In this episode, we’re exploring the Anabaptism at 500 project and the possibility of an Anabaptist Community Bible. Our guests are Mollee Moua and John D. Roth who were both hired by MennoMedia for this project. We’re going to have a conversation about what Anabaptism means today and the specifics of this Anabaptist Bible. Do we really need a new Bible? What is the benefit of hearing from diverse voices and interpretations? And how can you and your church participate?
Mollee, from Kitchener, Ontario, serves as Managing Editor for Anabaptism at 500. She previously worked at Mennonite Church Eastern Canada as the Courageous Imagination Project Manager. John, from Goshen, Indiana, serves as the Project Director. He previously worked as a professor of history at Goshen College and has been heavily involved in the global Anabaptist movement. He has also authored many articles and books about Mennonite faith and identity.
You can also win a copy of John D. Roth’s book Stories: How Mennonites Came to Be! Simply like our give-away post on facebook or instagram in the coming week (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
09:31 - Interview (Part 1)
32:00 - Resource give-away
33:48 - Interview (Part 2)
1:00:47 - Continuing the conversation
1:07:48 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with pastor and chair of the regional Truth and Reconciliation Working Group of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, Peter Haresnape. We’re going to have a conversation about the future of Indigenous-Settler solidarity work in Mennonite Church Canada. How do we make sense of the shifts that have taken place in our nation-wide church in the last few years? How do we meaningfully move away from the sins of our past? And how do we move forward towards true reconciliation?
Peter is one of the pastors serving the Toronto United Mennonite Church, which is “a Christian community in the Mennonite-Anabaptist ‘peace church’ tradition.” Before beginning his pastoral role, Peter also worked for the Student Christian Movement and Community Peacemaker Teams. He studies theology at Conrad Grebel University College, is one of the co-founders of the Cahoots Festival, and can be found engaging the online social media world.
You can also win a copy of Edith and Neill von Gunten’s new book Walking Together: Intercultural Stories of Love and Acceptance! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord. Like our page before December 26, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
09:40 - Interview (Part 1)
30:40 - Resource give-away
32:20 - Interview (Part 2)
1:04:25 - Continuing the conversation
1:09:47 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with pastor and co-founder of Pastors in Exile (PiE), Jessie Reesor Rempel. We’re going to learn a bit about PiE’s ministry and have a conversation about young people and the church. Why are many young people leaving the church? What are young people searching for? And what is our role in reaching out to those beyond our church walls?
From their website: PiE is a progressive and affirming community-based ministry that seeks to empower young adults as they explore and deepen the spiritual meaning of their lives, world, work, and activism. Jessie is passionate about nurturing community, extending radical hospitality, and seeking out sacred moments in the midst of the mundane. Through her work with PiE, she is energized by experiencing God at work in new and unexpected ways in the Kitchener-Waterloo community.
You can also win a copy of Thomas Bergen’s book Home Together: Student Ministry at the Menno Simons Centre! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord. Like our page before October 31, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
10:53 - Interview (Part 1)
33:28 - Resource give-away
35:00 - Interview (Part 2)
1:02:02 - Continuing the conversation
1:10:00 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re recapping and debriefing the 2022 Mennonite Church Canada nation-wide Gathering that took place in Edmonton this past summer. We reflect on the speakers, worship, workshops, and late night conversations. We also talk about some of the more difficult issues that our church is going through. All along the way, we ponder how what we experienced fits into the Gathering theme of “We Declare.”
The Mennonite Church Canada nation-wide Gathering is a biennial conference that brings together delegates and participants from our five regional churches. We gather to worship and discern how God is calling us to move forward. If you weren’t able to participate this time, you can find some of the recorded sessions here.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
09:00 - Guest Speakers
24:20 - Workshops
39:30 - Letting go of Steve Heinrichs
53:20 - Gathering Worship
1:02:05 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with the coordinators of the Abuse Response and Prevention Program of Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba. Their names are Jaymie Friesen and Val Hiebert. We’re going to chat about abuse and the church. When, why, and how does abuse happen among Christians? How should we properly understand the role of power? And how can we courageously respond and prevent abuse in our institutions?
Jaymie and Val work together to respond to incidents of abuse as well as to educate churches about abuse prevention and healthy sexuality. They welcome invitations for conversation and to speak at churches while offering many resources through abuseresponseandprevention.ca.
You can also win a copy of Susannah Larry’s new book Leaving Silence: Sexualized Violence, the Bible, and Standing with Survivors! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord. Like our page before June 27, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
08:18 - Interview (Part 1)
24:15 - Resource give-away
26:18 - Interview (Part 2)
57:08 - Continuing the conversation
1:06:14 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with three members of the 7 Calls to Climate Action working group; Katie Goerzen-Sheard, Mark Bigland-Pritchard, and Nelson Lee. Join us for a conversation about the climate crisis. What kind of emergency are we actually in? What role do Christians and the church have in addressing the situation? And what do we do when we’re not all on the same page?
The 7 Calls to Climate Action was put forward by a diverse group of Mennonites from across Canada who believe that “it is too late not to act” in regards to the climate emergency. Since their appeal was presented to the Mennonite Church Canada Joint Council & Executive Staff Group, over 600 others have signed on to these calls.
You can also win a copy of Seth Klein’s new book A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord. Like our page before May 23, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
07:20 - Interview (Part 1)
30:44 - Resource give-away
32:07 - Interview (Part 2)
1:00:54 - Continuing the conversation
1:14:04 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with president of Mennonite World Conference, J. Nelson Kraybill. Join us for a conversation about war and peace. What does peace look like in situations like the invasion of Russia in Ukraine? How can we live out the love of Jesus in the midst of conflict? What role does the church have in making peace?
Nelson is an author, scholar, retired pastor, and president emeritus of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. You can find Nelson’s open letter to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow here. You can also connect with Nelson at his blog - https://peace-pilgrim.com/.
You can also win a copy of Jason Porterfield’s new book Fight Like Jesus: How Jesus Waged Peace Throughout Holy Week! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before April 18, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
07:05 - Interview with Nelson (Part 1)
27:48 - Resource give-away
29:40 - Interview with Nelson (Part 2)
52:43 - Continuing the conversation
1:04:22 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with pastor, author, and Social Media Enthusiast, Kyle Penner. Join us as we talk about the COVID-19 pandemic. How should we deal with the polarization in our communities? Do Christians have a role to speak up politically? And how do we deal with the hate from people who claim to love Jesus?
Kyle is one of the pastors at Grace Mennonite Church in Steinbach, Manitoba. During the pandemic, he has been outspoken on social media, encouraging people to follow government mandates and get vaccinated. He was also part of a provincial ad campaign which landed him in hot water. You can connect with Kyle on social media or at his blog - kylepenner.home.blog/.
You can also win a copy of Melissa Florer-Bixler’s new book How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger and the Work of Peace! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord. Like our page before March 15, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
07:40 - Interview with Kyle (Part 1)
33:56 - Resource give-away
35:28 - Interview with Kyle (Part 2)
58:48 - Continuing the conversation
1:09:04 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with theologian, author, and former general secretary of Mennonite Church Canada, Robert J. Suderman (Jack). Join us as we talk about the church. Can you be a Christian and not be part of the church? And how do we make sense of the sins of our church institutions?
Jack is a long-time servant of the church, both locally and globally. He has been involved in teaching, administration, and international work. He has visited over 30 countries and continues to be involved in regular church life. He is the author of Re-Imagining the Church, Encounters on the Way, and most recently, The Baby and the Bathwater.
You can also win a copy of Jack’s new book The Baby and the Bathwater! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord. Like our page before February 13, 2022. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
07:36 - Interview with Jack (Part 1)
32:24 - Resource give-away
34:10 - Interview with Jack (Part 2)
50:32 - Continuing the conversation
1:03:01 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with Pastor Andrea De Avila and River Martin, both from Sargent Avenue Mennonite Church in Winnipeg. Join us as we talk about race, discrimination, and the hope for diversity in the church. Is racism still a thing? How do we make sense of privilege? How can we achieve real diversity in the church?
Andrea and River have been engaging their home congregation, Sargent Avenue Mennonite Church, in these conversations for the last few years. They have shared their own experiences and have lead their church in studies and discussions. They have also started a support group for people of colour in the Mennonite Church.
You can also win a copy of Who Will Be a Witness: Igniting Activism for God's Justice, Love, and Deliverance by Drew G. I. Hart! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before October 3, 2021. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
10:39 - Interview with Andrea & River
57:15 - Resource give-away
58:42 - Continuing the conversation
01:07:55 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with Professor Emeritus of Conrad Grebel University College, Tom Yoder Neufeld. Join us as we talk about the church. What is the church? Who can be a part of it? And what do we do when we don’t get along?
Tom is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies & Theological Studies at Conrad Grebel University College. He’s spent his whole life in the church, serving on the local and global level, as well as everything in-between. He continues to use his gifts to encourage the church. He is the author of the Ephesians commentary in the Believers Church Bible Commentary Series as well as Killing Enmity: Violence and The New Testament and Recovering Jesus: The Witness of the New Testament.
You can also win a copy of Tom’s commentary on Ephesians! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before August 29, 2021. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
07:15 - Interview with Tom
48:03 - Resource give-away
49:48 - Continuing the conversation
1:00:43 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Irma Fast Dueck. Join us as we talk about baptism, membership, and young people in the church. Why are young people leaving the church? Why are young Christians choosing not to be baptized? What does positive faith formation look like?
Irma is the Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Canadian Mennonite University. She has done extensive research on young people in the church, baptism, cohabitation, and marriage. She is also active in the life of the church and is a sought-after speaker for conferences, retreats, and churches.
You can also win a copy of Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids by Natalie Frisk! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before August 15, 2021. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
08:28 - Interview with Irma
51:42 - Resource give-away
53:33 - Continuing the conversation
58:59 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with Mennonite worship guru, Anneli Loepp Thiessen. Join us as we talk about worship and the new Voices Together hymnal. Is a hymnal a theological book? Why are some songs and resources added, removed, or changed? And what do we do when authors and composers abuse and violate others?
Anneli was on the Voices Together hymnal committee. She is a doctoral student and the Canadian director of the Anabaptist Worship Network. You can can connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.
You can also win a copy of Voices Together as well as a limited edition Voices Together face mask! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before August 1, 2021. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
09:23 - Interview with Anneli
47:54 - Resource give-away
50:34 - Continuing the conversation
58:08 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with pastor, author, and self proclaimed “theology nut,” Anthony G. Siegrist. Join us as we talk about talking about God. Who is God and how can we know God? How do we make sense of theological moments? And who is allowed to participate?
Anthony is the author of Speaking of God: An Essential Guide to Christian Thought which you can borrow or buy from CommonWord. You can learn more about Anthony and connect with him at anthonysiegrist.com
You can also win a copy of Anthony’s book! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win a copy of The Bible Unwrapped thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before July 18, 2021. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline:
00:00 - Introduction
08:00 - Interview with Anthony
44:20 - Resource give-away
46:32 - Continuing the conversation
56:45 - Outro -
In this episode, we’re talking with pastor, theologian, author, and preacher Meghan Larissa Good. Join us as we have a conversation about the Bible. What is it all about? Why is it so important? And why do we have such a hard time with it?
Meghan is the author of The Bible Unwrapped: Making Sense of Scripture Today, which you can borrow or buy from CommonWord. You can learn more about Meghan and connect with her at meghanlarissagood.com
You can also win a copy of Meghan’s book! Simply like our facebook page (@themennocast), and you will automatically be entered to win a copy of The Bible Unwrapped thanks to CommonWord and Herald Press. Like our page before July 4, 2021. Open to Canadian residents only.
Thanks for listening to The MennoCast!
Episode Outline
00:00 - Introduction
09:08 - Interview with Meghan
48:38 - Resource give-away
51:20 - Continuing the conversation
01:00:17 - Outro -
Thank you for taking the time to check out The MennoCast. This is the trailer for this new podcast initiative - hosted by Ryan Dueck, Moses Falco, and Carrie Lehn. We’re so excited to launch and get the conversations going!
The MennoCast is a platform for genuine, enriching, and stimulating conversations about faith from an Anabaptist perspective. As followers of Jesus, and pastors within the Mennonite Church Canada tradition, we’ve seen how much the focus has shifted to local congregations as the hub of Christian ministry. But the Church is so much bigger than just our local expressions. This is our way of connecting the church together, listening to each other’s voices, and inviting others to journey together with us.
Each season, we will be digging deep into a theme, growing in our faith in Jesus Christ, and encouraging one another along the way. We will have one or more guests each episode who will share their stories and perspectives. You can listen here, at CommonWord, or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.