space.
    A possibly lost episode of TFC with Davide?!
    What brings Davide to Dahab after so long?
    Thoughts on changes in Dahab and seeing the positive before the negative.
    Thoughts on the recent doping scandal in the freediving world.
    A philosophical and spiritual approach to freediving.
    Why social media conversations are so flawed.
    What invigorated Davide to perform a 130m dive at this point in his career, what has changed over the years?
    About continuing to train through the winter in thicker wetsuits.
    New top-secret 8mm wetsuit material on the way?
    Training hard to dive easy.
    Davide's technique has grace and beauty, should that be a focus of freedivers?
    A question from Rodrigo about his beautiful monofin technique.
    About cakras.
    Why does Davide remove the nose clip so deep?
    Can Davide retrieve air at 100m+?
    Back when packing and mouthfill were cheating!
    Davide has only had one squeeze!
    Davide's experience with narcosis.
    Static at 110m!
    Davide calls Spain home now.
    Will his son, Nero, become a deep freediver?
    How Davide meditates, 3 or 4 times a day.
    What are 'Hurt Salutations'?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Alexey Molchanov is a multi-world record holding and world record breaking freediving athlete and arguably the greatest and most consistent freediving athlete of all time.

    In this episode we discuss:

    This is the 150th episode of The Freedive Cafe!
    Alexey was in Cyprus at the time of recording, preparing for the AIDA World Championships.
    Alexey's thoughts on the doping accusations against Vitomir Maricic and Petar Klovar and doping in freediving.
    Is it time for new freediving organisations?
    Talking about Alexey's competition and how his training has evolved since we last spoke.
    Questions from patreon supporters Jordy and Matthias about Alexey's base training phase.
    Question from Zoe about the benefits of swimming for beginner freedivers.
    How does Alexey train his no fins leg lick?
    A question from Maurice about recovery protocols.
    The benefits of active recovery for Alexey's body type.
    A question from Emile about lung squeeze and how the experience of squeeze has evolved over the years.
    The importance of developing mobility of the breathing muscles and thoracic cage.
    A question from Bizo Silva (#137) about a special technique to counter contractions.
    Hypoxic tolerance and how it evolves over the years.
    Is no fins the key to improving hypoxic tolerance???
    What is Alexey's experience with narcosis and does adaptation come over time?
    A question from Kris about mental preparation before a dive.
    A question from several patrons about what Alexey thinks his mum would think about the way the freediving world has changed in the last few years.
    Why does Alexey freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Born in Cape Town, South Africa, Bevin Reynolds is a competitive pool freediver with multiple national and African continental records.
    Despite only coming into the sport 18 months before her first AIDA Indoor World Championships this year, she took home 3 medals and the title of Vice-World Champion.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Bevin is from the suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa
    She had an early affinity and feel for the water.
    Started in swimming school at a very young age.
    Getting into some bad habits at school.
    Bevin did an honours degree in biotechnology, biochemistry and microbiology.
    Bevin's experiences with the tragic loss of a best friend, coming out as gay and eating disorders.
    Moving from science into psychology.
    She is a swimming teacher to kids.
    The physical decline that came from too much desk work, and significant scoliosis.
    Living with pain.
    Sara Ferguson shout out out, swimming around Easter Island for plastic pollution awareness.
    A first pool session and making an impression on Ant Latimer.
    Shout out to the Freedive Cafe Podcast.
    Allergies and mouth-breathing.
    Callback to Episode #54 with Patrick McKeown.
    Shout out to Evan Walther, and Dean Chaouche.
    Callback to Jordy Duncan's on Episode #143
    Bevin is the first South African on the podcast.
    Bevin's first competition (3.5 months after her first course)
    Shout out to Samy Jeranko, Bevin's coach.
    About being nervous to crowdfund for the World Championships.
    Did she feel prepared for the World Champioships in Jeju, South Korea?
    Mental preparations.
    The stories we tell about ourselves, the false identities.
    The power of self-affirmation.
    How to deepen relaxation.
    The power of hypnotherapy.
    Has past competitive experience helped her deal with anxiety?
    Donny expands on his answer to Why Do You Freedive?
    What areas of freediving science interest Bevin most?
    Down the rabbit hole of nervous systems and genetics.
    Question from Patreon supporter, Matt Stow.
    When will Bevin start training depth?
    What stage of training is she at now?
    A question from Kris, Patreon supporter about advice she would give to her younger self.
    What does Bevin do outside of freediving for fun?
    Bevin and I discuss the recent doping issues in freediving.
    Shout outs to Bevin's partner, the freediving community in Cape Town, Samo Jeranko, crowd-funding contributors.
    How to find out more about Bevin.
    Why does she freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Shadi Türk is a Syrian former fixer and journalist who worked through 10 years of the terrible war in his home country. After reaching his breaking point in this capacity he embarked on a journey of discovery which led him to Kaş, Türkiye, and the new adventure of deep freediving.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Shadi was born and raised in Syria and moved to Türkiye when he was 18, where he studied architecture.
    How Shadi became a fixer and a journalist.
    The psychological impact of seeing so much death and destruction.
    Shadi was working in Syria for 10 years in his fixing/journalistic capacity.
    The emotional toll of this experience.
    How did Shadi get out of Syria and into freediving?
    Embarking on a journey along the Lycian Way.
    How was Shadi's first experience of freediving?|
    His first competition was a World Championships!
    What is Shadi's motivation for continuing freediving?
    Shadi was doing around 80m after only 1 year of training!
    How Shadi ended up in the Philippines.
    Shadi's current approach to training for freediving.
    Experience with blackouts and squeezes?
    Shadi and Donny's experience of narcosis from 'shallow' dives.
    Could Shadi imagine taking freediving back to Syria?
    PATREON EXCLUSIVE - Desert Island Questions
    Shout out to some people!
    Why does Shadi freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Khaled ELGammal is Egypt's deepest diver and the first to reach the 100m mark. Today we hear about how Khaled left a corporate life working in oil and gas to dedicate himself to training for and teaching freediving.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Khaled was fresh back from Kuwait where he was acting as safety diver for the CMAS Indoor World Championships.
    Shout out to co-host Jordy Duncan who is competing for Australia at the AIDA World Championships in Jeju, South Korea.
    Khaled is originally from Cairo.
    He left his corporate job in oil and gas to focus on freediving full time.
    He was a competitive swimmer when he was younger.
    AIDA Instructor Trainer and Egyptian National record holder.
    Shout outs to David Mellor and Dave McGoo.
    Shout out to Harry Chamas.
    How was the journey to 100m?
    What was the first 100m dive like?
    Shout out to Gus Kreivenas and what it's like to train with him.
    What kind of complementary training went into his training? Strength, flexibility?
    Shout out to Shaza at Sharkfit gym in Dahab.
    Training statics for depth?
    Khaled's experience with barotrauma.
    The benefits of instructing/coaching for maintaining a good base level of diving fitness.
    What are Khaled's plans for competition in 2023?
    Discussing the Egyptian freediving scene and the future of the sport in the country.
    The diving scene in Dahab town.
    Why does he freedive?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Gary McGrath is the deepest ever self-propelled freediver from the UK, claiming a national record of 112m in CWT at 2022's Vertical Blue competition.
    In this episode we catch up with Gary since last years amazing Vertical Blue performance and examine the dark places in our mental environments, open up about depression, anxiety and seeking help, and sincerely hope you benefit from this discussion ❤️

    Also watch on YouTube at Freedive and Thrive.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Second time lucky!
    Catching up with Gary since his 2022 Vertical Blue experience.
    The difficult and expensive process of getting to Vertical Blue.
    How does one get into VB anyway?
    Gary lost all his gear on the way to Vertical Blue!
    What turning up at the Blue Hole feels like.
    The journey from disqualification and COVID in 2021 to the UK national record in 2022.
    The Vertical Blue 2022 experience.
    Crowdfunding for Gary's next VB appearance:
    What changed in training for Gary between 2021 and 2022?
    Gary's experience with mental health problems.
    Depression, anxiety and how we deal with them, overcome them.
    Imposter syndrome in the freediving elite.
    Please feel free to reach out to Gary or myself if you are suffering similar issues.
    What advice would Gary give to his ten years younger self?
    Thank you for listening x

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe

  • Miguel Lozano is one of the deepest freedivers in the world. He first appeared on episode #67 of The Freedive Cafe podcast!

    This interview is also available in video format on the Freedive and Thrive Youtube channel:

    In this episode we discuss:

    Miguel and I last spoke in January 2020, recorded an interview and forgot to release it!
    About Miguel's Deep Camp in Dahab.
    The structure of the Deep Camp.
    What Miguel's been up to these past 3 years.
    Miguel's thoughts on the current condition of the freediving competition scene.
    Advice on equalisation (lack of rhythm and speed is the problem)
    Advice on dry training and complementary training for freediving.
    Advice for instructors who wish to train .
    Advice on periodisation for freediving training through the year.
    The evolution of the Freedive Cafe Podcast over time.
    On the use of dive computers and alarms in freediving.
    Advice on dealing with squeezes and thoughts on passive exhale diving and RV (residual volume diving).
    Advice on technicalities of training the different disciplines.
    How does Miguel do a 60 metre dive that takes 7 minutes ?!?!
    Shout out to Julia Mouce at Apnea Bali!
    Will Miguel return to world record attempts?

    For all episodes of the Freedive Cafe Podcast, visit www.freedivecafe.com

    For freediving courses and training in Dahab, Egypt, visit www.freediveandthrive.com

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/freedivecafe