In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter masters technology. Let's admit it...the new normal is here and so you may find yourself challenged by the prospect of having to give another virtual presentation. Presentations are challenging enough and then to stack on the difficulty of presenting in situation where you are dependent on your computer, your webcam, your office lighting, it can be become a complete headache.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing that competitive edge - the difference maker that will improve your public speaking and propel your presentations forward. What is it? You guessed it based on the introduction. Hobbies.
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In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter respects their audiences. They showcase this level of respect by understanding one critical element: cognitive load theory.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter shares big ideas. They dream big. They think big. They share messages that make a big impact.
Many people believe public speaking is a blend of art and genetic advantage. As if some people were given a special slice of DNA that enabled them to be magnetic and form a special connection with their listeners.
But what if it wasn’t genetics at all? What if they simply had learned the framework of a great presentation?
For over a fifteen years now, my team and have designed presentations for some of the biggest brands in the world, and during that time, I’ve uncovered the secret that makes a big idea speech truly great and more imporantly, doable by anyone including you. And, I'll show how it is accomplished on the other side.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter understands the basics of great presentations. He or she shatters digital contraints, and they are the opposite of most speakers today. They are calm, focused, and uncaged from the handicaps our digital world enforces. They don't chase technology. They don't adopt fads. And, they are winning the war against distraction and resistance which are the offspring from digital chaos.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter rehearses well. He or she doesn't wait until the last minute, and they are definitely not off the cuff. Rather, they are deliberate. They are intentional. They plan everything. Every word. Every phrase. Every story. It has a meaning and purpose. It was thought through, planned, and practiced.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter knows how to pitch. He or she understands the complexity of pitching and has mastered the art and science of this beautiful craft.
Let's face it. Presentations are difficult. Pitching is even more challenging. The reason why is you are dealing generally with more skepticism, more resistance, and you are there to ask for something which gives your investors all of the leverage.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how to end a presentation. Last week, we dove into 7 creative ways on how you can start a presentation. Today, we are going to be jumping into 5 techniques you can utilize to bring your presentation to a close.
All that to say, last week was all about first impressions. Today's conversation is all about last impressions.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing the best ways to start any presentation.
Let's face it. We live in a world full of judges. The sad reality: you are going to judged during your next presentation. Your audience is going to evaluate how you dress, how you talk, how your slides look, and they will put a lot of weight into your first and last impression. All of it matters, and if we had more time we would tackle each of these items one-by-one. However, since our time is short, we'll chip away at them in small chunks. With that said, we'll focus on the first and last impression piece this week and next week and then go from there. So, let's jump into it by tackling how to make a great first impression.
It starts with knowing how to open your presentation. First impressions absolutely matter, and you want to mitigate any unnecessary judgment that will be placed upon you. You can minimize this damage by starting your presentation properly.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter builds trust with every audience. Trust is something we all desire in every type of relationship whether it be with our spouse, parent, boss, co-workers, clients, or best friend. And, presentation environments shouldn't be any different. The best presenters know how to build and maintain trust with their audience. They establish it in the beginning, hold it throughout their talk, and finish with it.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter has mastered the challenge of public speaking anxiety. He or she is able to tap into their experience and wisdom to navigate any type of public speaking phobia. The primal presenter controls their breathing, their heart rate, and their nerves. They don't get rattled. They don't get intimidated. They don't get derailed.
Instead, they are confident. They are poised. They are fully in control of their mind and their bodies.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter engages every audience. Personally, I love presentations that make an impact. You remember what has been shared. You have actionable takeaways. And, if you are lucky, you exit the Zoom meeting or conference feeling inspired. Those are the good ones.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter is persuasive. He or she understands that their job on stage or on a Zoom call is to utilize their presence and their personality to attract and win over others rather than repel them.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the primal presenter chooses an inner circle wisely. He or she understands that they are in the business of speaking where their core purpose is to add value to their audiences. Anything less is unacceptable.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing the importance of responsiveness. Why? We live in a business culture right now that practices slow response times, unanswered emails, and keeping people left in the dark. Simply, we are a culture and society which practices poor communication. And, this frustrates me. I want to spark change. I want a revolution, and it starts by understanding and respecting the remedy to the problem: Responsiveness.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing how the most accomplished invididuals on earth are always prepared to endure hell. They know that anything of value nevers comes easy. Climbing Everest. It's hell. Crossing the finish line of an Ironman. It's hell. Writing a book. It's hell. Preparing and delivering a jaw-dropping TED Talk. It's hell.
None of these tasks are easy. They take consistency, stamina, and mental toughness which are going to be the back bone of our conversation today.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing the benefits of having a clear heart and mind as a presenter. When you take the stage or walk in front of a room, your audience expects you to lead, teach, or inspire them. They have high expectations and the only way you can be in your best form is to have a clear heart and mind. You are stable. You are a calm. You are rooted. These are the attributes of a primal presenter.
In this episode, we are going to be discussing the essentialness of learning and growing. It's the primal presenter way. You are a high achiever and you are going to find yourself with opportunities to share, inspire, and add value whether it is on stage or leading a Zoom call. The only way to maximize those moments is to make sure you are inputting information so you have something to ouput.