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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on the March full moon, this time in the astrological sign of Virgo.
We explore some of the themes of this sign, reflecting on how the Virgo energy helps us to 'declutter' our internal world, and the role that our mind plays in creating and maintaining our health on every level.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
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You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook PageThis podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on February's new moon in the astrological sign of Pisces, falling on 28 February 2025.
We explore some of the themes of this sign, in particular the ways we might experience our natural sensitivity, through empathy, compassion and our internal space. We talk about the challenges of living as a sensitive person in a world of chaos, looking at some of the steps we can take to use our empathy sustainably and reduce the chances of burnout.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on February's full moon, this time in the astrological sign of Leo.
We explore some of the themes of this sign, reflecting on moments of self doubt and how the lion's confidence and fire can help us more fully connect to our passions.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join me for this message for the festival of Imbolc, where we reflect on the season and its theme of quickening, as the earth stirs and encourages us to prepare for the full arrival of spring.
We take a special look at the Rowan tree and the Celtic Goddess Brigit, who are both associated with this festival, exploring how they can help us to emerge from our personal cave of winter as the wheel turns to bring us new life and awakening.
I hope you enjoy this episode and wish you a very blessed Imbolc!
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on January's new moon in the astrological sign of Aquarius, falling on 29 January 2025, as we approach the festival of Imbolc.
We explore some of the themes and symbols of this sign, including our relationship with our own difference and the healing power of unconditional acceptance. We also take a look at the role of the water carrier, the symbol of Aquarius, in realising our dreams and visions for the future as we set about creating positive change in our life and in the world.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on January's full moon, this time in the astrological sign of Cancer.
We explore some of the themes and symbols of this sign, including what 'home' means to us and how we might redefine this to heal our roots and sense of belonging on the Earth.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on December's second new moon, this time in the astrological sign of Capricorn, falling on 30 December 2024, on the cusp of the new year.
We explore some of the themes and symbols of this sign, reflecting on the path of the mountain goat as well as Capricorn's ruling planet of Saturn that challenges us to take responsibility for manifesting our intentions and to live with purpose. At this time of year that lends itself to reflection and review, we also look at how our understanding of what has passed over the year can become part of our planning for the year ahead.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join me for this message for the festival of Yule or Winter Solstice, where we reflect on the season and its themes of rengeneration and rebirth at the start of the sun's new cycle. We also take a special look at the Yew tree, the tree of immortality that can help us to surrender to endless cycles of renewal rather than getting stuck in winter through resistance to the natural flow of our life.
I hope you enjoy this episode and wish you a beautiful Solstice!
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on December's full moon in Gemini, falling on 15 December 2024. We explore some of the themes and symbols of this moon sign, reflecting on the nature and medicine of the butterfly as well as the presence of duality within us in the form of the Gemini twins. The light and shadow of our age of information and communication is also explored, looking at how the Gemini archetype can help us to use our minds in positive ways to avoid some of its pitfalls.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on December's new moon in Sagittarius, falling on 1 December 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon sign, reflecting on the role of risk and uncertainty in growing our authenticity, creativity and self-knowledge.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's full moon in Taurus, falling on 15 November 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, reflecting on what personal wealth means to us and how this can deepen our relationship with the earth and our physical body.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on November's new moon in Scorpio, falling on 1 November 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon sign, reflecting on the the deep ocean within us as an essential part of our humanity, wholeness and healing.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join me for this message for the festival of Samhain, Third Harvest or Halloween, where we reflect on this time of deep autumn. We look to the trees for lessons in vulnerability, the beauty of ageing and being visible to ourselves.
I hope you enjoy this episode and wish you a magical Samhain!
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's full moon in Aries, falling on 17 October 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, reflecting on how we approach the role of leadership in our own life, the ways that others can inspire us to recognise our own strength and courage, and how the choices we make in expressing our will can influence our relationships with others.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's new moon in Libra, falling on 2 October 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, reflecting on the Libran scales as a symbol of justice and natural law that seeks to always move us towards balance and alignment. We consider how these ideas intertwine with our ability to make choices and to be accountable for them as we move through life, giving us agency and empowerment over our direction of travel.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join me for this short message for the Autumn Equinox, Mabon or Second Harvest. We take some time to reflect on the new season and the unique viewpoint this time gives us as we stand on the threshold of the dark months.
I hope you enjoy this episode and wish you a beautiful equinox!
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's full moon in Pisces, falling on 18 September 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, reflecting on the balance between our spiritual and earthly life and how it helps us to unite these aspects of ourselves rather than keeping them separate.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's new moon in Virgo, falling on 3 September 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, reflecting on the nature of poison and medicine, the ways we can mistake one for the other in our lives and how learning the art of discernment sits at the root of our healing as we cleanse body, mind and spirit.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the latest episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's full moon in Aquarius, falling on 19 August 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, reflecting on the unrest in the world and the importance of knowing who we are so that we can discern what is healthy or toxic for us as individuals and as societies. We also talk about the ecosystem of our mind and how our ability to remain open to different ideas and perspectives can help prevent our thinking becoming rigid and ideological.
This episode also includes a series of journaling prompts to help make this content more personally relevant to you!
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page -
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Join us for the second episode in the Moon Musings series, to reflect on this month's new moon in Leo, falling on 4 August 2024. We explore some of the themes of this moon, focusing on the relationship between our sense of freedom to express our creativity and authentic self, and our sense of safety in the world.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a trigger warning within this episode due to the content around our sense of personal safety. We don't dwell on this at length or in a negative way, but if you have personal life experiences that mean this could affect you negatively then please take care of your own wellbeing when listening.
We hope you enjoy this episode! If so then please consider leaving us a review or maybe share it with someone you think would benefit.
Find the Pagan Creative Podcast online at:
Pagan Creative Facebook Group
Pagan Creative Facebook Page
Pagan Creative Instagram
You can also support the podcast at Buy Me A Coffee!
This podcast is brought to you by Rowansong, a small UK creative business that specialises in handcrafted pagan, spiritual and nature themed arts and crafts:
Rowan Song Etsy Store
Rowan Song Facebook Page - Mostrar mais