
  • On this episode of HR Connect, Lynn Burman and Lucy Chiles discuss company culture. They look at what great culture is and how it is not one size fits all.

    They also talk about how culture is created and embed it within a business. Giving hints and tips along the way. Putting your values on the wall does not mean you now have a culture!

    There are some real-life examples and opinions shared that have been formed from their vast HR experience.

    Both Lynn & Lucy are passionate about their work and this comes across in this podcast.

    Lynn Burman is the Commercial Director at Clover HR. She works with a number of clients supporting them to get the best out of their people and also heads up the Commercial Team. (3) Lynn Burman | LinkedIn.

    Lucy Chiles is a HR Business Partner at Clover HR. Day to day Lucy works with her SME clients to get to the heart of their business and offer commercial pragmatic HR advice. Here is her linked in profile (3) Lucy Chiles | LinkedIn

    Clover HR specialises in providing bespoke HR consultancy services and solutions, to SMEs across the UK. With over 30 HR Business Partners, our team has been carefully chosen to ensure we provide our clients with a complete HR service, wealth of knowledge and sound advice, spanning all areas of HR and the end to end employee lifecycle. Clover HR provides you with not only expertise but with peace of mind, to know your people priorities and challenges are being taken care of. With a partnership focus, collaboration is key at Clover HR. We will match you with a dedicated Consultant who best meets your requirements and ensures a true understanding of your business and your people. We ensure our consultant is as local as possible to provide the most responsive and flexible services as well as offer you remote support 7 days a week (incl. out of hours). We would love the opportunity to support your business. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    You can find out more about Clover HR by visiting our website HR & Business Advice | Leading HR Agency in Birmingham (cloverhr.co.uk) or giving us a call on 0330 175 6601.

  • On this episode of HR Connect, Lynn Burman and Lucy Chiles discuss Hybrid Working.

    They take a really good look at hybrid working and if it is still working for SMEs.

    They give live examples of business that love hybrid working and those who are more opposed to it.

    Advice is also shared on how to get the most from hybrid working and how to support those working at home.

    Lynn Burman is the Commercial Director at Clover HR. She works with a number of clients supporting them to get the best out of their people and also heads up the Commercial Team. (3) Lynn Burman | LinkedIn.

    Lucy Chiles is a HR Business Partner at Clover HR. Day to day Lucy works with her SME clients to get to the heart of their business and offer commercial pragmatic HR advice. Here is her linked in profile (3) Lucy Chiles | LinkedIn

    Clover HR specialises in providing bespoke HR consultancy services and solutions, to SMEs across the UK. With over 30 HR Business Partners, our team has been carefully chosen to ensure we provide our clients with a complete HR service, wealth of knowledge and sound advice, spanning all areas of HR and the end to end employee lifecycle.

    Clover HR provides you with not only expertise but with peace of mind, to know your people priorities and challenges are being taken care of. With a partnership focus, collaboration is key at Clover HR. We will match you with a dedicated Consultant who best meets your requirements and ensures a true understanding of your business and your people.

    We ensure our consultant is as local as possible to provide the most responsive and flexible services as well as offer you remote support 7 days a week (incl. out of hours).

    We would love the opportunity to support your business.

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    You can find out more about Clover HR by visiting our website HR & Business Advice | Leading HR Agency in Birmingham (cloverhr.co.uk) or giving us a call on 0330 175 6601.

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  • On this episode of HR Connect, Lynn Burman and Lucy Chiles discuss sexual harassment in the workplace.

    They discuss what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace and also look at how to support everyone involved.

    This is a serious and sensitive subject discussed in the podcast with compassion and professionalism.

    Lynn Burman is the Commercial Director at Clover HR. She works with a number of clients supporting them to get the best out of their people and also heads up the Commercial Team. (3) Lynn Burman | LinkedIn.

    Lucy Chiles is a HR Business Partner at Clover HR. Day to day Lucy works with her SME clients to get to the heart of their business and offer commercial pragmatic HR advice. Here is her linked in profile (3) Lucy Chiles | LinkedIn

    Clover HR specialises in providing bespoke HR consultancy services and solutions, to SMEs across the UK.

    With over 30 HR Business Partners, our team has been carefully chosen to ensure we provide our clients with a complete HR service, wealth of knowledge and sound advice, spanning all areas of HR and the end to end employee lifecycle.

    Clover HR provides you with not only expertise but with peace of mind, to know your people priorities and challenges are being taken care of. With a partnership focus, collaboration is key at Clover HR. We will match you with a dedicated Consultant who best meets your requirements and ensures a true understanding of your business and your people.

    We ensure our consultant is as local as possible to provide the most responsive and flexible services as well as offer you remote support 7 days a week (incl. out of hours). We would love the opportunity to support your business.

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    You can find out more about Clover HR by visiting our website HR & Business Advice | Leading HR Agency in Birmingham (cloverhr.co.uk) or giving us a call on 0330 175 6601.

  • When suicide happens, it is heart breaking for so many people involved, so we are focussing on what are the warning signs, how to identify the warning signs for suicidal thoughts in employees and how you can help to prevent suicides in your workplace.

    The HR Connection provides Small Business Owners and HR professionals with all the HR information you need for the effective everyday running of your business. We will be sharing useful insights, hints, tips and guidance on all things ‘people’ from onboarding to offboarding and everything in between. Whether you’re out walking the dog or doing the ironing, get what you need to know, straight from us, when you want it.
  • Why is employee happiness important? Put simply employee happiness is the key to attracting and retaining your employees.

    In this episode, we will explain to you the benefits of having an engaged workforce, and provide you with ideas of how to achieve employee happiness in your workplace.

    The HR Connection provides Small Business Owners and HR professionals with all the HR information you need for the effective everyday running of your business. We will be sharing useful insights, hints, tips and guidance on all things ‘people’ from onboarding to offboarding and everything in between. Whether you’re out walking the dog or doing the ironing, get what you need to know, straight from us, when you want it.
  • How to reduce absence rates?

    An absence rate is when employees are absent from work due to illness or an unplanned occurrence- this doesn’t include when they are on holiday or any other paid leave.

    We all know that employees get sick sometimes, or have a situation happen which causes them to be absent from work, some absences are unavoidable, but some absences can be avoided, and these are the absence rates we are trying to reduce.

    During this episode, we will be discussing what you can do to reduce absence rates within your business, from implementing policies and procedures to reward and recognition schemes.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Conflict happens between people or groups of people who feel that another person or group is blocking their needs or not enabling them to express their views in the workplace. The CIPD survey found that the most common causes of conflict are differences in personality styles or working practices.

    Conflict is more likely to happen when people feel they have lost or are losing something whether that is respect, status in the workplace or particularly if they feel their job is under threat.

    In this episode, we are joined by qualified workplace mediator Louise Rance, to explain what workplace conflict is, what the most common causes of conflict in the workplace are and to provide you with the right tools on how to deal with it.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature, that violates someone’s dignity, and makes them feel intimidated, humiliated or degraded.

    Sexual harassment in the workplace is a longstanding issue, which has been rightfully brought to the forefront in recent years. Harassment, including sexual harassment that relates to any protected characteristic is illegal under the 2010 Equality Act. As an employer you must ensure that you are doing all you can within your workplace to prevent sexual harassment from happening.

    In this episode, we will help you to identify sexual harassment within the workplace, teach you how to deal with it, how to support the victims and how to prevent it from happening within your business.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Wellbeing is so much more than just being ‘healthy’, it includes not only physical fitness but mental and social wellbeing too.

    Desk based working can discourage an active lifestyle, and long periods of inactivity can store up a host of potential health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and may contribute to increased rates of mortality.

    A healthy workforce is a productive and happy workforce which can lead to improved morale and engagement and it can decrease sickness absence. As an employer, manager or as a member of your team you can play a part in encouraging employees to be more active at work.

    In this episode, we will be discussing why wellbeing should be a key priority for employers, how you can encourage your employees to be more active and how you can look after your and your employees mental health.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Stress is a state of mental health that affects all of us at some point during our lives, and specifically, during our working life.

    We know that for many of us, work is a primary cause of stress and with many of us spending the majority of our time at work, it is important that our workplaces are mentally healthy and that support is available if needed. If untreated, stress can lead to prolonged periods of employee absence at work, which in effect can have a huge impact on your business, from turnover and productivity to morale and engagement.

    In this episode, we will be discussing the impact that stress has on you as an individual and how you can manage and reduce it as well as spotting the signs of stress amongst your employees.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • You wouldn’t question a First Aider in the workplace to handle physical health issues, so why would handle Mental Health issues differently?

    In 2018/19 work related stress, anxiety or depression accounted for 44% of all work-related ill health, and 54% of all working days lost to ill health.

    This isn’t a new issue, its been prevalent for years but has been heightened by the recent pandemic.

    1 in 5 (21%) of adults experienced some form of depression in early 2021; this is more than double pre- pandemic, so it is more crucial than ever that we understand the importance of supporting the mental health of our people, particularly in the workplace.

    Joined by a qualified Mental Health First Aider, we answer a number of questions to gain an insight and discuss the role of a MHFA as well as the importance of having on within the workplace.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Do you know in England more than 25 million adults regularly drink alcohol? AND that lost productivity due to alcohol use alone costs the UK economy more than £7 billion per year. The issue of Drug and Alcohol misuse at work isn’t a new thing, it has always existed and can affect not only an employee’s health and safety, but also their work performance and conduct.

    From policies to testing, in this episode, we will help you understand, as an employer, what signs to look out for and how to manage a drug and alcohol misuse situation in your workplace.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Education is a crucial step in creating an inviting and inclusive working environment.

    LGBTQ+ is the acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual and queer or questioning with the plus symbol providing inclusivity to all of the communities such as pansexual, asexual and genderfluid.

    In this episode, we will help you understand the correct terminology and definitions, how you can support the LGBTQ+ community within your workforce, create a safe and inclusive workplace and how you as an employer can become an LGBTQ+ ally.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Neurodiversity refers to the different ways the brain can work and interpret information.

    Following on from our last episode, introducing Inclusion and Diversity and its importance, this episode focuses on Autism and Neurodiversity within the workplace.

    Understand what Neurodiversity is, what is means for those in your organisation and what you, as an employer can do to provide help and support to your neurodiverse employees

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • We are joined by Michael Doolin, the ambassador for inclusion at the IoD. Michael shares his real life experience of inclusion and diversity throughout his career.

    Wondering what Inclusion and Diversity really means and how it affects you as an Employer?

    We provide a detailed insight into what Inclusion and Diversity is, the benefits of being an Inclusive Employer and how you can achieve this!

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • The people you hire are invaluable to the success of your business so as an employer you want to attract the right person for the role you are recruiting for.

    Understand the recruitment process, what you need to consider in the preparation and planning of recruiting and what to do once you have found your candidate!

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • For the vast majority, the COVID-19 Pandemic completely changed the way we work, forcing many businesses to operate completely remotely.

    With the easing of restrictions allowing us to gradually return to a level of normality, will we ever fully return to the workplace?

    Understand what Hybrid Workplaces are, how they can benefit you as an employer and employee as well as tips on how to implement hybrid working in your organisation.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • Recent research shows that one in five people have had to take time off work due to domestic abuse.

    As an employer, it is essential that you are aware and understand how you can provide support to your employees, their workplace could be their lifeline, giving them the chance to seek help and support away from their abuser.

    Understand how you can recognise the signs of domestic abuse, how you can offer support and how to react if an employee confides in you about being a victim.

    For more interesting and useful resources, follow us on social media:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clover-hr

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cloverhr/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CloverHR1

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CloverHRServices

    Or visit our website: www.cloverhr.co.uk

  • The HR Connection provides Small Business Owners and HR professionals with all the HR information you need for the effective everyday running of your business. We will be sharing useful insights, hints, tips and guidance on all things ‘people’ from onboarding to offboarding and everything in between. Whether you’re out walking the dog or doing the ironing, get what you need to know, straight from us, when you want it.