
  • In this episode, Dr. Lara Briden returns to discuss her new book, 'The Metabolism Reset'.

    Host Clare sits down with Dr. Briden to dive into the conversation of metabolic dysfunction. They discuss the significant impact of insulin resistance on women's health, exploring how environmental changes and epigenetics contribute to the rising prevalence.

    They also explore the controversial topic of food addiction, differentiating it from eating disorders and examining how ultra-processed foods affect the brain's reward system. The discussion highlights how changes in diet, particularly focusing on whole foods and protein, can lead to significant improvements in hunger management and overall health.

    The conversation emphasizes that weight gain and metabolic issues are not moral failings but consequences of broader environmental and genetic factors. Tune in for a new perspective on metabolic health.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • Have you ever been made to believe a meal plan is the only answer to achieving all your health goals?

    In this week’s episode, Clare and Emma sit down to discuss why meal plans may not be all they are made out to be. Many women with PCOS attempt to stick to meal plans but are left feeling disappointed and unempowered when they don’t work out the way they hoped.

    Clare and Emma share why they believe meal plans are not always effective for managing PCOS and why learning to make flexible dietary choices is more sustainable. They share personal experiences and insights on how rigid meal plans fail to accommodate the variability of daily life.

    Instead, they discuss the power of building habits that are flexible and adaptable, which highlights the importance of developing long-term habits over short-term strict adherence.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

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  • In this week’s episode, Steph shares her remarkable journey with PCOS, from early diagnosis to motherhood.

    Steph’s journey began during her athletic career in javelin. She shares how her athletic lifestyle initially masked many of her PCOS symptoms, which were eventually uncovered after experiencing a cyst burst.

    Steph explores the challenges of insulin resistance, brain fog, intense sugar cravings and how cortisol impacted her sleep and energy. She highlights how she began to overcome these symptoms - through the power of individualised and evidence-based nutrition, training and lifestyle advice.

    Steph also delves into her experiences with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum life, stressing the importance of sleep, nutrition, and mental well-being.

    Steph’s journey showcases the importance of developing sustainable health routines that will stick, even when our priorities change throughout life. Steph inspires those listening to empower themselves by confronting their health issues early and taking control of their journey’s.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • In this episode, Clare and Emma sit down to delve into the world of popular weight loss drugs.

    Despite their high demand and celebrity endorsements, it's important to weigh up both the pros and cons of these trending weight loss drugs.

    We discuss their effectiveness in achieving significant weight loss, especially for people with conditions like PCOS. We also highlight the controversy surrounding their use by individuals with minimal weight to lose, the risk of severe side effects, and the realistic possibility of weight regain after stopping the medication.

    Tune in as we unpack the benefits, risks, and considerations linked to these trendy medications in weight management and overall health improvement.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • It’s time to break free from diet culture and the chatter in your head that influences your food choices. This is what is explored in today’s episode with PCOS Explained host and Ovie Founder, Clare Goodwin, alongside Ovie Senior Nutritionist, Emma Wylie.

    This episode discusses the common struggles people with PCOS experience with dieting, food choices, restriction and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Clare and Emma discuss the factors that influence your relationship with food, inspiring you to gain back control and feel more empowered in your journey. They explore the path to food freedom and embodying a balanced lifestyle.

    By addressing physiological needs and adopting an 80/20 lifestyle, individuals can improve their relationship with food, overcome restrictive eating habits, and manage their PCOS symptoms without falling into the trap of fad diets.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • In this episode Clare sits down to speak with Elfie about her PCOS journey, from her early twenties, through struggles with fertility, undergoing IVF, and later natural conception leading to three children.

    Clare and Elfie discuss how her PCOS symptoms worsened with perimenopause, and how a partial hysterectomy did nothing to alter her worsening symptoms.

    Elfie details her battle with binge eating, exacerbated by perimenopause and PCOS, and how discovering a link between the two led her to seek help and make dietary and lifestyle changes. She dives into the challenges of insulin resistance, the effectiveness of a high-protein breakfast, and the importance of understanding one's body and hormone cycles.

    The episode also delves into the negative impact of stress and high-intensity exercise on her PCOS, and how adjusting her approach to fitness and diet helped manage her symptoms and overall health.

    In this podcast we’ll be diving into:

    PCOS and perimenopause and menopauseFeeling out of control around food Over-exercising and how to adjust this Pregnancy difficulties and changing severities of PCOS symptoms

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • In this week’s podcast episode, PCOS Explained host and Ovie Founder, Clare Goodwin, sits down to talk with Ovie Senior Nutritionist, Emma Wylie, to unpack how the right kind of support in your PCOS journey can be critical to your long term symptom management.

    Too often we meet patients who feel completely unsupported.

    Failed by their healthcare providers, misunderstood by dieticians, not heard by their doctors, broken down by diet after diet only to still feel at square one with their symptom management.

    In this discussion real life case studies are explored from patients Clare and Emma have worked with, to offer insights and strategies to help and empower you on your PCOS journey.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    Understanding your path to successful weight lossAcne and hirsutism medication guidance Balancing the goals of fertility and weight loss

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • We can often get caught up trying so hard to do everything perfectly, giving 100%, but as soon as we're not hitting that mark, we feel like we've failed, or as our PCOS patient Lily puts it, 'fallen off the wagon'.

    After struggling with the healthcare system, Lily took matters into her own hands and started our program. Lily followed the Ovie approach, a holistic lifestyle intervention that, within the space of a few months, helped her lose the stubborn weight she'd been trying so hard to address, reduced her acne and hirsutism, and overall benefited her life in ways she couldn't have imagined.

    In this episode, we'll discuss:

    The challenges of getting diagnosedFinding the right doctor to support you on your journeyThe complexity of PCOS and how to navigate it with a personalized planThe importance of a supportive community
    ... and much more!

    We're inspired by Lily's determination throughout the program and the progress she continues to make today.

    If you're ready to make your move and start your journey, take the Ovie questionnaire to figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • In this gritty conversation, Clare interviews Dr Stephanie, a physician who shares her personal and professional journey dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

    Stephanie shares incredible advice around how we should view our doctors or primary care providers' advice on our own health journey, and how it ultimately is our own decision about the steps we move forward with.

    Stephanie also shares with us great tips for how to advocate for ourselves with a diagnosis, or how to feel confident seeking multiple perspectives from different physicians.

    Stephanie shares her journey of as she puts it - sciencing the sh*t out of her PCOS - to help her make informed decisions when it came to her health.

    Regular bleeds but irregular cycles are discussed (yes, there is a difference!), as well as dealing with unexplained weight gain and difficulties losing weight and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) are just some of the juicy topics covered in this podcast.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • When we are first diagnosed with PCOS we are often lead to believe that 'you will struggle to get pregnant', and we hear this time and time again. But, is this really the case?

    We spoke with our patient, Cindy about her experience with getting diagnosed in her late 20's, struggling to conceive then proceeding to fall pregnant naturally (a month before she was due to start fertility treatment!).

    Cindy is a doer and knew she had to take charge as soon as she got diagnosed which lead her to find the programme. She started learning immediately what was going on with her body and everything became so much clearer and she started seeing results within the first few days!

    In this podcast we cover:

    Understanding how to deal with PCOS and fertility strugglesHow lifestyle adjustments, and tailored interventions can lead to conceptionThe value of specialized care and what to look for in a doctor

    We understand that too much information at once can be overwhelming which is why we created Ovie, to take you through step-by-step exactly what is right for you and your PCOS. Sign up to Ovie, receive your personalized PCOS management plan, start working on yourself and see results within days.

    Ready to start your journey? Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • In this episode, we're going deep on PCOS. PCOS affects about 1 in 8 women, but there's a lot of confusion out there about it.

    We discuss how genetics and lifestyle play a role, and we also touch on the common misconceptions with PCOS, and discuss it’s not just about what's happening in your ovaries; things like insulin resistance, stress, inflammation, and thyroid problems are all key drivers of this syndrome. We also highlight why what works for one person, might not work for another.

    But here's the good news: we've got options. We're all about personalized plans here, whether that means changing up your lifestyle or maybe adding in some meds if that's what you need. We're all about empowering you to take control and manage those symptoms.

    This is a great episode for anyone new on their PCOS journey, or anyone who wants to learn more about what’s going on in their body, and wants to start to see improvements in their symptoms.

    So, join us as we break down PCOS, demystify the whole thing, and show you how you can turn things around with the right approach.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • In this episode Clare sits down with Fannie to discuss her PCOS journey, starting from her teenage years dealing with irregular periods and uncertain diagnoses.

    She shares the impact of PCOS on her life, including symptoms like weight gain, sugar cravings, and insulin resistance. The conversation also delves into the significant role of understanding her blood work, particularly iron levels and their relation to insulin resistance and fertility.

    Her journey underscores the importance of self-advocacy, and the realization that managing PCOS is an ongoing process that involves more than just addressing symptoms but understanding her drivers.

    In this podcast we’ll be diving into:

    Fannie's fertility journey with PCOSDiagnosis and care differences between different countries Why the 'perfect' keto diet isn't sustainable . . and what is! The importance of knowing your iron statusAnd more!

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • Each year when January comes about some may think that we need to create all these New Year's resolutions so that this year is going to be our best, only to run out of steam before January is even over (we've been there too).

    Instead we believe in setting sustainable intentions and goals that you can work towards gradually so you don't feel totally overwhelmed.

    Today, The Ovie team discuss how we're approaching the New Year and what kind of person we want to be not just for 2024 but for life.

    If you want to be curious and ask yourself the important questions that will make that long-term change, this is the podcast for you.

    P.S. If you want to grab a plan that does exactly that, our Ovie 2024 Focus Challenge is now live in Ovie. Sign up today to get access to the tools, resources and intention setting plan that will help you improve in the 4 areas of your life: connection, nourishment, movement and rest.

    Take the questionnaire here.

  • We're diving into why New Year's resolutions are setting you up to fail and how you can actually make lasting changes by building habits that embody the person you want to be.

    We've got Sophia Dawson, our resident licensed psychologist here at Ovie, as our special guest. She's sharing her expertise on how to set yourself up for success and build habits that will help you achieve your goals.

    She also provides practical tips and strategies for building habits that last and discusses the importance of aligning your actions with your values and goals.

    Something things we cover in this episode:

    Why do most NY resolutions fail?What to do instead of setting typical NY resolutions?Choosing stuff that matters to you (values).Adopt the identify of the person you want to be.Making towards moves.

    Want to learn more and have a plan in place to help your habits stick? Sign up to Ovie here and receive the tools and resources you need to make positive changes for life.

  • Moriah describes herself as a 'stressaholic.' Working in a fast-paced, demanding job, she thought this was just part of her life and who she is. She had a tumultuous year with the writer strikes in 2023 and suddenly found herself with a lot of time to spare.

    Instead of worrying, she decided to put her time off to good use and signed up for our PCOS program. In the past, Moriah has struggled with binge eating disorder, making diets and calorie counting extremely triggering for her. However, after listening to one of our previous podcasts, she realized she was not alone, and our PCOS management program had that in mind.

    Throughout the program, Moriah made changes that didn't solely focus on weight loss but gave her the tools to manage things she had control over, such as stress management, sleep, joyful movement, and self-awareness. From that, weight loss started to happen.

    A huge thank you to Moriah for being so open and sharing your story with us. We hope that listening to Moriah's story shows you that you can overcome your PCOS issues and set goals not only for 2024 but for life.

    If you're looking to take control of your PCOS like Moriah did, take the Ovie questionnaire, find your drivers and start your journey today.

  • Do you find yourself thinking about food all day long, believing it's just the norm? Isabel thought so too until she learned more about her PCOS.

    Isabel took part in our program to improve her relationship with food, manage her weight, and understand why all her exercising was pushing her in the wrong direction.

    She found inner peace through the program and felt so free after letting go of many things that had been taking over her life.

    *TW (miscarriage): After just a few months of the changes, Isabel started getting her regular periods, and shortly after, she became pregnant. However, it wasn't all that straightforward due to low progesterone levels during her first pregnancy.

    This in-depth conversation with Isabel about her pregnancy and breastfeeding experiences delves into the raw and real details that many people go through but don't talk about enough! We thank Isabel for being so open with us during this conversation and simply love her positive attitude and energy. We're taking notes on this one, and we hope you can take something from it too.

    *Trigger warning - please be aware this episode contains conversation about miscarriages.

    If you're looking to take control of your PCOS like Isabel did, take the Ovie questionnaire, find your drivers and start your journey today.

  • If you've felt your PCOS symptoms spiralling out of control, and no matter what you do, you just can't seem to get a hold of them, or maybe you didn't even realise all of these things were related to PCOS, this is the podcast for you.

    Rachel took part in our PCOS management programme after trying multiple diets over 20+ years to control her weight gain and understand her limits with food. On top of that, she experienced extreme fatigue and sleepless nights from her insulin resistance and stress PCOS combination.

    Embracing the Ovie 80:20 method changed Rachel's life, and approaching her PCOS in a more holistic way helped her gain self-compassion and see results she had never seen before! Discovering her 'why' and picturing her long-term goal of wanting to be there for her kids, and not solely wanting to lose weight, meant she could stick with these lifestyle changes long-term and keep going up and up.

    It was a pleasure to chat with Rachel about her experience and how she now feels like her cheerful self. We can't wait to see how she continues to flourish.

    If you listened to Rachel's story and are thinking 'this is me,' try out the Ovie programme today, get the tools that you need specifically for your PCOS, and start your journey to better health and vitality.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire to find your PCOS drivers.

  • If you've got PCOS and you're worried about it affecting your training, or even your training affecting your PCOS - this is the podcast for you.

    At Ovie HQ, we're quite an active bunch with a history in high-intensity sports. Over the years, we've been listening to our bodies and figuring out what works for us and how certain types of training affect our bodies.

    Rest assured, you can have PCOS and train competitively; it's just about working out what your priorities are at this point in life.

    So tune in for our tips and advice on how to train effectively with PCOS, so you can get the most out of your training.

    The Ovie app can help you along the way with your training so you can implement positive lifestyle habits to help you manage your drivers and symptoms. Take our questionnaire today and sign up today.

  • In this episode we discuss and explain the main drivers of PCOS, including insulin resistance, stress, inflammation, and thyroid health, and why we can experience the symptoms we do.

    If you have PCOS, you've probably wondered what's truly driving this condition. With so much information available online, it can be overwhelming to figure out what applies to you. PCOS isn't one-size-fits-all, and understanding your unique goals and drivers is essential.

    Discover how a personalised approach can save you time and money by focusing on the most important aspects first. Nail the basics, and you'll watch everything else fall into place. This is why we created "Ovie."

    Gain a better understanding of PCOS and discover the next steps you can take to see positive improvements in your symptoms.

    Take the Ovie questionnaire and figure out the best PCOS management plan for you.

    Have you already completed the questionnaire? Are you ready to sign up and take control of your PCOS? Sign up HERE.

  • Something we have all of our Ovie users do is to start their journey by discovering their 'why,' which we refer to as their North Star. It's the driving force that keeps you going through tough times and provides a vision of where you want to be in life.

    While you can't control your symptoms, you can control the steps you take. Within Ovie, we take gradual steps toward helping you become the best version of yourself and manage it for life.

    In this podcast, we will cover:

    How to discover your 'why'Some examples of past patients' 'whys'How to avoid letting life's challenges derail you from your 'why'

    This podcast is for you if:

    You're feeling a bit lost on your PCOS journey and need some help.You're struggling to stick to your habits or goals and want to make that long-term change.

    Take our FREE questionnaire today to learn more about your body and start your journey to reversing your PCOS.