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We discuss Gregs new Educational game and the opportunities with Legends of Learning. There was a live meetup before the show we'll talk about, and a new Unity API. (oh and disney bought a bunch of epic)
We discuss cheating in video games and why it's important to understand how to cheat so they can stop cheaters in their own games.
In this Episode:
Jason Weimann
Jason Storey
Corvalis (Powercore)
Greg (Midnite Oil)
Andrew (InfinityPBR)
Pawel (NatureManufacture)
Hosts: Everyone!
Topics: Too many to list
Jason Weimann
Jason Storey
Andrew (InfinityPBR / Magic Pig Games)
Greg (Midnite Oil Software)
David (Warped Imagination)
Jason Weimann
Jason Storey
Pawel (Nature Manufacture)
Greg (Midnite Oil)
Russel (Inworld)
Andrew (Magic Pig Games/InfinityPBR)
Jason Weimann
Salim Grant
Greg (Midnite Oil)
We discuss AI Music generation in games along with a 'new' theme song. Then dive into Palworld, why it's a hit and why you should care. And finally we discuss the Apple news out of Europe, which is 'interesting' :)
Todays Hosts:
Jason Weimann
Jason Storey
Andrew (InfinityPBR)
Pawel (NatureManufacture)
Corvalis (Powercore2000)
Greg (Midnite Oil Software)
Jason Weimann
Jason Storey
Greg (Midnite Oil Games)
Pawel (Nature Manufacture)
00:00:00 Countdown00:01:00 Preamble/Welcome!00:02:00 Jason On Game Design00:07:00 Peter Fields - Game Designer Link In Chat00:13:00 Do You Need To Be a Gamer To Be a Designer?00:16:00 Which is Harder 2d multiplayer or Single Player 3d?00:19:00 Integrate Mechanics When Prototyping or Develop Them Separately?00:25:00 What's the Best way To Improve Programming skills?00:29:00 Book: Clean Code By Robert Cecil Martin 00:31:00 Unity event a Good Option to separate your systems?00:32:00 Blog: Ray Wenderlich - Scriptable Objects00:33:00 A Wild Salim Appears00:33:00 Thought On Singletons/Alternatives?00:36:00 Value in getting certifications?00:40:00 Talk about Being a Designer00:48:00 Break down of portfolio for Game Design00:52:00 Interview Advice00:55:00 Comic Suggestions01:00:00 Where do you look for game designers?01:00:00 Gamasutra Job Board Link in the Chat01:03:00 Gmtk Game Makers Tool Kit - How To Become A Game Designer01:05:00 reddit r/gamedevClassifieds for gamedev jobs01:07:00 Thoughts on Monster Hinter Rise?01:10:00 Game Designer vs Game Developer01:16:00 Game Design Documents? Templates?01:19:00 Call For Game Design Docs for a future stream maybe?01:20:00 Milanote for GDD? Nope, but part of the package01:22:00 Links to Examples01:25:00 Advice to enter industry today?01:32:00 How to handle interpersonal static?01:38:00 Assets Make your own Assets or Use/Buy Someone Elses?01:39:00 Infinity PBR From Chat sez Spend Money where player looks to start, then fill in the expendable extra later 01:45:00 Wrap up01:46:00 Thank You Jason, Jason and Salim!01:48:00 Peace!
Veteran AAA game designer discusses the challenge of making a game fun and emphasizes the importance of iterating and getting feedback from others.They stress the importance of digging deeper and understanding players' and colleagues' underlying motivations and problems. And then shares valuable insights on topics such as game engines, portfolio building, the importance of passion in game development, the role of music in games, teaching and learning strategies, buzzwords and design patterns in game development
00:00:00 Preamble/Welcome00:00:00 Jason Weimann, Jason Storey, Infallible Code (Charles), Salim Grant00:04:00 How Do You Make Games Fun?00:17:00 Hollow Knight Example00:21:00 Advice For a Story Driven Game00:34:00 Shadow of The Colossus Twist Example/Infamous 2 Example00:37:00 Walking Dead Example00:41:00 Does The Setting (Fantasy/Sci Fi/IRL) effect your relating to the character?00:45:00 Relatable Character -> Spiderman (Peter Parker/Miles Morales) 00:47:00 Silent Protagonist vs Character Like Commander Sheppard00:50:00 Character Engagement00:53:00 Benjamin Franklin Effect00:56:00 Should I Keep My Game/Idea/Story Secret?00:57:00 Is Anybody gonna steal my idea? Probably not.00:58:00 How Do I Start Game Design Later in Life?01:04:00 Networking Is Key01:10:00 Discord Etiquette01:12:00 RGB Chat01:15:00 Indie vs AAA Game Studios01:28:00 Designer vs Programmer Relationship01:30:00 Writing a Good Game Design Doc01:33:00 Get to the Heart of What They Want01:38:00 Communication Is Key01:39:00 Talking About Yesterday's Stream01:40:00 Showing Off the MilaNote Project01:50:00 As a Programmer, How Do I Find Artists?01:00:00 Upwork and Fiverr01:56:00 PC vs Mac for Unity Dev?01:58:00 Unreal vs Unity02:06:00 What Architecture/Program Pattern Do you Start With?02:09:00 Portfolio Advice02:24:00 Audio In Games02:27:00 How Did you get Your Kids Starting In Games?02:34:00 How To Improve My Teaching Skills02:41:00 Code Pattern Talk02:44:00 Do I Take On Contract Work, or stick with my own projects?02:48:00 Wrap Up02:50:00 Like, Subscribe, Share and Enjoy!02:53:00 Thanks Jason, Jason, Charles and Salim02:54:00 Peace