Our latest guest, Command Sergeant Major Kelli Harr, talks about resilience through severe injury, overcoming stigma and obstacles in this edition of the Leaders Corner.
Subject Matter Timecode:
03:05 Overcoming Injury - Physical Difficulties
8:14 Functional Fitness
10:10 Overcoming injury - Mental Stress
11:40 TPU Soldier challenges overcoming injury.
16:40 Profile Stigma
21:00 Teaching Mental Resilience to other soldiers
25:00 How CSM tried to direct soldiers in career counseling.
29:00 CSM as a female soldier
36:45 Reaction/interaction with other female soldiers as a CSM
38:27 How CSM Harr hopes to inspire soldiers.
43:09 How Her past experiences give her strength.
45:10 Cupcake Obsession -
Sometimes Army Reserve soldiers are in the right place at the right time to make a difference on the national strategic level. One soldier, Maj. Chip Autry, who previously worked in Ice Cream and currently works at a Pharmaceutical company, was just the sort of person needed by the recently completed Operation Warp Speed to help speed along the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
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In this episode of the Leaders Corner we discuss the balance of civilian and Army Reserve Careers with Colonel Eric Rahman who works at Google and is an Army Reserve officer with the 335th Signal Command.
The Leaders Corner Episode 5:
Meet the new Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve, Andrew Lombardo.
In this Podcast find out who your CSM is and what drives him. Also learn his vision for Army Reserve leaders, and what he hopes to accomplish during his tenure. We also tackle how the Army Reserve is operating during COVID-19 and other important issues like the Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Program (SHARP). -
On this edition of the Leaders Corner we say farewell to CSM Ted Copeland who spends some time recounting lessons learned throughout his career.
Command Sgt. Maj. Ted Copeland returns to the program to speak about a new leadership campaign.
Command Sergeant Ted Copeland talks about a new campaign focused on improving the NCO corps.
A Podcast dedicated to putting you in touch with senior leaders from around the Army Reserve.
On this Episode:
The Inspector General - Who's in trouble now?
Sergeant Major Trevor R. Sellers
For information on how to apply to be in the Inspector General or for more information on the nomination process got to:
For more information on the U.S. Army Reserve go to:
usar.army.mil -
The Leaders Corner is the official Podcast of the U.S. Army Reserve. In this Podcast Command Sergeant Major Ted Copeland has an in-depth conversation about refining the Non-Commissioned Officer Corps.