Johnny talks to Alex from HiTop films, a YouTube channel with over 20,000 subscribers! The two of them discuss their grievances with the current representation of Batman in cinema and speculate about the character’s future utilization in the DC extended universe and beyond.
Johnny has his childhood friend Mitch on the podcast to discuss David Fincher films!
Johnny and Abdallah discuss the mechanics of what makes a movie a “cult movie”, and some specific examples of how cult films have permeated into pop culture!
Johnny and Abdallah discuss trailers and their effect on movies!
Johnny and Abdallah dicuss the DC Cinematic Universe and whether or not it can be saved!
Johnny and Abdallah discuss how television has become more cinematic over the last few years!
Join Johnny and Abdallah as they discuss the role of music in movies! We talk about the vital role that effective scoring has in building a world in film.
Johnny and Abdallah discuss effective world building in movies! Here, they discuss what mechanisms are used to effectively convey original and adapted worlds in film, TV, books etc.