Join us today as we go behind the scenes where you meet the team of The Good Tree, hear our thoughts and insights on how we went about creating this podcast, and you will also hear our reflections on Season 1.
We also pay tribute to all our scholars who without their time and support this would not have been possible. -
Join us for our season finale discussing our Relationship with Imam Mahdi (atfs). We explore who Imam Mahdi (atfs) is, how to recognise him, how to build & maintain a relationship with him, and the events leading to his reappearance.
Sayyid Ali Raza Rizvi is an internationally renowned Islamic scholar, he studied in Qum for several years and graduated with a dual Masters in Islamic Studies and Arabic . He has translated several books into English including Kitab al Tawhid (The Book of Divine Unity) by Shaykh al Saduq. He is currently the President of Majlis e Ulema.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Episodi mancanti?
Join us this week as we discuss our Relationship with the Environment. We explore Islam's harmony with animals and nature, diet and spirituality, encouraging environment champions within the community, and how we can contribute towards harnessing a better relationship with our internal and external environment.
Saiyid Hasan Ali Rizvi was born and raised in New Jersey. He graduated with a major in Political Science and minor in Computer Science. He also graduated from the Imam Ali seminary in Florida before continuing his studies in the Islamic sciences at the seminary in Qum. He has a keen interest in Islamic philosophy and mysticism. He currently serves as the resident scholar for the Husseini Islamic Centre in Orlando, Florida. -
Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with Technology particularly at keeping our children safe online. We discuss the area's of safeguarding, privacy, online behaviour and vices, al-islam.org, and the future of technology.
Sheikh Salim Yusufali is born and raised in America, he studied both his BA and MA in Computer Science at Stanford University, and then worked in Silicon Valley for a number of years before pursuing his Islamic studies at Al-Mustafa in Qum. Sheikh Salim is currently the dean for Mission at R.I.S.E Academy and the assistant resident scholar at SABA Centre, San Jose.
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Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with Parents. We delve into this relationship from a child's perspective, whatever their age, and whether their parents are alive or not, from a Quranic (specifically Chapter 17, verses 23 & 24) and from the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (as).
Educated in the Najaf Seminary of the late Ayatollah Al-Hakim and Ayatollah Al Khoei; Ayatullah Sayed Fadhil Milani is a graduate of the Universities of Beirut, Baghdad and Oxford. With many years of experience in teaching Islamic Studies, particularly Islamic Law and Jurisprudence and Islamic Theology, he was appointed as a Professor by the University of Amman. Professor Milani is the Dean of the International University of Islamic Studies and the head of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence at the Islamic College, London. -
Join us this week as we discuss our Relationship with Those That Have Passed Away. We explore topics such as our responsibilities towards our loved ones, what to do about feelings of resentment and guilt through the wisdom of the Ahlulbayt (as), and how best we can prepare for our own onward journey.
Sheikh Mohammad Saeed Bahmanpour is an internationally renowned scholar spanning many years of serving the community especially in London. He has held a variety of roles including being the Principal at the Islamic College of Advanced Studies. He is also wrote the screenplay about the life of Mary (sa) based on Islamic sources, which was made into a successful movie. Another of his works on Christian history was the screenplay about The Seven Sleepers of the Cave (Ashab al-Kahf). Sheikh Bahmanpour has authored several books in the English language. -
Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with Neighbours. We explore what God and the Ahlulbayt (as) say about treating our neighbours with kindness, respect and love, building a community and taking care of one another.
Sheikh Mohammad Ali Shomali is an internationally renowned scholar. He is a graduate of the Islamic Seminaries of Qum and holds both a BA and an MA in Western Philosophy from the University of Tehran and earned his doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Manchester. Sheikh is the founding director of Risalat International Institute, which is devoted to Islamic curriculum development and educational training.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us today as we discuss the Relationship with Our Elderly. We delve into the topic of respecting, seeking guidance and showing kindness towards our elderly from the perspective of the Quran and the Ahlulbayt (as). We also discuss loneliness, and how best we can take care of our elderly relatives and those within our community.
Sheikh Nuru Mohammed is currently the Resident Aalim at the KSIMC of Birmingham. He holds a BA in Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism from Al-Mustafa International University in Iran, and obtained an MA in Islamic Studies at Middlesex University. He founded the Ummu ABEEHA Empowerment Centre in Kumasi, Ghana and co-founded the Imamiya Islamic Research Centre in Johannesburg.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with Extended Family & In Laws. We explore what is silat al rahm (womb/family ties), our responsibilites towards them, and our duty to enjoin good and forbid evil.
Dr Aalimah Masuma Jaffer is a qualified dentist, with a Masters in Islamic Studies and has also attended Hawza in Qum. She is a qualified teacher and has taught Hawza studies at the Islamic College in London. She is also a Counsellor and is a qualified Chaplain. She was till recently the resident Aalimah at Hujjat, Stanmore.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with One's Spouse with Sheikh Jehad Ismail. We delve into the concept of marriage, rights and obligations, how to attain the higher levels of morality by learning lessons from the Ahlulbayt (as), and challenge the often misunderstood verses of the Quran.
Sheikh Jehad Ismail is an internationally renowned Islamic scholar from Australia. He has studied at both Al Azhar University, Egypt and the Islamic Seminary in Qum, he is also a professional translater/interpreter for the Australian courts. Sheikh has held a variety of positions within the Muslim community including teaching, counselling and translating books; he also sits on the advisory board for Taqwa Media.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us this week as we discuss our Relationship with Teacher, Student & Learning with Sheikh Mohammad Zakaria. We discuss the roles and responsibilities of teachers and students, the positive reinforcement of questioning within Islam and Islamic educational theory, what is knowledge, and guidance for adults returning to education.
Sheikh Mohammad Zakaria is a qualified teacher in the post-compulsory sector and senior lecturer at the Islamic College, where he delivers a range of modules at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. He was previously a lecturer at Birkbeck University, where he taught Research Methodology and Islamic Studies. He has designed and validated several Islamic Teacher Training programmes by UK based Universities. His specialist areas are Islamic Education, whilst his Doctoral studies focused on the intersection of race, gender and educational attainment.
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Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with Friends. We explore the concept of friendship through the Islamic lens of the Quran in particular Prophet Ibrahim (as) as the friend of God, the rights of a friend even when things go sour, friends & influence, and forgiveness. We also are joined by Sparkles Sayyid Hadi's friendly cockatiel.
Sayyid Hadi Radhawi raised in the UK is an Islamic researcher, lecturer and community councillor. He studied 8 years at the Al Mustafa International Islamic Seminary in Qum and upon returning taught at the Hawza Ilmiyya of England. He is currently relocated to the US.
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Join us today as we discuss our Relationship with Siblings. We explore how we can establish this relationship with love, respect, fun, joy, mercy and forgiveness.
Sayed Hussain Makke is currently a student of the Islamic Seminary in Lebanon. He holds a BA in Journalism and a Masters in Religions and Global Politics from SOAS. He is also often involved in community work, mentoring and lecturing in different cities around the world.
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Join us today as we discuss Relationship with Children from a parents perspective. We explore Imam Ali (as)’s famous saying with regards to raising our children in the three stages of their life 0-7, 7-14, 14-21; how to respect our children and practical guidance on how to raise them with the love of Allah swt in their heart and mind.
Alima Razia Batool Najafi is a renowned international scholar. She has an academic background, having studied at the Islamic Seminary in Qum for 25 years. She is an author, motivational speaker, Islamic lecturer and counsellor.
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Join us this week as we discuss the Relationship with Ourselves. We explore practical tips to embed Imam Ali (as)’s famous saying ‘the one who knows themselves, knows their Lord’, self love, and taking care of oneself.
Shaykh Mirza Abbas is an esteemed Islamic Scholar, he is currently the Resident Alim at Al Zahra Islamic Centre, Nottingham. He has a Masters in Theology, he is the Programme Leader for the BA Islamic Studies at ICAS, and the Internal Manager at Hawza. Shaykh is also working on his doctorate on Mysticism from the University of Exeter.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us as we discuss our Relationship with the Quran and the Ahlulbayt (as). We explore areas how we can make the Quran a part of our lives, how to learn from it, and how to build a meaningful relationship with the Ahlulbayt (as).
Sayyid Ali Raza Rizvi is an internationally renowned Islamic scholar, he studied in Qum for several years and graduated with a dual Masters in Islamic Studies and Arabic . He has translated several books into English including Kitab al Tawhid (The Book of Divine Unity) by Shaykh al Saduq. He is currently the President of Majlis e Ulema.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us again where we discuss what taqwa is, what is God’s mercy, and practical tips how to build a relationship with God. Part 2 of 2.
Dr Mahnaz Heydarpour began teaching at Jami’at al Zahra in the late 80s, she completed her MA in Religious Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2000 and her PhD in Islamic Studies in 2015. Dr Mahnaz has attended numerous interfaith seminars and conferences nationally and internationally. She has authored books Love in Islam and Christianity, and Love: The Heart of Islamic Spirituality.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
Join us as we kick off our very first episode discussing our Relationship with God. We explore areas such as God’s relationship with us, and steps on how we can build a better relationship with Him, our Divine Creator. Part 1 of 2.
Dr Mahnaz Heydarpour began teaching at Jami’at al Zahra in the late 80s, she completed her MA in Religious Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University in 2000 and her PhD in Islamic Studies in 2015. Dr Mahnaz has attended numerous interfaith seminars and conferences nationally and internationally. She has authored books Love in Islam and Christianity, and Love: The Heart of Islamic Spirituality.
Find out more: https://www.thegoodtree.faith -
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