In this episode of The Molly Larkin Show I’m delighted to bring you an excerpt from the audio book of "The Wind Is My Mother; The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman." It includes a description of a beautiful ceremony for newborn babies.
Larry Winters, the Native American actor who narrated Bear Heart’s voice, did a remarkable job of capturing his heart and essence.I co-authored The Wind Is My Mother with my spiritual teacher Bear Heart. First published in 1996 and translated into a dozen languages, it’s still in print and has clearly struck a chord with readers all over the world.
Here’s what Larry Winters told his fans about his experience of narrating Bear Heart’s voice for the audio book:
Hello Friend,
The Wind is My Mother, the recorded book, has just been published by Tantor Media. The below web address will get you there. I, Larry Winters, have been honored to be the narrator. I believe within the pages of this book there is an antidote for the confusion surrounding truth and trust which I see as one of today’s most critical issues. Bear Heart was a spiritual guide who read the sign posts which have led to our current struggles, spiritually, environmentally and globally. The dedication of Molly Larkin in capturing Bear Hearts teaching in her writing, is a blessing.
I believe those who listen, will reawaken to wisdom they have always known in their souls. Sending this on will be a gift to whomever receives it and to the world at large.
Go well
Larry Wintershttps://tantor.com/the-wind-is-my-mother-bear-heart.html
Do you live your life just accepting what comes your way? Or do you take a proactive part in creating what you want. You’d be surprised at the results you can get when you try. Today’s episode explains how.
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Do you live in linear time, or natural time? Do you know the difference? Which is better for your physical and spiritual health?
Traditional indigenous people the world over speak the language of spirit – meaning they knew how to have a two-way communication with the natural world around them. All because they live in natural time.
Today's episode will teach you the difference between linear and natural time and how to live in the latter to improve your health and spirituality. -
Whenever I mention the 7thGeneration principle to most people, they think I’m talking about the ecologically friendly laundry detergent company. I’m always surprised that more people don’t know the origin of the term, so I felt it deserved an episode, particularly at this time in our history, where our very future is at stake.
Because if we embrace it, the 7th Generation Principle of Native Americans may very well save our planet.
If you’re looking for methods of improving your health, your self-care and helping others, today’s episode on Spiritual Healing is for you. My guest is Spiritual Healing practitioner and instructor David Karg. David and I are both USA trainers for England’s The Healing Trust, the largest energy healing organization in Europe. Learn more at: www.nfsh-thehealingtrusttrainingUSA.org and www.MollyLarkin.com/podcast
Do you ever look up at the night sky and feel a longing? A familiarity? As if perhaps you came from the stars?
I do.
Whenever I look at the Pleiades I feel a calling to home. Many indigenous tribes say they came from the Pleiades. There’s a reason for that and that’s the subject of today’s episode.
We come from the stars. The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms found in all life on earth, including humans, was produced originally in stars billions of years ago.That is scientific fact. The materials in our cells once came from the sky.
The universe is in us. The universe is us.
Have you ever wanted to hear a shaman talk about his work? Well, today’s your chance.
Those of you who’ve been following my blog for a while know that I worked closely with Bear Heart – a full blood, traditionally trained healer of the Muskogee Creek tribe. I was one of his apprentices and I co-authored his best-selling autobiography, The Wind Is My Mother; the Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman. Published in 1996, it’s been translated into 12 languages and is still in print. You can buy it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/2W2pRJc
Bear Heart was a powerful healer. In our culture we would call him a “medicine man” – but the thing is, the real medicine men and shamans don’t call themselves that. One of the requirements of their profession is humility.
One of the remarkable things Bear Heart did was bring snow to Colorado when there was a snow drought.
The fall of 1988 had very little snow and it didn’t bode well for the opening of the ski season around Thanksgiving. The owner of the Copper Mountain ski resort invited Bear Heart to come to Colorado and pray for snow. And he did. With no snow in the weather forecast, it started snowing as he did a prayer ceremony. And it kept snowing, getting the ski resorts off to a good start.
Bear Heart made the front page of the Rocky Mountain News and the TV news show A Current Affair covered the story. Journalist Mike Watkiss took the opportunity to record an unaired interview with Bear Heart. I’m deeply indebted to Mike for giving me permission to include this interview in my podcast.