
  • Are you really reaching your true potential?

    How to start a virtuous loop on business impact and self-development?

    Through this podcast Holger describes coaching as a “path finding exercise“ certainly not limited to “Executives”.

    You will discover Holger’s innovative approach, the Holben Sprint, a process that avoids long winded assessments, but dives instead right into your “bright spots“ to maximise your effectiveness.

    The Holben Sprint method produces a radical focus on two main areas, ONE selected leadership challenge on the outside and a corresponding self-development opportunity on the inside. Together they form a virtuous loop of business impact and personal growth.

    Nigel finds out from Holger what the ‘Love Zone’ is and how to bust the barriers, focus on the ‘bright spots’ and critical elements to keep the commitment high throughout the process.

    This podcast is really insightful, especially if you are someone who is considering coaching, but not yet taken the leap or an senior executive that can see the benefit of this type of support for their leaders and emerging leaders.

    For further information please get in touch:
    Nigel Job, CEO Remtec Talent Management
    Nigel Job | LinkedIn

    Holger Rathgeber, CEO Team Rathgeber
    Holger Rathgeber | LinkedIn

  • My good friend and business colleague, Greg Walsh (https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-wals...) joins me for the latest podcast discussing Commercial / Sales Effectiveness.
    Greg’s background is within the Pharma and Medical Devices sector where he held global executive leadership roles in companies such as J&J, Baxter Healthcare, Becton Dickinson and BTG. Greg’s knowledge on commercialisation, sales effectiveness, corporate strategy, new product launches across EMEA and US markets, marketing, P&L, market development, patient centric business models are second to none.

    In 2018 Greg became an Atlantic Fellow in brain health from the Global Brain Health Institute (www.gbhi.org) at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and UCSF, San Francisco and has since set up his own business, DDS Architects Ltd (www.ddsarchitects.org) , a specialist design and training architects practice at the forefront of building and interior design for cognitive and sensory accessibility and inclusion, setting and implementing best practice design for ageing, dementia and neurodiversity.

    And if that wasn’t enough, he is also a key speaker on customer centric strategy, leadership and entrepreneurship at GBHI- UCSF and Trinity, GIBS South Africa, Imperial College, London.

    During the podcast on this vast topic, Greg shares some insightful knowledge and advice on What Sales Effectiveness is? and uses the phrase “delighting your customer”, bringing the customer what they really want, building lasting relationships and using a whole organisation approach to deliver the offering and satisfying the customer needs as a long-term strategy.

    Greg gives real life examples from personal experiences on how to approach a Sales Effectiveness strategy and stresses the importance that this requires whole company buy in, consistency and a commitment to execute a plan that could take up to 5 years to embed and see results. He has worked with companies to achieve these goals and has seen huge cultural shifts moving towards an outcome/solutions delivery which has “delighted” the customer and seen significant company growth as a result.

    Hope you enjoy listening - we'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic.

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  • In this current podcast series entitled ‘Business Masterclass’ Nigel is talking with leading experts across a number of different sectors on how to succeed in business.

    This week's podcast takes Nigel into the world of early-stage investment, and he had the pleasure of talking with two expert guests, Rainer Christine and Joey Mason. Both these two leaders in early-stage investment have the perspective of being both venture capitalists and Founder CEOs

    Rainer describes himself as a “Life-science entrepreneur turned life-science investor“ with a “Focus on helping to build disruptive life-science companies that deliver strong benefits to patients and customers in a scalable fashion, leading to superior returns for shareholders. I am a strong believer in helping to create and support outstanding teams.” These are not just words for a LinkedIn profile; rather, his knowledge of and enthusiasm for this industry are evident throughout the entire episode.

    Joey Mason has invested in, directed and advised entrepreneurial businesses in all sectors of life sciences and healthcare from medical devices to health IT to biotechnology in Ireland, the EU and the US. He also brings multi-sector experience in a consumer health start-up, biotech corporate development and investment banking. Joey is clear in his thinking, straight talking, giving concise actionable advice.

    The advice and knowledge that they share would be beneficial to any founder or start-up looking into the idea of early-stage investment.

    During the podcast Nigel asks insightful questions including:

    • As a founder of a company, how do I get the attention of a VC investor?
    • What do I need to understand about the market I plan to launch a product in?
    • What are the main focus areas for my business to successfully gain investment?
    • In simple terms how do investment rounds work?
    • What due-diligence do VCs do when considering an investment opportunity?

    Nigel asks Rainer and Joey to summarise any advice they would give to anyone embarking on seeking venture capital investment.

    You’ll have to listen to hear their full advice but “kissing a lot of frogs” and “if you don’t love it, don’t do it” made it to their top tips!

    Hope you enjoy listening.

  • Welcome to series 3 of The Job Podcast.
    To start this new series on a positive note Nigel has had the pleasure of interviewing Avril Chester on the topic of Positivity.

    Avril is an award-winning Technology Entrepreneur, experienced CTO, Author, Podcast Host and Cancer Thriver. She has been featured in Computer Weekly's most influential women in UK Tech 2022, 2021 & 2020 long list, was the Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 Women in IT Awards winner, is the Founder of Cancer Central and author of 'Tech Treats and Treasures'. Avril has recently been appointed CTO for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

    During the podcast Avril shares some very personal health experiences and talks about the “Radiators and Drainers” and how to boost positivity by the people you surround yourself with.
    Avril used her positivity combined with her technology expertise to develop Cancer Central, a growing platform helping people affected by cancer find the support and information they need.

    Avril shares her thoughts with Nigel on how she looks to find positivity in all areas of her life and the importance of having fun, it is therefore no surprise that her book 'Tech Treats and Treasures' is a compilation from 80 influential leaders sharing fun stories, nuggets of advice and words of encouragement to spread the positivity vibe (also worth noting that all proceeds of the book is put towards supporting the development of Cancer Central).

    Nigel asks Avril how she manages to stay positive and she shares some brilliant ‘pick me up’ questions that can help you turn a not-so-positive situation into a more positive one and how you can regain some form of control.

    The Podcast is fun, light hearted with some thought provoking topics – thank you for watching.

  • During this 15 minute Podcast Lorna and Nigel discuss how to best prepare for an interview to optimise the opportunity.

    We discuss:
    1. How to get yourself in the right headspace and perform at your best
    2. How to approach your research into the company
    3. How to prepare for interview questions
    4. How to gain commitment from the interviewer at the end of the interview.

  • It's quite flattering when you have been headhunted for a job role, but what does it actually mean? In this podcast we talk about how headhunting works but most importantly we discuss how anyone can get headhunted by using LinkedIn, networking and developing skills through training.

    (This podcast is part of a series recorded for Top Tips for Job Seekers)

  • In this podcast Lorna and Nigel discuss how you can use social media to optimise your job search.


    The importance of a social media detoxHow to find opportunities through your friends and family networksHow to use LinkedIn as a pro-active tool to find your next job.
  • During this episode Nigel and Lorna explore how best to build relationships with recruiters so that they are doing their very best to support your job search. Included in this episode is:

    How to avoid cowboy recruiters!How to research into different recruitment companies and how to make sure you are working with ones that are going to bring you job opportunities that meet your career goals.Find out about different types of recruiting methods, why it is useful to know the difference and how this can affect your job search.
  • This episode discusses how to optismise your CV /Resume in order to give you the best possible chance to access interviews and how the best employers will assess them.

    We explore:
    Why a CV is important? It is your primary marketing tool to make a significant first impression.
    Top tips when writing your CV
    Why highlighting your achievements is essential?

  • This episode, the first in this mini podcast series is largely aimed at candidates actively searching for jobs and engaging with interviews.

    During this episode Nigel and Lorna discuss how best to build rapport during an interview from both the interviewee and the interviewers perspective.

  • As a chartered Psychologist Lucinda has many years Corporate experience as a People Professional. She also hosts the No 1 ranking #HRUprising podcast and recently launched a bestselling business book called "How to be a Change Superhero".

    Lucinda’s wealth of knowledge has enabled her to bring a broad perspective on this topic and has some valuable advice for both employers and employees on negotiating “win win” contracts, especially in the current ever evolving climate which has seen dramatic changes to working conditions since the start of the pandemic.

    Lucinda talks about moving away from a parental relationship between employer and employee to a “sell and influence” approach which encourages collaboration, negotiation and achieving a win win solution for the organisation, manager and the individual.

  • Some 20+ years after first meeting, Nigel has the pleasure of welcoming Sylvia Bartley to The Job Podcast.

    Sylvia is an Executive leader; currently Senior Director for Health Equity at Medtronic and previously Senior Global Director for The Medtronic Foundation. She is also an author, and recognized advocate and champion of social change. Sylvia describes her work as guided by a greater spiritual purpose, one rooted in mindfulness and intentionality.

    Passionate in her volunteer involvement she is devoted to improving minoritized communities' health, education, and economic status. She has made an impact as a board member and leader for prominent non-profit organizations, including the African American Leadership Forum, the Association of Black Foundation Executives, and The Johnson Stem Activity Center. She is an external advisory member for the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering for Georgia Tech and Emory University and a Regent for Augsburg University in MN.

    Sylvia is recognized as an impactful leader inspiring change and strengthening communities, exemplified through numerous awards, including the Top 100 Most Influential and Powerful Black Briton in 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019, the Medtronic HR Stewardship Award 2021, Women in Business Award in 2017, and Diversity in Business Awards in 2013 from Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. Sylvia is also a 2014 Bush Fellow and AARP/Pollen's 50 over 50 award recipient. And most recently has taken her work to a new platform and published her first book “Turning the Tide: Neuroscience, Spirituality and My Path Toward Emotional Health” which outlines the links between our brains and our souls while inspiring readers to change the world with that knowledge.

    Throughout the podcast Sylvia shares with us how her values have helped to shape her as a person and achieve her career goals and ambitions by continually asking herself “What is my path and purpose”, “What is my Why?” .

    To find out more about Sylvia you can find her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sylvia-bartley-bsc-hons-phd-9a911b2/
    Or via Instagram @bartleysylvia

  • Nigel welcomes Chemmy Alcott to The Job Podcast (formally the Remtec Podcast) in this most recent episode on Resilience.

    Chemmy is Britain's most successful female alpine skier having a career high ranking of 8th in the World. She is a 4 x winter Olympian and 7 x British National Overall Champion and most recently is lead presenter on Ski Sunday and also brand ambassador for Stratiam by Intergence .

    Nigel explores with Chemmy how to build resilience through learning from our mistakes, knowing your own capabilities, risk taking, visualisation, handling fear and building confidence.

    Chemmy is engaging and shares some life stories showing real determination and resilience, her life motto is “I never lose, I either win or I learn” - Ask yourself mentally “am I giving it my all?”

  • In the latest Remtec podcast Nigel has the pleasure of speaking with Jeff Haden, international bestselling author of the The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win. Jeff is also well known for being a keynote speaker, ghost writer, LinkedIn Influencer (over 1 million followers) and contributing editor to Inc. magazine https://www.inc.com/author/jeff-haden .

    In this episode Nigel explores with Jeff the topic of Motivation and shares some great advice including:

    Why fulfilment and enjoyment is key to being motivatedUnderstanding it is essential to know what success looks like to stay motivated to achieve your goal. How to move from ground zero and take steps towards the horizon using the 2 week rule. The benefits of finding a mentor to support and help you on your road to success. EFFORT + ACHIEVEMENT + FULFILMENT = MOTIVATION
  • In this podcast, Nigel discusses this essential skill with Colin W D McLean, a leading expert in presentation skills on how to perform your best in "Zoom" Interviews.
    1. Setting your stage - physical environment and sound quality online during your interview.
    2. Preparing yourself - how are you going to look and present yourself.
    3. Being very familiar with your video platform and testing your equipment and settings in advance.

    Colin W D McLean - Voice Actor, Narrator, Presenter, Speaker, Skills Trainer. To find more about Colin visit his LinkedIn profile.

    Nigel Job - 🔸 Interview coach/ Outplacement specialist 🔸Trainer in hiring techniques 🔸 Author. To find more about Nigel visit his LinkedIn profile.

  • In this period of unprecedented change, how best can we deal with it?

    Change for companies and individuals is inevitable and is something that people are dealing with every single day on many levels and in the last 18 months has been amplified as a result of Covid19.

    In this Podcast Nigel Job discusses this important subject of 'Dealing with Change' with leading international expert Holger Rathgeber, bestselling co-author of “Our Iceberg is Melting” and “That’s Not How We Do It Here”. https://amzn.to/3B3WkDd

    Holger is engaging, humorous and gives some great advice and wisdom on how to manage and cope with change and draws the listeners attention to a key phrase “Change what you can control and accept what you can’t change”.

    He explores the process of change, how to build confidence and to sharpen your tools to provide clarity and focus and how it can be managed for better outcomes. It is a must listen for anyone currently in a period of change and those who are in leadership or Human Resource Management.