You Can Pass the PMP in As Little As 7 Days. Give Up On Memorizing and Learn a Better Way!
Community Signal is a podcast for experienced online community professionals, including those working in audience engagement, association management, developer relations, moderation, trust and safety, and more. It's released every two weeks and hosted by industry veteran Patrick O’Keefe.
This is a very community-focused program. There are plenty of social media and marketing podcasts out there. That’s not what this is. Social media is a set of tools. Community is a strategy you apply to those tools. Marketing brings new customers. Community helps you keep them. -
The Waves of Awareness podcast is all about the amazing work being done by Waves Inc. Waves serves individuals with mental and/or physical disabilities through life skill training, community involvement, employment training and more! This podcast is helping people learn new skills, tell their story and raise awareness for people with disabilities! Be sure to check out wavesinc.com for more information!
Ready to launch your very own podcast? Look no further than 'How To Start a Podcast Using Chat GPT'! Join us as we guide you through the ins and outs of podcasting, utilizing the cutting-edge technology of Chat GPT. From choosing the perfect topic to editing and promoting your episodes, we've got you covered. Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your voice with the world - tune in now!
Whenever I tell people I'm an architect, the first thing they say back is, "I always wanted to be an architect". Almost every time! So we thought it would be a great opportunity to create a podcast presenting what it is like...to be an architect. We'll dive into the relationships we create and the work that we do and hopefully, give people an idea of what it really means to be an architect.
The Conversion Show is a weekly podcast all about - you guessed it - conversion! Everything that gets you to your goal, whether that’s purchase, install, lead capture, content downloads, chat engagement, or demo requests - we’re talking CONVERSIONS.
Each week, we interview top Marketing Leaders and Founders who are doing conversion right. From website optimization aka conversion rate optimization (#cro - the holy grail in our opinion!) back to paid media, organic, email, and omnichannel optimization - we cover it all!
If you are a Modern Marketer, Growth/ Ecommerce Leader, or Owner struggling to get your online revenue up - or are simply looking for a boost or new ideas, this is the podcast for you.
Be sure to follow The Conversion Show podcast to be notified when a new episode goes live.
Like what you hear? Leave us some love with a review!
Hosted by Erik Christiansen, CEO & Co-Founder of Justuno.
Erik’s Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikc/
About our Host, Erik Christiansen:
Co-Founder & CEO of Justuno, the leading onsite conversion platform for businesses. Justuno’s mission Is to empower marketers and growing brands in every vertical through first and zero-party data collection, list building, personalized messaging, and sales.
Having built Sierrasnowboard.com from $0 to $24M in annual revenue, Erik’s hope is to help more brands achieve this sustainable growth through an improved onsite experience, focused on thoughtful conversions.
Justuno is used by over 133,000 brands who experience an average 135% increase in revenue in their first year and has influenced $10B+ in sales.
Learn more at https://www.justuno.com -
Careers@All for One ist der erste offizielle Podcast der All for One Group SE.
In diesem Podcast haben wir viele spannende Themen zusammengestellt, die euch einen Einblick in die IT-Consulting Welt vermitteln sollen. Wir schauen gemeinsam auf unsere Unternehmenskultur, stellen euch unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen, attraktive Jobs sowie Geschichten aus der All for One Welt vor.
Moderation: Sharina Gärtner & Rafael Wedemeyer
Die All for One Group:
Wir, die All for One Group, sind eine führende Consulting- und IT-Gruppe, welche Management-, Prozess- und Technologieberatung unter einem Dach vereint. Mit über 2.800 Expertinnen und Experten unterstützen wir mit Umsetzungsstärke und Innovationskraft mehr als 3.000 Kunden aus Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz und Polen in der Unternehmenstransformation und der Digitalisierung aller Geschäftsprozesse.
Unsere Handlungsfelder reichen dabei von Cybersecurity über New Work, Customer & Employee Experience oder Business Analytics bis hin zu Maschine Learning und Managed Services. Die All for One Group verfügt über eine hohe Prozess- und Branchenexpertise verbunden mit tiefem Technologie-know-how.
Weitere Infos zur All for One Group und unseren neusten Jobangeboten findet ihr unter www.all-for-one.com/de und auf unserer Karriereseite. -
Dein Mehrwert rund um Themen aus der Welt der Versicherungen.
Netzwerk Versicherung ist der Podcast wie du dich richtig versicherst mit Tim Launhardt.
Hier lernst du von jemandem, der deine Sprache spricht und auch komplexe Sachverhalte einfach erklären kann.
Bei uns in der Agentur haben alle schon einmal am normalen Leben teilgenommen!
Mit diesem Slogan wirbt Tim in seiner Allianz Generalvertretung in Osterode am Harz.
Wer könnte besser durch die Welt der Versicherungen führen als Tim, der erst mit 30 Jahren zur Allianz gekommen ist und vorher zahlreiche Erfahrungen gesammelt hat?
Tim hat schon neben dem BWL- und Sportstudium in Göttingen (mit einem großen Schwerpunkt auf Lebenserfahrungen) als freier Mitarbeiter für eine Fußball-Eventagentur viele interessante Menschen kennengelernt. Nicht zuletzt der Job als Assistent der Geschäftsleitung in einem mittelständischen Betrieb aus der Blechverarbeitung hat ihm diverse Einblicke in die Tiefe von Unternehmen gegeben.
Freu dich auf einen kurzweiligen Podcast, der dir Themen aus der Welt der Versicherungen näherbringt und einen echten Mehrwert liefert.
Behandele jeden so, wie du selbst als Kunde behandelt werden möchtest.
Dieses Leitspruch seiner Allianz Agentur in Osterode am Harz wird sich auch durch diesen Podcast ziehen.
Alle Infos zum Unternehmen findest du auch unter https://vertretung.allianz.de/agentur.launhardt/
Sowie natürlich auch das Impressum:
https://vertretung.allianz.de/agentur.launhardt/impressum/ -
Whether you're on your commute, relaxing at home, or multitasking during your day, we're your partners in crime for all things business, gossip, and everything in between. Tune in and subscribe now to embark on this exciting journey with the "Chatty Duo." We promise you'll never look at chit-chat the same way again!
Av. Aylin Esra Eren ve Av. Gizem Gonce’nın gerçekleştirdiği ‘Eren&Gonce Talks’ podcast programını dinlemeye sizleri davet ediyoruz! Bu podcast programında; Çekişmeli boşanma davası ile anlaşmalı boşanma davası arasındaki farklar, boşanma davası türleri, boşanma davasında aldatmanın nasıl ispat edileceği, anlaşmalı boşanma davasının türleri, boşanma davalarında nafaka miktarının neye göre belirleneceği, çocuğun velayetinin kime verileceği, boşanma davalarında eşlerin kusurlarının nasıl belirleneceği, boşanmada mal paylaşımının nasıl belirleneceği ve boşanma davasında tanığın nasıl dinleneceği gibi boşanma davası ile ilgili merak edilen tüm soruların yanıtladığı ‘Eren&Gonce Talks’ podcast programına Spotify, LawPodcast.co ve Apple Podcast üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz!
Do you want to grow your business with public speaking? We are digging deep with the worlds top speakers and authors to bring the best tips and strategies to grow your business with speaking. Whether you're a professional speaker or an entrepreneur ready to take the stage and share your message you will learn the best sales and marketing strategies to make a bigger impact and a bigger income with your message.
Youtube’dan para kazanma denince, youtube shorts para kazanma seçeneği en cazip olanı olarak öne çıkıyor.
Youtube gelir elde etmek için harika bir platform.
Bu yüzden Youtube para kazanma hesaplama uygulamamızı kullananlar genellikle kısa süre içinde youtube otomasyon sisteminden faydalanmak için bize başvuruyor.
Youtube ne kadar para kazandırıyor merak ediyorsanız, Youtube para kazanma podcast’imizdeki röportajları dinleyebilirsiniz.
Dikkat! Bu podcast’teki kazançlar birer vaad değildir. Daha az ya da daha fazla kazanabilirsiniz. Girişimcilik riskler barındıran bir iştir. Son paranızla ya da kredi çekerek kesinlikle girmeyin.
Daha fazla bilgi için https://www.youtubeotomasyonu.com adresini ziyaret edin. -
The secrets and hidden quirks of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking platform.
We're uncovering the controversies behind certain connections, the sketchy truths around the 'influencers', and the reality surrounding LinkedIn’s underbelly.
Each week, we tackle a new topic that goes beyond the polished profiles and perfect endorsements.
From scams and fake gurus to the effectiveness of networking and the value of true connections, we leave no feature untested.
But we don’t just stop there – we also bring in industry experts to share their insights on LinkedIn, their strategies, and the harsh realities of professional networking behind the scenes.
Our mission is to provide you with a critical, humorous, and sometimes scathing look at LinkedIn, so that you can see it with fresh, savvier eyes.
Whether you’re an avid LinkedIn enthusiast, a disillusioned lurker, or just a bystander who's curious about what really goes on behind the scenes of Microsoft's supposedly professional online circle-jerk, this podcast is for you.
Follow the podcast now in your favourite app to get new episodes straight into your library! -
Mirgün Cabas ve Can Kozanoğlu önceki podcast serileri İlk Sayfası'nda yazarlarla bir "sözlü yazı atölyesi" yapmıştı. Şimdi de bir kurs/seminer dizisine başlıyorlar. Farklı disiplinlerin uzmanlarıyla yaptıkları söyleşilerde bu alanların temel kavramlarını, meselelerini konuşuyorlar. Daha fazla derinlesmek isteyenler için konuklarından okuma önerileri alıyorlar.
Haftalık yayınlanan bu Podcast’de Zeki Eser ve Emel Caba; sizleri hayatın stresinden biraz olsun uzaklaştırmak, bilgi dağarcığınızı genişletmek, eğlenmek ve eğlendirmek amacıyla hiçbir şeyi ve her şeyi irdeleyecekler. Biraz ondan, biraz da bundan olsun diyorsanız, Organik Beyinler tam size göre...
Güzel ve etkili konuşmak ister misin? Bu programda 5 dakikada diksiyonun püf noktalarını öğrenip birlikte eğlenceli egzersizler yapacağız!
Eğitimler için: https://www.instagram.com/diksiyonsayfasi/ -
Mubarak Shah from reveals all of his Crypto trading strategies, techniques, advice, and resources so you can gain a competitive edge in the Altcoin markets. If you're new to the Crypto markets and want to get started investing or trading Crypto, this is the EXACT podcast for you.
Learn how to turn a mere $500 into $10,000+ by understanding the market trends and patterns that Mubarak teaches in these podcast episodes. Although not a millionaire yet, Mubarak discusses how you can become a successful and profitable trader who is able to analyze the market and generate a slow and steady income from trading Crypto and Altcoins on a daily basis. -
"The first Mongolian-language podcast for career advice and personal development techniques. Featuring inspiring interviews with special guests!"
Every week you will be treated to a new Drifting Ruby episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well.
PhD Career Stories is a podcast where PhDs share their stories and experiences in life after a PhD, inspiring you to take the next step in your career development!
Visit us at https://phdcareerstories.com/