The Couples Healing podcast is a resource to help husbands in their porn addiction recovery and to help couples restore the trust and connection again in their marriage.
The effects of pornography addiction or sex addiction can be devastating individually and in the relationship, but with the right approach, men can learn how to stop watching porn, heal the pain it causes his wife, and rebuild trust again in the marriage.
Each episode is designed to give you new insights, tools, and strategies to help you at each stage of your journey, whether you‘re just now beginning to address the pornography use, or if you‘ve been struggling for many years and still feel stuck.
In the podcast, I also share ways for women to feel empowered, safe, and worthy. I also share how the couple can navigate their relationship together after it’s been impacted by pornography and the trust has been broken.
Join me, Sam Tielemans, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as I share my expertise and knowledge to help you find freedom, peace, confidence, connection, and hope. -
Skemmti podcast þar sem gríntútturnar Sif og Embla fá til sín allskyns gesti úr öllum hornum samfélagsins. Tölum um Kynlífssögur og reynslur.
Við viljum opna á umræðuna um kynlíf og allskonar tabú sem tengist því.
Upphafstef - My friend and I - Trúbrot
https://www.tiktok.com/@klikkadarkynlifssogur -
In an effort to educate and normalize, two therapists, Ryan Engelstad and Hayley Roberts, talk candidly about mental health and illness through the lens of movies, music, books, and TV. Common pop culture mental health tropes are analyzed, and the accuracy of their portrayals are in question, for better or worse.
PopPsych can be raw and real, and very serious; it can also be very funny. If we really want to normalize the conversation about mental health, then we need to start having real and normal conversations.
S1 (Ep1-51): Ryan+Mike
S2 (52-62): Ryan's Solo Career
S3 (63+): Ryan+Hayley -
Þetta er hlaðvarpið Einfaldara líf. Ég er kölluð Gunna Stella. Ég er eiginkona, fjögurra barna móðir og fósturmóðir sem elskar ferðalög, göngutúra og góðan mat. Síðastliðin ár hef ég yfirfært hugtakið einfaldara líf yfir á það sem ég geri dags daglega. Hvort sem það tengist heimilinu, fjölskyldunni, vinnunni eða áhugamálunum. Þetta hefur hjálpað mér að læra að njóta lífsins betur og einblína á það sem skiptir mig mestu máli.
Markmið mitt með þessum hlaðvarpi er að hjálpa þér að finna leiðir til að einfalda lífið þitt líka! -
Do you continually find yourself in dysfunctional relationships? Have a pattern of dating emotionally unavailable partners? Undervalue yourself while putting others on a pedestal? Jodi White can relate.
As a therapist and recovering Love Addict, Jodi shares her experience in this podcast through years of journal entries and interviews with others who have struggled, as well as experts in the fields of love & sex addiction, codependence and other areas of mental health.
Music by JD Pendley -
Saga, eigandi Losta, spjallar um kynlíf, ástarsambönd, samskipti, kynlífstæki, og allt því tengdu.
Inn á milli finnur þú sjóðheitar erótískar sögur… njóttu!
Losti er kynlífstækjaverslun staðsett í Borgartúni 3.
Kíktu á instagramið okkar @losti.is til að taka þátt í umræðunum sem við deilum í þáttunum. -
Are you searching for an exhilarating and enticing lifestyle podcast to invigorate your morning commute? Look no further! Introducing "The Sinsational Unicorn Podcast" — an immersive audio experience that will take you on an unparalleled journey through various lifestyles. Join your vibrant hosts, Anna and Ryan, as they inject high-energy, humor, and a touch of kinkiness into each episode. Prepare to be captivated by their latest tantalizing tales. So sit back and enjoy. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesinsationalunicorn/support
Í hlaðvarpinu Í alvöru talað! tölum við um allar hliðar mennskunnar með dass af fíflagangi.
Stjórnendur hlaðvarpsins eru vinkonurnar Lydía og Gulla. Miðaldra mæður að láta móðan mása. Lydía er sálfræðingur og jógakennari en Gulla er förðunarfræðingur, áhugaleikari og tískudrós.
Markmið hlaðvarpsins er að gera gagn í samfélaginu með því að skapa rými til þess að sameinast í mennskunni. Við tölum um allar hliðar manneskjunnar og samfélagsins. Um það sem er erfitt og það sem er auðvelt, um það sem er skemmtilegt og það sem er minna skemmtilegt í bland við það að hlæja hátt.
It’s so hard and frustrating to be at war with our own selves!
I totally get it!
Don’t let this little nagging voice in your head run your life!
Get coached by me, you’ll have this little voice under control…
So that you can finally ACCEPT, LOVE YOURSELF & have a FUN, UNCOMPLICATED life!
The episodes are light, fun, and filled with straightforward tips & tricks that you can apply immediately.
Let’s get this coaching party started! -
Helping people to admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of Narcissistic Abuse from a Biblical and Psychological perspective.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/narcissistic-abuse-no-more--2855898/support. -
THE DEEP DIVE is not your normal podcast because, well, there are no rules. The aim of the show is to give an authentic look into the minds of the thought leaders and game changers of today by allowing the audience to be a “fly on the wall” for an hour-long conversation. It is my hope that this level of authenticity will allow people to see that being successful isn’t about WHAT you think, but HOW you think.
A podcast about love, marriage & relationships: Couples Synergy with couples therapy and relationships experts, Dr Ray and Jean Kadkhodaian, features interviews with real couples about their marriage and relationships and offers insights on how to create a healthy and happy relationship. Having conducted marriage counseling, couples therapy and relationship coaching for over 25 years with thousands of couples, Dr. Ray and Jean offer their relationship advice in addition to interviewing couples, and over the course of their podcast cover topics such as, communication, sex, conflict, divorce, adoption, infertility, miscarriage, pornography, infidelity, anxiety, depression, blended families, dating, remarriage, intimacy, addiction, codependency, social media, parenting, PTSD and much more!
Pepp Fundir eru ætlaðir að hvetja þig áfram. Þeir eru hugsaðir þannig að þú getir hlustað endurtekið á þá til þess að 'víra' hugann og viðhorfið upp á nýtt.
Ef þú vilt taka hugarfarið og sjálfan þig á næsta stig skaltu skrá þig í Hugleiðslupakkann eða Jóga nidra dáleiðslupakkann á fitbysigrun.com -
Welcome to Meditation Sounds, your source for rejuvenating sounds and guided meditations. Immerse yourself in a world of serene nature sounds, white noise, pink noise, and brown noise to enhance relaxation, sleep, work, concentration, and support babies' soothing needs.
Indulge in the tranquility of gentle forest melodies, ocean waves, and other nature-inspired sounds that transport you to a state of calmness. Experience the power of white noise and pink noise, perfect for masking distractions, improving focus, and aiding in peaceful sleep.
Our guided meditations are designed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and promote emotional well-being. Let our skilled meditation guides lead you on transformative journeys towards inner peace and clarity.
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