
  • This podcast was released on July 9th, 2021 at 9:16 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly new.

    Video: https://youtu.be/5MJvXdPhaJA

    https://hurdygurdycafe.com/ The Hurdy Gurdy Cafe Season 2 Episode 10 Podcast Season Finale

    Wolfgang Weichselbaumer Featured Music1. Uzh Kak Po Mostu, Mostochiku. Hurdy-Gurdy Solo - Andrey Vinogradov2. Germán Díaz - Nimboestrato3. Valentin Clastrier, Et la Roue de la Vie by Duo Clastrier-Kamperman (PAN 2015)4. F. J. Haydn - Concerto for 2 lire organizzate in C [Hob.VII h:1]5. Tobie Miller, Matthias Loibner and Thierry NouatWhen, why and how did Wolfgang start building hurdy gurdies?What was the first instrument Wolfgang built?Where did Wolfgang’s instrument’s sound come from?Did Wolfgang study anything before building instruments?How did people react to the sound the sound of Wolfgang’s first instruments?Did Wolfgang know he was going to have the impact he has on the instrument?What hurdy gurdy related inventions is Wolfgang responsible for?What is the material of Wolfgang’s synthetic wheel?Are instruments by Wolfgang Weichselbaumer good for beginners?What is the most difficult aspect of building a hurdy gurdy?How did Valentin Clastrier feel about Wolfgang’s instruments?What hobbies does Wolfgang have?What is the relationship of the player to the instrument?Does Wolfgang have hurdy gurdy apprentices?How many instruments has Wolfgang built over the years?Does the number of strings on a hurdy gurdy effect the sound?Do 3 strings on the hurdy gurdy give the perfect sound?What musicians or luthiers inspires Wolfgang?

  • This podcast was released on June 24th, 2021 at 2:40 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video: https://youtu.be/mMFIjgQ6uwA

    Questions we likely asked Anna:

    What is it likely getting lessons with Efren Lopez?

    How did Anna Murphy discover the hurdy gurdy?

    Does Anna Murphy enjoy being on stage?

    What was the best/worst moments playing live?

    When do mechanics work in Belgium?

    Which hurdy gurdies does Anna Murphy play?

    Is superglue good for a hurdy gurdy?

    What does opera have to do with Anna’s music?

    What are Anna’s hobbies?

    What are some tips on recording a hurdy gurdy?

    Featured Music

    [EAR] Efrén López / Adrián Perales / Raül Bonell. BaiduskaHurdy Gurdy - Tok jönsCELLAR DARLING - DANCE (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • This podcast was released on June 10th, 2021 at 6:50 AM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly new (and there is an eclipse). (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video: https://youtu.be/fWzMQ62o4fE

    Ruben Monteiro Featured Music

    Albaluna | Palimpsestus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHVq...

    KUKERI | Starceska Râčenica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yytOM...

    Ruben Monteiro | Lauranitza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAHzD...


    How did Vikings influence Ruben’s playing?

    Can you play heavy metal on a bouzouki?

    What does Fate have to do with Sergio and Ruben?

    Who is the Hurdy Gurdy Geek?

    How important is the brother and sisterhood of the Hurdy Gurdy?

    What are the best guitar pedals for hurdy gurdy?

    How does a Wah Pedal work on the hurdy gurdy?

    What is the best phaser for a hurdy gurdy?

    What is the best boost pedal for the hurdy gurdy?

    Should you use a vocal processor on a hurdy gurdy?

    What is the best octaver for a hurdy gurdy?

    Is it hard to play with another hurdy gurdy player?

  • This podcast was released on May 25th, 2021 at 7:14 AM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video: https://youtu.be/_wRHriAYWzM

    German Diaz

    Featured Music

    Valentin Clastrier - Comme Dans un Train pour une EtoileMatthias Loibner – Mooreiche | Po prostu… Filharmonia!Romance De Don Gaiferos · Faustino Santalices

    El suéter de Claudia. Germán Díaz.


    How did Sergio and German meet?

    What was the inspiration from Método Cardiofónico?

    When did German start playing Hurdy Gurdy?

    Do you remember the first time you heard the Hurdy Gurdy?

    Why is Galicia so important for the hurdy gurdy?

    Where can you go to make a hurdy gurdy?

    What hobbies does German Diaz?

    Who are German Diaz favorite players?

    What about children learning the hurdy gurdy?

    What was German Diaz’s favorite project to participate in?

    How are robots and hurdy gurdies related?

    What is advice for people just starting the hurdy gurdy?

    Who was Faustino Santalices?

  • This podcast was released at May 11th, 2021 at 2:59 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly new. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video: https://youtu.be/4Jbus5i6Ys4

    Tobie Miller

    One of the only hurdy gurdy players to come to the instrument through early music, she is recognized as a virtuoso of the baroque hurdy gurdy, and performs in various formations, including in duo with the Austrian hurdy gurdy player, Matthias Loibner, as well as with well- known conductors such as Jordi Savall, Christophe Coin, and Wieland Kuijken.

    Featured Music –

    La dupuits: Première partie (Prélude) Ensemble Danguy (Don Gee) · Tobie Miller

    Le Printems ou Les Saisons amusantes, Op. 8: III. La Moisson (Allegro) · Ensemble Danguy · Tobie Miller

    Redstorm – Gregory Jolivet

    Violin Partita No. 3 in E Major, BWV 1006: III. Gavotte en Rondeau – Tobie Miller

    Questions we likely asked Tobie Miller:

    How did you discover the Hurdy Gurdy?

    Why is it important to start in the French Classical style on the gurdy?

    Tell us about your projects. What kind of music projects are you engaged in for those who don't know.

    Did the goddess Isys invent the hurdy gurdy?

    What kinds of gurdys do you play?

    Can we get funding for studying “Your brain on the Hurdy Gurdy”?

    How does one go about learning and playing "early music" as you do?

    What are some good historical methods of learning and playing the hurdy gurdy?

    What was your favorite project you've been involved in and why?

    Who are your top 3-5 players that you admire and that inspire you?

    How can a metronome make us happier and healthier?

    Which early music instruments were too provocative for women to play?

    If someone wants to play and get that same sound like you, how would you advise they do it?

  • This podcast was released at April 26th, 2021 at 11:31 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly Full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video – https://youtu.be/AUflwMHl6jE

    Claire Dugue on Hurdy Gurdy Building and Exoskeletons – HGCS2E5

    Featured Music

    “Folhas Cintilantes” from Matthias Loibner

    “Ouvrez la Porte “ F.Paris & G.Chabenat

    “Longa Farhafsa” played by German Diaz and Pascal Lefeuvre.

    Topics Covered

    How did you first learn about Hurdy Gurdy?

    How did you learn to build Hurdy Gurdies?

    What made you decided to start building?

    How long have you been building?

    How do you approach building?

    Were you inspired by any particular builders?

    Do all the hurdy gurdy makers in the UK hang out?

    Who needs more trompettes?

    What model hurdy gurdy does Claire Dugue offer?

    What’s the deal with the exoskeleton on the Gurdies?

    What special electronics can go into a Dugue Hurdy Gurdy?

    What’s the best part of being a Hurdy Gurdy builder?

    What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn to build a hurdy gurdy?

    What was the hardest part about learning to build a hurdy gurdy?

    What are some general maintenance tips and strategies you recommend for keeping gurdies sounding good.

    What machinery is needed to build a good hurdy gurdy?

    What is the best kind of luthier to take your hurdy gurdy to for repairs, if you don’t have access to a hurdy gurdy luthier?

    How much does humidity effect a hurdy gurdy?

    For more information about Claire’s work please visit:


  • This podcast was released at April 11th, 2021 at 10:30 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly New. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video - https://youtu.be/Afe-9xQ0aNk

    Hurdy Gurdy Café Season 2 Episode 4 - NotesBrian McCoyFeatured Music – #1 – Tears No More – Matthias Loibner #2 – Cosmic Drone -- Califat #3 – Seaphone - Little Boy also

    1) What’s the source of Brian McCoy’s right hand trompette skill?2) Are Altarwind Hurdy Gurdy’s scary?3) What is a good beginner’s hurdy gurdy?4) What is hurdy gurdy shaming? 19:14 Sergio video5) Is a Gallopin Gurdy salvageable?6) How do hurdy gurdies and Legos relate?7) What does a Gallopin Gurdy sound like with reverb, phaser, bass boost and a compressor (not in that order)?8) What is the importance of setting up your hurdy gurdy well?9) Can you use too many effects on the Hurdy Gurdy?10) Are guitar pedals better than computer processing for a hurdy gurdy?11) What is hurdy gurdy tapping?12) What are the best pickups or amplification devices on a hurdy gurdy to use guitar pedals or other effects?13) How do you shape and contour the sounds that come out of your gurdy?14) How does developing muscle memory impact one’s ability to play the hurdy gurdy?15) How does meditation and anger impact one’s ability to trompette well?16) What secrets are there to practicing the trompette?17) How do drums relate to the trompet/chien?18) How does wheel size affect playing the hurdy gurdy?

    Thanks again Sergio, for being with us.


  • This podcast was released at March 28th, 2021 at 2:48 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly Full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video - https://youtu.be/1uarWahEwtc

    Featured Music –

    Le Viellieux – Trigo Migo

    Germán Díaz - La topolino amaranto

    Sonate VI: Allegro en rondeau · Ensemble Danguy · Tobie Miller

    Tell us about baroque hurdy gurdies.What instruments have been converted to hurdy gurdies in the olden days?What are the oldest playable hurdy gurdies?What are the hurdy gurdies of the 18th century like?In what century were the best Hurdy Gurdies built?What do ice ages have to do with hurdy gurdies?Guitar shaped or a lute back hurdy gurdy?When were hurdy gurdy capos invented?What is required to restore an ancient hurdy gurdy?How many hurdy gurdies is too many hurdy gurdies?What is a good schedule for maintaining a hurdy gurdy?What are ways to determine the age of an ancient hurdy gurdy?How often should strings be changed on a hurdy gurdy?What can cause problems related to hurdy gurdy intonation?What about 19th century hurdy gurdies?When should a hurdy gurdy be destroyed?How does one distress or relic a hurdy gurdy?What is the best way to learn Baroque hurdy gurdy?What are good Sonatas to learn on the hurdy gurdy?

    Thanks again Sergio, for being with us.


  • Johannes Geworkian Hellman

    Video: https://youtu.be/59ALng3HBvY

    (Audio player is below the text.)

    Featured Music: Symbio – 100 Years of Joy and Sorrow

    How does Symbio approach composing music?

    What’s the difference between modal or tonal music?

    Where did Johannes’ musical journey start?

    Is Symbio “Easy Listening” Hurdy Gurdy Music?

    Featured Music: A Song for Valentin- Live – Johannes Geworkian Hellman

    Is Valentin easy listening?

    How did Valentin Clastrier’s hurdy gurdy playing influence Johannes?

    Who are Johannes primary hurdy gurdy influences?

    What kind of instruments does Johannes play and what are the differences?

    What’s the scene like with Symbio?

    Is there new music on the way?

    When will we hear a Rush hurdy gurdy cover?

    Featured Music: Hive - David Lombardi, Johannes Geworkian Hellman, Tad Sargent

    Any advice for beginning players?

    What are the disadvantages of the hurdy gurdy?

    Are there any insights on recording the hurdy gurdy properly?

    Featured Music: Symbio "Rising" Live at Manifestgalan, Stockholm - Hurdy-gurdy & accordion

    Special thanks to Sergio! Always a pleasure. https://www.zanfoneando.com/hurdy-gurdy-online-lessons/

  • This podcast was released at February 27th, 2021 at 3:00 AM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly Full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)Our guest today is Efren Lopez.

    Video- https://youtu.be/oz7yMlm4SIM

    Hurdy Gurdy Cafe Season 2 Episode 1

    Efren Lopez

    Featured Music: Can Vei La Lauzeta Mover · Els Trobadors

    1) How was Efren Lopez introduced to the Hurdy Gurdy?

    2) Where and when did the sound of early music develop?

    3) How does Efren Lopez feel when he plays music?

    4) How does the Queen of Spain feel about Efren’s music?

    5) How powerful is the Hurdy Gurdy?

    6) What was Efren Lopez’s first hurdy gurdy?

    7) How does Efren Lopez approach recording with the Hurdy Gurdy?

    8) What do fretless double neck guitars and E-bows have in common?

    Featured Music: Black Os – Tiennet – Patrick Bouffard

    9) Who influenced Efren Lopez the most?

    10) What are Efren Lopez’s favorite instruments?

    11) What is a fretted hurdy gurdy?

    12) Is there a fretted nerdy gurdy hurdy gurdy?

    13) What is Efren’s favorite hurdy gurdy tuning?

    14) What is Efren’s advice to beginning to play the hurdy gurdy?

    15) What was Efren’s experience with the Queen of Spain?

    Featured Music: Hedningarna – Polska efter Olof Tillman

    Special thanks to Sergio Gonzalez (https://www.zanfoneando.com/) and Efren Lopez (https://www.efrenlopez.net/instruments/).

  • This podcast was released at November 30, 2020 at 4:30 AM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly Full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)Our guest today is Nigel Eaton.

    Video- https://youtu.be/4CuL6YnSJI4

    Featured Music – by Nigel -1986 Synth Pop Experimentation Devil DanceKate at the Gate from the Album Panic at the CaféThe Duelists Track #3 from the Album the DuelistsLaride – from the 1995 VH1 InterviewTOPICS INCLUDE:1. How does one recover a stolen Hurdy Gurdy?2. How does the double keyboard work on a Hurdy Gurdy?3. How did you get so good? 4. How old were you when you started playing?5. Were you self taught?6. Did Nigel Eaton build his first Hurdy Gurdy?7. And you started playing because your dad got tired from his job?8. What projects were you involved in up until 1994? 9. How did you get the gig playing hurdy gurdy with Page and Plant on Unledded?10. Were you given free range in composing your parts for Unledded? How did you approach that?11. How did it effect your career?12. What project or work are you most proud of? 13. Who were your most influential hurdy gurdy players growing up?14. (From Scott Marshall) As a God of Hurdy Gurdy and the son of a legendary luthier, how do you see the current scene?15. Any advice for new players?16. Anything you’d like to see happen for the hurdy gurdy players and music of the future? Anything you’d like to see go differently?

  • This podcast was released at November 15, 2020 at 12:07 AM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly New. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Our guest today is Pablo Urssuson.

    The video of today’s podcast-

    Featured Music –

    -SANGRE DE MUERDAGO – Heavy Mental (Live Session 2019)

    -Sangre de Muerdago – Lonxania – Lonshania – Track 5

    -Skamgreppet · Hedningarna (band)

    Topics Include:

    What kind of music does Sangre De Muerdago and Pablo play?

    Do you need to know how to read and write music to compose good music?

    How did Pablo Ursusson begin playing the Hurdy Gurdy? Punk?

    How is Punk music related to the folk tradition?

    Is it OK if your first Hurdy Gurdy doesn’t have a trompette?

    How long has Pablo been playing the Hurdy Gurdy?

    Is it good to sacrifice technicality for musicality?

    Is it better to be self-taught on the Hurdy Gurdy?

    How important is the coup? Should be we glorify it?

    When are you going to use coup de 12?

    When does Sangre de Muerdago’s new album come out?

    What does the Adam’s Family Theme song have to do with the Hurdy Gurdy?

    What is the best way to approach Hurdy Gurdy as a beginner?

    Can you learn how to play the Hurdy Gurdy without maintaining it?

    How important is the right hand, trompette technique, to playing the Hurdy Gurdy well?

    How important is it to tap your foot while playing the Hurdy Gurdy?

    How important is it to start just being creative with the Hurdy Gurdy, even before you really know how to play?

    Is it better to learn from sheet music or by ear training?

    Special Thanks to Pablo of Sangre de Muerdago for being with us today. https://www.sangredemuerdago.com/

    And Special Thanks to Sergio Gonzalez for bringing it all together. https://www.zanfoneando.com/

  • This podcast was released at October 31, 2020 at 10:49 AM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly Full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Our guest today is Steve Tyler.

    The video of today’s podcast- https://youtu.be/va8A4Z5Votw

    Topics Include:

    Featured Music -Steve Tyler - The Second Law - From The Enduring and the Ephemeral - https://stevetyler.bandcamp.com/album/the-enduring-and-the-ephemeral

    How did Steve Tyler discover the Hurdy Gurdy?What was it like participating in the Mideaval Historic Music World?How does one get better at playing the Hurdy Gurdy?Are the Early Music Workshop Kits good?Is Steve Tyler self-taught on the Hurdy Gurdy?How's a Chris Eaton Hurdy Gurdy?What is the Chris Eaton Double Keyboard?Should we start practicing the trompette from the beginning?How does muscle memory effect the ability to use the trompette?

    Who are Steve Tyler’s top three Hurdy Gurdy influences?

    Featured MusicPandero – L’Ham de Foc --

    Is there another Steve Tyler in an alternate universe playing in a rock band?What are the Daughter’s of Elven?

    What was the process of recording the Enduring and the Ephemeral?

    Featured Music –Tethys – From the Enduring and the Ephemeral


  • This podcast was released at October 16, 2020 at 3:30 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly new. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Our guest today is Scott Gayman.

    The video of today's podcast- https://youtu.be/phgeNCzWCTk

    Topics Include:

    Where Can I Play a Hurdy Gurdy in the United States?

    Featured Music –

    Tarif de Nuit - Famous Wolf


    What are the origins of the Hurdy Gurdy in relationship to France?

    How old is the Hurdy Gurdy?

    What’s up with Hurdy Gurdies in the United States?

    Who is Mary Vanhoozer?https://www.maryvanhoozer.com/

    Featured Music -

    Tend'm - Indiférrence


    What is the history of the yearly Hurdy Gurdy gathering in Indiana?

    Will we finally have a good Hurdy Gurdy builder in the United States? Could Michael Opp be that premier Hurdy Gurdy of the USA?

    How can you find the Hurdy Gurdy sound that fits you?

    Will Hurdy Gurdies catch on with bands in the United States?

    What is the Hurdy Gurdy Association and what can I learn from it?

    Where can I get a Hurdy Gurdy for $300.00?

    What is a “Closet Hurdy Gurdy Player”?

    How do I pick a Hurdy Gurdy with good resale value?

    What does the Devil have to do with the Hurdy Gurdy?

    Featured Music –

    Patrick Bouffard and Gilles Chabenat play "Vouvray" for Zona da Zanfona, an International festival around the hurdy gurdy in Rianxo.


  • This podcast was released at October 1st, 2020 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Our guest today is Michalina Malisz of Eluveitie.

    The video of today's podcast- https://youtu.be/nC0nKGdxlu8

    Featured Music -Etienne Pinoteau - "Palet" - https://youtu.be/d9kr8vJiPdc

    -How did Michalina Malisz get started on the Hurdy Gurdy?-How did Michalina come to join Eluveitie?-How do you develop a "Rock and Roll" persona?-What was the recording process with Eluveitie like?-Let's talk about MM's Aplo and Saphona Hurdy Gurdies.-What was Scott Marshall's role in developing the Aplo Hurdy Gurdy?-Do Elves make the hurdy gurdy instruments for Ancestore?-What's it like getting Hurdy Gurdy lessons with Sergio Gonzalez? https://www.zanfoneando.com/hurdy-gurdy-online-lessons/-How sturdy and sensitive is the Aplo hurdy gurdy to temperature and weather?

    Featured Music -Thierry Nout - LARGO sound impression -https://youtu.be/u3JMj2GtdHs

    -How did Michalina get started on YouTube?-What are the top 10 Iconic Guitar Riffs on Hurdy Gurdy?-How do you make the hurdy gurdy your own?-How do you get really good at playing the Hurdy Gurdy?-What is Michalina's biggest challenge on the Hurdy Gurdy?-What are Michalina's plans for a solo project?-Who are Michalina Malisz's most influential Hurdy Gurdy players?

    Featured Music-Konstanze Kulinsky - VIVACE - https://youtu.be/JEhLlcYFS6I

  • This podcast was released at Sept. 17, 2020 at 7:00 am Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly new. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video - https://youtu.be/QPILT5wmgOg

    Introducing Sam Riffle, moderator of the Hurdy Gurdy Community on Facebook. If you really want to make a good decision about buying and playing the Hurdy Gurdy, join this group first. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2038441566425103/2154206864848572/)

    Featured MusicMike Smith – Tea in the Morning – https://www.youtube.com/user/gurdymike/videosBube Dame König – Heideförsterlied – https://www.youtube.com/c/neuevolkslieder/videosZirp – La Toupie https://www.facebook.com/zirpmusic/

    Sam’s background-Mittelalterrock (medieval rock) scene in Germany – bands like Subway to Sally, In Extremo, Schandmaul-Pagan metal bands (Arkona, Eluveitie) -Sam’s hurdy-gurdy teachers – Silke Reichmann de Salas (daugher of Frankfurt-based luthier Kurt Reichmann), Simon Wascher (Austria)-Renting a hurdy gurdy-Repetitive stress injuries (don’t play for 8 hours a day!)-Eluveitie forum, forum meetup, meeting Anna Murphy -Advice on buying a gurdy from Anna Murphy, Stephan Groth, Alexis Vacher-Helpful hurdy-gurdy players

    -Visit to LSC in 2012 – Gotschy (Alexandra Betz), Neil Brook, Sebastian Hilsmann-Beginner instruments, how many melody strings, pressure on the fingers-Swapping out melody strings, experimenting

    -Mike Smith – YouTube tune collection, good player, good gurdies, paintings

    Hurdy Gurdy Community – origins, documentation, limitations-The hurdy gurdy & patience-Situation in the US-HCG website in the works – articles, FAQs, profiles/info from experts, make info public and visible-Spanish podcast?

    Hurdy gurdy & metal-Eluveitie & Anna Murphy, Cellar Darling-Apocalypse Orchestra-Corvus Corax & medieval rock-Sangre de Muerdago & Antlers-Afsky – Danish black metal with hurdy gurdy track-Shredding on the gurdy, why a fully-loaded gurdy might make sense-Michalina’s tutorials for the latest Eluveitie tracks-Lack of dynamics in most metal bands using gurdy – lost in the mix-Build metal around a gurdy, don’t just add gurdy

    Zirp, Liederlicher Unfug – Stephan Groth5-4-O Video (new track): https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=253636805535079

  • This podcast was released at Sept. 2, 2020 at 1:22 am Eastern Time Zone, as the Moon is perfectly full. (For show notes and podcast audio, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video -https://youtu.be/sRgW4QhiKyY

    Introducing Sanne van Gend from the Netherlands…The T-Rex Hand and top 6 Ways to Wear Your Hurdy Gurdy – HGC Podcast S1E4

    Sanne’s Dutch tune project is called Holland Historie –https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkLdnNzHrCzCg7x_oK3BeXA

    Featured Music…Sint Tuenis Poort (Saint Tuenis Gate) – Dutch folk on hurdy gurdy – Performed by Sanne van GendHet viel eens hemels douwe (The holy ghost once descended)– Dutch folk on hurdy gurdy – performed by Sanne van Gend and Jimi HellingaCORRETTE // La Furstemberg by Ensemble Danguy / Tobie Miller

    What did we talk about on this Hurdy Gurdy Cafe Podcast?What’s a good hurdy gurdy festival?http://www.lesoncontinu.fr/Where can you rent a hurdy gurdy?http://www.hurdygurdy.org/Are there Viking Hurdy Gurdies?Does anyone in the United States play the Hurdy Gurdy? Maybe check theHurdy Gurdy census… https://www.zanfoneando.com/hurdy-gurdy-census/Is the hurdy gurdy music in Black Sails authentic?Can adventurers really carry a hurdy gurdy in Dungeons and Dragons games?What is a good posture for playing the Hurdy Gurdy?What is a T-Rex hand?Is playing the hurdy gurdy with poor posture as bad as falling down stairs?Is it normal to feel tension when playing the hurdy gurdy?Align your hurdy gurdy with your knob.How can you learn the hurdy gurdy faster?What are good tips for learning the trompette?

  • This podcast was released at 10:42 PM Eastern Time Zone, on August 18th, as the Moon is perfectly new. (For show notes, scroll down, down, down…)

    Video - https://youtu.be/11od7zyRrzk

    Featured MusicScott Marshall- Woodhenge from Gurdy Mania II - https://www.facebook.com/gurdymaniaSteve Tyler - Chronophage - https://stevetyler.bandcamp.com/releasesSymbio - Playing 'Les Fil' - by Gilles Chabenat

    The Evolution of the Hurdy Gurdy from traditional to Modern - with examples from Sam Palmer, Wolfgang Weischelbaumer and MM Instruments (Ancestore)

    Lets look a Samuel Palmer hurdy gurdy.Do you need a tool to tune an older hurdy gurdy?What is a luteback hurdy hurdy?Are traditional wooden tangents better than metal tangents?Is it better to have a solid wood wheel on your hurdy gurdy?Are there capos on traditional hurdy gurdies?Where is the best place to record hurdy gurdies? Jon Loomes - Talking Cat Studios…http://www.talkingcat.co.uk/How do pedals work with a hurdy gurdy?What is a modern hurdy gurdy like?Who invented metal tangents for the hurdy gurdy?Let's Look at a Wolfgang Weichselbaumer hurdy gurdy.https://www.facebook.com/wolfgang.weichselbaumer.7How do sympathetic strings sound when amplified on the hurdy gurdy?What is a drop wheel on the hurdy gurdy?What is a good introductory instrument for the money, that is modern?What is Scott's YouTube page? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAOK3cUv3K2pRSIhkt0OsbgWhat is the Aplo hurdy gurdy by Ancestore?Are longer scale length hurdy gurdies better than a short scale?Should I have other friends than hurdy gurdy players?Are hurdy gurdies good for codependant people?Is gurdy mania a medical condition or not?Where can I buy Gurdymania? https://www.facebook.com/gurdymania

  • This podcast was released at 11:59 AM Eastern Time Zone, on August 3rd, as the Moon is perfectly full. (For show notes, scroll down, down, down…)


    The Hurdy Gurdy Cafe Podcast Season 1 Episode 2- Show Notes

    What the Crank?

    How to think of “weird” time signatures: 11/8, 7/8, 3/8, 9/8?

    What is a Kopanitsa?

    What are the signs a hurdy gurdy is poorly constructed? (So I know what to beware of.)

    Efren Lopez’s band is called L’ham de foc.

    How important is the wheel in the hurdy gurdy?

    Should the wheel be small?

    What if my hurdy gurdy has a poor finish?

    What is the difference between a modern style versus classic Hurdy Gurdy?

    What’s the benefit of adjustable bridges, different kinds of tangents, friction pegs, etc?

    Are capos necessary on the Hurdy Gurdy?

    How many add-ons or extras do I need on my Hurdy Gurdy? How many capos or melody strings do I need?

    What should I carry in my Hurdy Gurdy kit?

    Featured Music

    Efren Lopez – Kopanitsa

    Neil Brook – Drops of Brandy/Fox Hunter’s – from the album Rambles in the Park

    Michalina Malisz – Morrison’s Jig

    Learning to Play the Hurdy Gurdy

    What is a slip jig?

    What’s the best approach to learning the Hurdy Gurdy?

    How do you find an up to date book or hurdy gurdy method that is not outdated?

    How important are lessons when learning the Hurdy Gurdy?

    What can I do to prepare for playing a hurdy gurdy while I’m waiting for one to be built?

    Thanks again Sergio... https://www.zanfoneando.com/hurdy-gurdy-online-lessons/

  • Welcome to the Hurdy Gurdy Cafe. This is our very first podcast! In this episode I speak with Sergio Gonzalez about the Hurdy Gurdy, what it's all about, where to find one, and how to buy a hurdy gurdy.

    If you'd like to watch the video, follow this link: https://youtu.be/QY0zYPC_Uic

    The Hurdy Gurdy Cafe Podcast Season 1 Episode 1- Show Notes

    What does Sergio Gonzalez have to say about:What is the Hurdy Gurdy all about? (Where’s the air?)What is the Organistrum?A very brief history of the Hurdy Gurdy.What is Avant Garde Hurdy Gurdy?What’s going on with “Coil – La Loco, Paris, France (2004-05-23)”?Who is Marc Egea?Who is Efren Lopez?https://www.efrenlopez.net/me/What does Jimmy Page have to do with the hurdy gurdy?Does Nigel Eaton like being considered a rock star?Why is the hurdy gurdy gaining so much popularity?What is “Easy Listening Gurdy”?What is the Cretan Lyra?

    Featured Music –

    Tobie Miller – Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, track #8 from the Bach Solo Album

    Nigel Eaton – Three Sharks, Track #7 from the Pandaemonium AlbumWith Andy Cutting, Paul James, Mark Davies, Julie Murphy, and Becky Price

    Cliff Stapleton – The Almond and the Olive – From the Bath Folk Festival in 2011.

    Questions Answered –

    What is the best approach to learning the Hurdy Gurdy?How do you make the most out of a mid to low range hurdy gurdy instrument?What is an HGSO? (It’s not a hurdy gurdy.)What is a Nerdy Gurdy? – http://www.nerdygurdy.nl/How about Gordiy Starukh or Robert Mandel as Hurdy Gurdy builders?https://robertmandel.at/shop/https://www.facebook.com/hordijgurdy/Do hurdy gurdy’s use air to make sounds, or is that just a lyra organizzata?How does the hurdy gurdy actually make sounds?Is a Hurdy Gurdy and a wheel fiddle the same thing?What is an Infinite Violin Bow?!?!Why doesn’t my hurdy gurdy sound very good?What should one expect when ordering or buying a new hurdy gurdy?What should I know about Marco Gammara or ELZ Guitars?https://www.facebook.com/people/Marco-Gamarra-Luthier/100010112567629


    Thanks for being with us Sergio Gonzalez. Learn more about what Sergio is up to at:https://www.zanfoneando.com/hurdy-gurdy-online-lessons/