ANNNNNNNNNGER. Oh, what a topic! Alice and Deanna sit down with author "Rage Becomes Her" author Soraya Chemaly to get the scoop on how anger makes us sick, why that's extra extra special for women, and the secrets of swearing for your health. Plus, motherhood, anger rooms and SWIMMING PIGS. Show notes at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com
Oh good Lord, you want us to tell you what's in this episode? TRASH. TRASH IS IN THIS EPISODE BECAUSE THE WORLD IS ON FIRE AGAIN. Anyhoo, Alice and Deanna explore their feelings about all the things being trash, which includes talk about sexual assault and harassment, but we don't discuss anything graphic or in detail. Just the usual trash fire of American politics-- this time, the Supreme Court nomination. YMMV. Show notes and more at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Well, hello! Alice and Deanna welcome themselves back from their accidental sabbatical, declaring this episode to be the beginning of Season 3. And that’s not all! They also discuss '90s fashion, how much the world is going to hell, what’s the worst thing to say to someone in a dark place, why new music is our salvation right now (but note to Beyoncé and Jay-Z, uh, the country is in flames), and what happens when your cardiologist enters the office on his Segway. Plus: delightful things! Show notes and more: leagueofawkwardunicorns.com
PS -- You may notice some audio distortion this episode. Our incredibly overpaid sound engineer was asleep on the job, and couldn't totally make it perfect later, and not that she's a perfectionist, but SHE BEGS YOUR FORGIVENESS.
Lifehacker: Nonbinary People Share Their Advice on Coming Out: https://lifehacker.com/nonbinary-people-share-their-advice-on-coming-out-1827016879
Lifehacker: How To Responsibly Share Information About ICE Raids On Social Media:
https://lifehacker.com/how-to-responsibly-share-information-about-ice-raids-on-1827203452"So Velveeta isn’t allowed to call itself “cheese” but an unlicensed crisis pregnancy center can pretend to be a medical facility. Okay." https://twitter.com/mizsant/status/1011633663732342784?lang=en
Pema Chödrön https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8052.Pema_Ch_dr_n
Deanna's article on Medium:
https://medium.com/@deanna/why-you-are-loved-and-please-reach-out-are-the-crappiest-things-to-post-after-someone-has-died-484eb23d6715McSweeney's, 17 Real-Life Would-You-Rathers I, A Woman, Have Had To Ask Myself:
https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/17-real-life-would-you-rathers-i-a-woman-have-had-to-ask-myselfThe Beyoncé & Jay Z album, "Everything Is Love" https://listen.tidal.com/album/90521280
Janelle Monae!! http://www.jmonae.com/
Father John Misty: https://fatherjohnmisty.com/
Neko Case: https://nekocase.com/
Her interview with Scott Simon: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/09/618496741/neko-case-on-hell-onCourtney Barnett: https://courtneybarnett.com.au/
The hangry otter: https://www.facebook.com/LADbible/videos/hungry-otter/4674340225946464/
As ever, we are so grateful to Tacocat for letting us use Shame Spiral as our intro/outro music!!!
The goose that gave up is a kid's song, hee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FnVadHLN5c
If you don't know the other two songs I used, I cannot help you.
Happy stupid new year! Alice and Deanna are reunited, AGAIN! In this episode, we chat about holidays with the family, how "eating" "better" might make us "feel" "better," and the rollercoaster ride that has been Deanna's #MeToo life these past few weeks. Note: we talk about sexual harassment/assault/abuse in this episode, and we touch on suicide ideation briefly, but none of it is in graphic detail. Links and show notes at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com.
We're delighted to welcome back Jaclyn Friedman, author of the new book "Unscrewed: Women, Sex, Power, and How to Stop Letting the System Screw Us All." Not timely or anything, AT ALL. We talk about watching porn for science, how sexual liberation is used against women, that men aren't--as it turns out!--helpless, and that care isn't a zero-sum game. Plus: how a video about makeup contouring can soothe your feminist soul. Links and notes at leagueofawkwardunicorns.com.
Alice and Deanna are back! They talk about self-care when the world is falling apart, Tina Fey’s problematic comedy, all the ways you can help during a crisis, how criticism is nothing like pie, 45’s narcissistic personality disorder, and how bad the word “affirm” sounds. Links and show notes at leagueofawkwardunicorns.com.
Alice took a timeout for this episode, while Deanna interviewed two amazing peeps about some really easy, straightforward topics like race, immigration and the white American Dream as they affect mental health. Meet artists Vu Gandin Le and Sonal Bains, who we just can't stop loving on. Plus, Deanna shares some love for Adobe's 99U Conference (which is like, SO WHITE of her).
Alice and Deanna are back to discuss lots of weird things like being a head in a jar, having a meat suit that needs maintenance, and why money is STUPID. If you're wondering why we called this episode "Wandering Womb," wait for it. It gets worse.
Alice and Deanna chat with the estimable W. Kamau Bell, stand-up comic, television host, podcaster, and now author of a new memoir. We talk about growing up awkward, the search for finding your identity when all you’re into is watching TV and sitting, and how your mom can change your life. Plus: delightful things, and why the word “thee” doesn’t belong in a pop song. Period. Show notes and more at leagueofawkwardunicorns.com
Oh, the glories of the emotional rollercoaster of depression! In preparation for the coming nuclear apocalypse, Alice and Deanna talk about new therapists, new jobs, and bad yogurt. Show notes and more at leagueofawkwardunicorns.com.
In this week’s episode, Alice and Deanna discuss Deanna’s problems, FOR ONCE. Find out why Alice thinks making fun of Deanna is the best therapy of all! Plus, why Mike Birbiglia’s “Thank God for Jokes” will cure what ails you. Even if you’re Deanna.
Alice and Deanna welcome Jessie Sholl — author of “Dirty Secret” and, more importantly, friend. The three of them practice laughing (as you do) and then get down to business talking about phobias and how to overcome them. Plus: delightful things! Links and show notes: leagueofawkwardunicorns.com
Alice and Deanna are back, with heartfelt apologies. They'll never leave you like that again, baby.
Hey, look who’s president. Well. Huh. Alice and Deanna talk through their feelings and use the word “terrified” an alarming number of times. And Alice uses the word “dint,” all casual-like. What else? Sloths. Links and more at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com/
Alice and Deanna chat with writer/performer Paolo Sambrano about how he turned his struggles with bipolar disorder into a one-man show (as you do). They also talk about the pros and cons of treating your body like it’s a coding project, why Alice can’t meditate, when self-care becomes another form of disordered thinking, and is everything out of reach because you ate gluten once. Plus: delightful things! Show notes and more at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com/.
It’s an intimate Alice-and-Deanna-only episode this week! Our intrepid hosts discuss Alice’s recent (re)bout with depression and what she’s doing to climb out of her mood hole. Plus: Deanna’s breakup helped her find out she can still cry; doing the work that speaks to your precious snowflake soul; and the bright side of everything in our country going right to hell. Last but not least: you can support us now! In different ways! Become a League patron via Patreon (you’ll get goodies!) and/or buy League merchandise. (Our website has all the info.) And don’t forget to rate us on iTunes, you glorious creatures—it really does help. Links and more at leagueofawkwardunicorns.com
Welcome to Season 2 of The League of Awkward Unicorns! In this episode, Alice interviews Jenny Lawson, bestselling author of “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” and “Furiously Happy.” They discuss why September is actually the cruelest month, how dogs are filled with magic, and the soothing therapeutic powers of Pokemon Go. Plus, Alice and Deanna are reunited—FINALLY. Everything’s going to work out! Links and more at leagueofawkwardunicorns.com.
Alice and Deanna welcome their fanciest guest yet: Arianna Huffington! The (fancy) media mogul and author of, most recently, "Sleep Revolution" talks to us about why sleep is essential (even more essential than you thought, folks) for emotional health. We delve into how our culture conspires to deprive us of adequate sleep, why we need to fight the collective delusion that less sleep equals greater productivity, and how we can't train ourselves to genetically mutate (YET). Then Alice and Deanna discuss their upcoming hiatus, the small move that's transformed Deanna's emotional well-being, and how, when the heat and humidity levels rise, Alice gets goofier than usual.
Alice and Deanna leave the bunker to visit musician, actress, and writer, and more: Lane Moore! We discuss workaholism, which is an actual thing (and Lane has it), Lane's attempts to slow down, how showering can be tiresome, why advice-givers rarely tell you something you don't already know, and how you shouldn't have to choose between your creative loves if you love more than one thing. (Thanks, Carrie Brownstein!) Show notes, links and more at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com!
Alice and Deanna start off singing (a little off-key, maybe, but with gusto) and then wrestle with the Orlando massacre and its aftereffects. We revisit the Circle Theory and how Deanna deals with the overwhelmingness of the world. Alice takes her meds on-air! Finally, we’ve got a website Deanna created to babysit all our demons, and Alice reads a poem that you all need to hear. Links and more at http://leagueofawkwardunicorns.com/.
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