Ghostly activity can happen anywhere. Even underground.
Superstition meets tragedy and families are left with nothing.
What is real? Can a belief in danger make it so.
Closing out another season of the Paranormal Conclave.
The end of the year brings to mind many traditions that are as old as man.
But one is very special and has been making a resurgence as of late.
Let's Jingle some bells as we get into this episode of the Paranormal Conclave.
Episodes manquant?
A Story from my past that inadvertently turned paranormal.
Travel back to 1991 with me. But don't touch that dial.
You have entered the Paranormal Conclave.
The creation of Fear as we know it. Facts, Fun and some interesting interpretations about this Psycho pop icon.
Let's get spooky on this new episode of the Paranormal Conclave.
A Strange twist on an old question. Famous people saw them also. What are we?
Welcome back to the Paranormal Conclave
A reunion of friends sparks a need to finish a case we started back in 1994.
The Law is called, and things get weird.
Welcome to anothe new season of the Paranormal Conclave.
It Means Small fear of goats? What?
Strange Case in Cryptozoology.
Or do our eyes deceive us?
More Questions...Do you have the answer?
Hot Case with cool evidence
A time before new tech... spirits still talked
Not what we expected
A trip down Memory lane on this new episode
of The Paranormal Conclave
What Isn't Said Speaks Volumes in this episode.
Sounds like a true crime because it was.
Felt like I needed to share this benchmark from the past.
A Book Damned but saved from the pyre.
An unlikely refuge
A influential tome that changed much in the world of magic.
Behold!!!!! This Episode Of The Paranormal Conclave
Look Past Yourself and surroundings
Learn a little about a amazing and ancient practice.
Get Read! Get Tuned in! And get ready to relax with a glass of wine perhaps.
On this New episode of The Paranormal Conclave.
What The Hex!
A New Season With A New Fresh Start.
Just a glimpse into one type of Hex symbolism that started
in one place and spread.
A Soft opening to a new long awaited season
Season Two of The Paranormal Conclave Is coming to an end.
So We Wanted to have this episode ready for you.
This is a TAIL you might know about, But then again...maybe not.
Thank you for your time this season.
There will be a season three with all new episodes so keep checking back.
Season three will be starting this November.
See You Soon.
This is the most inevitable episode I've ever done.
Anticipated? Maybe. So here it is.
With a fresh new opener!
A interesting story passed down in my family.
A moment trapped in time.
Mystery and death is on the job training.
Glad we caught your attention.
On this strange and true campfire story welcome to the Conclave.
Creating monsters to survive the evils of humanity
Is there truth in legend?
Did Man really copy man to combat oppression?
True power comes from faith and leadership.
A very heartbreaking tale that created a new subcategory in monster lore.
We call to order this episode of
The Paranormal Conclave.
New Episodes Now Every Two Weeks!!!
A little History of a Strange toy for children
Trapping a soul or hiding death in plain sight
Undead window art and a Scary hair style...What?
This is a strange one but I know you will understand why we had to cover this topic.
Thank you for listening to
The Paranormal Conclave.
New Episodes Every Two Weeks!!!
A accident Involving me that changed my life.
Bad memories but good lessons
Helping hands with a touch of sadness
and I'm still here to talk about it.
This and much more on this episode of
The Paranormal Conclave.
Now New Episodes every Two Weeks!!!
The Legend of a Strange Monster born of a Angry Woman.
Cryptid or something else.
From the pines to infamy the story will captivate you.
Welcome to the Paranormal Conclave.
Now New Episodes every two weeks!!!
I was asked to do a show on this topic so here we go.
A controversial topic indeed for many.
Bringing in a couple of personal thoughts on the subject.
Trying to be respectful to all. I hope you agree.
On this episode of The Paranormal Conclave.
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