Living with all forms of Mental disorders can be terrible. Let's take this Journey together and Let's start our Healing path to a new and peaceful Mindset.
#lifecouching #learntohealyourself #mentalhealthawareness #mindset -
Mental Health is a scary thing. Educate yourself learn if the symptoms and signs. Be kind to one another. Take time to bless someone today. #aaroncarter #love
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Over coming mental illness is not an easy task. Sometimes those whom have experienced mental abuse can be so traumatic that is puts them in a path of destruction. We can help beat that demon. Society no longer uses Thier humanity. We push people away which cause suicides and addictions etc. We must become better. we are better then that
We need to pull together. Our country is in so much trouble. Let's find peace. Value who you are and never let anyone tell you different.
Dealing with being alone can be more painful then you may know. But loving those who hate you is the hardest thing I've ever done. What do you do when know one loves you
Remembering my dad and pushing through the hardships of grief. Learning to move on
Information for the new season
How do you feel? What's on your mind. Let me here from you. I want more for you then 2020 allowed. 2021 will be your year
New dates and shows coming your way.. Come join our March this Oct 10th 2020 or tune in live on facebook or Youtube. Join the conversation on our brand new facebook page "Just Saying" or find the host page at www.facebook.com/jamesedwardsmusic1 and he can help you if you can't find our new page.
Take a stand believe in yourself.. Know the truth of what's really coming. Join us each episode and be on camera. We want to hear your thoughts
Race is not the issue in this Country... we need to get back to basic of life.
What do you think about the protest? How do you feel about George Floyd? Listen as we discuss some of your concerns and issues. With the G man
Sharing our voice to the world... What do you think? How do you feel?
Live interviews coming in the new series. YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS. FOLLOW US @jamesedwardsmusic1 on facebook. Jamesedwardsmusic instagram twitter tiktok. This information your going to want to hear.
Please dont give up on yourself. Your far more valuable then you could ever imagine. People stop and listen look around you. So many are hurt dying we must stop and help those in need those that are struggling with depression. Let me help YOU!! Fight Fight Fight for yourself for your purpose for your life.. I LOVE YOU..just saying
Have you ever took a moment to ask your self what legacy are you leaving behind? Dont forget what you have right in front of you that matters.