
  • Have you ever learned something, thought you had it down, and then—boom—you realize you need to learn it all over again in this season of life? Yeah, us too.

    This week, we’re diving into the lessons we’re re-learning in midlife and what scripture has to say about them. We talk about how fear sneaks into our decision-making now more than ever, the shift in how our kids watch and learn from us as they grow, and why it’s time to embrace strong over skinny.

    We also unpack the surprising power of journaling for mental clarity, the societal shift from risk-taking to playing it safe, and why we still need to take risks in this stage of life. And of course, we get into friendship—how midlife invites us to reconnect with old and new friends in deep and meaningful ways.

    If you’re finding yourself re-learning some big truths in this season, you are not alone—this episode is for you!


    -Matthew 6:34

    -Centering Prayer song by Porter's Gate

    -Interior Freedom Boon by Jacques Philippe

    -James 4:8

    -Romans 12:2

    -Psalm 9

    -Proverbs 3:5,6

    -Isaiah 41:10

    -House of David series on Prime Time

    -Proverbs 31:17

    -Deuteronomy 16,17

    -Mark 12

    -Hebrews 10:24-25

    -1 Peter 1:3-6

    -Psalm 56:3

    -Matthew 19:26

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE What are you re-learning right now? Are these welcome lessons or are you fighting the circumstances that are leading to them? How can you find God in what you are learning? What do you think He would say to you if you could hear His audible voice today? What limitation can you thank God for today that help you more fully depend on Him? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • We talk a lot about our spiritual life, but how do we move from words to experience? From the head to the heart? To a place of knowledge to deep bone belief? Author and spiritual guide John Eldredge gives us questions to ask and practices to put in place that will help us encounter God's presence in the here and now. An incredible conversation, you WILL NOT want to miss what John says to those of us who have been living out our faith for years. We can still experience Jesus in a fresh way.

    You may know John from his bestselling book Wild at Heart or you may be familiar with the Pause app intended to help us in our spiritual journey. Whether you're familiar with the Eldredge name or are just being introduced to this seasoned spiritual leader, you will want to press play and listen in on how God is beckoning you back to him and how you can say "yes".


    John Eldredge Book- Experience Jesus. Really


    Interior Freedom by Jacque Philippe

    Union with Christ Book

    William Augusto -Worship Instrumental Music

    Pause App

    John's Books

    -The Secret Romance

    -Wild at Heart

    Bible Verse

    Ephesians 3

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE Ask God what issue are we working on right now? What is taking space in your heart that isn't allowing room for God? Take a minute to practice benevolent detachment LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and health

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Today is part 2 of discussing how we can grow and shape our relationships with our adult siblings. Siblings are special because they know us over the entire span of our lives. They also walked in similar shoes as children, having grown up in the same family, and that produces an understanding and knowing that is special.

    As we get older, life gets busy and we sometimes neglect these anchor relationships. Today we are discussing how we can intentionally grow them, work through conflicts that arise, and step into each other's lives in a meaningful way.

    We know everyone has a different starting place when it comes to relationships with siblings. If you are someone who would like to work toward greater intimacy and trust with your siblings, regardless of where you are right now, these two episodes will offer both inspiration and practical steps.

    This week covers ideas for staying current on one another's lives, what investing in our siblings' children looks like, how to show up for one another, and what it means to let each other evolve and change. You will walk away inspired to get closer with your siblings!



    -Let Them Theory Book by Mel Robbins

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How can you know our siblings in the present tense? How can you work through conflict with your siblings while it's still small? How can you lean on each other's strength in decision-making whether that's around aging parents or maybe another issue? What is a next step that you can take with your adult sibling? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • Adult siblings often know us in ways others simply can't. The shared history, the developmental years, the shaping of each other in our most formative stages, create dynamics that we aren't able to duplicate. Depending on your relationship with your siblings, you might feel they are your most trusted life companions.

    We are doing a two-part series with Krista and her brother Mitch and sister Kendra on the value of adult sibling relationships. This week we cover the unique role siblings can play, the importance of showing up in the details and milestones, and the opportunities we have to care for each other well in the midst of midlife stress.

    We know everyone has a different starting place when it comes to relationships with siblings. If you are someone who would like to work toward greater intimacy and trust with your siblings, regardless of where you are right now, these two episodes will offer both inspiration and practical steps. This week is heavy on the why: Why should we care about the relationships today? Next week will cover some of the unique tensions adult siblings hold. Both are important as we move toward greater support for each other and health.

    SOME THINGS YOU HEARD ON THE SHOW "Our Parents leave us too early, our spouses and children come along too late, our siblings are the only ones who are with us for the entire ride." Jeffrey Kluger John 1:5 Vika's Spotify- Kendra's Daughter QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How are your relationships with your siblings? In what way do your siblings know you in a way that nobody else does? How can you show up for your siblings in this season? How can you cultivate relationships with your niece and nephews? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • "Marriage can be heaven, and marriage can be hell." -Dan Allender

    Anyone who is married knows that marriage can reach the extremes of human experience, and sometimes even in the same day. It's the lab in which we grow personally, and where we grow together. It's also the place where everything can fall apart.

    Today Dan Allender of The Allender Center joins us to explore the transformative power of marriage, particularly in midlife. He talks about the deep work of understanding one another's stories, the role of trauma in relationships (even if you feel like you don't have any), and the necessity of dealing with emotional triggers.

    Dan is both funny and deeply inspiring. He is an expert at the top of his field, and also the first one to reveal and share what he is experiencing in his own imperfect marriage.

    You will gain insight into the complexities of relationships, the importance of change-agents in marriage, the dynamics of conflict resolution, and come to a fresh understanding of how fighting for marriage is deeply spiritual work.


    The Deeply Rooted Marriage: Cultivating Healing, Intimacy, and Delight by Dan Allender and Steve Call

    Unwanted by Jay Stringer

    website-Dan Allender

    Quotes from the episode:

    35% of divorces are "gray divorces," meaning they involve couples 50 years of ago and older.

    Our brains have the power to change, but only by engagement deeply within what we'll call our right hemisphere, our emotional portions.

    If there is not a fabric of forgiveness, then we are in deep waters without a paddle.

    Difference is where almost all conflict begins.

    70 % of the conflict in marriage does not have a right answer.

    You grow in trust by the capacity to deal with conflict, not to resolve, but to a deepened understanding. And to a deepened understanding allows us to allow difference to continue to occur.but without either the fear or the judgment that's often there.

    I hope the sense of having work to do is kind of like, I get to put my foot on the neck of evil here. Hell no, I do not want something that has lingered in my body and my heart and my mind to continue to shape something of how I respond to the future.

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE What part of your story can you re-engage with your spouse in order to work toward greater healing? Hint: think about what triggers you. What part of your spouse's story can you re-engage? If 70% of all arguments don't have a "right answer," how can you adjust how you've been approaching a conflict area with your spouse? The change agents Dan lists in his book are humility, honesty, kindness, curiosity, defiance, and an intention to bless. What one is most needed right now in your marriage? How can you "stand on the neck of evil" and push past a particularly difficult part of your marriage? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • Every year right around Valentine's Day we share some things we are loving that make our lives a little easier or more fun. This is a break from the thoughtful conversations we've been having, it settles in on some pretty practical tips. From books and podcasts to snacks and beauty products, Alex and Krista want to make sure you know what they are loving right now.

    How about you? What makes your life more entertaining? What makes you smarter? Who are you following? What are you wearing? We want to know all of these midlife hacks because when you find something good, you need to share!!

    This is one of our most popular episodes every year, tune in and get sharing your things you love.


    - Athletic Brewing Company Non-alcoholic beer

    -Nutrail Nut Granola

    -Truffle oil

    -Chobani Low Fat Greek Yogurt

    -Quinoa Crisps Dark- Chocolate + Cherry

    -Built Puffs Protein Bars

    -Stone-Ground Grits

    Kitchen Gadgets

    -All Clad Instant Read Digital Thermometer

    -6-3/4 Coat Cast Iron Round Wide Dutch Oven

    -Silver Flatware

    Podcast shows

    -The Warrior Mama with Bethany Kimsey

    -Up Until Now with Kristen Hallinan

    -SmartHer News with Jenna Lee

    -The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

    -10% Happier with Dan Harris Podcast

    -Rethinking with Adam Grant

    How to build a great culture with restaurateur Danny Meyer Books

    -Lead with Prayer

    -Celebrating Abundance

    -The Let Them Theory

    -Eat Like a Girl

    -The Anxious Generation

    -Build the Life You Want


    -Corner Room Band

    -Porter's Gate Album- Sanctuary Song

    -When the Day Comes- Nico & Vinz

    Instagram Follows

    -Arthur C. Brooks

    - Adam Grant

    -Simon Sinek

    -Dr Mary Claire Haver(OBGYN)

    -Josh Weather Official

    -The Leighton Show

    Fashion & Beauty

    -Wide Leg Twill (Spanx Pants)

    -Steve Madden Hayle Ankle Boots

    -L'Oréal Glotion

    -Mother Jeans

    -Blow-Out Curlers

    -Color Wow Root Cover-up

    -Women's Cozy Slippers

    -Essence Volume Lash Boosters

    -Charlotte Tilbury Red Hollywood Vixen Lipstick

    -Thorne Supplement

    -WaterProof Black Fancy Cards


    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • Teenagers: it's the best of times and the worst of times. We love them with our whole hearts, and they're also hard. Some are thriving, some aren't. We are quick to point fingers back at ourselves when things go wrong, and we breathe a sigh of relief when it's going right.

    In this conversation, Alex and Krista discuss parenting teenagers with Melissa Kruger, vice president of discipleship at The Gospel Coalition and author of Parenting with Hope. Melissa speaks about the challenges and joys of raising teens in a complex world. We hit on understanding the spectrum of teen experiences, the role of prayer, and the need for open communication.

    Melissa discusses the significance of tailoring parenting approaches to individual children and the necessity of maintaining hope amidst challenges. Teens today are facing pressures we simply did not have. Their challenges are different, and it serves us well to try and stand in their shoes.

    You will walk away encouraged and re-centered from this episode!


    Melissa Kruger's -Website and Instagram

    Melissa Kruger's Book- Parenting with Hope


    Proverb 12:18

    The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing


    "I actually think it's sports and activities, it's scholastic achievement, and it's social acceptance. Those are the three, what I call, idols of our age that I think really raise the temperature in parenting teens right now."

    "When you step back and say, huh, maybe it would really matter that our family had family dinners every night, and we're gonna fight for that. Maybe it would really matter that we have space to actually get a little bored and do a puzzle as a family."

    "So many teens do not get the amount of sleep they need. That leads to greater rates of depression, which leads to greater problems down the road in other areas. And we're like, but they have to be at all these things (activities) or they won't be well-rounded. Who cares if they're well-rounded?"

    "In the Barna research, the amount of pressure that kids feel is different than previous generations. And yes, technology is a part of that, but also just the ramp up of all of these things of doing club sports by the time you're seven or eight. All of that plays into this level of pressure and stress."

    "Those simple acts of being in God's Word, being a mom of prayer, and being in church matter so I can parent well. I call it a three-legged stool."

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE What is your current measure of hope with your teenager? How can you better address what is going on inside of your in order to better parent your teen? What of the three idols she mentioned, sports and activities, academic success, and social acceptance is most out of balance in your home? What can you do to create a more healthy rhythm in this area? How can you build your hope in Christ for you, for your own spiritual strength? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • Have you ever stuffed a feeling? Yeah, it happens for lots of reasons. We are afraid, don't like discomfort, or have been taught that certain feelings are bad. But no amount of pushing down makes the emotion go away. We need to deal with them at some point.

    Therapist and author Aundi Kobler joins the podcast with why we may be avoiding certain emotions and practical approaches to face them in manageable pieces. There is no need to rush in head first. We can allow our bodies and brains to experience a little at a time. Through this paced approach and safe relationships, we can begin to experience our full range of emotions.

    We encourage you to listen in as one of the best voices of today gives us her "Try Softer" approach to delving into what is likely scary territory. But remember it is our time to rise and meet the moment. 2025 may just be our year to open ourselves to emotions we have been avoiding.


    Aundi Kolber's - Website and Instagram

    Aundi Kolber's books- Take What You Need


    -John 10:10

    -Aundi Kolber's books

    The Try Softer Guided Journey Try Softer Strong Like Water QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE What has kept you from acknowledging emotions you know are there? What would it look like to allow yourself to give those emotions a seat at the table? What is your window of tolerance for those emotions right now? What kind of support do you need to be able to face some of those emotions, and how can you get it? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediat

  • What is the one place in your home you avoid? Has it built up clutter? Become the catch all for the things you don't know what to do with? Or is it full of items that have sentimental value that you can't throw out and yet feel stuck?

    This month we are talking about things we avoid and how we can face them. This week we are covering things we avoid in our home. Items we don't know what to do with that grow into piles, areas, even rooms that have taken on a life of their own. Professional organizer Morgan Tyree speaks from her newest book, Take Back Your Home: How to Organize Every Room For a Stress-Free, Mess-Free, Happy Home. She gives us tools to get behind the of the avoiding, (it's deeper than you might think) and then practical step by steps to overcome them.

    You won't want to miss this conversation that helps you determine what space you can tackle next as you organize your living and working space in the new year. It's time to take back your home.


    Morgan Tyree- Website and Instagram

    Morgan Tyree Book- Take Back Your Home


    Snags mentioned:




    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How are you wired; are you more of a diamond or arrow, maybe more relaxed, a circle or bolt? How does your wiring impact how you manage your space? What areas are you avoiding in your home, what snags are impacting your avoidance? How can you face an area you are avoiding in the next few weeks, what accountability do you need to put in place? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • We've all heard of nightmare stories about inheritance gone wrong. Our mission today is to help you do it right. Inheritance, wealth transfer, wills, estate planning... whatever you call it, no matter the amount, it's important to be intentional around how to best pass on property, money, and items after someone passes away.

    This is kicking off our series this month "Things We've Been Putting Off." We're going to be talking about some areas we've been ignoring and what we can do to step into those arenas equipped and with courage.

    This subject of estate planning is one of those subjects that we often avoid, yet it is extremely relevant to us as people in midlife, and it's also relevant as our parents age.

    Joining us to today are Sean and Jill Maher. Sean is a principal at Valley Forge Financial Group and CEO of Valley Forge Family Office in Pennsylvania. Jill is a licensed psychological counselor. This powerteam wrote the book, The Greatest Gift: Nine Principles to transfer your legacy along with your wealth.

    In this conversation, we explore the complexities of inheritance, camping on themes you may not associate with estate planning such as family values, traditions, humility, and generosity. We discuss how these elements shape the way wealth is passed down and the emotional implications involved.

    The Mahers share personal stories and insights on how to navigate difficult conversations about money and inheritance, highlighting the need for open communication and understanding within families. They also address the challenges of fairness versus equality in inheritance and the significance of creating a safe environment for these discussions.

    This is a practical and helpful conversation you don't want to miss!


    The Greatest Gift Book: to receive a $5 discount, enter code: ourtimetorise


    Purposeful Planning Institute

    Internal Family Systems

    Homeboy Ministries

    Project Healing Waters

    TV Show: Succession

    Movie: Knives Out

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE What helps you stand in humility when it comes to money conversations? How can you make sure your children know the fullness of your story, or your parent's story, or the people who came before you? What would growing the muscle of generosity in this season look like? How can you have conversations around assets that can be fair or equal? What spiritual practices can you implement that will protect your flame? How can you go into conversation regulated rather than mirroring the stress or fear of another? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthie

  • We've all heard of nightmare stories about inheritance gone wrong. Our mission today is to help you do it right. Inheritance, wealth transfer, wills, estate planning... whatever you call it, no matter the amount, it's important to be intentional around how to best pass on property, money, and items after someone passes away.

    This subject is relevant to us as people in midlife, and it's also relevant as our parents age.

    Joining us to today are Sean and Jill Maher. Sean is a principal at Valley Forge Financial Group and CEO of Valley Forge Family Office in Pennsylvania. Jill is a licensed psychological counselor. This powerteam wrote the book, The Greatest Gift: Nine Principles to transfer your legacy along with your wealth.

    In this conversation, we explore the complexities of inheritance, camping on themes you may not associate with estate planning such as family values, traditions, humility, and generosity. We discuss how these elements shape the way wealth is passed down and the emotional implications involved.

    The Mahers share personal stories and insights on how to navigate difficult conversations about money and inheritance, highlighting the need for open communication and understanding within families. They also address the challenges of fairness versus equality in inheritance and the significance of creating a safe environment for these discussions.

    This is a practical and helpful conversation you don't want to miss!


    Purposeful Planning Institute

    Warren Buffet Talks to His Kids About His Will, You Should Too

    John Gottman, The Four Horseman

    The Greatest Gift Book: to receive a $5 discount, enter code: ourtimetorise

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE In what ways have you been avoiding a conversation regarding estate planning or money? In what area can you practice the tool I feel I need? How can you create a common purpose as a family? What is one action step you can take this week regarding this topic? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • In this final episode in our Advent “Make Room” Series, we are focusing on the greatest virtue of all: LOVE.

    Jamie Finn, author, advocate, and speaker joins us to discuss her ever evolving definition of love. We explore the sacrificial nature of love, the complexity of love, and what it mean to first receive love from God so we are enabled to truly love others, even when it’s hard.

    The conversation culminates in a reminder of the essence of Christmas: God’s sacrificial love for humanity. This is a great episode to listen to as you prepare your heart for Christmas week. MERRY CHRISTMAS!


    Jamie's Books

    Foster the Family Filled- Devotional QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE Who feels inconvenient for you to love this Christmas season, and how can you ask God to join you in loving them? How can you receive love from God this season? How will this better prepare you to love others? Where do you need to embrace humility? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier

  • As we consider joy during Advent we ask why don't we experience it more here on earth. Our guest this week, Paul Robie, says Christians should be the most joyful people on the planet. We have the Good News to direct our steps and our spirits.

    This wrestling with joy is likely why joy is an Advent theme since the beginning of Advent themes. We can collectively consider what it means to hold joy in our lives. We can also encourage each other in the practical ways we can cultivate it. Paul is a lifelong pastor, current church consultant, and mentor to seminary students. Practices of faith and how they form us are what he talks about all day long and we get the benefit of his wisdom in this series.

    Whether you are wondering why others aren't more joyful, or wanting to experience joy this Advent and in the new year, this episode is for you.


    -One Thousand Gifts- Ann Voskamp

    -Happiness- Randy Alcorn

    -Happiness Is a Serious Problem- Dennis Prager

    -The Road Less Traveled- Scott Peck

    -Psalms 1

    -John 15

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How have you separated happiness and holiness? Do you agree that Christians should be the happiest people in the world? Who or what am I allowing to steal my joy? What expectations can you let go of in order to make room to be surprised by joy? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • December is starting to move quickly, who could use some peace right about now? We are in an Advent series and today we are making room for PEACE.

    Joining us is pastor, seminary professor, and coach Jim Singleton. In this insightful and compelling interview, Jim helps us explore the concept of peace in a chaotic world, focusing on the need for both external and internal peace.

    We dive into the historical context of peace, the impact of digital distractions, and the importance of spiritual practices. Jim highlights the cost of true peace, the concept of holy indifference, and the deeper meaning of SHALOM as peace amidst conflict.

    If you want practical steps to access shalom, hear about the role of community in finding peace, and discover the connection between creativity and spiritual well-being, this rich conversation is for you.


    - Joshua 3

    -Mark 1

    -Philippians 4

    -Acts 16

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE What distraction are keeping you from following the Ark? What high reward are you looking for at a low cost? Does your peace feel more like broth or stew? Whether you are having broth or stew, where is the connection in your daily practices to that, how does the feeling that you are either eating broth or stew how are your daily practices supporting that or not supporting that? How can you use Godly community to encourage and grow the shalom of God in your life? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and health

  • Advent is the season anticipating Christmas. This first week of Advent we kick off a four-week series covering the timeless themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.

    We start this week with hope.

    Hope is the anticipation that good can happen. And when we know God is good, we can believe he can make good happen. Hope is also believing Christ will return. This is why we focus in on hope during Advent.

    Whether you light an Advent candle on a wreath, read a special devotion, or simply consider the miracle that is God coming as a human baby, we hope you will take a moment to consider what it means to anticipate the coming of Christ. Then and again.


    Krista's Advent EBOOK you can download and use with your friends or family

    -Matthew 1:18-21 NIV

    -Abigail Luxury Travel Advisory

    -Loving My Actual Christmas

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How would you like to celebrate Advent this season? What are you hoping for that is out of your control? Are you trusting in God's larger plan? If so, how? And if not, why? What can you do today to articulate your expectations for the next few weeks to yourself, to God and to a friend? How can you right size those expectations? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happi

  • Let's get ahead of the holiday season this year rather than feeling stressed all the way through it. We want to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas as much as the people around us!

    In this episode, we share five practical and helpful tips for navigating the Christmas season with joy and intention. We dive into the importance of embracing the true meaning of Christmas while managing the chaos that often accompanies the holidays.

    Join us as we discuss setting boundaries, effective communication, meal prep strategies, decorating tips, and the significance of maintaining a positive mindset throughout the festive season.

    Join us holiday magic makers!


    Amish Cinnamon Rolls

    Holiday 3 Ring Binder

    Definition of Metacognition: awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.

    Colossians 3:12-15

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE Are there boundaries you need to set for this holiday season? Who do you need to communicate with around plans, how can you communicate with them today? What cooking can you do now to save time in the heavy Christmas weeks? Is there a mindset change you need to make about how you're going to think about coming events, how can you decide now to think differently? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • Marriage in midlife is no joke! We have often spent exhausting years caring for kids and have given each other the left over time and attention. We also are being introduced to new stressors and need to figure out how to navigate this together. It's hard. It's also worth the work.

    We invited Dave and Ann Wilson back to the podcast to talk specifically about cultivating love during this changing and often challenging time. Thank goodness we aren't alone in this journey. Dave and Ann are honest about their challenges, about the changes happening now and offer hope that midlife can be a time of deep love and connection for couples. A refreshing take for those of us that need hope or healing in our marriage.


    Dave & Ann's– Website and Instagram


    Romans 15:5-6

    Episode 180 with Dave and Ann Wilson

    James Davis Book-Doing Life with Your Adult Children

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How has marriage in midlife been for you, how are you and your spouse connecting? What topics are difficult for you to navigate? How has parenting adult children surprised you, and how has this phase of parenting impacted your marriage? How can you get to a level five deeper conversation with your spouse? What are a few questions that you can ask? Where would you like to be running hard together, what steps do you need to take? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and health

  • We're headed into the cozy season of the year and there is nothing better than soup on the stove when the weather turns chilly. It's also a time when we get out the soft blankets and curl up on the sofa to take a breath, read a book, or sit by the fire.

    In today's episode we are talking all about SOUP and SABBATH - nourishing our bodies and our souls with author and speaker Kathi Lipp.

    We talk about the importance of meal planning (and the best free meal planning tool there is), the significance of the table, Kathi's favorite soup recipes, involving family in the preparation of a meal, and the value of making meals ahead of time so we can rest.

    Kathi helps us grow in our understanding of sabbath, and the need for self care. You are going to love this well-timed episode!


    Kathi Lipp's – Website and Instagram

    Kathi Lipp's Book- Sabbath Soup


    Gin -Tomato Soup

    From Overwhelmed to Organized: A Step-by-Step Guide to Clutter-Free Meal Planning

    Motion App- To stay organized

    Chatgpt- Meal plan

    Sam's Club- Order App

    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

    Accidental Homesteader

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE In what ways can you set yourself up for success in this season? What do you need to launch, leverage and let go off to have that success What can you do to meal plan more efficiently to save some stress in your life? How can you be looking ahead to the holiday season and prepare so that you can rest and enjoy when you are with your people? In what ways do you need to pay attention to your balance of peace and joy? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happi

  • Grief is something we don't choose. It arrives and we have to decide how we are going to deal with it. In midlife we can be faced with new types of grief. We want to live with it and move through it with health. The question is how?

    Our guest, Mattie Jackson understands deep grief. The loss of her husband in an accident less than one year after they were married took her to her deepest pain. She talks us through her own healing and how her friends supported her. The wisdom she shares is valuable for anyone who wants to stand with those they love.

    If you are experiencing grief, know someone who is, or want to be prepared when the unexpected happens, this conversation is for you. Truly, you don't want to miss Mattie's insights. You will be better for it.


    Mattie Jackson - Website and Instagram

    Mattie Jackson's Book- Through the Valley of Grief


    "When grief opens a door it yells out to all the past griefs to come and get through that door with it" Dr Curt Thompson

    Happiness co-exists with unhappiness.

    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE How can you lean into God with your grief, rather than avoiding it? When have you felt grief's door open and all of the past griefs come running? When have you been given an identity that fear said would define you the rest of your life? What is the one most important takeaway for you in the interview today? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier

  • The mother-daughter relationship can be one of the richest and most rewarding bonds we get to experience here on earth. It can also be one of the most complicated, especially in the teen and young adult years.

    Today we are thrilled to have Sandra Stanley and Allie Stanley Cooney, authors of Meet Me in the Middle, discussing the importance of foundations in the mother-daughter relationship. They emphasize the need to root our identity in faith and how it affects every aspect of life.

    We also discuss the significance of pursuing and valuing the relationship a mother has with her daughter, even during times of tension and conflict, and what it looks like to become students of our daughters. We also cover forgiveness, and the importance of allowing time for healing, not dictating when forgiveness should occur.

    This episode is unique because we get to hear from a mother's AND a daughter's perspective. If you are looking to improve your relationship with your daughter, this episode is for you!


    Sandra Stanley's- Website and Instagram

    Allie Stanley's - Instagram

    Sandra & Allie's book- Meet Me in the Middle


    Galatians 6:7-9

    3 Superpowers




    QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU RISE Was there anything from the interview you really want to adopt or take with you, maybe it was a phrase, a prayer, or a concept? What is one way you can get healthier as a mom? In the interview Sandra & Allie talked about appreciation, forgiveness and gentleness as a superpower, which one do you most need in your relationship with your daughter right now? How can you continue to pursue your daughter in this stage of your relationship? How could you incorporate more fun into your time with your daughter? LET’S CONNECT!

    Did you like this episode? Let us know and leave a review on itunes or share it with a friend.

    Or message us on Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!

    Get the Daily Dozen Checklist -12 habits that will immediately make you happier and healthier