
  • We dive further into Twin Peaks' final season and take a fantastic voyage with our good friend Agent Cooper through time, space, and the electrical grid.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 092: Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 3 & 4
    (00:00:18) - Intro, and early thoughts.
    (00:12:36) - Gathering our thoughts to kick off Part 3, or Call for Help.
    (00:17:26) - Cooper's not-so-fantastic voyage.
    (00:25:29) - She's an American Girl, but is she Ronette?
    (00:28:27) - Mr. C tries to hold it in, and we meet Dougie Jones.
    (00:37:33) - Cooper comes in through the outlet.
    (00:43:38) - Something real badwrong happening in Mr. C's car. Meanwhile, in Twin Peaks...
    (00:48:58) - The longest two minutes in Twin Peaks history.
    (00:50:41) - Helloooooo Mr. Jackpots.
    (00:56:09) - Cole! Albert! Tammy! The Cactus Blossoms!
    (01:05:47) - Break!
    (01:06:07) - We're back, and it's time for Part 4, or, ...Brings Back Some Memories.
    (01:16:07) - Off to Lancelot Court to meet Janey-E and Sonny Jim.
    (01:21:07) - Cole goes to see an old friend.
    (01:27:45) - Sheriff Truman! Wait...Sheriff Truman?
    (01:36:55) - Wally Brando.
    (01:44:57) - Dougie gets a message and enjoys a jazz breakfast.
    (01:49:42) - Classified fingerprints.
    (01:52:32) - Face to face with Mr. C, and Cole wants to bring someone in.
    (02:04:51) - Au Revoir Simone, and final thoughts.
    (02:10:34) - Outro.

  • It's been a long road getting to Twin Peaks: The Return, but let's all just be glad we didn't have to wait 25 years like everyone else. Join us as we dive into Twin Peaks' final season to learn what all our favorite residents are up to, what happened to Agent Cooper, and what the hell is in that big glass box.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 091: Twin Peaks: The Return Parts 1 & 2
    (00:00:27) - Intro.
    (00:05:28) - A bit about what's gone on in the previous 25 years.
    (00:16:20) - Some of the people we lost during that time, and will lose before all is said and done.
    (00:19:25) - Kicking things off with Part 1, or My Log Has a Message for You.
    (00:27:28) - Dr. Jacoby gets shovels, and New York City?!?
    (00:35:45) - Them rowdy Horne boys are back, albeit in less rowdy form.
    (00:40:23) - Mr. C.
    (00:43:24) - Sam and Tracy's big date.
    (00:51:40) - Taking a little jaunt to Buckhorn, South Dakota.
    (00:57:15) - Our first visit with the Log Lady.
    (01:01:25) - Matthew Lillard, what have you done? And some talk about Cooper's status in the world.
    (01:05:22) - The interrogation of Bill Hastings.
    (01:09:22) - Break!
    (01:09:44) - We are back, and it's time for Part 2, otherwise known as The Stars Turn and A Time Presents Itself.
    (01:15:21) - Mr. C kills Bill's wife.
    (01:17:46) - This guy! It's that guy!
    (01:21:51) - Mr. C doesn't need. Mr. C wants.
    (01:26:17) - Hawk visits the circle, and Cooper is visited by some old friends.
    (01:40:54) - Mr. C goes a killin'.
    (01:52:05) - Cooper's flight from the Red Room and journey into the beyond.
    (01:56:52) - Sarah Palmer drinks, and James' Cool Status.
    (02:04:47) - Final thoughts (and questions).
    (02:12:01) - Outro.

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  • For all you Twin Peaks superfans out there, enjoy this very special bonus Watchcast where we talk about the various deleted and extended scenes from Fire Walk With Me.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Bonus Episode 001: Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces (2014
    (00:00:17) - Intro.
    (00:04:00) - How The Missing Pieces came into existence.
    (00:09:23) - Kicking things off with the added Chester Desmond material.
    (00:14:06) - Diane?!?
    (00:17:40) - Give us all the Bowie we can handle.
    (00:23:53) - A few miscellaneous scenes.
    (00:28:30) - Falling in love with Dell Mibbler.
    (00:31:00) - More time at the Double R, and checking in with the Haywards.
    (00:35:19) - Checking in with The Arm, and BOB is in the ceiling fan.
    (00:37:33) - If only these Ed and Norma scenes were necessary. And taking the ride to Canada.
    (00:40:46) - More with Teresa Banks, more key bumps, and our first check-in with the Twin Peaks cops.
    (00:44:03) - More of the aftermath from Bobby's homicide, and Dr. Jacoby checks in.
    (00:47:32) - A vital dose of Vitamin Briggs, and our one Lucy moment.
    (00:50:34) - A truly terrifying Leland moment.
    (00:52:01) - The last handful of scenes.
    (00:57:25) - Where we go from here.
    (01:03:23) - Outro.

  • Our watch-through of Twin Peaks: The Return is visible on the horizon, but before we can get there, we've got to go back to where it all began. Join us as we learn about the Blue Rose, meet Phillip Jeffries, and witness the final tormented days of Laura Palmer.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 080: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)
    (00:00:34) - Intro.
    (00:02:38) - Some early reactions and attempts to figure into the Twin Peaks canon.
    (00:07:20) - The three picture deal that never came to be.
    (00:11:04) - What this movie does for Laura's story, and how it reframes Leland.
    (00:20:40) - Additional production notes, including casting changes.
    (00:25:34) - How Fire Walk With Me was received at the time.
    (00:30:34) - Doing a quick brother check-in before we launch into the film proper.
    (00:34:04) - Break!
    (00:34:33) - We're back, and it's time to meet Chester Desmond.
    (00:44:29) - Dealing with the Deer Meadow cops, and that gosh darned fingernail.
    (00:49:57) - Do not wake Harry Dean Stanton.
    (00:51:23) - The disappearance of Chet Desmond, and the arrival of Phillip Jeffries.
    (01:01:30) - One year later.
    (01:11:15) - The diary, and what Laura knows about BOB.
    (01:17:45) - Playing around with time.
    (01:21:53) - Laura abandons Meals on Wheels, has a terrible dinner.
    (01:29:41) - Laura's dream.
    (01:34:38) - This is where we live, Shelly!
    (01:37:24) - Roadhouse artist in residence: Julee Cruise.
    (01:39:52) - The Pink Room.
    (01:46:27) - The one-armed man appears.
    (01:53:17) - Bobby finally gets around to killing a guy.
    (01:56:37) - James is almost redeemable in this thing.
    (01:57:49) - BOB is unmasked.
    (02:04:33) - The last night of Laura's life.
    (02:07:38) - The murder.
    (02:15:18) - Laura gets her angel.
    (02:19:25) - Final thoughts (and questions).
    (02:27:38) - Outro.

  • On this week's Watchcast we dive deep into the movie that kicked off Tom Cruise's obsession with crafting exciting near death experiences for himself in Brian De Palma's Mission: Impossible!


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 89: Mission: Impossible (1996)
    (00:00:36) - Intro.
    (00:02:03) - What is our familiarity with any version of Mission: Impossible.
    (00:04:54) - A little bit of M:I history.
    (00:11:14) - How this movie came to be (and some discussion of The Tom Cruise Experience).
    (00:19:24) - Talking about writers, and writing.
    (00:25:43) - Pressing the Tom Cruise button.
    (00:28:41) - Last production notes.
    (00:32:32) - How did the TV cast feel about this movie? Well...
    (00:36:50) - Break!
    (00:37:13) - We're back! Let's dig into everything going on in Mission: Impossible.
    (00:43:05) - Setting up the next (and final) mission for some of this team.
    (00:53:43) - Time to go to work.
    (00:56:47) - EVERYBODY'S DEAD.
    (01:02:18) - M:I gadgetry.
    (01:04:25) - Tom Cruise discovers Usenet.
    (01:11:40) - Claire's back, so let's go meet Max.
    (01:21:02) - The Langley Job.
    (01:37:21) - We have a NOC list, and suddenly, Jim Phelps!
    (01:48:37) - Let's jump on a train. And off a train. And onto a helicopter. And then off the helicopter back onto the train.
    (02:06:12) - Folks, we have a franchise.
    (02:08:10) - Final thoughts.
    (02:15:38) - Talking about next week's film: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.
    (02:20:10) - Outro.

  • On this week's Watchcast we scrutinize the ridiculous 1987 movie version of TV's driest cop show, Dragnet! And in the process Vinny and Alex try their best to figure out why the heck this movie, of all movies, holds so much real estate in their brains.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 88: Dragnet (1987)
    (00:00:37) - Intro.
    (00:02:07) - Goofball Hanks vs. Dramatic Hanks.
    (00:05:45) - Talking about old Dragnet.
    (00:11:22) - Did any of us know the show at all? And where does this movie fit in the lineage of cop comedies?
    (00:18:43) - Some (limited) production notes.
    (00:22:06) - Our (mostly) all-star cast.
    (00:29:09) - The chapter you've all been waiting for.
    (00:38:29) - Why don't they make Dragnets anymore.
    (00:42:04) - Break!
    (00:42:25) - We're back, let's set some pornos on fire and get Tom Hanks in here.
    (00:49:59) - The nature of P.A.G.A.N.
    (00:54:59) - The interrogation of Emil Muzz.
    (00:57:47) - Grab your goat leggings, it's party time.
    (01:06:56) - How do you top a P.A.G.A.N. party? You don't.
    (01:11:44) - Grandma Mundy and the Brown Derby.
    (01:16:59) - Pep to the rescue, and trying to piece together this evil plot.
    (01:25:04) - Party at the Bait mansion.
    (01:31:55) - To the airport!
    (01:36:16) - A reverend arrested is a virgin saved.
    (01:38:38) - Final thoughts.
    (01:44:19) - Our film for next week: Mission: Impossible!
    (01:47:54) - Outro.

  • On this week's Watchcast we kick off a month of TV-related movies with the first trip to the big screen for a beloved pair of cartoon dumbasses in Beavis & Butt-Head Do America!


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 87: Beavis & Butt-Head Do America (1996)
    (00:00:12) - Intro.
    (00:01:27) - What does Beavis & Butt-Head mean to us?
    (00:10:10) - The music video (and reality show) riffs, and Mike Judge's voices.
    (00:15:10) - The various controversies.
    (00:21:20) - Liquid Television origins, and the show's limited availability.
    (00:25:27) - Pelting Vinny and Brad with Beavis & Butt-Head related questions.
    (00:35:10) - Getting into the movie's production history.
    (00:41:30) - Our all-star cast.
    (00:46:35) - Break!
    (00:46:58) - We're back, and it's time to study Butt-head's giant crotch.
    (00:51:22) - Theme song talk.
    (00:53:18) - A brief stop at Highland High, and meeting Muddy.
    (00:58:31) - Our journey across America begins.
    (00:59:46) - Arriving in Vegas, and soundtrack talk.
    (01:03:53) - Beavis & Butt-Head Don't Do Dallas.
    (01:06:49) - On a bus tour to destroy America's landmarks, and Tom Anderson's life.
    (01:12:04) - Lost in the desert.
    (01:16:42) - Throwing Beavis from a moving trunk.
    (01:18:42) - It's all going down in Washington.
    (01:24:22) - White House Dumb.
    (01:29:20) - The final stand-off.
    (01:30:41) - A kindred spirit in Bill Clinton.
    (01:32:54) - Finally, the boys are united with their one true love.
    (01:34:16) - Final thoughts.
    (01:39:16) - Talking about next week's movie: Dragnet!
    (01:42:09) - Outro.

  • We close out our month of '90s hero flicks with the heroes in the half shell! Join us as we dive deep into Turtlemania and ponder the strange edges of this surprisingly solid rubber suit turtle movie.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 86: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990
    (00:00:14) - Intro.
    (00:02:21) - What level of Turtles fandom are we operating at, and some talk about the comic origins.
    (00:05:55) - Toy talk, and discussions of censorship around the cartoon and movie.
    (00:11:44) - The movie's production history.
    (00:21:30) - The animatronic suits.
    (00:36:19) - Soundtrack talk, and sequel talk.
    (00:44:54) - Break!
    (00:45:14) - Cowabunga, we're back!
    (00:48:26) - (Roger Daltry voice) TEENAGE CRIME WAVE!
    (00:53:31) - The boys achieve their first victory.
    (00:59:10) - Casey Jones you'd better watch your swing.
    (01:04:45) - The Danny problem.
    (01:08:35) - Half (shell) of the turtles' origin story.
    (01:12:44) - Splinter gets rat-napped.
    (01:15:04) - Sam Rockwell?!?
    (01:16:51) - A very ridiculous Shredder.
    (01:22:45) - Raiding April's apartment.
    (01:26:01) - Splinter tries to get through to Danny.
    (01:28:59) - A nice trip to the country.
    (01:37:13) - Sewer sweet sewer, and Casey goes on a sneaking mission.
    (01:39:57) - The second half (shell) of the origin story.
    (01:45:04) - Racing toward our final battle.
    (01:51:34) - The final showdown with Shredder.
    (02:00:14) - Final thoughts.
    (02:08:07) - What's coming up on the Watchcast.
    (02:12:26) - Outro.

  • On this week's Watchcast we tackle the mother of all comic book blockbusters in Tim Burton's Batman! Join us as we talk Nicholson's Joker, the Keat-dawg, cool gadgets, and all that sweet, sweet merchandise.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 85: Batman (1989)
    (00:00:27) - Intro.
    (00:01:44) - The status of superhero movies when Batman came around.
    (00:07:13) - The cultural phenomenon that was this movie, and some thoughts on its tone.
    (00:10:24) - Talkin' Jokers past and present.
    (00:18:27) - Where we were at when Batman came out, and what merchadise did we partake of.
    (00:27:46) - The movie's production history.
    (00:38:25) - Our cast, and how the Keat-dawg got the part.
    (00:51:20) - Why Tim Burton didn't stick around past the first sequel.
    (00:54:08) - Some additional production notes.
    (00:57:26) - Talking about the soundtrack, both Elfman and Prince.
    (01:04:18) - Somehow, Warner claims this lost money.
    (01:09:38) - Break!
    (01:10:09) - We're back, and it's time to actually talk about this movie!
    (01:15:44) - The introduction of Jack Napier and Vicki Vale.
    (01:22:36) - #@&%ing Eckhardt.
    (01:27:43) - Raiding Axis Chemicals.
    (01:38:55) - Bruce and Vicki get together.
    (01:43:20) - Here comes the Joker!
    (01:49:54) - The Joker's sick crime table.
    (01:55:00) - Hired goons?!?
    (02:00:19) - The Joker's grand plan.
    (02:05:13) - A bad night at the museum.
    (02:11:31) - And we are off to the Batcave.
    (02:16:53) - Let's get nuts.
    (02:22:04) - The reveal of Bruce Wayne's childhood trauma.
    (02:29:50) - Let's go blow up a chemical factory, then we can have a Prince party.
    (02:38:14) - Our cathedral climax.
    (02:49:52) - Tune in next time for the continuing adventures of Batman and Vicki Vale!
    (02:52:17) - Final thoughts.
    (03:00:42) - Outro.

  • We continue to push through our current spate of '90s hero flicks, and this week we attempt to sate a deep need for more Billy Zane in our lives with the 1996 comic strip adaptation The Phantom! Did we enjoy watching him Slam Evil? Not so much, but we did have fun talking about it!


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 84: The Phantom (1996)
    (00:00:36) - Intro.
    (00:03:32) - Taking the 20,000 foot view of this very ridiculous movie.
    (00:11:46) - Getting into the production history.
    (00:22:12) - Launching into this grand-ish adventure, and the movie's history of the Phantom.
    (00:27:02) - The opening jungle action sequence.
    (00:30:50) - Joining our hero and his ghost dad in the Skull Cave.
    (00:34:38) - Meanwhile, at the Playboy Mansion.
    (00:44:06) - Break!
    (00:44:26) - We're back, and we cleared up Vinny's phantom, uh, Phantom t-shirt.
    (00:45:49) - Drax confronts a librarian.
    (00:50:32) - Catherine Zeta-Jones' sky pirates, and the Phantom to the rescue.
    (00:54:42) - Now it's the wolf and the horse to the rescue.
    (00:59:12) - My friends, "The Rope People."
    (01:02:56) - The Phantom takes Manhattan.
    (01:10:15) - A very disrespectful museum trip.
    (01:14:36) - Diana gets kidnapped, the Phantom gives chase.
    (01:21:00) - The Phantom hangs on for dear life, and we arrive at magical pirate island.
    (01:32:01) - Let's fight some pirates and unite some skulls.
    (01:38:49) - It was Kit Walker all along! Who knew?!?
    (01:43:23) - Final thoughts.
    (01:51:18) - Tracking the path of Billy Zane.
    (01:53:37) - Outro.

  • On this week's show we work our way through a movie that looms large in Alex's mind, The Crow! Does it hold up to Alex's memory? We discuss that and much more, including the incredible soundtrack, and the air of tragedy that permeates the entire production.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 83: The Crow (1994)
    (00:00:39) - Intro.
    (00:03:43) - Talking a bit about James O'Barr's comic, and the undercurrent of tragedy attached to all of this.
    (00:09:44) - Some early impressions and thoughts.
    (00:17:18) - Getting into the film's production history.
    (00:24:15) - Talking about our cast.
    (00:29:01) - The death of Brandon Lee.
    (00:39:18) - The aftermath, the soundtrack, and the movie's unusually long cultural shadow.
    (00:48:28) - The incredibly awful succession of sequels.
    (00:59:34) - Break!
    (01:00:03) - We're back, and let's get into the movie itself.
    (01:06:17) - One year later.
    (01:12:53) - T-Bird and his gang of assholes.
    (01:17:05) - First up for death: Tin Tin.
    (01:20:07) - Here comes Top Dollar.
    (01:24:49) - Goodbye Gideon's Pawn Shop.
    (01:32:44) - It's Funboy's turn.
    (01:37:47) - Swooping in on Albrecht.
    (01:41:37) - Gideon mouths off to the wrong guy, and Sarah puts on a record.
    (01:44:17) - The spectacular death of T-Bird.
    (01:49:31) - Sarah and her mom reconcile, Albrecht is suspended, and Sarah goes to visit Eric.
    (01:53:15) - Eric's last guitar solo, and the Devil's Night club shootout.
    (02:07:30) - The Crow is ready to go, but it ain't over yet.
    (02:16:44) - The wrap-up, and final thoughts.
    (02:21:53) - Outro.

  • Our journey through '90s hero flicks kicks off in earnest this week, and we do mean earnest, as we take on Disney's gee-golly-aw-shucks adaptation of The Rocketeer!


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 82: The Rocketeer (1991)
    (00:00:17) - Intro.
    (00:03:09) - Introducing our film for the week: The Rocketeer!
    (00:12:46) - When we saw The Rocketeer, if we had seen it before.
    (00:16:01) - The film's long and winding production history.
    (00:28:05) - Talking about our cast.
    (00:34:14) - The remaining production notes.
    (00:39:40) - Break!
    (00:40:03) - We're back! Let's talk about what actually happens in this movie.
    (00:52:31) - Finding the iconic jetpack.
    (00:55:16) - Sinclair and the mobsters refuse to explain what the heck they actually want.
    (00:58:28) - And introducing: Jenny!
    (01:05:47) - The longwinded Nazi set-up, and Lothar starts cracking backs.
    (01:10:52) - Gaining the iconic helmet.
    (01:12:04) - Making movie magic.
    (01:14:14) - The Rocketeer (finally) saves the day, and the gunfight with Lothar and the FBI.
    (01:18:02) - The club scene.
    (01:25:13) - Jenny puts one over on Sinclair.
    (01:30:37) - You can't stop this rocket man.
    (01:33:16) - Nazis storm Los Angeles!
    (01:43:28) - Shame about the jetpack, but here's a new plane.
    (01:47:18) - Final thoughts.
    (01:50:01) - Outro.

  • We're closing out February with a Vinny pick, and one of the most delightfully weird and gross hero movies of the '90s in Sam Raimi's not-quite-a-Batman, Darkman!


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 81: Darkman (1990)
    (00:00:19) - Intro.
    (00:09:03) - Getting into Darkman's production, and the cast.
    (00:20:40) - The direct-to-video sequels, and how well the movie did in theaters.
    (00:27:05) - The killer intro.
    (00:31:47) - Peyton Westlake's previous life, and the memo of doom.
    (00:43:39) - Peyton becomes the Darkman.
    (00:48:33) - Break!
    (00:48:54) - We're back, and we're dissolving into funerals and burn units.
    (00:57:50) - Rebuilding the lab.
    (01:00:40) - Strack puts the moves on Julie, and Darkman kills Ted Raimi (more like Dead Raimi!)
    (01:08:01) - Darkman has a plan.
    (01:17:34) - Revealing his new face to Julie.
    (01:20:39) - The ol' Double Durant.
    (01:25:32) - The carnival scene.
    (01:31:41) - Strack reveals his true intentions, and Durant's "demise".
    (01:38:00) - The final confrontation with Strack.
    (01:49:36) - Final thoughts.
    (01:54:59) - Plans for next month.
    (01:59:53) - Outro.

  • To round out the month of February, Brad and Vinny have each picked a film they most wanted to revisit for the podcast, and Brad's pick is the colorfully outsized comic strip adaptation Dick Tracy! Join us as we discuss Tommy Guns, Pacino's scenery chewing habits, and Warren Beatty's extracurricular activities wearing the trademark hat and coat.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 80: Dick Tracy (1990)
    (00:00:25) - Intro.
    (00:09:54) - How into Dick Tracy were we when we saw it as kids?
    (00:16:39) - Getting into the bizarre production history of the movie.
    (00:27:43) - Disney's lofty Batman goals, and discussion of the soundtrack.
    (00:30:59) - On the film's visual style and lack of computer effects, and discussion of the cast.
    (00:38:09) - Where has Dick Tracy been all these years since the movie? In Warren Beatty's closet, apparently.
    (00:48:23) - Break!
    (00:48:44) - We're back! Let's actually talk about what happens in the film.
    (00:55:28) - Setting the tone with a bunch of weird guys getting shot the hell up.
    (01:02:00) - Big Boy wants to own all the crime.
    (01:07:56) - Good old Mumbles, and even more discussion of the ridiculously stacked cast.
    (01:15:30) - Dick wants Big Boy. Big Boy wants to be a choreographer. Breathless wants Dick.
    (01:23:13) - The montages are the best parts of the movie.
    (01:25:06) - Trying to kill Dick Tracy like he's Bugs Bunny, and the introduction of No Face/The Blank.
    (01:34:23) - The frame job.
    (01:37:54) - The one time Dick Tracy actually feels like a human being.
    (01:42:38) - The OTHER frame job, and the final confrontation.
    (01:52:55) - Here's lookin' at you, Tess.
    (01:54:31) - Final thoughts.
    (02:04:54) - Outro.

  • This is it, folks. We have arrived at the Black Lodge, and the finale of Twin Peaks' second season. It's been a hell of a journey up to this point, but please do join us one more time as we gather under the sycamores and piece together the wild events of the original series' final two episodes.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 79: Twin Peaks: Miss Twin Peaks, and Beyond Life and Death
    (00:04:04) - Intro.
    (00:09:16) - Leading off with the story of the show's cancellation, and the attempts to save it.
    (00:17:52) - Kicking things off with Miss Twin Peaks.
    (00:20:27) - Leo frees Briggs, and incurs Earle's (extremely stupid) wrath.
    (00:22:52) - Norma tells her girls she wants to see them win Miss Twin Peaks, and Audrey laments her lost love.
    (00:31:24) - Andy studies the petroglyph, Cooper reveals his vision when Josie died.
    (00:35:17) - Leo's fate, such as it is. And Tim Pinkle returns as a lousy choreographer.
    (00:39:29) - Annie does not have the juice.
    (00:43:04) - A brief check-in on Nadine's ongoing nonsense.
    (00:47:30) - Andrew is a goofball, and Donna freaks out on her parents.
    (00:50:57) - Cooper deciphers more of the petroglyph, and Andy accidentally uncovers Earle's bug.
    (00:55:41) - The pageant finally arrives.
    (01:09:05) - Andy wins Lucy's love, and Earle hatches his master plan.
    (01:23:09) - Break!
    (01:23:45) - We're back, and this is it folks. The finale, Beyond Life and Death.
    (01:39:52) - The aftermath of the pageant.
    (01:47:17) - The grand conclusion of the Nadine saga.
    (01:54:07) - The considerably less grand conclusion to the Donna saga.
    (02:03:08) - Andrew is up to some nonsense, and Pete wants in. And Cooper and Harry find the portal.
    (02:07:50) - The strange events at Twin Peaks Savings & Loan.
    (02:15:47) - My grieving widow has a message for you.
    (02:18:18) - Welcome to the Black Lodge.
    (02:39:55) - How's Annie?
    (02:47:45) - Final thoughts.
    (02:50:59) - Discussing at greater length the changes Lynch made to the shooting script, and a little bit of (non-spoiler) forward looking.
    (03:01:14) - Announcing when we will return to Twin Peaks, and what the last two weeks of this month will be.
    (03:06:14) - Outro.

  • The path to the Black Lodge has been winding and occasionally pointless, but we've never been closer to breaking this whole Twin Peaks mystery open. Join us as we pick through the worthwhile parts of these episodes before next week's two-episode finale!


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 78: Twin Peaks: On the Wings of Love, Variations and Relations, and The Path to the Black Lodge.
    (00:00:23) - Intro.
    (00:06:03) - Kicking things off with On the Wings of Love.
    (00:07:57) - Miss Jones: Expert Assassin.
    (00:11:55) - Billy Zane: Charming Doof.
    (00:14:10) - The Bonsai Subterfuge, and Gordon's inexplicable ability to hear Shelly.
    (00:24:30) - The Annie Conundrum.
    (00:27:53) - A bunch of Earle stuff, and Donna is back on the hunt.
    (00:32:05) - Audrey goes to Seattle, Jack is in love with Audrey, Ben is eating carrots.
    (00:35:50) - Spelunking into Owl Cave.
    (00:40:19) - Break!
    (00:40:50) - We're back, and it's time for Variations and Relations (not Variations on Relations,
    as I say incorrectly).
    (00:43:53) - Rusty's doom.
    (00:49:40) - Andy's art, Pete's poetry, and puzzle boxes.
    (00:56:23) - Back at the Double R.
    (01:03:08) - Dick's wine tasting escapades, Ben's pitch for Miss Twin Peaks, and Cole steals a kiss.
    (01:12:34) - Coop and Jack's only meeting.
    (01:17:21) - Donna grills her mom, and the HOWLER of an ending.
    (01:22:29) - Break 2!
    (01:22:54) - We're back, and we're on The Path to the Black Lodge!
    (01:27:50) - Lucy's entering Miss Twin Peaks, and Ben and Doc Hayward have a confrontation.
    (01:35:53) - Earle's video log, and Leo's ill-conceived escape attempt.
    (01:40:39) - Bobby finally realizes he sucks, and the tremors begin.
    (01:44:14) - Audrey sees Jack one more time.
    (01:46:58) - The stupidest abduction in TV history.
    (01:49:39) - Annie, you're in danger.
    (01:52:20) - The red drapes stinger.
    (01:56:26) - Final thoughts.
    (02:03:53) - Outro.

  • We haven't found our way to the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks, but we are in a very dark place as we try to sort out just what the hell is going on in Slaves and Masters, The Condemned Woman, and Wounds and Scars.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 77: Twin Peaks: Slaves and Masters, The Condemned Woman, and Wounds and Scars
    (00:00:19) - Intro.
    (00:08:12) - Kicking things off with Slaves and Masters.
    (00:13:21) - Let's just get all this James stuff out of the way.
    (00:24:21) - Bobby reveals his affair with Shelly and that he saw Leo's shooting.
    (00:27:12) - The Windom Problem.
    (00:32:11) - Checking in with Ed and Norma.
    (00:39:39) - We're finally done with this Ben Civil War garbage.
    (00:42:53) - A message from Earle to close it out.
    (00:44:44) - Break!
    (00:45:06) - Don't get your drawers in a bunch, we're back! And it's time for The Condemned Woman.
    (00:51:25) - Pete goes full Chessmaster.
    (00:55:26) - Audrey meets Jack.
    (00:58:18) - Nadine breaks up with Ed, and Norma demands her divorce.
    (01:03:15) - Ben has a new project.
    (01:06:56) - A couple of random goings-on, and James forgets to act again.
    (01:13:47) - The ladies converge on the Roadhouse.
    (01:15:29) - The end of the Josie Saga.
    (01:37:06) - A brief epilogue about where the show is at in the popular consciousness at this
    (01:38:56) - Second break!
    (01:39:40) - We're back, and closing things out with Wounds and Scars.
    (01:44:29) - Harry sad.
    (01:49:18) - Annie Blackburn comes to town, and The Log Lady sees Briggs' mark.
    (01:55:13) - Leo has been subjugated, and Earle is a crank.
    (02:03:46) - Infatuations, realizations, and chess machinations.
    (02:07:13) - Cooper brings Harry back from the brink.
    (02:10:31) - The fashion show.
    (02:15:57) - Jones from outta nowhere.
    (02:18:37) - Final thoughts.
    (02:23:08) - Outro.

  • For our first Twin Peaks three-banger, we play a deadly game of chess, confront at least one big bad before introducing another, and wallow in the muck of James drama.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 76: Twin Peaks: The Black Widow, Checkmate, and Double Play
    (00:00:23) - Intro.
    (00:03:40) - Kicking things off with The Black Widow.
    (00:08:19) - Ben begins his Civil War era.
    (00:12:19) - Lana's ongoing...thing?
    (00:17:52) - Cooper's interest in local real estate.
    (00:26:15) - The Andy, Dick, and Lucy Show.
    (00:33:38) - Checking in with Catherine, Pete, and Josie.
    (00:37:08) - Nadine joins the wrestling team, nearly kills Mike. And Ed and Norma begin
    rearranging their lives.
    (00:41:29) - Movement on the Briggs disappearance.
    (00:49:37) - Break!
    (00:49:58) - We're back, and it's time for Checkmate.
    (00:59:38) - Andy and Dick take on a sneaking mission.
    (01:01:03) - Back on the Ed and Norma train.
    (01:04:58) - Meanwhile, in Jamestown.
    (01:10:40) - One brief check in on Josie, and Ben's derangement continues.
    (01:16:05) - The sting operation begins.
    (01:24:04) - Twin Peaks briefly becomes a slasher movie, and Earle makes his move.
    (01:29:20) - Break 2!
    (01:29:40) - We're back, and it's time for Double Play!
    (01:37:03) - Deciphering Earle's motives.
    (01:45:26) - A quick touch-base on the Audrey/Bobby/Ben stuff.
    (01:46:58) - Leo gains teleportation powers and nearly kills Shelly.
    (01:49:26) - One more episode of the Andy, Dick, and Lucy show.
    (01:52:07) - We are positively drowning in James drama.
    (01:57:59) - A couple of quick check-ins before the end.
    (02:01:50) - Lana and the mayor hash it out.
    (02:05:59) - Catherine lets Pete in on the conspiracy.
    (02:09:22) - Earle finally shows his face.
    (02:13:03) - Final thoughts.
    (02:14:42) - Outro.

  • We told you when this Twin Peaks journey began that one day we'd be in for it. Folks, we're in it.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 75: Twin Peaks: Dispute Between Brothers and The Masked Ball.
    (00:00:18) - Intro.
    (00:07:44) - Kicking things off with Dispute Between Brothers.
    (00:14:08) - This was not the dispute between brothers we were expecting.
    (00:16:49) - Checking in with everyone at the funeral.
    (00:20:24) - Nadine is evolving.
    (00:27:09) - Cooper is accused of malfeasance.
    (00:42:12) - Bobby tries to play grown-up, and Catherine goes public.
    (00:49:51) - Andy tries to make peace.
    (00:52:58) - Vivian's shocking reveal!
    (00:58:40) - Hank and Ernie have become unexpectedly rowdy.
    (01:02:13) - Josie's back, and Cooper and Briggs go nightfishing.
    (01:07:14) - Break!
    (01:07:44) - We're back, and it's time for The Masked Ball.
    (01:14:53) - On the road with James...
    (01:22:08) - Briggs' wife spills what beans she has.
    (01:24:57) - Big man is on the phone, and Cooper refuses to mount a defense.
    (01:30:23) - Nadine has the hots for Mike Nelson, and Dick gets himself a little brother.
    (01:36:32) - More mentions of The White Lodge, and Denise arrives in Twin Peaks.
    (01:44:21) - Josie (sort of) confesses.
    (01:50:00) - Hank and Ernie return, and Ben is broken.
    (01:55:20) - Windom Earle makes his voice heard.
    (01:58:10) - Dougie marries a teenager.
    (02:01:10) - Catherine is subjugating Josie, and by gawd King, that's [REDACTED]'s music!
    (02:11:48) - Final thoughts.
    (02:12:22) - Outro.

  • Last week's Watchcast featured one of the all-time Twin Peaks bombshells, and now it's up to us to pick through the aftermath in the episodes Drive with a Dead Girl, and Arbitrary Law.


    (00:00:00) - The Nextlander Watchcast Episode 74: Twin Peaks: Drive with a Dead Girl and Arbitrary Law
    (00:00:14) - Intro.
    (00:12:26) - Kicking things off with Drive with a Dead Girl.
    (00:17:35) - Leland golfs menacingly.
    (00:23:27) - Jerry retuns from Japan.
    (00:28:59) - The arrival of Gwen, and Leland lives it up at the Great Northern.
    (00:35:46) - Interrogating Ben, and Bobby's brief blackmail moment.
    (00:42:15) - Norma's mom comes to town, and Mike (briefly) escapes.
    (00:49:34) - Pete gets in the mix.
    (00:57:05) - Leland drives like an asshole, and Andy tells off Gwen.
    (01:01:55) - Doing some Bob dowsing on Ben with Mike. Harry's had enough.
    (01:05:29) - Ernie has a secret.
    (01:09:39) - Audrey's only appearance in these episodes, and Maddy is found.
    (01:11:51) - Break!
    (01:12:16) - We're back, and it's time for Arbitrary Law. Buckle up.
    (01:17:16) - Cooper needs 24 hours, Albert says go with God.
    (01:19:36) - Meanwhile, back at the diner...
    (01:24:47) - Harold's last contribution.
    (01:30:46) - Mike helps as best he can.
    (01:36:11) - Ben's office is searched, and the blood test results are in. Also, introducing Chekov's fire supression system.
    (01:39:48) - One last ride with Mr. Tojamura.
    (01:44:48) - Donna almost gets herself killed.
    (01:52:04) - Summoning the giant.
    (01:58:26) - Bob's last ride with Leland.
    (02:14:25) - The investigators are left to grapple with what they are truly seeking out.
    (02:21:15) - Final thoughts.
    (02:23:54) - Outro.