
  • It has been a very emotional few months for me, so this last episode is definitely going to be on the more personal side.

    There have been a lot of ups and downs in the last few months, from almost selling a business to the deal falling through last minute.

    To almost signing a client, to not signing a client last minute.

    And in these moments, you truly have to hold to your belief, trust the timing and know that everything is happening for you.

    As I always like to say, the universe always has my back.

    In this episode:

    1:20 Understanding my current energetics and reclaiming my personal power

    4:30 Why I decided to let a client go after 301 installs together

    8:47 Why identity work is really hard when it comes to making a switch or big decision
    10:20 New opportunities I am trailblazing in 2023

    12:30 The evolution of The Hotel Florist™ and where it is going

    I did not come this far in the floral industry to only come this far. Therefore I am keeping the Monthly 1:1 60 min Coaching open for the foreseeable future. This 1-1 container is for you if you are ready to take your floral business to the next level - not alone! So let's get there together! I only work with a small number of clients per year and spots are limited. Click the link to sign up today: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/YMgA4hFL

    In just 28 minutes you could be on your way to landing your first hotel contract, click the link to watch the free masterclass to help you get started! https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I’m excited about this week’s episode because it’s going to be very practical and a really nice review of how to get started working with hotels.

    If you are a seasoned hotel florist and have already worked with hotels, or we've already worked together, this episode might not be for you.

    But if you are someone that is sitting on the fence and have been thinking about working with hotels for a long time, and are like,

    “Okay, you know what? This is going to be the year…I’m going to pull the bandaid off…I know I can do this...but I’m just a little bit scared.

    Can you remind me again of all the things I’m supposed to do?”

    This is episode is for you.

    1:00 What exactly The Hotel Florist™ is and what it aims to do

    2:02 Different ways you can be hired as a hotel florist

    4:20 Different types of payment structures you can expect from working with hotels

    9:05 What is consistent income and why it’s so crucial to business growth

    11:30 How do you make consistent income a as hotel florist and design your business around that?

    14:30 How one 6 year contract generated a million dollars in business revenue
    16:15 How The Hotel Florist™ brand was born

    19:14 How do you actually start working with hotels?

    Wondering how to start with hotels? The Hotel Florist™ Starter Kit offers no-bs guidance (literally less than an hour) on how to work with hotels. Click this link to automatically get $100 off if you buy within the next 24 hours! https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/zDtrEnPo

    If you want to learn more about how you can create a profitable and sustainable floral business, then I highly recommend my turnkey floral design program Petals to Profit. Petals to Profit launched in 2019 when I hit my second consecutive multiple six-figure year working literally one day a week. https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/9W42Pu8a

    Be sure to subscribe to our growing YouTube channel for more learning content on how to grow your floral business and create consistent income: https://www.youtube.com/@thehotelflorist

    P.S. All my free resources are in one place, click the link to jumpstart your hotel floral business: https://thehotelflorist.com/free

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    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  •  I am really excited about today's episode because as you begin pitching and starting your journey as a hotel florist, you may find yourself coming across a lot of different challenging scenarios. What do you do if you don't hear back from anyone at all? What if the hotel you are reaching out to already as a florist? What if hotel after hotel declines your proposal saying they aren't interested — or worse, they run away with the idea you proposed to them and hire someone cheaper…ouch.

    We can talk about competition, but I think what we really need to do is shift our thoughts and deal with the real issue here…which is how to deal with rejection.

    1:20 Understanding that rejection is a part of the game
    4:00 Learning how to weed through the no’s until you find the yes

    6:15 My experience with rejection when breaking into the hotel floral industry

    8:20 Confidence does not come from thinking, confidence comes through doing

    10:30 The importance of keeping your foot in the door even when you get a “no”

    12:30 What do you do when a hotel tells you that they already have florist?

    18:00 What happens when that particular client doesn’t respond and then runs off with your idea and then pitches it themselves?

    The Hotel Florist Profit Method is the signature A-Z blueprint of how to pitch, land, design, and automate hotel partnerships. This program single-handedly has generated over $ 3.3 million dollars in hotel contract value for the members inside, in less than two years of enrollment. Use code THF10 for 10% off this signature program: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/F5BDnbEJ

    Watch the free masterclass to learn how you can start creating consistent income through hotel partnerships today: https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I’m thrilled to interview in this episode, Kelly Carlson of Boone’s Blooms. Kelly went from a full-time sales career of 22 years to opening a floral studio out of her garage.

    In her first month as a full-time florist, she made 5 figures and her second month is on track for another 5 figures.

    I know there are a lot of you who listen to this podcast that have one foot in the floral world and one foot still in your corporate life, and you’re trying to figure out.. is this even worth it? Are the risks real? Should I listen to my fears?

    In this episode, Kelly share’s her advice for those of you who are really looking at what your options are, and if now is the time to make the leap.

    2:00 How Kelly decided to go from a full-time corporate sales job to selling flowers

    5:21 How Kelly used her corporate background experience to jumpstart her flower shop and what she wished she would have known when first starting

    7:22 The mindset struggles of going from a successful corporate career to starting over as a creative entrepreneur.
    9:08 When Kelly knew it was time to quit her corporate job and go full-time floral creative.
    14:08 Top resources and tools that helped keep Kelly on track and follow through.

    20:02 What Kelly would tell you after her first full month in business and making 5 figures.

    Flower friend, stop letting your fears get in the way of hiring and expanding your business. It's time to say goodbye to living in fight or flight mode constantly. It's time to make a name for yourself in this industry and live out the desires you've been secretly holding on to! Use Code THF10 for 10% off the Petals to Profit Program: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/9W42Pu8a

  • I’m so excited about this episode of The Hotel Florist™ podcast because I get to introduce to you my mentor, Angharad Sage. She has precipitated a massively successful online spiritual mentoring and digital product business founded upon deep intimacy, your soul's unique expression, and breaking the rules.

    Her favorite place to get to know each other & channel free content is Instagram, her handle is @angharadsage

    Here is what we discuss in this episode:

    1:12 How important is private mentorship

    4:00 Shifting our paradigms and beliefs about asking for help
    7:20 How deep support changes our timelines

    9:30 Our business as an extension of ourselves is impacted by everything
    15:30 From postpartum depression, personal & business challenges, to discovering personal development

    19:00 Walking with those who have already done the thing you want to do versus sitting in your box
    . 22:00 How to pull up a chair to a different table and break free of the situation you feel you are stuck in.
    27:00 Knowledge is not power, integration is power.

    Are you ready to invest in yourself with 1-1 mentorship? Then the 1:1 Telegram 30 days container is perfect for you. Spaces are limited, so follow this link to learn more: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/zT68Vjpg

    P.S. Wondering what a hotel florist is and what the first steps you can take to get started creating consistent income? My free masterclass will get you up to speed and ready to walk through the doors of a hotel in as little as 30 minutes. Watch the class here --> https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I have a bit of a confession, this week’s episode was going to be super “legit” about how to get your foot in the door when working with hotels, but I decided we are not going going to talk about that because there are more important things I want to share with you.

    This episode focuses on the best lessons I have learned by taking a risk and here are some of the things I am sharing with you:

    3:10 You are your best return on investment

    6:50 You have to go first in order to lead the change you want to see in your life

    11:46 Why I cannot ask of others what I have not done myself

    13:07 Realizing that I have never let myself down, so why would I start now?

    16:30 How I honor the seasons in my life without placing meaning on them

    21:56 The moment you look for outside validation, you are outside of your personal power.

    24:00 Why private mentorship is required if you're looking to collapse years into months, months into weeks, and weeks into days

    26:30 Why investing in long-term containers will set you up better for success

    29:00 The harder the moment, the more transformative the outcome

    30:47 The difference between coaching and mentorship

    32:00 Circumstances don’t affect long-term decisions unless you make up a story as to why that’s true for you

    37:30 Where are you feeling unsupported and how can you offer that support to yourself right now?

    39:32 Success doesn't come from crossing t’s and dotting i’s

    When trying to work with a hotel, pitching holiday decor or a holiday floral bar could be one of your best strategies this season! Click the link for 10% off using code THF10 and learn how to pitch, land, and execute extra cash around the holidays: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/pzV2XaQ2

    P.S. Ready to apply what you learned from this episode and take a risk? Watch my free masterclass to help you get started working with hotels: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • A year and a half ago, Arlene transitioned from the fashion world to the floral world, and in the last six months, she’s gone from flower grower to Artist in Residence of a beautiful hotel in Spokane, Washington.

    In this episode, Arlene shares:

    2:15 How she overcame her nerves and pitched herself to the new management of a hotel to be their Artist in Residence

    8:02 How she transitioned from the fashion world to growing flowers and all the pivoting that happened in the past six months

    13:05 Why she believes mentorship is so important for growth and mindset

    18:12 How she’s interlaced both her floral design business and flower farm to create an authentic experience for hotels
    19:32 What her big plans are for the hotel now that she’s their artist in residence

    Use code THF10 for 10% off my How to Pitch an Artist in Residence program: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/aSZT4zHZ

    P.S. Feeling like you want to take your floral business to the next level? Watch my free masterclass on How to Create Consistent Income Without Depending on Weddings to get started. https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I am so excited to introduce Rachelle Kruger of Faire Flowers Mallorca. She is an example of someone tapping into unique revenue streams as a floral designer onboard luxury yachts.

    If you are curious about ways to tap into different segments of the hospitality industry and create unique revenue streams within your floral business, then tune into this episode because Rachelle is sharing how she went from designing on luxury yachts to blooming a floral business.

    3:05 How Rachelle went from working on luxury yachts to becoming a florist for those luxury yachts

    8:20 Her best advice for working as a florist for luxury yachts and creating a lasting partnership

    17:57 How she got into the hotel florist world and what was landing her first hotel contract like

    24:56 What Rachelle believes florists should keep in mind when working with hotels

    26:22 Why undercutting yourself as a florist is not sustainable

    Click the link to join The Hotel Florist™ Network —A community of like-minded floral designers like you building their floral empires one bloom at a time: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/Xz9AbfWR

    P.S. Follow the exact steps that Rachelle took to break into the hotel floral industry, watch my free masterclass to get started today. https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I am excited to share this week’s episode of The Hotel Florist Podcast featuring Michelle Christensen of Lady Flora Designs. One year ago, Michelle went from struggling to sell 10 Thanksgiving arrangements for $75 to landing a holiday install for over $15k. Previously her highest install budget had been only $1700 – sound familiar?

    In this episode, Michelle shares with us the exact steps she took to build her confidence and a business that is aligned with her lifestyle.

    1:42 How a bad business fallout caused Michelle to rethink and restructure her business

    3:31 How applying principles from this podcast helped Michelle gain traction in the Hotel floral world (and the exact things she did to get the ball rolling)

    8:33 The resources that Michelle used to grow her floral business in less than a year

    20:32 The toxic side of the Floral industry and what Michelle does to maintain a healthy mindset and work ethic.

    Use Code THF10 for 10% off the 5k in 5 Days program: https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/wAGhBBaR

    P.S. Watch my masterclass on creating consistent income by working with hotels - this was one of the free resources Michelle used and applied in her business that helped get her to where she is today:

  • After recording what I thought was the last episode of The Hotel Florist Podcast in September of last year, I'm excited to announce that The Hotel Florist Podcast is back for another inspiring season!

    This first episode is about the 10 lessons I learned while taking a pause. It's going to be vulnerable, healing, and full of excitement, love, and gratitude for being able to be here with you

    Use Code THF10 for 10% off the How to Pitch & Execute a Holiday Flower Bar program. https://www.thehotelflorist.co/offers/hjuB46Xg

    1:55 Quote: You don’t have to burn things down to build new things 8: 11 Taking a pause is not the same thing as quitting 11:40 Burnout can look very different throughout your entrepreneurial journey 20:30 Your version of success will look different than those you’ve put on a pedestal 23:35 Healing happens on its own timeline. 24:50 Detaching from the outcome 29:42 Energetics are key 32:30 Being sad doesn’t mean something is wrong 33:50 Ride your anger wave 36:52 You’ve got to walk with the fear

    P.S. Looking to get started? Watch my free masterclass on how you can create consistent income through hotel partnerships. https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I'm so excited to share with you today this last episode of the hotel florist podcast.

    This episode has been the hardest episode to record and I have put off recording this episode for so long, but I believe it's also one of the last things I needed to do before I am no longer 100% fully immersed in the hotel florist.

    So I wanted to leave it as kind of like my closing statement in a way.

    This episode will answer a question that I received on Instagram, which was what is next for the hotel florist.

    4:09 - How I built my business on someone else’s why

    12:39 - How I restructured my business to be able to travel freely and then lost it overnight to Covid

    16:19 - How committing and investing in an online course changed the trajectory of my business

    26:12 - Retiring from the floral industry to…

    32:56 - Time is valuable

    37:42 - Discovering breakthrough





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • In this episode, I am chatting with Arnold Wittkamp the founder of Thursd — a great start-up floriculture platform. At Thursd it is their mission to help people connect, from grower to end-consumer, and help them to decide what to watch, what to follow, and what to buy.

    1:00 Journey of Thursd

    5:07 84 ways a cut flower reaches a flower shop

    12:30 The appreciation for flowers should match their price tag

    15:12 Sustainability in the floral industry

    24:20 One thing he wishes he knew when he first started his floral career

    Where you can find Arnold:










    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • While the general manager or hotel manager probably isn’t going to be stalking your Instagram feed, there’s a really good chance that the sales and PR team will be.

    So this episode is going to help you identify the 5 things you need to focus on to make sure your Instagram is set up to attract hotel clients to you

    1:00 - Focusing on your brand, message, and content pillars

    6:30 - What kinds of things NOT to post and why staying on brand is so important

    8:50 - Take pictures of all your work
    12:03 - How to plan out your captions so that you consistently show up on social media and that attracts and educates your ideal client

    14:50 - Using a scheduling app

    15:40 - Use relevant hashtags





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I am so excited to share with you this episode with my very own bookkeeper. Stephanie is the founder of financial design, which provides outsource bookkeeper, bookkeeping services, controller services, and operational support to growing businesses

    1:14 What made Stephanie go into the bookkeeping business
    7:44 Finding the right bookkeeper for your business
    9:30 How Stephanie does business now with clients
    17:21 Setting goals to grow your business
    19:30 What she wished she knew when she first started her business

    IG: @financialdesignco
    YT: Stephanie Ramirez - Financial Design





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I recently put out a poll on Instagram asking what is your number one question that you have, and this one came through: “How do you manage your business so you can travel freely?”

    I read that question and knew I had to record a podcast episode about this.

    In this episode I am going to be diving in — no frills, no fluff, talking all about how I manage my business so I can travel freely.

    1:06 - Restructuring my floral business

    10:20 - Hiring and building teams, what I look for

    20:13 - How to handle miscommunication

    25:40 - The biggest takeaway





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • I am so excited about this week’s episode with two incredible women that are known as yes exclusive weddings and events, which is a boutique planning agency for events that are focusing on making unforgettable event memories for their customers that lasts a lifetime and specialize in destination weddings and events with offices in Germany, the UAE and South Africa.

    4:07 How 2020 has changed the way they do business
    8:03 Destination events, professionals, trust, and sourcing flowers in Africa
    14:48 Logistics and infrastructure in Africa
    21:46 High professionalism in Africa
    25:15 Unprecedented events and order times
    32: 52 Advice for budgets and wedding planning








    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • In May 2022 The Hotel Florist is going back to Kenya for a flower power safari experience and YOU are invited.

    I am so excited to share with you this episode I recorded with Jay Parmar of Wander Africa.

    Jay is the Owner and Founder of Wander Africa, a luxury safari company based in Black Mountain, North Carolina.

    Jay is also a third-generation Kenyan and a second-generation safari outfitter that specializes in curating and facilitating high-end adventures across Africa.

    1:36 - Wander Safari’s Origin Story

    5:41 - How 2020 changed a lot for the tourism and safari industry in unexpected ways

    11:47 - What are conservation fees and who do they benefit?

    25:28 - The guest experience on safari

    29:30 - Kenya roses

    39:04 - The complete Hotel Florist Flower Safari experience

    @wander_africa (IG)
    /wanderafrica (FB)





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • If you’ve been listening to the podcast a while now, you know that this podcast is a mix of really helpful perspectives from industry leaders and disruptors — and I'm always trying to think of more tools that I can give you that can help you where you are at today in your business.

    Identifying your mindset and limiting beliefs is another tool in your toolkit to be very, very aware of — because believe me, our beliefs feel like facts

    I am going to dedicate this episode with the most love for you and where you're at. And it all started with an email that maybe you can relate to.





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • Best Fronds is an environmentally conscious dried-floral supplier specializing in palms sourced from Arizona & San Diego. Everything they do revolves around sustainability, design & transparency. We chat about sourcing sustainability for florists and supporting other small businesses in the process.

    1:22 Becoming an industry disruptor
    5:44 Sustainability in Business
    8:59 Sourcing dried florals
    13:00 What sparks inspiration
    15:14 Best resource
    19:45 The art of selling





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d

  • In this episode, we are talking all about how Time is Money. We are breaking it down with data exactly what your time is worth, so you can feel more comfortable outsourcing tasks that will free up your time and really help your business grow.

    1:43 Time exercise

    3:20 Crunching the numbers

    4:30 What are you spending your time on

    5:30 Focus on your income-producing tasks





    How to Achieve Consistent Income without Depending on Weddings: https://webinarkit.net/webinar/registration/614280b6d795ba001862250d