Presentation of the link between Nature and Economics through the Ecological
Economics (EE) approach. What are its key points? What are the fundamental differences
with orthodox economic approaches? What are the main obstacles that hinder the inclusion of
Nature in orthodox economic analysis? How does ecological economics interrelate with
other heterodox currents?
The link to Economistas Sin Fronteras “Hacia una economía más justa. Manual de corrientes económicas heterodoxas” (2020): https://ecosfron.org/portfolio/hacia-una-economia-mas-justa-manual-de-corrientes-economicas-heterodoxas/ -
Episodes manquant?
This is a special episode formulated by Cecília and Marta. We discuss some topics related to the history behind this day and hot issues around it. Where does it come from? Who is involved? What is feminism, which kinds are there? Come find out!
What is post development? What is the methodological basis of it? What does it have to say about the production of knowledge? What about biopolitics and COVID19? What is the role of politics and globalization on that?
Technology has not only accelerated the process of globalization, increasing connectivity and trade, but also improving people’s lives and offering solutions to global challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic or the climate change emergency.
However, nowadays, the benefits of technological developments are not producing the promised benefits in all countries. In this episode we will discover the reasons why this is happening and how we can manage technological developments to spread their benefits across societies in all countries. And, yes, for sure globalization has a role to play in these answers. -
En tiempos de distanciamiento, ¿qué es lo que te ha hecho permanecer conectada? ¿la familia, el trabajo, el amor? Quizás la globalización haya tenido algo que ver… ¿Qué es la sociedad del riesgo global? ¿Podemos calificar esta teoría de principios de mileno de alarmista o más bien de previsora? ¿Ha puesto esta crisis de manifiesto que vivimos en la sociedad del riesgo global? ¿Qué papel ha jugado la globalización durante este periodo de distanciamiento? ¿Cómo crees que ha afectado al proceso globalizador el hecho de que la OMS declarase oficialmente en marzo del 2020 una situación de pandemia? ¿Nos acercamos al fin de la globalización?
Todas estas cuestiones y algunas más serán tratadas a lo largo del sexto episodio de The New IDeal. Para ello analizaremos la situación derivada de la pandemia y de las medidas adoptadas para frenar su propagación en el marco teórico de la sociedad del riesgo, tal y como la definió el sociólogo alemán Ulrich Beck. Así mismo, destacaremos una discrepancia importante entre la realidad actual y la teoría. Y finalmente, observaremos el estado actual de la globalización a partir del último informe sobre el Índice de Conectividad Global de DHL (disponible en internet).
Esperamos que disfrutes y que nos dejes saber tu opinión o comentarios (siempre desde el respeto). Recuerda que puedes hacerlo a través de nuestras RRSS:
IG: thenewidealpodcast
Tw: @thenewidealpod1 -
What is the global risk society? Can we call this 1990s theory alarmist or rather far-sighted? Has this crisis revealed that we live in a global risk society? In this time of distancing, what role has globalisation played? How do you think the fact that the WHO officially declared a pandemic situation in March 2020 has affected the globalisation process? Are we approaching the end of globalisation?
If you are curious, stay tuned because in this episode we will analyse the situation resulting from the pandemic and the measures adopted to halt its spread within the theoretical framework of the risk society, as defined by the German sociologist Ulrich Beck. We will also highlight an important discrepancy between current reality and theory. And finally, we will look at the state of globalisation today based on the latest DHL Global Connectedness Index report.
We hope you enjoy it and we look forward to hearing your opinion or comments (always with respect). Remember that you can find us on:
IG: thenewidealpodcast
Tw: @thenewidealpod1 -
Have you ever wondered how globalization impacts the environment? In this episode, we seek to explain a bit about how the environment is understood in the international arena and how the globalization process impacts positively and negatively in it.
Discover what the connection is between global public goods and human rights, and the role the latter has to play in that relation.
For years the mass media has focused on the legal aspect of human rights, leaving the questioning of their philosophical basis and the political powers that play behind it to the academia. Let's democratize that knowledge!
What are human rights? Who invented them, when, and why? Why did people try to create a universalizing idea of morals and values for the world? What are global public goods and how do they relate to the previous debate? Come find out on our new episode. -
Discover how globalization influences your daily lunch and the way we are producing our food today.
As the OECD states, food systems around the world are facing a triple challenge: ensuring food security and nutrition for a growing population, supporting the livelihoods of millions of farmers and others in the food chain, and doing so in an environmentally sustainable way.
Why did we see our shelves half-empty in our supermarkets? Is the current functioning of food systems sustainable and fair? What should the future look like? -
How does globalization affect workers and working conditions? What are the
International Social Standards and why are they necessary? -
This episode attempts to answer the following questions: What is Globalization? Is Globalization really happening? What are the limits of the process? Does it affect people the same way?
In this first episode we present ourselves and our academic backgroud! We also present a little bit of what International Development means, so you can better understand which kind of content we propose! Stay tuned for the next episodes!