
  • Though the Jacksway Collective may have one of the most sporadic release schedules online, when there is a release, it's worth listening. Especially this one.
    Jhana had the priveliege of sitting down to chat with Professor Scott Palmer from the University of Texas at Arlington. Professor Palmer is a scholar of Russian history, the history of aviation, the history of technology, and the history of video games. He's also a fascinating guy and a great conversationalist.
    The conversation ranged from Russian History, Joseph Stalin, what it means to be "great" in the historical sense, great works of literature, online education, and much much more. If you are at all interested in history, this is the perfect episode for you.
    Send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    The SPOKE Network
    The History of Imperial Russia
    Russian Barge Haulers
    Intro Music:
    Broke For Free - Something Elated

  • After a few months, Jhana is back for more! Time for a new Let's Read. We're going to read Milan Kundera's Slowness. Listen in to a live reading & live thoughts about one of Jhana's favourite author's books.
    In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapters 1-7 - Milan Kundera's Slowness - 7:25
    Jhana's Analysis - 37:55
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Lost Jack

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • We made it! We've read through Albert Camus' The Fall in its entirety. Listen to the final chapter of this journey and hear what Jhana has to say about it!
    In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapter 3 - Albert Camus' The Fall - 7:59
    Jhana's Analysis - 46:13
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Vincent Augustus - Woah
    Sro - Lost Jack
    Something Elated - Broke For Free

  • It's the penultimate episode! Jhana reads and talks through Chapter 5 of Albert Camus' The Fall. Join us on this audio journey through Jean Clemence's endless confession!
    In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapter 3 - Albert Camus' The Fall - 2:55
    Jhana's Analysis - 32:18
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Something Elated - Broke For Free

  • We're over halfway now! Here on this "Let's Read" episode Jhana reads through Chapter 4, digging deeper into the motives behind Jean Baptiste Clemence's extended confession.
    In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapter 3 - Albert Camus' The Fall - 5:56
    Jhana's Analysis - 38:08
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Lost Jack

  • It's the third episode of Let's Read Albert Camus' The Fall. Jhana dives into the longest chapter of the novel about our protagonist Jean Baptiste Clemence.
    In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapter 3 - Albert Camus' The Fall - 1:50
    Jhana's Analysis - 38:06
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Lost Jack

  • Yes, for some reason, Jhana decided to keep recording these after the first episode. It's Chapter Two of Jhana's Let's Read of Albert Camus' The Fall.
    In this solo project, Jhana reads aloud a chapter from one of his favorite books (without any of the production quality Audible provides), and then immediately gives his thoughts on the chapter. Not into the reading part because you've read the book before? Forget it, skip ahead to discussion and see if your thoughts align at all with Jhana's.
    Looking for a strange, janky, dramatic reading of a philosophy novel? Then dive in, there's probably no other place on the internet you'll find this.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapter 2 - Albert Camus' The Fall - 4:54
    Jhana's Analysis - 37:38
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Vincent Augustus - Woah

  • Time for a spin off episode! This time, Jhana hops on the mic for a solo project that he's been brewing on for a few weeks now. What is it you might ask? Well, probably one of the most niche, "unappealing to many," things he could think of.
    He's decided to read aloud, audiobook style, his favorite books on the mic, chapter by chapter and then have a discussion immediately after. Yes, you heard it right. Jhana is going to talk aloud alone on the mic, then read a chapter of a book, and then give his hot take immediately after. So, a total rip off of the "Let's" model, but with a book.
    So, if you have any interest in listening to an unqualified non-professional read off the cuff, give it a shot. Time stamps to skip to each section are below.
    Jhana's Preamble
    Chapter 1 - Albert Camus' The Fall - 6:59
    Jhana's Analysis - 24:45
    Were you at all into this? Did you hate it? Regardless, send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Lost Jack

  • The Jacksway Collective is back!
    After 8 months of hiatus, Jhana, Oliver, and Brendan hop back on the microphones to shake off the rust. The guys got together this week to talk about Digital Piracy. Since Brendan is a musician, we thought he'd offer an interesting perspective on the modern state of affairs when it comes to piracy.
    Under what conditions is piracy more or less acceptable? Should you pirate the Lord of the Rings Director's Cut? Is Spotify merely a pretty platform facilitating piracy? These are a few of the questions that the guys debate in this episode.
    We all love a good email, don't we? The Jacksway Collective sure does. So go ahead. Start typing and send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the story. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Bring Back

  • The Jacksway Collective
    How seriously should we care about what the author of a work intends for us to think about their work itself? Should we base our interpretations of art on the ability of the artists to "accurately portray" their own experience? Does knowing more about what an author set out to do further our enjoyment of a work?
    These are the questions the gang juggle as they discuss Roland Barthes' famous essay, The Death of the Author. Thanks again to Ted for another awesome listener email spurring our discussion!
    The Jacksway Collective managed to hold it together for some thoughtful discussion on individual creation and how we interpret works of art.
    We all love a good email, don't we? The Jacksway Collective sure does. So go ahead. Start typing and send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the story. Or, if email isn't your style, let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    The Death of the Author
    Next Episode:
    Intro Music:
    Black Ant - government funded weed

  • We're the Jacksway Collective
    The Jacksway Collective is back after a minor hiatus! Brendan, Sarah, and Jhana sit down to talk about Zadie Smith's essay "Generation Why" in her book "Feel Free." Zadie Smith's essay examines the generational gaps between herself and Mark Zuckerberg. She asks questions about his motivations, critiques his ideas around "connection," and challenges our society's willingness to buy into these platforms.
    The gang dives into their own Facebook habits, their experience with online advertising, and wraps it up with an EPIC monologue from Brendan on Justin Timberlake vs The Backstreet Boys, which you can not miss.
    We all love a good email, don't we? The Jacksway Collective sure does. So go ahead. Start typing and send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the paper. Or if email isn't your style let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Generation Why:
    Literary Writers and Social Media: A Response to Zadie Smith
    Smoke Those Meats:
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Bring Back

  • Sometimes, the best stories are hidden in plain sight. Underneath a modern soul, sample driven record by Mr. Jukes, aka Jack Steadman of Bombay Bicycle Club, is the tale of how clashing cultures can recover from conflict through art and expression. Join host Brendan Tuytel as he delves into history to illuminate how a new release came to be and how it has meaning as an emblem of an era.
    This is an experimental audio essay separate from the regular Jacksway Collective podcast. Every once and a while we'll be releasing these audio essays from Brendan while continuing with our regular podcast cadence. This is a highly produced piece of bonus content meant to supplement our regular podcast production. Thanks for listening!
    Tell us what you think of this bonus content by sending us an email at [email protected]
    Or let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Mr. Jukes on Apple Music:
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Bring Back

  • The Jacksway Collective
    Send us an email at [email protected]
    In this episode, The Jacksway Collective read Hilary Putnam's paper Brains in a Vat and experience a collective hallucination. Well, not exactly. They do, however, discuss epistemology and the implications of what would happen if it were revealed tomorrow we were all just brains in a vat. The gang also dives into their most embarassing author they have on thier shelves and how to deal with social interactions with clammy hands.
    Ah, the email. We all love a good email, don't we? The Jacksway Collective sure does. So go ahead. Start typing and send us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the paper. Or if email isn't your style let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Hilary Putnam - Brains In a Vat
    Wireless Philosophy - Epistemology: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge
    Intro Music:
    Black Ant - government funded weed

  • We're The Jacksway Collective
    In this episode, Jhana and Oliver step into Daniel Orozco's absurdly dark story The Orientation. As fresh employees (readers), Jhana and Oliver stand by the water cooler and discuss things such as the dichotomy between work and personal life, our obsession for rigid processes in the modern workplace, and the formation of arbitrary rules within social circles.
    It's the first recording of the year for The Jacksway Collective. We recorded remotely this time for convenience sake and the audio quality takes a slight hit. Bear with us because the next episode will be back to normal.
    Listen to the madness then send us an email at [email protected]. Or let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    The Orientation:
    Next Week's Reading:
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Bring Back

  • The Jacksway Collective
    are back at it again with Jonathan Glazer’s “Under the Skin.”
    In this science fiction meets art house film, listen in as the gang muddles through thick Scottish accents, the often obtuse, and the visually stunning. The episode asks questions such as what it means to be and become a human being, why we have the desire for our main character to move towards that goal, and what the most messed up scene of the film was. (There were many).
    Happy New Year from all of us (and if you’re a fan of making resolutions, be sure to put listening to this podcast as one of them!)
    Listen to the madness then send us an email at [email protected]. Or let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on iTunes.
    Under the Skin
    Intro Music:
    Black Ant - government funded weed

  • The Jacksway Collective
    Tolstoy is back in the Jacksway Collective's quest to find the story with the most possible suffering a human being can endure. Sarah, Brendan, Oliver, and Jhana dig into "God Sees the Truth, But Waits." During the episode they talk about holding on to one's faith and question whether or not truth ought to be the most fundamental virtue of our human experience.
    The gang also reads their VERY FIRST LISTENER EMAIL. Ted from Vancouver asks us to clarify our views on blame, what it means to blame someone, and whether "brain states" are emancipatory in our evaluation of other people's deservingness of blame. Side note, Jhana wrote a longer blog response to this email below.
    Send us an email: [email protected]
    Blog Response to Ted's Email:
    God Sees the Truth, But Waits:
    Thomas Nagel - Moral Luck:
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Bring Back

  • We're The Jacksway Collective
    The Jacksway Collective venture back into the dark cave known as philosophy and explore Harry Frankfurt's On Bullshit. What is bullshit? How do we make sense of it? And how is bullshit different than lying? Plus the group reveal some personal stories -- some more [bull]shitty than others.
    Listen to the madness then send us an email at [email protected]. Or let us know what you think of the show by leaving a review on our iTunes.
    On Bullshit:
    Intro Music:
    Black Ant - government funded weed

  • We're The Jacksway Collective
    Things get truly grotesque on this week's episode on Lynne Ramsay's We Need to Talk About Kevin. The gang opens up with a discussion on gene editing and whether or not that applies to our potential psychopath babies (yes, a Hitler discussion arises...).
    After the intro discussion, Sarah, Jhana, Oliver, and Brendan talk about Kevin, motherhood, moral responsibility, the colour red, and the presence of the male penis in modern film.
    Listen to the madness then send us an email at [email protected]
    DISCLAIMER on the audio We tried recording in person for the first time and ran into some audio echo. It was such a fun episode that we decided to run with it. If it's your first episode, please know that the others are much more clear!
    We Need to Talk About Kevin
    When Your Child is a Psychopath
    Ezra Miller lookin' fly
    Intro Music:
    Sro - Bring Back

  • We're The Jacksway Collective
    Descend into madness with The Jacksway Collective during this week’s Halloween Special as they dive into Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher.
    The boys bring on their first female guest star, Sarah, to discuss the Victorian Gothic, its influences, and Edgar Allan Poe’s place within this literary genre.
    Listen in as our hosts wade through the supernatural, death, and insanity and find out how they manage to alienate twins and Bostonians alike.
    The Jacksway Collective talk philosophy or fiction every week. A podcast where 20-somethings have in-depth, academic(ish) discussions about whatever the hell they want.
    Have a story suggestion or want to chat more about this one? Send us an email: [email protected]
    Intro Music:
    Black Ant - government funded weed

  • Were The Jacksway Collective
    The Jacksway Collective explore Ursula K. Le Guin's philosophical short story The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.
    Le Guin's story acts as a thought experiment asking the reader to imagine a perfectly content society and then turns it on its head once you find out that it's predicated on the endless suffering of a singular child. Can people live on in this society? Is this story an allegory for the west? How complicit are the people of Omelas in this story? These are the topics the guys cover in their discussion.
    Listen to The Jacksway Collective talk philosophy or fiction every week. A podcast where 20-somethings have in-depth, academic(ish) discussions about whatever the hell they want.
    Have a story suggestion or want to chat more about this one? Send us an email: [email protected]
    The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: http://engl210-deykute.wikispaces.umb.edu/file/view/omelas.pdf
    Singer's Pond Metaphor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EHnUsV1J2M