In this inspiring episode of the Inspire Health Podcast, Jen has APRN and midwife, Grace Gilroy on to share her transformational journey from chronic illness to healing. After being diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus, she found relief through holistic care, diet, and modalities like pelvic floor therapy and energy healing. Grace’s story is proof that your body can heal and that you should always keep searching for a solution.
Time Stamps:
00:00 - Introduction
07:15 -The emotional and physical challenges of living with LS.
22:06 - How Grace embraced a holistic approach and shifted her mindset toward healing.
28:00 - Understanding how stress impacts our bodies and why managing it is essential for healing.
34:05 - Navigating relationships and intimacy while living with health challenges.
45:00 - How understanding your body and health can empower you to take control of your healing.
Connect with Jen:
BOOK WITH GRACE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/holistic-womens-health-services-kansas-city
SHOP JOOV REDLIGHT:: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
use code YOURBODYCANHEAL for a discount! https://lddy.no/1g4bu
JEN’S APOTHECARY: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/inspire-products JEN’S COURSES: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/coursesFREE HORMONE HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/be8ab6b193
FREE MEALS TO HEAL RECIPE BOOK: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c5c22528df
FREE PET HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.kit.com/ac15434fcf?utm_source=convertkit&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=%F0%9F%8E%A7%20How%20to%20help%20your%20pet%20heal%20holistically%20%F0%9F%90%B1%20%F0%9F%90%B6%20%20%20-%2016578483
FREE GUT CLEANSE GUIDE: https://www.middaypigeon.com/complete-blog/gut-cleanse-guide-tips
FREE HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE MASTERCLASS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/autoimmunedoctor
FREE ONE DAY DETOX GUIDE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
She will need to supplement with this very thing to..
Control her inflammation levelsEase her anxietyHelp her get pregnant, stay pregnant, or recover after pregnancyRegulate her cyclesHelp her sleep soundlyReduce her cravingsLower her cortisol levelsAnd keep her breasts free of disease!EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN HER LIFETIME WILL NEED TO SUPPORT HER PROGESTERONE LEVELS.
In this episode we dive deep into all things progesterone: what your levels should be, what forms to take, when or when not to start taking it, what are the costs, and what should you be looking out for?!!
Show notes:
Full Out with Samantha Harvey - The Hormone Hero Progesterone: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7jrOqcvss76bWlewZZtaQh?si=AuAIU67jT9m70zl7eOZcBw
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
RETREATS/EVENTS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
Book a FREE discovery call:
Connect with Dr. Jen on instagram:
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
FREE Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.kit.com/ff2cd2a562
BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/blue-light-blockers
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Missing episodes?
Holistic healthcare is no longer just for humans.
As we’ve been awakening to our own vitality + healing potential..
I can assure you that your four legged friend not only would benefit from a few gentle shifts in their life- BUT DESPERATELY NEEDS you to take an honest look at their food, lifestyle, healing methods, and even hormones!
In this week’s episode I share all my veterinarian approved holistic pet help + gift you all my methods in a free PET HEALING GUIDE!
Dive into the podcast for the general overview then download your guide to begin digging into details that will delight your pet’s health + vitality FUREVER!
Show notes:
Pet Healing Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ac15434fcf
RETREATS/EVENTS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
Book a FREE discovery call:
Connect with Dr. Jen on instagram:
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
FREE Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.kit.com/ff2cd2a562
BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/blue-light-blockers
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Real talk- this week’s episode is a little vulnerable and at the same time I’m so excited to share it with you!!
Everyone has been asking what I’m doing recently for my health/body/vibe/glow- I feel it too and I want this TRANSFORMATION for everyone…
In this episode, I tell you what's working for me and hundreds of our clients here at Inspire Health..
There are medical secrets out there certain powers at play keep you from knowing about…until this episode.
Not long ago I decided to go all in on my physical vessel.
I was honestly like “okay before we start trying for a baby I want to reclaim my body and help her be everything I have ever dreamed”...
Not just living symptom free but feeling absolutely freaking amazing…
I wanted a body I felt like showing off, showing up with, to feel amazing in, and a body that honestly blows my mind every single day.
Then I got it…
So what am I doing for the recent glow up?? Let me spell it all out to you here. I'm holding nothing back!
Show notes:
Book a FREE discovery call:
Connect with Dr. Jen on instagram:
RETREATS/EVENTS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
FREE Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.kit.com/ff2cd2a562
BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/blue-light-blockers
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Have you considered THIS one thing on your fertility journey..
We already know the female body needs the nutrition, supplements, plentiful progesterone for egg health, and juicy estrogens for the uterine lining to catch the fertilized egg…
Yet soo many couples are missing this one key piece…
What about the male body… what might he be missing??
The truth is testosterone clinics are not talking about THIS or forewarning men with the fertility facts he needs to know..
So if your man is on testosterone, and you want to get pregnant, WHAT CAN YOU DO?!
Tune in this week and I will lay out the protocol that will boost fertility and keep your man from crashing without his much needed hormones!!
Show notes:
Book with GRACE our women’s health provider!:
Book a FREE discovery call:
Connect with Dr. Jen on instagram:
Studies mentioned:
RETREATS/EVENTS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
FREE Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.kit.com/ff2cd2a562
BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/blue-light-blockers
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Postpartum anxiety and depression can come out of seemingly nowhere and upset the post-baby bliss we planned out during our pregnancy.
If you are or have ever struggled with postpartum anxiety or depression, you do not need to be afraid. There is purpose in your pain, there are solutions for your suffering.
On this week’s episode, I brought my friend and postpartum expert Lizzie on the show to guide you through any tumultuous postpartum period you may be experiencing.
If you’ve tried it all: the medications, the talk therapy, the hospital support groups…
I promise you Lizzie will bring a new lens and tangible tools you can start TODAY for relief and a better tomorrow.
Hang in there momma, healing is on the way!
Show notes:
Lizzie’s booking link for a reading:
Subscribe to Lizzie’s newsletter:
Holistic Pregnancy Resources
Holistic Pregnancy Course:
Holistic Pregnancy Podcast episodes:
Preparing for your empowered birth
Your Holistic Pregnancy- 3 things you need to know
A Holy Birth Story
A Mother's Intuition
Preparing to get pregnant- 5 steps to take!
Sacred Womb Healing for Pregnancy Loss
Healing Sexual Trauma
BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/blue-light-blockers
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Possibly the greatest heartbreak I see happen..
Watching a woman struggle to bring the child she feels on a soul level into Earthly existence with her.
Possibly the greatest disservice to human conception I see happening..
IVF clinics disheartening a woman’s ability to conceive when they don’t even run the proper lab work.
Mommas I know the sea of misinformation and confusion you might be swimming in when in reality you just want to bring your baby into this world no matter the method.
In this week’s episode I’ve compiled the information I’ve given to mommas who have conceived after failed IVF journeys they simply said they wish they knew sooner.
Some of the information is for your physical body, and some is for your spiritual body.
With all the voices telling you what to do to get pregnant, I am confident this one voice will help you find your inner truth & peace in your decision making process.
Show notes:
SPIRIT BABIES BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Babies-Communicate-Child-Youre/dp/0385338120/ref=sr_1_1?crid=M59U12R2UFEC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CiMw4EyudUZ_VWmSh28tRCnME6pZa2iA3AM92mFLnav5YtuKXAdefUTevA7wPta8uPoNB3qG8BI2D9hBQgOl8weYtOZWTGVPMRXv2Wbaw2fyZhdTRK3MiocUixWaJoqiZRIC8we4mLwvgOupEq6MaL1yTTbN59Q2XVSqPkacBfRgESp7TvDyQprUAycnt0F8xDpuHfmyEfHRgOyRxnQkOeHmMCoHCXZBPshy0b-_YlQ.UR5zXwEHhLu0cOlAC6L6qDcel4aPkXq35GrcQ_KkAN8&dib_tag=se&keywords=spirit+babies&qid=1732468806&sprefix=spirit+bab%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-1
BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/blue-light-blockers
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Holistic Pregnancy Resources
Holistic Pregnancy Course:
Holistic Pregnancy Podcast episodes:
Preparing for your empowered birth
Your Holistic Pregnancy- 3 things you need to know
A Holy Birth Story
A Mother's Intuition
Preparing to get pregnant- 5 steps to take!
Sacred Womb Healing for Pregnancy Loss
Healing Sexual Trauma
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
It’s true, there’s a ton of information your doctor isn’t trained to teach you (THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW) during pregnancy.
Ever wonder if all of those pregnancy + postpartum interventions are really necessary for you and your baby?
Ever wanted an unbiased opinion BASED ON THE RESEARCH (& years of birth work experience) to guide your really tough decisions as parents??
We’ll I’ve got ya!
In this week’s episode I’m telling ALL the facts that you will quite literally never hear in your doctor’s and most midwives office as well.
Tune if for the full report on pregnancy + postpartum standards of care you need to know about!!!
Show notes:
This episode’s slides:
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
Holistic Pregnancy Resources
Holistic Pregnancy Course:
Holistic Pregnancy Podcast episodes:
Preparing for your empowered birth
Your Holistic Pregnancy- 3 things you need to know
A Holy Birth Story
A Mother's Intuition
Preparing to get pregnant- 5 steps to take!
Sacred Womb Healing for Pregnancy Loss
Healing Sexual Trauma
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
This week’s episode with Sue Van Raes, author of “Food and Freedom” allows us a look inside our inner landscape to see that food is closely linked to our relationship with ourselves. Emotional eating can be a way of self-soothing or grounding in a heightened state.
Sue says: food is such an incredible portal into so many other aspects of our own relationship to self, and we are going to emotionally eat humans as there is a very primal comfort we get from our food.
Sue guides us into healing our relationship with food, guiding us into the sensations that come with emotional eating, so that one day soon eating doesn’t have to have the same power of us.
Sue also discusses food for each metabolic type and her practical way of healing with food as a functional nutritionist!
If you struggle with your relationship with yourself or with food- you will find solace & healing this week with Sue!
Show notes:
Sue’s Book: Food & Freedom - https://www.bouldernutrition.com/books
Sue’s website:
Sue’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bouldernutrition/
Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Let me tell you about my best friend, actress, entrepreneur, and medicine woman Janna Fackrell.
From living at rock bottom, controlled by the mob to finding FREEDOM, healing, and her husband through plant medicine…boy oh boy do we have a story for you to tune into this week!
Janna has trained for over a decade in plant medicine with teachers from South America and now owns her own retreat center where she helps veterans, moms, seekers, and anyone in between find their healing and their ability to live life heart wide open.
In this week’s episode Janna takes us through her super scary but triumphant story with the mob, to finding her healing, and now sharing with us the facts + the testimonies of each type of plant medicine she works with to date.
If you are feeling like you want to learn what it is to LIVE MORE ALIVE then join us for this week’s episode!
Show notes:
Retreats with jen and janna https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
Get in touch with Janna: https://www.sacredheartshealing.org/connect
Janna’s INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jannafackrell
Sacred sisters: https://www.sacredheartshealing.org/sacred-sisters
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Episode 40: https://open.spotify.com/episode/69gYdAR1xoD6Jj1YKTub3J?si=732OSsiOQvSfjOIz50-MBw
Episode 41: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4nsrUrC5mmTUkRg2vXI58t?si=Gj08-wt6Q_SL4fTKhgxrbg
Episode 82: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0M45NW5GxXc0Xz0P7ir1es?si=Yujj2qWORW6NEFEwST5c_A
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
If you’re struggling I need you to displace all the doubt the doctors fueled you with and listen to this research update.
If you’re a provider and this triggers you (that autoimmune disease isn’t the body attacking itself and can in fact be healed)...
I get it, everything I learned about medicine in this specialty area was wrong too. But that doesn’t mean we have to go down with the sinking ship that is our modern medical system.
Let’s get up-to-date on the literature and fill our minds with facts…
Show notes:
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Jen’s Events & Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
HORMONE HEALING COURSE (I AM WOMAN): https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/iamwoman-solocourse
ENERGY HEALING COURSE: https://inspirehealthbyjen.thinkific.com/courses/yoga-energy-healing
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
“I feel like $h*t Dr. Jen but my regular doctor told me my labs are fine and I don’t have autoimmune disease!” 😭😭
^ this is by far the most common thing I hear in my medical practice^
HEAR ME OUT: if you don’t feel fine, you’re not fine!!!
Your body’s symptoms show up months prior to the lab work changing, it takes over 30% dysfunction in the body to flag a lab value high or low.
Because blood is a homeostatic fluid and is ALWAYS trying to correct itself into normal ranges.
Plus most doctor’s are just going off of the labcorp or quest reference ranges and never really learned how to interpret lab work at the root cause level.
There are a TON of lab values that will begin to flag before autoimmune disease develops OR if autoimmunity is present but there’s no specific diagnosis for it…yet!
Tune into this week’s episode with your most recent set of labs and find out what your body is really trying to tell you!
HINT: if you’re reading the reference ranges the lab sheet gives you, you’re getting off track!
Show notes:
BHRT RX PROIVDER COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/courses
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Jen’s Events & Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
You know what’s crazy?? We have a multi billion dollar medical system that exists to help us, yet this system will only make your autoimmune disease WORSE.
I have been through our medical system as both a provider and a patient, both experiences an uphill battle.
I have healed 8 different autoimmune conditions from my body by LEAVING THE CURRENT MEDICAL SYSTEM.
If you are confused why you pay plenty of money for your insurance yet you still cannot get any answers, let alone help for your autoimmune conditions I have answers for you.
In this week’s episode I discuss the 3 reasons why your regulate doctors cannot help you with autoimmune disease + what to do about it.
Show notes:
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Jen’s Events & Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Hey! If you have autoimmune disease I know you constantly feel at war with your body.
Hear me when I say there's something really special about having autoimmune disease.
Having autoimmune disease means…
Not only is your biology different,
but your quantum biology is unique!!!
And you're kinda like a ferrari vs a toyota corolla, both great cars, but you need a different kind of mechanic if something goes wrong!
This week on the podcast I am talking about why some people get autoimmune disease and some don’t. Kinda like why some people’s cars are always in the repair shop and some others hardly have any problems past 250k miles.
Show notes:
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
Jen’s Events & Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
There’s one tool that’s not common to talk about in the medical field that I’ve experienced can heal the most stubborn of symptoms- at the utmost root cause- the soul fracture.
When you think of plant medicine do you think of hippies getting “high” in the woods?
Or do you experience plant medicine as a sacred gift from the Creator that is available to take away pain & bring us Heaven on Earth.
It’s a calling
It’s a knowing
It’s a voyage
And it’s not for everyone. But it might be for you!
On this week's podcast I talk about ayahuasca, my plant medicine experience, and how a form of plant medicine could be the missing medicine for those struggling with autoimmune disease or chronic conditions that just won’t leave!
*please note nothing in this episode is medical advice, purely my perspective*
Show notes:
Jen’s Events & Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
WORK WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/discovery-call
FREE infrared/red light guide https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Let’s face it, being in a physical body can be HARD some days.
We feel feelings as energy that run through our bodies and can create symptoms.
We lose loved ones that sometimes we swear we get a sign from, but also feel worlds away.
We have questions about the things unseen and maybe even sense magic & miracles do exist but science can’t prove it.
Look, I surely don’t have the book on the Universe but I do know and can just about prove it to ya that Heaven is real, our loved ones send us signs, and our intuition is a secret super power that can be honed.
My dear friend and mentor Steff taught me so much of what I know before she passed. She’s here this week in this episode with me in Spirit helping me illuminate the unseen realm and guide you into a Love that is available to us all.
If you’re curious about honing your intuition, learning more about signs we get from Heaven, and feeling a jolt of joy run through your body…
This week’s episode is for you my friend!!!
Show notes:
Weaving Dreams, Embracing Change Summit: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/weaving-dreams-summit
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
Jen’s Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
GUT CLEANSE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
HORMONE HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/be8ab6b193
ONE DAY DETOX GUIDE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
MEALS TO HEAL: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/inspire-products/meals-to-heal-recipe-ebook
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
FREE NON-TOX LIFESTYLE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
IN-HOME INFRARED THERAPY: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
I AM WOMAN COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/iamwoman
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
In this episode, Dr. Jen White interviews Jes, an NCAA athlete turned health blogger. She shares her remarkable health and healing journey, focusing on the transformative power of sunlight and the misconceptions surrounding sun exposure. She discusses the impact of sunlight on health, the role of melanin, and the benefits of cold exposure during the winter.
Jes and Jen discuss the impact of light, grounding, and nutrition on overall health and well-being. They explore the importance of sunlight, the role of artificial light, and the significance of circadian rhythm. Jes shares her personal experiences and insights, emphasizing the need to trust one's body and make individualized choices in nutrition and wellness. The conversation encourages listeners to prioritize their own experiences and intuition when it comes to health and healing.
Show notes:
- www.Feelmoregooder.com + instagram.com/feelmoregooder
-Dr. Jack Kruse: https://jackkruse.com/
-Software to turn Computer Screen Red: https://iristech.co/
-How to turn iPhone Screen Red: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3q42nyrluB/
-A few sunlight studies:
PMID: 28009890
PMID: 25116946
PMID: 9993203
PMID: 1854822
PMID: 34433056
PMID: 32668607
PMID: 23863757
PMID: 8475009
PMID: 11934953
PMID: 32259506
PMID: 26992108
-Superfeast Tonic Herbs & Mushrooms: https://superfeast.com/?rfsn=7238576.c002bf&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=7238576.c002bf Code FEELMOREGOODER for 10% off
-Sprout Living Plant Protein
Code FEELMOREGOODER for 20% off
-Mara Labs
Code FEELMOREGOODER for 15% off
BrocElite for detoxification and inflammation
BerbElite for blood sugar
ResverElite for antioxidants & skin
QuerElite for histamine & allergies
FREE infrared/red light guide: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
Jen’s Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
GUT CLEANSE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
HORMONE HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/be8ab6b193
ONE DAY DETOX GUIDE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
MEALS TO HEAL: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/inspire-products/meals-to-heal-recipe-ebook
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
FREE NON-TOX LIFESTYLE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
IN-HOME INFRARED THERAPY: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
I AM WOMAN COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/iamwoman
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
Sometimes we just want to ask God WHY?
Why am I going through this?! Why is my health so bad right now? Do you even see me God?
My dear friend + client Jess came on the show this week to tell her journey from a clean bill of health to 3 strokes and 16 surgeries later.
From strokes, followed by paralysis, divorce, and so much heartbreak Jess shares her story + the insight she has found along the way to a better life than she had before illness.
Show notes:
Jessica Marie Author: https://www.jessicamarieauthor.com
Get one of her incredible books & more: https://www.jessicamarieauthor.com/shop
The Mess Monster: https://www.amazon.com/Mess-Monster-Jessica-Marie/dp/B0CL85W5J1/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I7LJCT32EUSZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.BR3cUFG0vAmTPzYD7dJHPZ77P6e4lkoR3p13u95X_OV7W-BqS7CHkP_Fa_c4TCoBaYPjAtorjP08e1U8A6tvlOF5ywocPyVJXKy2xP8H0ZJfWoK395LAYhIAUApD4MfH6OsP4iWnqeJAoazol82DmFl44oDSURt3pCT_4d3UvH7oHbLTm4L5sEY-7MsJYCOcAXud1AKYhZ6YzKRXusQWNMkFqmKuK9FXvPiqpJ384z0.bcA3IXfC36zLa2mU5kjk-No0VxDTWWWEjbGdHQBJTI0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+mess+monster&qid=1719259499&sprefix=the+mess+monster%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1
The Mess Monster in Love: https://www.amazon.com/Mess-Monster-Love-Jessica-Marie/dp/B0CXZSJY29/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=gCmSt&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=133-9508369-7944254&pd_rd_wg=M74Ey&pd_rd_r=1563f003-ed53-4cb5-840c-affda0a8dc77&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk
Finding My Roar: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-my-ROAR-Jessica-Marie/dp/B0CNYBD2J9/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=gCmSt&content-id=amzn1.sym.f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_p=f911c8db-3a2b-4b3e-952f-b80fdcee83f4&pf_rd_r=133-9508369-7944254&pd_rd_wg=M74Ey&pd_rd_r=1563f003-ed53-4cb5-840c-affda0a8dc77&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk
Jen’s Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
GUT CLEANSE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
HORMONE HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/be8ab6b193
ONE DAY DETOX GUIDE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
MEALS TO HEAL: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/inspire-products/meals-to-heal-recipe-ebook
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
FREE NON-TOX LIFESTYLE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
IN-HOME INFRARED THERAPY: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
I AM WOMAN COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/iamwoman
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
In this episode, Dr, Jen White addresses common concerns and misconceptions about tick bites and Lyme disease. She provides insights on tick pathology, antibiotic use, and natural tick repellents. Jen emphasizes the importance of understanding the broader context of chronic illness and the role of viruses, bacteria, and parasites in Lyme disease. She also shares practical tips for preventing tick bites and managing Lyme disease symptoms naturally.
Show notes:
Essential Oils for Bugs Mentioned:
Studies mentioned:
Jen’s Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
GUT CLEANSE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
HORMONE HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/be8ab6b193
ONE DAY DETOX GUIDE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
MEALS TO HEAL: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/inspire-products/meals-to-heal-recipe-ebook
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
FREE NON-TOX LIFESTYLE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
IN-HOME INFRARED THERAPY: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
I AM WOMAN COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/iamwoman
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
In this episode, Dr. Jen White discusses the importance of balancing blood sugars and healing insulin resistance. She emphasizes that many people have tried various diets and lifestyle changes but still don't feel better. Jen challenges the mainstream narrative that promotes high protein diets and explains that long-term high protein intake can lead to insulin resistance and an increased risk of diabetes. She introduces the concept of symptomless nutrition, which focuses on healing the body using food as medicine. Jen provides resources and personal anecdotes to support her message.
Show notes:
Photos of me before & after a high protein diet (10 years difference):
Research studies:
Jen’s Retreats: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/retreats
HOW TO HEAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MASTERCLASS: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/1171f4a0ec
SYMPTOMLESS PROGRAM https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-research-program-page
GUT CLEANSE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
HORMONE HEALING GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/be8ab6b193
ONE DAY DETOX GUIDE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
MEALS TO HEAL: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/inspire-products/meals-to-heal-recipe-ebook
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
FREE NON-TOX LIFESTYLE GUIDE: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
IN-HOME INFRARED THERAPY: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/infrared-therapy
I AM WOMAN COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/iamwoman
SYMPTOMLESS FOOD AS MEDICINE COURSE: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/symptomless-course-info
Have a question? Send a request and we may feature it on a future episode!: https://forms.gle/bbpYJKTPhmsezYs3A
CONNECT WITH JEN: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/work-with-jen
INSPIRE HEALTH FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inspirehealthhealing/
FOLLOW JEN ON IG: https://www.instagram.com/inspirehealthbyjen/
Read my Google reviews! https://tinyurl.com/googlereviewsihbj
Free Guide(s):
Non-Tox Lifestyle Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/ff2cd2a562
One Day Detox Recipes: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/onedaydetox
Full Moon Meditation: http://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/subscribe-for-full-moon-meditation
Energy Healing Audio: https://www.inspirehealthbyjen.com/energy-healing-audio-download
Gut Cleanse Guide: https://fantastic-trailblazer-5737.ck.page/c3a5591584
Find Out More: www.inspirehealthbyjen.com
Blog: www.middaypigeon.com
If you have questions or would like me to help you get started…
Let’s get in touch and begin your true path of healing today. Your body and your mind will eternally thank you!
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