
  • Americans of all ages are sicker, heavier and struggling with their health at an alarming rate. What sets Americans apart from other countries? The food system. Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of the non-profit, Moms Across America, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms with the motto "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids." Moms Across America’s leaders created over 1,000 community events in all 50 states to raise awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply, and other environmental issues that pose risk to the health of our families. The organization’s mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Zen Honeycutt on her organization’s disturbing findings of toxic heavy metals in baby formula, the effects of glyphosate toxicity and the contamination of gluten free foods with gluten.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    The connection between glyphosate and heavy metal toxicity Why Non-organic lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans are toxic How gut bacteria and linings are destroyed by glyphosate and bioengineered foods How glyphosate drives heavy metals into the brain The relation between IBS and genetically modified foods Why not all gluten free food products are free from gluten What you can do to avoid glyphosate, GMOs and toxins in the food supply

    Resources From The Show:

    Mom’s Across America The New MD’s Podcast - Mothers, Doctors, and Scientists podcast airing on Youtube, Facebook, Rumble , and X. Zen Honeycutt, Dr. Michelle Perro, and Stephanie Seneff, PhD, explore the uptick in chronic health conditions among America’s children and investigate common toxic exposures on the monthly podcast. GMO Science Neighborhood Food Network Unstoppable - Zen Honeycutt's Book
  • Waking up at 2-4a every night and not being able to get back to sleep is frustrating. What's keeping you from sleeping? While there's routines, habits and throught process there are some metabolic reasons you're not sleeping. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, I, Dr. Jannine Krause dive into the metabolic and hormonal reasons for waking up between 2-4 am.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Liver and Lung connection to early morning wake ups How magnesium messes with your blood sugar to keep you awake The connection between potassium deficiencies, waking up to pee and cramps Where stress interferes with your sleep metabolism and hormone production

    Resources From The Show:

    Chinese Medicine Organ Clock Methylation Panel by Genova Diagnostics The DUTCH Test for evaluating hormones Home sleep studies - Snap Diagnostics Comprehensive Metabolic Panel for electrolytes (potassium), red blood cell magnesium, glucose, carbon dioxide levels
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  • Feeling exhausted from poor sleep? Tried everything to get a solid night's sleep but nothing seems to be working? Devin Burke is helping exhausted insomniacs get and stay asleep so they can wake up with more peace, power and presence. Devin was on the podcast back in 2021 - episode 256 where we talked about lifestyle and insomnia. Today we’re diving into how the mind can interfere with your ability to sleep. Devin is a best selling author, TEDx speaker, renowned sleep coach and founder of Sleep Science Academy. Devin was named “One of the Top 10 Coaches of 2023” by USA Today and also one of the “Top 25 Health Coaches in America.” He’s studied innovative holistic coaching methods from some of the world’s top health and human performance experts for over a decade - and today we’re going to dive into how you think about sleep and it's connection to insomnia.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    The power of acceptance to finally sleep Why fitting into the 3 P’s of sleep can set you up for insomnia What to do when you’re waking up at 2-4 am The benefits of a sleep coach to interpret your tech sleep data Key factors to support your mind during perimenopause and beyond sleep issues The difference between natural sleep and using a sedative to sleep How your thought process impacts your sleep quality

    Resources From The Show:

    Sleep Science Academy Ultra human - https://www.ultrahuman.com/
  • Feeling puffy all over or under your eyes around your cycle or all the time? Noticing you feel better when you're not in your home or at work all day? Having more rashes or unexplained brain fog, headaches? While all of these symptoms can be attributed to many things - it's not uncommon for toxic indoor air and mold to be a factor...especially over 40. Homes built in the last 100 years are optimized for energy efficiency at the risk of poor indoor air quality! While not everyone that lives in a toxic home or that's exposed to mold has symptoms it's key to know what to do to prevent issues. As you spend more time on this earth your barrel of toxicity builds. The goal is to prevent it from overflowing and causing health issues. In this episode Dr. Jannine Krause goes into details on what she's recommending to her patients to prevent and manage air quality and mold toxicity.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why changing your filters in your furnace monthly to every 3 months is key The importance of having a humidity sensor in the home How to assess your home air quality without wasting money on inaccurate testing What to do if you suspect you're experiencing mold toxicity symptoms

    Resources From The Show:

    HypoAir - Complimentary Air Quality Consult HypoAir - Air Angel (what I use personally when traveling and in my home) HypoAir - discount code "HEALTHFIX" Cell Core Mold Detox Protocol - code to order:vK1FckRy Quicksilver Mold Detox Protocol - HERE Dr. Jill Mold Detox and information on Dr. Jill
  • If the air you breathe in your home isn't healthy you may struggle with chronic sinus issues, allergies, rashes or it could be the underlying cause of your aches, pains and inflammation. Air quality is an overlooked and often misunderstood challenge when it comes to achieving optimal health. David Milburn is the VP for the Young Trust, a tech focused VC firm, and the CTO of Hypoallergenic Air, LLC aka HypoAir. At HypoAir, David has spent over 10 years solving some of the world's worst air quality issues for clients ranging from aerospace manufacturing facilities to hospitals in Brooklyn. Over the last decade he's assisted thousands of business owners, homeowners, and biohackers of all walks of life to solve their unique air quality challenges. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast Dr. Jannine Krause interviews David Milburn on tips and tricks to improve your home’s air quality.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why modern homes do not have optimal air quality How crawl spaces impact your home's air supply The ideal humidity level to prevent mold issues Why it’s beneficial to understand how air comes in flows through and out of your home Ways to improve air quality while traveling Why HEPA filters aren’t a fool proof solution for air quality

    Resources From The Show:

    Free Air Quality Consults - hypo air.com/consultation Healthy New Home Wish List Air Quality Testing - https://www.gotmold.com/
  • At 18 years old Anna Rahe felt like she was 80. Everytime she went for a run or hike it would take days for her to recover. After being told her situation was a mystery, Anna went on a mission to figure out what was causing her fatigue and pain. Fast forward to today and Anna is the CEO and founder of GST Body, a proprietary system known as Gridflow Somatic Technology. GST is a way of remodeling your fascial tissue to hydrate, condition and revitalize it. Anna has partnered with top athletes, surgeons, physicians, and celebrities, as well as being featured in various publications, from Shape to Elle, Net-a-Porter to The Wall Street Journal. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Anna Rahe on the latest research in fascial tissue and how it ties into your fight or flight nervous system, mobility, energy making capability as well as your capacity to recover from inflammation in the body.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    The functions of different types and layers of fascial tissue How body uses electrolytes in fascial tissue to communicate health status of the body The connection between gut inflammation, fascial tissue communication and constipation Why fascia is a great place to evaluate when you have mystery symptoms The potential of a fascial microbiome Unhealthy fascia and cancer connection Mixed connective tissue disease and it's roots in fascial tissue Reassuring your body it's safe with specific fascial movements Difference between foam rolling fascia and movements to control fascial contraction Benefit of primal squatting and swinging motions on your fascia How traction of the tissues discharges stuck pain and fight or flight energy

    Resources From This Episode:

    Anna's Website - annarahe.com Anna's Fascial Training Website: gstbody.com Instagram: @annaraheofgst and @gstbody
  • This episode is the second part of a two part series with Dr. Angela Zeng. East Asian medicine has a lot of food remedies for common medical issues. Unless you study Chinese Medicine or are born into a family that has roots in Asia you may never ever hear of these medicine secrets passed on through generations. Lucky for you - Dr. Angela Zeng is sharing her family’s remedies and research with her company, Karviva Beverages. Dr. Angela Zeng is a former pathology research scientist turned entrepreneur who is passionate about bridging the gap between Eastern holistic health practices and modern wellness. As the founder of Karviva Beverages, she creates wellness drinks that use her Eastern medicine knowledge to address modern concerns. In part 2 part of the series with Dr. Angela Zeng, Dr. Jannine Krause and Dr. Angela Zeng talk about Asian foods that are beneficial for hormone balancing, the digestive system and more!

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Hormone balancing benefits of lotus seeds and Chinese wild yam 2 foods you’d never guess that lower cholesterol A soup from a specific mushroom for coughs What to eat for for chronic vaginal infections Black soybeans and homemade black soybean milk for estrogen support The connection between cooking your food and longevity

    Resources From The Show:

    Karviva Beverages - KARVIVATCM20
  • The wisdom of East Asian medicine is passed down through generations and often only shared among those within a family. Lucky for us - Dr. Angela Zeng is revealing some of her family secrets and research in her company Karviva Beverages. Dr. Angela Zeng is a former medical research scientist turned entrepreneur who is passionate about bridging the gap between Eastern wholistic health practices and modern wellness. Born in China, educated with a Ph.D. in Pathology and holder of multiple certificates in wholistic nutrition, Angela saw the need to share the healing powers of Traditional Chinese Medicine. As the founder of Karviva Beverages, she creates wellness drinks that use her Eastern medicine knowledge to address modern concerns. In part 1 of a 2 part series with Dr. Angela Zeng, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Dr. Angela Zeng on her favorite detox herbs, herbal wine substitute, the East Asian way of detoxing and why the temperature of food matters for optimizing your health.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why liquid forms of herbs are considered most potent in Asian medicine How diarrhea inducing detoxes trash your gut The detoxing and chelating benefits of mung bean and other sprouts Why Chokeberries are the most nutritious berry you've never heard of Benefits of black sesame seeds, mung bean sprouts & black soybeans for women’s health How dandelion roots help the respiratory system traditional colds and flu Herbal benefits of monk fruit for the throat, voice and respiratory system

    Resources From The Show:

    Link for 20% off Karviva Beverages - KARVIVATCM20
  • Looking for tips to guard your skin from harsh elements? Whether it’s a long flight, time in the sun or summer heat - the elements can take a toll on your aging skin. Helen Marray-Finlay, the founder of Finlay+Green created a skin care line dedicated to the needs of peri-menopausal and menopausal skin. If that name sound familiar, Helen was on the podcast before - Ep 406 where she shared 10 + secrets for aging skin. Helen is a Hollywood makeup artist and skincare expert with over 20 years' experience. Having worked on blockbuster movies like Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End and popular TV shows including Parks & Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Modern Family, Barry, and The Goldbergs. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause and Helen Marray-Finlay talk about taking care of your skin while traveling and what to do to help keep your skin glowing despite temperature changes and sun exposure.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Light and hydrating skin protocols for dry environments Pre, during and post long flight hydration protocol What not to do when exfoliating your skin Possible risks of damaging your skin with long term retinol use Benefits of cream based makeup in peri-menopause and menopause Why a cool shower and lathering on the moisturizer after a burn is key for skin health The irritating effects of using retinol and vitamin C together

    Resources From The Show:

    Finlay + Green Moisturizer - 20% off DRK20 Super Goop KORA Organics - Silky Sun Drops and the mitt to go with it Vitaliberata Isle of Paradise - Face Self Tanning Drops Kate Somerville - Spray Mineral SPF Powder sunscreens Bert’s Bees Lip balm Bobbi Brown - cream sticks RMS - Cream eye shadows Seint Eyeshadow
  • Your ancestors were tribal, thus a drive to fit in is primally woven into your DNA. But what happens when you want to relate to someone but it's not working out as planned? Trying to relate to those in your family and social circles can often provoke a cortisol spike. Relating drama can be the source of a lot of elevated cortisol and stress situations. As a cultural anthropologist Dr. Jonathan Marion has studied the art of relating in various cultures and is bringing his expertise to this episode of the health fix, which is the second podcast of a two part interview series. Not only is Dr. Jonathan Marion a cultural anthropologist, he's also an author, speaker and health coach. In this episode we’ll be talking about the art of relating to others and how to view rejection in a different light.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why relationships are actually a practice in relating Interpreting rejection as not being a fit vs something about you as a person How relating is based on meeting each other's needs Signs your attachment style is preventing you from creating a stable and fulfilling connection

    Resources From The Show:

    Steps Along The Way Global Steps to Chat
  • Elevated cortisol and heightened stress responses are often a result of mis-guided insecurities. Your fight or flight, vagus nerve responses are deeply tied into how you respond to stress and what you've learned do to feel safe and secure. Being aware of how insecurities show up in situations as well as relationships with yourself and others is a crucial component of stress reduction. This episode of the health fix is the first podcast of a two part interview series with cultural anthropologist, author, speaker and health coach Jonathan Marion. If that name sounds familiar - that’s because he was on the podcast - Ep 456 where we talked about being present in your life. This podcast series is a great follow up from episode 466 with Alicia Kay where we talk about stories you tell yourself to keep you safe. In this episode Dr. Jonathan Marion and I take a look at how the primal nervous system's mission to keep you safe shows up in relationships with insecurities and attachment styles causing stress.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Characteristics of the 3 attachment styles Relationship drama provoked by insecurities Identifying insecurities in what makes you feel safe and secure The nervous system connection to seeking comfort and fulfilling your needs

    Resources From The Show:

    Steps Along The Way Steps to Chat
  • Likely you’ve heard about trauma being stuck in the body and how your thoughts are stories you tell yourself. Perhaps you’ve dabbled a bit in working on changing your thought process but nothing is sticking. Wherever you are in your health journey - owning your stories & learning to change them can be a key part of achieving optimal health. Alicia Kay is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Certified Trauma Counselor who specializes in supporting clients who struggle with childhood wounding, sexual trauma, relationship issues, and more. Throughout the years she has helped thousands of men and women heal as they let go of their past and focus on their future. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause and Alicia Kay dive into the stories that keep us stuck in life and what to do to move forward.

    What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

    Stories you created about yourself were meant to help you survive - you can change them Safety and security come from within you not external sources Events occurring in your world are a mirror of how you think Anxiety can be a manifestation of you not feeling or expressing the weight of the world you perceive on your shoulders

    Resources From The Show:

    Free Yourself Simple Strategies to Dismantle The Most Common 3 Unhealthy Beliefs Alicia Kay’s Website and Podcast - Alive & Awake Alicia’s Breakthrough to Bliss program
  • What if fatigue and brain fog didn't have to be a part of aging? Perhaps you've been hearing about the benefits of the anti-aging and energy boosting molecule NAD. Maybe you've seen it advertised in an IV or supplement but you weren't sure if it was for you. Maite Brines Von Melle is the innovation, product formulation and education go to for BioStack supplement company. In this episode Maite and Dr. Jannine Krause talk about the natural decline of NAD production in your body with age and the benefits of supplementing with it’s precursors to slow down the aging process as well as ease the side effects of perimenopause and menopause.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why the signs of aging are connected to decreased NAD How NAD works in the body to make energy Why you can’t take NAD itself & you need it’s precursors The difference between NAD IVs and NAD boosting supplements Why NAD precursors are an amplifier to your diet and lifestyle The connection between Perimenopause, menopause and NAD decline NAD's connection to methylation

    Resources From The Show:

    BioStack Supplements Website NAD Regen - NAD boosting precursors and agents to help the body recycle it GlyNAC - liver detox and glutathione booster (we decrease on glutathione with age) GDAID - blood sugar management and fat burning supplement Discount code: DRKRAUSE
  • Dreaming of outdoor adventuring but not sure where to start? Looking for workouts tailored to your goals? Searching for like minded women to adventure with? Making friends over 40 isn't easy and finding a tribe that's into outdoor adventures can be tricky. Kelly Howard loved lifting weights as a young adult but never thought of herself as an outdoor person till at 40 years old she bought an online outdoor company and learned about all the fun things you can do outdoors. She realized her customers were looking for the same adventures she was learning about but were worried about their fitness and skill levels so Kelly created a program with adventures to inspire more women to get outdoors. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Kelly Howard on how her adventure fit programs get clients ready for their own adventures or those with her tribe.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why saying “If I was younger” doesn't have to be true for you How camaraderie of fellow women adventurers inspires you to do more The benefits of training for an adventure vs working out in general How a fitness tribe helps you create an active lifestyle Using stairs & parking garages to simulate hiking training for folks in flat cities

    Resources From The Show:

    Fit is Freedom Website Fit is Freedom Podcast Superfit for Summer Get Kelly’s book freebie HERE
  • Curious about why some people can handle stress and illnesses and recover quickly while others struggle? Have you been sick and feel like you never recovered from the illness? Perhaps your body feels ok but your brain function hasn’t fully been restored? Ashok Gupta suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS-ME) 30 years ago while at Cambridge University. Through his own neurological research, he was able to recover 100%. Since 2007 he’s been teaching others on neuroplasticity and “limbic retraining” using his Gupta Program. In this episode of The Health Fix podcast Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Ashok Gupta on how the immune and nervous system interact to keep you chronically sick unless you retrain your brain's response to immune stress triggers.

    What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    How your brain’s primal goal of survival causes chronic illness Why pain, mold, allergens, microbes are considered "not safe" to your nervous system The immune system feedback loops keeping you sick How a hyperdefensive brain causes you to get sick with lesser triggers each time Utilizing brain retraining to recover from chronic illness and ensure the body it’s safe

    Resources From The Show:

    The Gupta Program
  • Is dropping weight a source of frustration and confusion for you? What if your frustration is the source of your inability to lose weight. It’s a vicious circle you can end when you focus on getting your cortisol and blood sugar in check. Ann Maria Tom has decade of experience as a registered nurse in the ER, ICU and Dialysis plus she holds certifications as a personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist and a holistic female hormonal health practitioner. Ann overcame her hormonal imbalances and emotional eating through the powerful Metabolic Mastery Method. Her story is similar to many of the clients I see and her before and after transformation pictures are impressive. I enjoyed my last conversation with Ann Maria and had to bring her back to talk real life in the trenches tales of hormones and weight loss. In this episode Ann Maria Tom and I talk about our own experiences with weight and hormones plus Ann Maria shares how she’s helping clients balance their blood sugar and hormones to lose weight.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    setting idea weights importance of body fat % over number on the scale you don’t need a doctor’s diagnosis because your body shows signs of hormone imbalance role of insulin level regulation on hormone balance timing of sugar cravings and solutions for each why it’s crucial to have higher amounts of protein the first meal of the day to balance your blood sugar

    Resources From the Show:

    Ann Maria Tom's Website Instagram: @ann_maria_tom - DM her “Jannine” and she’ll send you a free stress tool kit
  • Chronic illness, diabetes and blood sugar imbalances are connected. Chances are you or someone in your family is struggling with one of these conditions right now. Eric Edmeads spent the earlier part of his life struggling with constant sinus and throat infections, excess weight, acne and chronic fatigue. He was set to have his tonsils removed, but on a whim, Eric decided to experiment with changing his diet. Within 30 days, all of his symptoms disappeared and the surgery was cancelled. Since then Eric went on to become an author, coach and creator of the popular WILDFIT program. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Eric Edmeads and Dr. Jannine Krause talk about Eric's book Postdiabetic, the chronic illness - blood sugar imbalance connection and the importance of addressing your relationship with food.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why our ancestors didn’t think sugar was evil Eating in sync with sub-saharan seasons to optimize carb and fat burn Why you gain 3 lbs for every diet you try The value in exploring the angel and devil in your multiple food personalities Why extra weight and blood sugar imbalances lower your resilience to infections The connection between your scale, cortisol levels and difficulty losing weight

    Resources from The Show:

    Eric’s Program - Wild Fit Postdiabetic: An Easy to Follow 9 Week Guide to Reversing Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes - Book + support with your purchase for a limited time! Eric’s Website Kurt from Estonia’s before and after pictures
  • What does getting older have in store for you? What are the secrets to living a long beautiful life? Being younger than the majority of my patients it felt silly to hand out advice on aging, so I went on a mission to ask my podcast listeners what they or someone they knew were up to when it came to defying aging. When Marjorie Burn’s story ended up in my inbox I knew she and I had to chat. Marjorie is an author, retired professor and lover of words. She sat down with me to talk about her book, The New Cadets and what it’s like to get older. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast Marjorie and I talk about life, literature, connecting to others and her love of exploring, especially with her dog.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    You’re never too old to start rock climbing or kayaking The magical powers of dogs to keep you young Using fiction to ignite your imagination and sharpen your senses The secret to learning languages at any age

    Resources From The Show:

    Marjorie’s favorite game - World of Solitaire Marjorie's Book: The New Cadets at Gabbrohead Publishing online
  • What does fitness look like as you get older? How does being strong prepare you for life’s challenges? Lalaina “Lala” Duncan started her coaching career at 37 and hasn’t looked back. She’s a highly sought after women’s strength and longevity coach and she’s all in on helping her clients prioritize their health and happiness. She’s seen her clients through life’s challenges from babies to cancer and everything in between. I admire Lala for her work and I’m honored to be working with her to optimize her health. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, I interview Lala Duncan on her coaching style, holding space for her clients, what it’s like to train clients for life’s challenges, flexing on guys at the gym and her take on working with me.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    Why you’re never to old to start lifting - even if you were a yoga and spin class junkie How having more muscle builds your resilience to injuries and even chemo The underrated power virtual coaching has to change your life What it’s like to have a 1:1 coach dedicated to your success How to show up guys in the gym like a pro at any age

    Resources From The Show:

    Instagram: @liftwithlala Instagram: @Dogpound Dogpound's Website
  • Struggling with your hormones? Feeling burn out, fatigued and just not your best? Kaely McDevitt is a registered dietician specializing in nutrition for women's health. Having experienced the pitfalls of a conventional approach to women's health first hand, Kaely is passionate about empowering women to build health from a place of connection: to self, nature and community. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Kaely McDevitt, RD on how minerals are the MVP when it comes to feeling your best, preventing or addressing burnout.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

    How calcium and potassium balance is connected to hypothyroid symptoms Why minerals can boost energy and fire up metabolism Connection between sodium, potassium and fatigue What you can learn from hair tissue mineral analysis Why minerals are crucial for hormone balancing

    Resources From The Show:

    Trace elements - Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) example Instagram - @kaelyrd Kaely’s Website - https://www.kaelyrd.com/ Find Your Magic Quiz