This is the second part of the phenonema of the solar eclipse with the emphasis on how the eclipse can stir earthquakes all over the world. Listen to Antot Masuka, western astrologer.from celestial affairs.com.
What is the significance of the solar eclipse which occurs 2-3 times a year? How does it affect your entire psyche? The eclipse is a sign of renewal or transformation. Learn the importance of the sign of Aires in the solar eclipse. Each sun sign will be affected on a different level. The moon blocks the light of the sun in the eclipse. The new moon will have the sun and moon in Aires. Accidents are more prone in the sign of Ares. No 2 eclipses are the same. Each eclipse has its own personality profile.
Learn about Chiron, the therapist of the Cosmos and the North Node and how they will affect you during this important time.
Listen to Antot Masuka, international western astrologer for over 25 years. He is a member of the International Society of Astrological Research and a member of the National Council for Geocosmc Research .
Check out hie newsletter on the following link.
The north node is also in Aires which could motivate you to accomplish your mission. Chiron, the therapist of the cosmos calls
for healing and Aires is in Chiron
Become educated with the solar eclipse with Antot Masuka, Antot is a western astrologer for over 25 years. He is the member of
the International Society of Astrological Research and a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research.
Check out Antot's newsletter with this link
https://gem.godaddy.com/p/edff391/ -
Mangler du episoder?
Did you ever self sabotage your relationship and you do not know why? Did old hurts become repressed without you consciously knowing? Did childhood traumas slow down your pace for intimacy? What is decoding a language mean? Do you know of anyone who is an alcoholic? Colli talks about all the ramifications of the bottle and why the bottle becomes the mistress? Do you ever abandon yourself and forgot about self love?
Colli K. Christante is a certified trauma specialist. She is also a practitioner facilitator, relationship expert, and freedom for self sabotage expert and much more . She will give you much insight into this important topic. -
Contact Antot at CelestialAffairs.com
Contact Carol, the host for Intuitive Astrology readings: IntuitiveCarol@gmail.com
How to Have a Healthy Life with Dr. Bernie Siegel. Bernie is a retired surgeon and author of many best selling books including Love, Medicine & Miracles. Did you ever wonder what are some of the ingredients for a healthy life. Is it only the physical and if not, what else could it be? How can we improve our immune system? And most of all, do you want to have a healthy life? Learn the physical, psychological, spiritual and soul aspects for a healthy being, Listen to the wisdom of Bernie and his enlightening stories that you will remember which is all for your self growth and self empowerment.
Dr. Bernie Siegel, www.berniesiegelmd.com
Carol the host, email, intuitivecarol@gmail for psychic/intuitive readings, subject : readings -
What does it mean that the year 2022 is being pushed to another level? What does it mean that the nodes are in taurus and scorpio? Is corporate taking over in the world? Are the forces just settling in and what will happen in 2022? What influences do the squares, conjunctions and orbs play into all of this? Did you know that as the sun goes into each sign it brings in newer challenges? What will happen to the overall political arena and the financial world? Why will February be a difficult month? Our guest Antot Masuka of celestial affairs.com , western astrologer for over 20 years, as well as being a member of the International Society of Astrological Research as well a member of the National Cpincil for Geocosmic Research will give you lots of information on 2022. There will be a new reality and learn why.
What is The One Hour Miracle? Listen to validated stories from clients of Dr. Andrew Hahn who uses muscle testing to determine the key to your ailment. Why did the woman have a hyper ventilated pain on stage. What was the cause of her neck pain? How did she become relieved within an hour? What is soul retrieval? Listen to Dr. Hahn's intake on emotional blockages. How can we prevent any discomfort to occur? How can we become free from suffering?
Listen to Dr. Andrew Hahn who has a worldwide practice for over 35 years. Life Centered Therapy. He uses the tools of kinesiology to discover the patients truest intention as well as the origin oof the blockage. Dr. Hahn also conducts classes in guided self healing. -
Learn how to live is one of Dr. Siegel's motto. Can you learn more with an open mind? Why should we eliminate Monday? What is the difference between self induced healing and spontaneous remission? The rainbow has such a beautiful energy, and learn the meaning of it. Try to always send positive messages to you body, the temple of your soul. Try journal writing for the elimination of toxic energies. What would happen to the world if we all took the love vaccine and a booster with it. Why not let your heart make up your mind.
There is so much wisdom in this podcast with Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of the worldwide best selling book, Love, Medicine & Miracles, 365 Prescriptions for the Soul and so much more on www.berniesiegelmd.com -
What is self sabotage? Do you have any trigger points or unresolved issues from this life or a past life? Does your body register this? The guest Colli Christante discusses your human DNA, your vibrational code, subconscious survival program and so much more. She wants their clients to feel safe no matter what. The key is for you to become aware of self sabotage and to be in the ;present.
Listen to Colli Christante. professional self sabotage coach, family constellation facilitator, kinesiologist, and a N LP practitioner.
You will learn the signs of self sabotage and how to heal yourself. -
What can we learn from the Aboriginal culture of Australia, the spirituality of Bali and the healers of Ecuador? What does initiation mean for a ceremony? Why are tattoos and crystals used by Aboriginals in Australia? How do they communicate? Why is a crystal embedded in their 3rd eye? The people of Bali pray 3 times a day in temples in every community. They talk to their spirits and their ancestors. What can we learn from the healers in Ecuador in the Amazon or in rain forest areas?
Listen to Dr. Bonmie McLean, awarded the top International Doctor of oriental medicine and acupuncture in 2019. Dr.McLean also integrates In her practice cupping, hypnosis, guided imagery, shamanic healing, reflexology and so much more. -
What does the planet Saturn do to the energies of the universe? Why is it so important to understand how it operates and what it can do to our psyche or collective consciousness? Colleen discusses the planet Uranus and how the 2 planets can create an awakening. Uranus wants change and there are 3 important dates to remember. Learn what to look out for and how the old will influence the new beginnings or new outlook of life.
Listen to Colleen Leema, professional astrologer, numerologist, reiki master, and certified in hypnosis and past life regression. Colleen also works with the archangels and ascended masters. -
Do you believe that life is mystical? Do you believe in meaningful coincidences? Dr. Bernie Siegel shares his stories as well as his patients stories about synchronicity or meaningful coincidences, created by Carl Jung. Bernie will discuss how he was led to write his international book, Love, Medicine & Miracles. Is there a feeling of time when we paint or anything else that we are totally engaged with? Do we hide ourselves? What does a trance state mean? Are you afraid to say NO? Bernie discusses his meaning of love. He talks about the magic of nature, and the meaning of colors in nature. Bernie believes "Do what makes you happy!" There is so much wisdom in this podcast with Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of his best selling international book, Love, Medicine & Miracles. and 365 Prescriptions for the Soul. All of Bernie's books are on his website, www.berniesiegelmd.com
Did you ever think why animals live in the present? Wanda Buckner discusses stories of patients and how an animal helped heal their blood pressure. Why are dogs so therapeutic to patients in hospitals? Did you ever realize that your heart may be more open to love an animal than a human being? It is known that animals can see a spirit around you, or your energetic field. Animals can reduce your fear or pain: they are healers. Their spirit can bond with yours. Animals live in the now.
Listen to Wanda Buckner, founder of Healing Energy Services, pet and people communicator, energy healer psychic, clairvoyant, hypnotherapist, holy fire reiki healer and medium for pets and animals. -
What does spiritual emergency mean and what is the meaning of "decompensation" with regards to mental illness? Why is the sense of community so important especially for the mentally ill person? The guest discusses areas of the world where they may have less mental illness issues. Courtney also discusses why medication may dull the spirit. She gives you great insight into the indigenous cultures and why their spirit may be so contained compared to western civilizations. What is the aboriginal's dreamtime or trance state? Courtney also highlights the phenomenon of autism, schizophrenia and trauma.
Listen to Courtney Marchesani, M.S. in mind, body integrative medicine, certified in integrative nutrition health coach, clinical health coach and author of 4 Gifts for the Highly Sensitive. -
What is EQ? Why is it so important to express negative emotions even though it can be hurtful at the time? We will learn how the sign in the moon effects you and how it represents the emotional self. Wouldn't you like to master the sign in you moon so you can express the healthiest you? You will learn the difference between water signs in the moon vs. fire signs. Can you guess which sign in the moon tends to live in the past? It is so important to connect to our shadow as Carl Jung has so well demonstrated. Is there a difference between emotions and sensitivity? Learn how to connect to your personal power by knowing the moon in your birthdate.
Listen to Angelika Matev , certified psychological astrologer and life transformational coach. Angelika focuses on your inner growth through all of your life's challenges and to reconnect to your authentic self. Angelika Matev is a member of the ISAR, iInternational Society of
Astrological Research. -
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