A Pediatric Podcast for Parents!
Dr. Deborah Burton hosts this podcast sharing parenting and healthcare timeless tips. As a Pediatric ENT physician, she draws upon nearly 30 years of parenting and healthcare experience. There are also mini-episodes called the Dr. Momma Minute (DMM) which showcase brief topic discussions. Thanks for joining and be sure to subscribe to avoid missing an episode!
Are you dragging your feet about having the sex talks? Do you wish someone would just tell you what to say to your tween (or any age kid) about this important part of life? You are in the right place.
I’m Amy Lang, a sex and parent educator, and in my frank (really frank), opinionated, and full of swears advice-column style parenting podcast, I answer real questions from real parents about the talks. I also provide topic-specific scripts so you can sound like a pro.
Most episodes are a potluck of questions that run the gamut from abortion to porn and everything in between. They need to know about all of these things by the time they start middle school.*
When you have no idea about the best age to start the birds and bees talks; what’s age appropriate; and what to actually SAY to them about sex, it makes the sex talks daunting (to say the least)!
When it comes to the sex talks, keeping it sex positive, light and fact based is key to getting them to listen to you and see you as their go-to birds and bees source. Just Say This can help you make this happen.
To record a question for me to answer in a later show (even if you think it’s a stupid one) call 206-926-1522.*
I love funny sex talk stories, too. So feel free to call those in, too.
+ IG @BirdsBeesKids
+ FB @BirdsBeesKids
+ BirdsAndBeesAndKids.com
*Not a thing.
**In middle school they talk about everything so it’s better (and safer) for your kid to be super-well informed so that they feel confident and smart as things get really real. Do you remember middle school? Wouldn’t it have been so much better if you had known everything? Or anything? -
The World of Buddy Pegs is a series of free original children’s audio stories for families who want to share the inspiration and empowerment of bicycling with the next generation.
Each episode starts at the local bike shop Buddy Pegs which is run by two dogs who are on a mission to bring the power of the bicycle to all the animal characters who reside in the fictional town Spokesville. -
Your host, Joel Staley, talks with other Dads Who Lift about fitness, fatherhood, business, and the trials and tribulations of all 3.
Our vision is to help families stay and be healthy using natural methods for the body, mind, and soul. We encourage self-reliance in any medicine practice for your family and our products are designed to help you learn more about caring for your family with herbs.
We are passionate about sharing our experience, knowledge, and expertise.
We want to help 1 million families in the next 5 years. -
配信する、ゆるーい雑談&提案ラジオ! -
Conversations covering hot topics in the world of health, food and family with a dose of fun. Helping families ease their way into a new fresh and healthy world.
ドイツ ベルリンに移住した4人家族の暮らしやレシピを発信しています。
This is so awkward…but it doesn’t have to be. These days, puberty starts earlier, lasts longer, and happens with a cellphone in hand. The most trusted voices on puberty, Dr. Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennett, are here to remove cringe from this stage of life – not just for kids going through it but also the adults who care about them. With science, guidance and humor, they cover all the physical, emotional, and social changes that happen between ages 8-18 and beyond.
Watch the full episodes on Youtube! -
30~40代女性のリスナーさんたちが日ごろ感じているお悩みに公認心理師の今井さいこがお答えしていく、非常にシンプルな“お悩み解決番組”です! 結婚、妊娠、出産、育児、中には離婚や介護。仕事では昇進や転職、独立、産休育休や専業主婦を経ての社会復帰など。30~40代はライフイベントにより環境が大きく変わるとき! でも、昔の友達とは生活環境が違って相談しにくい・・・。そんなときに1人で悩まず、そっと寄り添う番組です。 <お悩み相談はLIB LaboratoryのLINE公式登録から!> ■LIB LaboratoryのLINE公式 https://lin.ee/eVYeMAg Web: https://www.liblaboratory.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liblaboratory Twitter: https://twitter.com/Saiko_Imai Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saiko.imai/
ベビーマッサージやタッチケアを通して、子育てや人との関わりの中での疑問や悩みを一緒に考えていく番組です。 【ブログ】まるまるタッチ(小森千明): https://chiaki3.com/ 【HP】小森こどもクリニック: https://komori-kodomo.com/
This Podcast is going to be about Pediatric Cancer and the need to keep the awareness of this terrible disease in the public eye. My plan is to be able to interview a wide spectrum of people who all have a passion and a stake in finding a way to make the lives of these Pediatric Cancer Patients easier. I will interview oncologists, nurses, recovered patients, parents who have had to oversee their children's cancer fight, heads of Pediatric Cancer Foundations and Organizations , and others who would like to use this forum to advocate for these children.