Die Lernmethoden der Gedächtnisweltmeister wenden wir auf deine Lernprojekte und Merkprobleme an und verhelfen dir so in Windeseile zu enormen Merkleistungen. Immer praxisnah und alltagsrelevant beantworten wir deine persönlichen Fragen hier im Podcast für dich.
Steigere deine kognitive Merkfähigkeit um 200, 300 % oder mehr mit Rethinking Memory.
Ob eine neue Sprache lernen, Namen merken, Vokabeln lernen oder für das Medizinstudium Allergieausweise merken, was auch immer du dir merken möchtest, für all das brauchst du ab nun nur mehr kurze Zeit. Möglich machen das antike Lernmethoden, wie der Gedächtnispalast. Florian ist Lerncoach und Gedächtnistrainer mit langjähriger Erfahrung, er beantwortet deine persönlichen Fragen rund um das Thema schneller Merken und Lernen hier im Podcast für dich.
Schneller lernen und das Gelernte nie wieder vergessen? Klingt zu gut, um wahr zu sein, oder? Hör einfach rein und überzeuge dich selbst. -
Suddenly Spiritual, is your sanctuary from the convoluted paths littering the landscape of modern spirituality. You will hear a unique blend of deep, meaningful conversations and insights ranging from the hilariously enlightening to the profoundly thought-provoking. This will be a safe space for those looking to become their own healers away from the myriad of charlatans, snake oil salespeople, and fake healers that often cloud and derail one's spiritual journey.
PolliNation is a podcast from Oregon State University Extension Service that tells the stories of researchers, land managers and concerned citizens who are making bold strides to improve the health of pollinators.
Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.
The Lonely Pipette is a podcast where scientists share tips to help you do better science. The episodes include conversations with researchers around the world. Renaud Pourpre and Jonathan Weitzman will talk to inspiring people to learn about their habits and recommendations for all scientists. Don’t stay alone, come join The Lonely Pipette community!
Nature nerds rejoice! The Field Guides is a monthly podcast that will bring you out on the trail, focusing on the science of our North American wildlife.
Psychotherapy and Applied Psychology is hosted by Dr. Dan Cox, a professor at the University of British Columbia.
This show delivers engaging discussions with the world's foremost research experts for listeners interested in or practicing psychotherapy or counseling to provide expert insights and practical advice into mental health, psychotherapy practice, and clinical training.
This podcast provides valuable insights whether you are interested in psychotherapy, an applied psychology discipline such as clinical psychology, counseling psychology, or school psychology; or a related discipline such as psychiatry, social work, nursing, or marriage and family therapy.
If you want to learn about cutting edge research, improve your psychotherapy/counseling practice, explore innovative therapeutic techniques, or expand your mental health knowledge, you are in the right place.
This show will provide answers to questions like:
*How will technology influence psychotherapy?
*How effective is teletherapy (online psychotherapy) compared to in-person psychotherapy?
*How can psychotherapists better support clients from diverse cultural backgrounds?
*How can we measure client outcomes in psychotherapy?
*What are the latest evidence-based practices?
*What are the implications of attachment on psychotherapy?
*How can therapists modify treatment to a specific client?
*How can we use technology to improve psychotherapy training?
*What are the most critical skills to develop during psychotherapy training?
*How can psychotherapists improve their interpersonal and communication skills? -
Faced with a world of increasingly complex legal, industrial, and social systems, it can feel paralyzing to attempt to make any meaningful ecological impact on the world. Hosts Mike Stoess and Nick Donavon break through these monolithic challenges that the world faces, seeking simple, attainable solutions for the average person that focus on backyard issues, rather than global dilemmas. On top of tackling ecological issues, Nick and Mike explore ways to better enjoy the outdoors and take in depth looks at the flora and fauna of the South East U.S. Listeners are invited to join their journey of learning and self improvement as they take steps to get a little closer to the world around us, and maybe even becoming a bit more wild minded.
Welcome to Life at its peak. In this podcast I will be talking about the different challenges we go through and how Life is a dynamic adventure filled with highs and lows, but there's something truly special about those moments when everything aligns, and we find ourselves at the summit of our existence. In each episode, we'll celebrate the triumphs, achievements, and personal growth that come with reaching the peak, whether it's in our careers, relationships, personal development, or creative endeavours. :)
Stop and smell the roses! Plant nerd Ryan Godfrey takes you on a walk into the Botanical World. Lighthearted conversations with botanical enthusiasts of all kinds are aimed to teach, inspire and entertain as we explore the wonderful green things that are so often overlooked.
The Fundamental Frequency Podcast seeks to bring new and ancient knowledge of sound, frequency and vibration to the fore front. Louis Parker's background in sound engineering, passion for sound therapy, and ancient cultures, brings a unique twist of illuminating information. Interviewing experts in many different fields ranging from, sound therapy, holistic health, the sciences, psychotherapy, ancient history, astrology, spirituality, ancient cosmology, and esoteric spiritual tradition. The ultimate goal of this show is to share knowledge so we can further expand our awareness and thrive as a civilisation again. Hope you enjoy the show! For more information please follow on social media:Instagram:
The world is getting increasingly complex, yet our attention spans are getting shorter. Do you wish someone could just explain everything to you as if you were a five-year-old kid? Are you curious about science, philosophy, history, life and the world in general, but don't know where to start learning everything from scratch? Welcome to Explain This, where we'll untangle the complexities of life and the universe, one bite-sized, child-friendly explanation at a time!
An introduction to biological principles and concepts behind the biology we experience every day.
This podcast analyzes inequities by examining the intersections of sociology, culture, politics, economics, and history. Our cross-disciplinary subject matter ultimately aims to dismantle discrimination, one conversation at a time. Follow us on social media!
Instagram: @discriminology_podcast
Twitter/Facebook: @Discriminology3
On each episode of “Know Your Well,” we explore different topics that impact private well owners across the country from water quality to every day water well maintenance. “Know Your Well” is a production of the National Ground Water Association. This podcast was created and edited by NGWA’s Abby Valencic and hosted by Ben Frech.To learn more about maintaining your well, go to is supported by the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, as part of the USEPA funded program “Improving Water Quality through Training and Technical Assistance to Private Well Owners.” To learn more about the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, go to
Potential is a careers podcast with a difference. In each episode, physics graduates share their stories about the good times, the hard times, the ups and the downs of starting a career. It’s a podcast about falling over, and then picking yourself back up again. It’s about finding your path, and then changing direction completely. If you're in the middle of your physics degree and wondering, "What do I do next?" ... we're here to help.
Hosted and produced by Chris Stewart, and brought to you by WRIPA, the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy.
Take care of yourself and take care of each other.
A podcast that teaches you how to recalibrate your thoughts and feelings in order to change anything in your modern life with your host, Behavior Change Specialist and Coach, Sheila Tully.
Discusions about anything related to marine saltwater and reef tanks. Here we will discuss everything from basic Fish Only tank care to advanced reef system care. We will also discuss equipment and DIY type projects.