We are delighted to launch our latest temporary exhibition: Lace Revival in Ireland, Weaving Heritage into the Present, this year's exhibition features a stunning collection of needlework, showcasing exquisite lace pieces from Limerick, South Presentation, Youghal, and Cashel.
These intricate works of art highlight the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Irish lace-making, offering a glimpse into the delicate beauty and cultural significance of this timeless tradition. In today’s episode, we’re joined by Sr. Mary O’Brien to discuss the stories behind the lace. You can view the exhibition in person at Nano Nagle Place or online.
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion.
We’re delighted to launch Nano Nagle Place’s latest temporary exhibition, Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828.
This year’s exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation.
This interview explores the early foundations of the Presentation Convents in Kerry with Sr Bride Given, who was interviewed by Dr Danielle O'Donovan.
You can view our latest exhibition in Nano Nagle Place or online at www.branchingout.ie thnaks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
We’re delighted to launch Nano Nagle Place’s latest temporary exhibition, Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828.
This year’s exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation.
This interview explores the Presentation Convent in Clonmel with the Clonmel Convent Community who were interviewed by Dr Danielle O'Donovan.
You can view our latest exhibition in Nano Nagle Place or online at www.branchingout.ie thnaks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland.
We’re delighted to launch Nano Nagle Place’s latest temporary exhibition, Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828.
This year’s exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation.
This interview explores the Presentation Convent in Wexford with Sr Imelda Wickham, interviewed by Dr Danielle O'Donovan.
You can view our latest exhibition in Nano Nagle Place or online at www.branchingout.ie thnaks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland.
We’re delighted to launch Nano Nagle Place’s latest temporary exhibition, Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828.
This year’s exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation.
This interview explores the Presentation Convent in Rahan with Sr Mary McDermott, interviewed by Dr Danielle O'Donovan.
You can view our latest exhibition in Nano Nagle Place or online at www.branchingout.ie thnaks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland.
We’re delighted to launch Nano Nagle Place’s latest temporary exhibition, Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828.
This year’s exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation.
This interview explores the Presentation Convent in George's Hill with Sr Marie Therese King, interviewd by Dr Danielle O'Donovan.
You can view our latest exhibition in Nano Nagle Place or online at www.branchingout.ie thnaks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland.
We’re delighted to launch Nano Nagle Place’s latest temporary exhibition, Branching Out – Presentation Convents 1775 – 1828.
This year’s exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across Ireland in the period before Catholic Emancipation.
This interview explores the Presentation Convent in Thurles with Sr Evelyn Russell, interviewd by Dr Danielle O'Donovan.
You can view our latest exhibition in Nano Nagle Place or online at www.branchingout.ie thnaks to the support of the Heritage Council of Ireland.
On this episode of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we chat with Sr.Annunciata Forde who joined the Presentation Order when she came through the doors of Mitchelstown Convent in October 1959.
Sr. Annunciata tells us the fascinating story of the convent which opened in 1853 and closed its doors in December 2002.
She also talks her own life and teaching career, which brought her to Mitchelstown, Midleton and Zimbabwe, a country in huge poverty and political strife.
Enjoy the show
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In this special episode we chat with Sister Mary John Staunton, a pupil of South Pres who entered the order there in 1959 and subsequently went on to spend 35 years at St. Pauls School.
She chats about the early days in school and how her role model, Sister Agnes used to go out of her way to look after the very poor children.
She also talks about the founding of Saint Pauls school, which looked after children with severe learning difficulties and the very special privilege that it was to look after them.
Enjoy the show
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In this special episode of the Nano Nagle podcast, we sat down with Sr. Margaret Coleman, who chats about her 47 years at the Presentation Convent Crosshaven, Co. Cork.
As well as her own personal story she talks about the three brave sisters who went to Crosshaven to start a school in 1876, the love story that assisted them, and the many changes until the convent closed its doors on the 30th September, 2015.
She began as a boarding student in 1962 and joined the Presentation Order herself in Crosshaven immediately after, both teaching and looking after the boarding students at the school.
We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did!
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
“Bloom where you are planted” is the moto that Sr.Lillian Kaar lives her life by, and her story certainly lives up to this!
We sat down to chat with her at the Regina Coeli, Queen of Heaven Convent in Farranree in Cork city.
She told the story of her Estonian father Joe Kaar, who found himself taking refuge in Cork and she chatted about entering the order in South Pres, teaching in Bandon and then spending six wonderful years in Peru.
Her Peru experience was the foundation stone for her community work in Farranree, setting up a family resource centre in a location where there was huge unemployment and people who needed a lot of help and support.
Enjoy the show!
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In this episode we travel to North Presentation Convent in Blackpool in Cork to meet Sr. de Lourdes Keane.
Sr. de Lourdes Keane is the sports loving sister who loved playing all sorts of sports with the children as well as teaching.
She chats about her years in North Pres, Farranree and the Glen as well as her years teaching in the United States, in Florida and Alabama.
She says "children are the same everywhere"!
Enjoy the show
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In the second series of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we leave South Pres and we visit the other convents in Cork city and county to see how the work of the Presentation Sisters reached far and wide.
In this episode we speak with Sr.Placida Ryan, one of three Sisters that we met at the Presentation Convent in Youghal, Co,Cork, each with a very different story.
Sr. Carmel Ryan entered the doors of the convent on New Year's Day, 1943 to begin a lifelong career of teaching in Youghal, which she absolutely adored!
Enjoy the show with Sr. Carmel
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In the second series of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we leave South Pres and we visit the other convents in Cork city and county to see how the work of the Presentation Sisters reached far and wide.
In this episode we speak with Sr. Margaret Cashman, one of three Sisters that we met at the Presentation Convent in Youghal, Co. Cork, each with a very different story.
After the death of her father Sr. Margaret joined the Presentation Order and took up various roles across Ireland in Midleton, Dublin, Rathmore, South Pres and now Youghal.
Enjoy the show!
In the second series of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we leave South Pres and we visit the other convents in Cork city and county to see how the work of the Presentation Sisters reached far and wide.
In this episode we speak with Sr.Placida Ryan, one of three Sisters that we met at the Presentation Convent in Youghal, Co,Cork, each with a very different story.
Sr.Placida spoke about one of her teachers, Jim O'Brien, who encouraged all of his students to learn about the world and this left a big mark and curiosity with her.
She shared stories about her fascinating teaching career that took her all around the world and she tells the story of the convent in Youghal that dates back to 1834.
Enjoy the show!
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In the second series of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we leave South Pres and we visit the other convents in Cork city and county to see how the work of the Presentation Sisters reached far and wide.
In this episode Sr. Mary Brien tells us the fascinating story of the Presentation Convent in Bandon, Co. Cork, its founder, why it was located in this busy town and the huge role it had in educating children in the region.
Enjoy the show!
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In this very special episode we had the privilege of chatting with Sister Stanislaus (Sister Stan!) Kent who celebrates her 101st birthday on the 10th June, 2022,
She chats about her fascinating life, entering the Presentation Order in 1939, her 40 years of teaching in Youghal in Cork and even the rationing that went on in the convent during World War 2.
A huge huge birthday to Sr. Stan!
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In the second series of the Nano Nagle Place podcast we leave South Pres and we visit the other convents in Cork city and county to see how the work of the Presentation Sisters reached far and wide.
We first visit the Presentation Convent in Bandon, Co. Cork to meet Sr.Mary Brien.
In this podcast Sr.Mary was kind enough to bring us on a tour of this historic building.
Enjoy the show!
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
Sister Julie Watson, the Congregation Leader of the Presentation Sisters is the guest for the final episode of the special series that took us from the closing of the school doors at South Pres to what we know and enjoy today as Nano Nagle Place.
She has had a fascinating career, having spent 24 years in Pakistan doing what she was passionate about, which was teaching and it is there that she started to fully appreciate Nano Nagle and was quite moved as the children spoke about Nano in the present tense.
Nano Nagle Place is beyond all her expectations and she views it as a "living legacy" of Nano's work and life.
She speaks about the now, the future and importance of "walking lightly on the earth and harnessing the energy of love"
Enjoy the show
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
In this episode we chat with Programme Manager of Nano Nagle Place, Danielle O'Donovan.
We chat about her love of museums since early childhood, we probe into why the Nano Nagle story may have disappeared from history for quite a while and we also talk about the near blank canvass that Danielle had to work with when she and the team created the very special, award winning visitor experience.
We also talk about the other activities and initiatives that she oversees and some of the plans for the future
Enjoy the show
For more information about Nano Nagle Place:
This podcast has been produced by Fuzion Communications.
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