Does the idea of living a longevity lifestyle fill you with dread and bring up images of complex ridged daily routines, expensive supplements, monotonous days and joyless workouts? What if I told you that living a longevity lifestyle can be filled with balance, grace and ease. This is what today's podcast is all about.
The Longevity School Courses:
4-Week Longevity Jump Start Course - Save 10% with code: SAVE10
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourseDecoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health! Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/woman-hair-loss-course -
Have you tried forms of fasting while going through perimenopause and menopause with mixed results? Sometimes feeling great and other times horrible? There's a good reason for this. Women, especially in hormonal transition time, simply can't fast like men, or even post-menopausal women. Today, we dive deep into how to fast the right way for both weight loss, hormone balance and overall feeling great.
GET THE GUIDE: Principles for Fasting in Perimenopause for Weight Loss and Hormone Balance
I've prepared a 6-page guide to accompany today's podcast. It lays out EVERYTHING I share in today's episode... everything I wish I knew when I started my fasting journey for weight loss and hormone balance! Click this link to get it now: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/fastinginperimenopauseforweightlossandhormonebalanceTHE LONGEVITY SCHOOL COURSES:
4-Week Longevity Jump Start Course
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourseDecoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health! Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/woman-hair-loss-course -
Episodi mancanti?
Epigenetics is an exciting area of longevity science. It's the study of how environment and lifestyle factors can turn on or off how our genes express themselves. And how those genes express themselves has a LOT to do with how well or poorly you'll age. It also means that just because you may be predisposed genetically to a disease, it doesn't mean you'll get that disease. Today's episode dives deep into epigenetics and covers four accessible ways to support your genes so that they express themselves favorably for longevity.
The Longevity School Courses:
4-Week Longevity Jump Start Course
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourseDecoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health! Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/woman-hair-loss-course -
When you hear the words "soul care" what do you think? How does that phrase make you feel? I'll be honest, my soul has been feeling a bit tattered lately and in need of some soul care. Tending to our souls is as important for longevity as eating our greens. Today, we look at 6 ways to care for the soul. Please share ways you care for your soul in the comments!
Poem The Guest House: https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/guest-house/
The Longevity School Courses:
4-Week Longevity Jump Start Course
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourseDecoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health! Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/woman-hair-loss-course -
There is so much confusion around HRT. Some women swear by it and others swear against it. Today, we break it all down. We look at the Women's Health Initiative study that scared women off of HRT in 2002 and newer data that turns that study a bit on its head to shed light on the many health benefits of HRT, notably BHRT.
The goal of today's episode? To give you information to be empowered to make decisions with your healthcare provider that are personalized and right for you!
4-Week Longevity Jump Start Course
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourseDecoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women Course:
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health! Get the Course: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/woman-hair-loss-course -
Have you heard of MTHFR? Most people haven't and it could be a factor in a number of health issues and symptoms. Globally, 10-40% of people have this genetic mutation, with rates highest in the U.S at 30% and Europe at 50%. MTHFR is easy to uncover through a simple blood test. If you have it, it can affect your body's ability to methylate and utilize folate (both a big deal!) and get rid of toxins. MTHFR is a risk factor for a number of age-related diseases, including late onset Alzheimer's. Today, I talk about my journey discovering I have MTHFR and how addressing it was a game changer in putting my Hashimoto's thyroid disease into remission for good and feeling my best!
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Learn more: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourse
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health!
How Inflammation Ages You & What to Do About It (podcast referenced in today's episode): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-longevity-school/id1742264450?i=1000653016417
Have you set your longevity goals for 2025? In this week's podcast, I share 5 longevity habits I'm focusing on this year. For me, this year is about keeping it simple and having grace for myself. I'd love to hear your goals for this year for vibrant aging as well. Please share in the show comments!
If you love this podcast, please follow us and rate and review the podcast. This really helps others find the show and it's so appreciated!
Let's Get Real About Alcohol & Aging (previous podcast referenced in today's episode): Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Hke0S1XA9p9vSsJgazheY?si=hSAjF8n3TxixZ1_rik7_9g Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-longevity-school/id1742264450?i=1000660521929
Your biological age may be younger, or older, than your actual age. And, the health of your cells plays a big role in whether aging is accelerated or decelerated in the body. Today's podcast dives into three key areas to pay attention to when it comes to your cell's health and what to do to support each area for happy healthy cells to feel and look your best!
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Learn more: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourse
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health!
While there's much we can do to continue to feel energetic as we age, there's also truth in that we may not have the energy of our younger years, and that's ok to acknowledge and accept. But it does mean managing our time for the things that matter most to us is even more important than ever, a topic we delve into in this week's episode.
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Learn more: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourse
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health!
Adaptogenic herbs are magical in that they adapt to what our bodies need: Tired, they'll help give you energy. Stressed, they'll help calm you down. Adrenals burned out from too much stress? Adaptogenic herbs have you covered. They pack a big punch in supporting vibrant aging. In today's episode, you'll learn all about these gifts from nature, and I'll share with you some of my favorites among them.
Ready to look and feel your best in mid-life and beyond? Start your journey with our self-paced Longevity Jump Start Course. In this course, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to set the foundation for vibrant aging. Learn more: https://www.thelongevityschool.net/thelongevityschooljumpstartcourse
Struggling with hair loss or changes in your hair quality as you age? Check out our NEW course Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss for Women. The mini course goes deep into 10 possible factors affecting your hair. It's designed to give you the tools to reclaim your hair health!
Are you in the thick of navigating perimenopause or menopause? If so, you won't want to miss this week's discussion with bodyworker Laura Weber, LMT. In this episode, we go deep into the experience of this major life transition for women, honoring the complexity and beauty of this transformative process.
Connect with Laura:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauraweberlmbt/
Tolpa Holistic Health: https://tolpaholistichealth.janeapp.com/ -
The current nutrition hype says we should get 100 grams of protein a day in our diets. While it's a good idea to strive for close to that most days, there are several things to keep in mind when it comes to protein and how much is a good thing. Today's episode explores the current focus on high protein diets and things to consider as you craft your own vibrant aging plan.
Be sure to grab our episode guide in the link below with 45+ animal and plant-based protein sources: Your Guide to Getting 100 Grams of Protein a Day
Are you tired of the narrative around the endless quest to look and feel forever young and fight every aspect of aging? I am, too. That's not to say we don't want to cultivate a lifestyle to age vibrantly and look and feel our best, but there's a difference between anti-aging and vibrant aging. And, that's what this week's podcast explores.
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There are many possible culprits when it comes to age-related hair loss and hair changes. And hormones are a big one for many women. Today we tackle 15 ways to balance your hormones for healthier hair and overall better health.
*NEW COURSE* Decoding Age-Related Hair Loss: A Woman's Guide to Reclaiming Your Hair Health: Learn about the 10 most common age-related hair loss factors (sex hormones are just 1 of them) and what to do for each. In this course, you'll also receive a workbook to create your own personalized hair health recovery plan. Plus, get two bonus guides: Eat for Longevity and the 8 Most Powerful Supplements for Longevity. Ready to get started for less than the cost of a week's worth of lattes? Click the link above to purchase the course and access the content immediately!
Information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice.
Ever wonder why everything seems to hurt more as we age? Today's guest Trent McDonald, bodyworker, pilates instructor and movement expert shares why and what we can do to feel our best in our bodies with each passing year. Yes, it will take some extra effort and dedication, but it is possible to continue to move with vibrancy as we age!
Learn more about Trent's work:
Instagram: @fascia_rebalanced
Facebook: @FasciaRebalancedResources referenced in today's podcast: Animal Flow & Original Strength
Weight gain and resistant weight loss as we age can be extremely frustrating. And, it's not as simple as calories in; calories out like it was in our younger years. In today's episode, we reveal eight hidden causes of age-related weight gain and what may be at the root cause of resistant weight loss.
The Longevity Jump Start 4-Week Course: Are you ready to create your foundation for vibrant aging? Our 4-week course is designed to do just that. Join today!
Dr. Mary Claire Haver: Resource referenced in today's podcast for perimenopause and menopause information.
Having a healthy liver is important to your overall health, but did you know that many skin issues have their root cause in the liver? So, if you want better, healthier, more vibrant looking skin, it’s time to love your liver. Ready to learn how?
The Longevity Jump Start 4-Week Course: Are you ready to create your foundation for vibrant aging? Our 4-week course is designed to do just that. Learn more!
When we look at using nutrition for health, prevention and even addressing symptoms and disease, these three principles that we cover in today's podcast are key. Learn how to use the food you eat to feel and age your best.
The Longevity Jump Start 4-Week Course: Are you ready to reset and set your foundation for vibrant aging? Our 4-week course is designed to do just that. Learn more!
Quality relationships are a big factor in longevity with some studies showing they are the most important factor. A huge life lesson that came out of my divorce in my 40s and rebuilding my life after was that the most important relationship I’ll ever have is the one I have with myself.
I learned that if that relationship is solid, authentic and loving, the right relationships will flow into my life. In today's podcast, I share 3 ways I reconnected with myself after my divorce. I know many of you have gone through similar life events and I hope this story offers value to you on your path in life.
The Longevity Jump Start Course: Ready to set your foundation for vibrant aging? Sign up for our self-paced 4-week course with me and get powerful tools to feel your best!
Resources referenced in today's podcast:
The Terri Cole Show: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-terri-cole-show/id1038357955The School of Self Image: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/school-of-self-image/id1071406906
Precision, or personalized, medicine is the next evolution in healthcare. But it can be pricey and reserved only for those who can afford access to the handful of doctors trained in how to deliver it well. So, how can you tap into the benefits of precision medicine without the costs? That's what we discuss in today's episode.
The Longevity Jump Start 4-Week Course: Are you ready to reset and set your foundation for vibrant aging? Our 4-week course is designed to do just that. Learn more!
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