障害者雇用を進めないといけないのは分かってる、でも他の仕事で手をつけられていない・・・ 障害者雇用の提案を経営者や上司にしていく必要があるという中小企業の経営者様や人事担当者様必見! 障害者の雇用率を確保しながら、入社する方が「安心して働ける」職場・組織つくりのサポートをしています!社労士&中小企業診断士の資格を持ちながら、大企業での障害者雇用部門の責任者を務めた経験もあるため、”雇用する側の目線”でご支援をさせていただきます。 ラグランジュサポート株式会社: 初回無料相談はこちら: [email protected]
The Fitness Pro Journey is a weekly podcast if you’re a fitness professional, health Coach wanting to start or build an online business without all the fluff, BS or burnout then the Fit Pro Journey is for you.
Ria is a former online fitness coach pre-IG and has been in the fitness Industry for over 22 years from Club manager to trade show organizer, there is not much she hasn’t done. To starting her online business coaching in 2018 to going full-time as a business coach in 2020. Since then, she has helped other Fitness Pros & Health coaches start & grow their own online business.
This podcast will bring the Real, Raw & actionable steps to start & grow your online business with a little humor thrown in. The mission is to help fitness pros & health coaches snap out of their self-doubt & realize their true superpower to create sustainable online coaching business.
Connect > IG @_ria_z
Connect > TikTok > @riazfitbizcoach
Connect > [email protected] -
「ダンスを習っていた」という子はたくさんいますが、ダンスを仕事にできる人は一握り。 この番組では、海外公演活動、そして長年に渡り学舎ニューヨークで稽古を積んだKENKENが、魅力的な先生とチームを組み、集客に困らないダンス教室を運営する、非常識な方法を発信します。 キーワードは“ファン”。 ダンススクールで過ごす時間に、どのような付加価値をつけていけるのか?が代表の腕の見せ所。 本気で踊り、本気で学び、本気で楽しむ、幸せ製造工場[KENKEN DANCE FACTORY]の平均継続率は6年以上!17年の運営で培った、失敗・成功・トライアンドエラーの全てを包み隠さずお伝えします! 【公式LINEアカウント】 【公式HP】 ■代表プロフィール <けんけん(いよだともこ)> Style-K COMPANY代表 KENKEN DANCE FACTORY主宰 東京・静岡を中心に多数舞台出演、振付ステージング、バックダンサーなどの下積み時代を経て、米NY-BROADWAYにてジャズ・シアター・コンテンポラリーの講師陣を師事、テクニックや表現法を学ぶ。 1998年より舞台製作活動を開始、現在はダンスのジャンルの垣根を越え人間としての全てのMovementにフォーカスを置き「Style-K創作ダンス」的表現法の探求・追及に全精力を注ぐ。 2006年 KENKEN DANCE FACTORY STUDIO設立 2007年 フィリピンの子供達に歌とダンスと物資と夢を「A・GIFT」海外ツアー参戦 2009年 ニューヨークBroadway Musical PV撮影参加 2010年 ニューヨークPerforming artist、Daniel Giel氏と静岡グランシップ大ホールにて自主公演 2011・2013・2015年 島田静居寺本堂公演「生きるということ」 2012・2014年 ダンスグループ「LaN-T003」長谷山高士氏を師事、スコットランド・エディンバラ芸術祭参加 2016年 海外交流プロジェクト ニューヨークのダンスカンパニーを島田への招致、ダンスを通じ文化交流 2018年 島田樟誠高等学校女子ダンス部 外部コーチ就任
Do you believe in the power of collaboration over competition? We are two successful women who know that we are an unstoppable force when we align and focus on what matters most in life. We live this way every day of our lives. We believe that women can win together. Collective growth and success are the goals. We live boldly. We live authentically. We live unapologetically.
We encourage you to do the same. We embrace our strength, while respecting our vulnerabilities. We understand the need for REAL conversations with diverse perspectives because we are more alike than we are different. We know that inclusion and honesty are our superpowers. We don’t build walls. We tear them down. The only requirement to join us? Just Be Real Sis.
Email us: [email protected] -
Hello, my name is Mickey Brueckner (MTB) and welcome to my podcast: "The MTB Performance Project." I am the founder and CEO of the ANNEX Sports Performance Center.
I have almost 20 years of experience training athletes of all levels, running a business and building a brand. I am a husband, a father to three children, and I still train hard on a regular basis.
The main goal of this endeavor is to uncover different aspects of human performance. I believe there are many layers to this pursuit: health, fitness, nutrition, mental, social - the list goes on. However, no matter what you are chasing, the principles across many of these disciplines are universal.
Through interviewing people who I consider experts in there field, along with past and current ANNEX athletes, we can dive deeper into these disciplines and unpack different levels of performance.
I named it the Performance "Project" because for me, this is a lifelong initiative to be in constant pursuit of ways to improve my overall health and performance.
Thank you for listening. -
Are you obsessed with self growth? In this no-frills show, our host -Almog. talks with people who've gone through radical self growth, experts who facilitate such growth in others and shares lessons from his life.
Even if you're all about personal development, stagnation happens. You find yourself stuck in a plateau, not growing, not living up to your own potential. It happens. Listening to people who've achieved what you want can go a long way to help in your journey. In Unstagnate, we focus on inspiring personal zero-to-hero stories and unconventional self growth ideas, strategies and tactics. -
Welcome to Self-Love.
We cover topics surrounding self-love including body-image, confidence, self-worth, body positivity, mindset, mental health, feminism, relationships, and so much more. Along the way, your host Mary lets you in on her personal life, never shying away from the messy, raw, and real conversations that we all crave. So grab a cup of tea, slide in your headphones, and get ready for some self-lovin! -
Legendary Sports Executive David Meltzer dives deep into the stories behind some of the world’s most well-known athletes, entertainers, artists, and cultural icons. The Playbook discovers the spirit of excellence which is the common thread that weaves through their successes and setbacks and how they got to where they are today.
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.