
  • When you first launch a business, everything feels new and shiny and exciting. But also slightly terrifying and overwhelming because you don’t know anything about growing a business yet.

    But when you learn the right skills to drive growth, and you start to see the results of your efforts and feel more in control of the outcome, that’s when confidence comes.

    I love sharing these stories of growth and transformation, and today I have an impressive one to share with you!

    Shayna Stalker is the founder of The Waste-Free Home, a New Zealand based eCommerce store selling really beautiful, high quality, eco-friendly products for the home.

    In the last 6 months, Shayna has grown her business by more than double, plus she’s been able to work on designing and producing an exciting new range of her own products.

    On top of that rapid growth, Shayna has also mastered a bunch of new skills and has a new, much deeper understanding of what drives her business growth, which is incredibly empowering.

    Tune in to hear Shayna’s story >>

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-244/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk




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    Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

    Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favourite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

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  • There are a tonne of things you can do to help grow your customer base in your eCommerce business.

    Strategies that increase credibility and trust, like social proof, media coverage, awards or being stocked in well-known retail stores. Or risk-reversal strategies like money back guarantees, free shipping and the like.

    But, what about running a giveaway or a competition?

    This strategy actually fulfils a couple of purposes: it helps you to grow your audiences of potential customers, AND it can help increase the number of customers who try your product and ultimately buy from you.

    So in this episode, I’m going to share a few different ways to approach this strategy so that you can maximise the positive impact on selling more product and growing your business.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-243/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk


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  • What if I told you that you’re just one email away from boosting your revenue by thousands! The moment you shift your focus towards growing and nurturing your email list instead of chasing social media followers, or that fleeting dopamine hit you get when a piece of social media content gets a flurry of likes, is the moment when your business will truly take off.

    I know, I know – I sound like a broken record, but your email list is really THAT important! You might feel like it takes too long, you've tried everything, or you would rather focus on your social media. Well if that rings true to you, I'm here today to challenge that mindset and help you recognize the incredible value of email marketing.

    In this episode, I share all the reasons why your email list should take centre stage over your social media followers. While social media is great for organic marketing, having a large following doesn't always translate into revenue. Whereas, your email list is your direct line to your audience of buyers where you get to make a bigger impact on the market all while scaling your unstoppable eCommerce business! Honestly – what more could you ask for?!

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-242/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

    Other Ways To Enjoy This Episode:

    Listen on Apple Podcasts

    Listen on Spotify


  • I’m sure we can all agree that building a business is hard work. As my Gran used to say, if it was easy, everyone would do it.

    But, when things get hard, or when we try things that don’t work out how we want them to, it IS hard to persist towards achieving your big goals and vision.

    My guest on the show today is Lisa Munro, founder of Happy Tummies. Lisa’s business started with the goal of making life easy for families with kids that have allergies. In that endeavour, she’s tried many different strategies to grow so that she can help more and more kids with allergies, but a lot of the time things don’t work out or are just a plain hard slog with little reward.

    But Lisa remains the most persistent, determined and motivated entrepreneur I know. And testament to her approach is the success she has achieved.

    Now, Lisa owns a warehouse with a commercial kitchen, has a team working for her – including a French chocolatier, has developed her own brand range of allergy-free foods that now make up 25% of her turnover, and she keeps growing at a fast clip year on year!

    Tune in to hear Lisa’s story!

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-241/

    Links mentioned in this episode:
    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

    Website: https://happytummies.com.au/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/happytummiesptyltd/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happytummiesptyltd/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@happytummiesptyltd

    Other Ways To Enjoy This Episode:

    Listen on Apple Podcasts

    Listen on Spotify


  • The other day, I read the report a business buddy received from their ad agency. It said “this traffic ad isn’t converting but the traffic is good because it’s feeding your retargeting campaign.”

    Only, there was no retargeting campaign!!

    And frustratingly, my friend just had no idea, because she hadn’t taken it upon herself to learn anything about how those ads should work.

    This scenario happens all too often, and is precisely why I am such a huge advocate for education.

    Even more frustrating, is the fact that what’s working with ads now is not what worked even 6 months ago, and keeps changing rapidly.

    So today on the show, I’m going to share ONE Meta ad strategy that ALL eCom businesses should be utilising right now, no matter if they are a start-up or a 20-year-old multi-million-dollar brand.

    Links mentioned in this episode: If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Workshop: https://www.catherinelangman.com/workshop

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • There’s an old saying that necessity is the mother of all invention, and in my experience, some of the coolest, most innovative products have been invented to solve specific problems and needs.

    I love the process of innovation, where you try and create a new solution that doesn’t exist yet. The creative thinking, problem solving, and brainstorming different solutions is super fun.

    But it’s a whole next level when it comes to making that thing a commercially viable product that you can profitably launch to market.

    Being able to manufacture something at a price point that customers will pay. The logistics of being able to ship your products and fulfil orders. What standards, if any, do you need to test for and comply with.

    My guest today is Regan Merka, inventor and founder of Burleigh Wagon, which is honestly one of the coolest products ever. The Burleigh Wagon is a wagon, it's a stroller, it's an esky cooler and it’s making family outings better than ever!

    Regan joins me on the show to share her journey of innovation and growth, from the seed of an idea to a brand that won a deal on Shark Tank and is now available both here in Australia and in the US! It’s a wild ride – you’re gonna love it.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-239/

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk





  • Many eCommerce brands make almost as much money in the 4th quarter of the year – October to December – than they do the rest of the year. And by results, I mean – this is the time of year that many brands make most of their profits for the year.


    Two reasons:

    These brands have excelled at their marketing all year around, so they’ve built brand awareness, built the size of their warm audiences, and acquired new customers all year around.

    Consumers are preparing to spend more during Q4. So, given the market demand is there at that time of year, you need to make sure your marketing is spot on so that you can be the go-to brand for your customers to spend with!

    To really maximise your results in Q4, though, you need to do more than just throw up a Black Friday sale.

    The fact is, you need to be marketing consistently to attract and warm up your audiences, so they’re absolutely champing at the bit to get their hands on your stuff when it goes on sale, and then monetising as many peak buying times as possible.

    Today on the show, we’re going to dive specifically into the Black Friday promo strategy, because this is where you stand to generate the biggest boost to your revenue and profit.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-238/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

    Email Template: catherinelangman.com/email-template

  • Many of you would know and love the baby and kids brand Snuggle Hunny. It’s such a beautiful brand, aesthetically, in the quality of the products, as well as the brand’s values, which are very much about sustainability and community.

    Well, today I have a real treat for you as I’m joined on the show by Julie Mathers, CEO of Snuggle Hunny!

    Some of you may remember Julie as the founder of Flora and Fauna, an online retailer of all things eco. Since selling that business 2.5 years ago and then acquiring Snuggle Hunny, Julie has accomplished a LOT, from a brand and website refresh, new product development, becoming GOTs certified, expanding overseas, and so much more!

    Nothing is ever smooth sailing – it’s been a wild ride for Julie over the last few years as an entrepreneur – but she very generously shares the details about all those ups and downs and what’s working to help grow the brand.

    I know you’re going to love this conversation! So without further ado, let’s welcome Julie to the show.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-237/

  • Did you know – if you offer a 10% discount, you literally need to sell 25% MORE to make the SAME profit?

    Right now, I’m seeing a LOT of brands sending out constant discounts.

    Some who are sending big discounts on brand new products they haven't even launched yet! And up to 80% off for end of season sales!

    These brands are NOT making money.

    And by continuing to discount constantly like that, they are only digging themselves deeper and deeper into that hole.

    The reality is, consumers are more concerned about VALUE rather than DISCOUNTS.

    So in part 2 of this series, I want to share my insights and most effective strategies for doing just that, so that you can generate the best, most profitable results from your email marketing efforts.

    Show Notes: 🎙️ https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-236-pt-2/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • The other day I saw the funniest thing on TikTok. This young woman entrepreneur was super excited to share this amazing hot new tip for growing your online store.

    Guess what it was? Email marketing! I almost scalded my nostrils by snorting my tea when I saw that!

    Maybe email marketing is like vintage fashion – it’s so old that it’s now new and cool again…

    In all seriousness, though, I do get why email marketing may have fallen out of favour for a while there.

    But the thing is, email marketing – done right – still really, really works. Even now, in 2024, it generates an average ROI of 3,800% and can account for somewhere between 20 and 35% of your revenue!

    So, in this episode, I’m diving into what NOT to do as well as some of my top secrets to crafting highly persuasive emails that make you money on tap.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-236/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • Years and years ago when my son Hamish was 1 year old and just starting out with swimming lessons. He really, really didn’t want to get into the water in the lesson pool.

    So, I did what all smart parents do…and I bribed him. I promised him one of the smiley face cookies from the cafe if he did the lesson.

    He thought about it for a minute and then turned to me and said, ‘two biscuits’. And then promptly got into the water and did his lesson.

    The irony of course is, this kid is now a national swimmer who competes at the Australian championships. So, the “return on investment” of those two biscuits paid off handsomely!

    It’s the same in business: you need to consider what outcome you are optimising for.

    Are you optimising for return on ad spend? Or for long-term profitable growth?

    They don’t actually mean the same thing. You may think that a high ROAS, by definition, equals profitable revenue, but that’s actually false.

    This is critically important to understand if you want to grow, so let’s unpack the issue and I’ll explain what you should be doing instead.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-235/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Workshop: https://www.catherinelangman.com/workshop

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • Have you been feeling lately as though it’s getting harder to get traffic to your website?

    If you’ve noticed this trend, you’re not alone. It’s happening to everyone.

    And as tempting as it might be to lay the blame for this on a tough economy or an upcoming election, that’s actually not what’s going on here.

    In fact, what’s really going on has the potential to have a lasting and very negative impact on your website traffic and sales unless you educate yourself and implement the right strategies to combat it.

    And there are two very specific forces at play here that have nothing to do with your customers’ spending power and everything to do with changes in technology.

    For those of us who want to continue to thrive in an online business like eCommerce, we must do our best to understand how these changing technologies are affecting our ability to attract and convert customers.

    Which I realise that sometimes feels like an impossible task given how fast things keep changing all the time, but that’s why I’m sharing what we know, learn and discover here on this podcast!

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-234/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Workshop: https://www.catherinelangman.com/workshop

    Get More Sales: https://www.catherinelangman.com/getmoresales

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • In a world where we, as consumers, are exposed to hundreds of marketing and advertising messages daily, it’s incredibly difficult for a brand to cut through that noise and get noticed.

    Every now and then I notice a new brand doing a particularly good job of getting noticed, though, and today’s guest is one of those.

    About a month ago, I was reading an article on the Mamamia blog about the best mascara brands, and came across one I’d never heard of before – Okkiyo – a new Australian brand of mascara designed for people with sensitive eyes.

    Now, if you’ve ever watched my podcast videos you’ve probably caught me dabbing at my eyes from time to time. Nose too probably. I struggle with allergies daily, and a lot of skincare and makeup brands exacerbate them.

    So obviously the very specific niche that Okkiyo is going for with their brand spoke to me, but on top of that, their branding is super vibrant and really stands out and they have a really unique brand story.

    Today on the show I’m excited to share an interview with Okkiyo’s founder, Dr Jaqueline Beltz. She’s not even 12 months in since launching the brand late last year, but she’s already surpassed 5,000 customers and shows no signs of slowing down!

    If you love hearing other entrepreneurs share their stories, you’ll enjoy this immensely! So without further ado, let’s welcome Jacqui to the show…

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-233/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Get More Sales: https://www.catherinelangman.com/getmoresales

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk


    Instagram: @okkiyoeyes https://www.instagram.com/okkiyoeyes

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OKKIYOEyes/

  • I’m not going to pull out any memes featuring Will Ferrell as a Christmas Elf here, it feels bonkers enough to know we’re into July now, let alone try to contemplate how many weeks we have left till the Holiday season kicks off!

    Instead, I want to focus more on some planning so that you can maximise your growth and profits for the remainder of this year.

    What should you be focusing on right now to get more traffic? To get more sales? To spend more profitably on ads? To increase conversions? To increase profits?

    The reality is, when you’re running an eCommerce business, time always seems to speed up in the second half of the calendar year.

    It might be tempting to think you’ve got all the time in the world, but if you want to increase revenue and profits now as well as enjoy a bumper 4th quarter, you need to be planning and implementing the right strategies and tactics now.

    So in this episode, I’ll share the 8 high impact business drivers that influence profitable growth, as well as my 4 step process to get started.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-232/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Get More Sales: https://www.catherinelangman.com/getmoresales

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • So today on the show, we’re gonna talk about website design – specifically, how does a well designed website actually improve conversions?

    Whether you’re new to eCommerce and setting up your first website, or you’ve been running for a while and need to improve your conversion rate, your website design is a critical consideration.

    Because it's no secret that, over the last couple of years, it’s become increasingly more difficult and expensive to convert new customers.

    So, you want every advantage you can, right? Especially if you’re spending money on advertising to get traffic to your store.

    It’s all well and good to assume that, once you’ve launched your website, all you need to do is get traffic to it and you’ll make money, but it’s just not as simple as that.

    Getting your eCommerce website to convert at a profitable rate is part art, part science.

    So today on the show, I’m going to share my design principles for a high-converting eCommerce website.

    Bottom line is, by improving your conversion rate, you can very easily make a lot more money without needing more traffic.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-231/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Get More Sales: https://www.catherinelangman.com/getmoresales

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • The past few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind of an exciting time, because I’ve bought a new eCommerce brand! A skincare and beauty brand called Indagare Natural Beauty.

    I could perhaps record an entire episode on the process of negotiating a business purchase or sale, going through the due diligence process, and then finalising the settlement.

    But I felt like it could be a bit more helpful for you all to hear about what we’re doing now to rapidly grow the business.

    Because the bottlenecks and opportunities within this business are very similar to those experienced by probably 99% of clients and potential clients who speak to us about their business.

    So, today on the show, I will walk you through the growth strategy I’m implementing that will take Indagare from a $10k per month brand into a million dollar a year business within the next year, and to multi-million dollars a year within 3 years.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-230/

    Links mentioned in this episode:
    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Indagare Natural Beauty: https://www.indagarebeauty.com/
    Free Coaching Call: https://www.catherinelangman.com/free-coaching-session/

    Free Growth Strategy: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk

  • There’s a dilemma that a lot of entrepreneurs find themselves in as they try to launch and grow their business.

    Entrepreneur wants to grow their business but they don’t know how. They buy a course and spend hours upon hours trying to learn everything and implement it all in their business themselves.

    Entrepreneur gets very busy and does see some growth and improvement, but then those results plateau.

    Entrepreneur then thinks those strategies didn’t work, so they go looking for some other silver bullet strategy. So they spend more hours learning and implementing.

    Meanwhile, their business growth remains sluggish. Now, they don’t know if their business sucks or if they are just incompetent.

    They go hunting again…

    But the real problem is that, at any one time, they only have half of the sales growth equation in play.

    The equation is: speed of execution + tactical precision = sales growth.

    Moving too fast without a well thought-out strategy will lead your business somewhere, but not necessarily where you want it to go.

    Whereas precise strategic planning alone without speed of execution is like a handbrake on your growth, because you prolong the time it takes to actually realise the results.

    So today on the show, we’re going to talk about how to have both speed and precision so that you can produce the best results possible for your business.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-229/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Free eCommerce Coaching Session:


    Free Magic Metrics Calculator: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/website-audit/

    Book Your eCommerce Strategy Session: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/lets-talk/


  • My guest today is Sarah Henney, founder of Outback Linen Co, which is what I would call a women’s fashion label with heart.

    Sarah only launched her label less than two years ago, but it’s almost exploded in the time since.

    How on earth has she managed to launch her business with such a bang, and grow it so rapidly? And do it whilst raising two very young children and whilst living in rural Queensland?

    There are two things in particular that I want you to listen to in this interview.

    Firstly, the way Sarah has really built this brand around a very strong purpose and uses storytelling to connect with her audience.

    And secondly, her marketing strategy, and the way she creates and shares her marketing content combined with having the right campaign structures and budgets to hit her revenue targets.

    So she’s not simply relying on having a great product, she’s created a really compelling sales strategy that connects with her audience and compels them to buy.

    The outcome of her approach means that her revenue is scaling up rapidly at a time when many eCommerce brands are struggling.

    Episode’s Show Notes: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-228/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.

    Website: https://www.outbacklinen.co/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/outbacklinenco/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outbacklinenco/


  • Just recently, I started working with a brand owner who I first spoke to about 3 years ago. Back then, she wasn’t keen to invest in learning, instead deciding to try and grow her revenue a bit more first before taking the leap.

    Fast forward to two months ago and her revenue had not grown at all. She was still stuck at the same level as 3 years ago!

    Since working with us two months ago, she’s learned a lot, gained knowledge and developed new skills.

    And her revenue has exploded 70% year on year. She has literally paid for an entire year’s worth of coaching with us in the space of two months thanks to the revenue growth she’s already achieved!

    What this comes down to is the difference in ROI on learning:

    Identifying exactly what knowledge and skills she needs to acquire that’ll have the biggest and fastest impact on her growth, investing in those, taking fast action to implement them, and then having a method of calculating her return on investment.

    Let’s break it down in this episode so that you can enjoy a similar transformation as well.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-227/

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.


    Free coaching session: https://www.catherinelangman.com/free-coaching-session/

    Ecommerce Mastery: https://productpreneurmarketing.com/ecommerce-mastery-business-coach/

  • Get ready to dive into the moment you've eagerly anticipated!

    Welcome to Part 2 of our exclusive two-part mini-series, "‘What to do & avoid doing to boost your eCommerce sales in 2024’. is finally here!

    If you haven’t listened to last week's episode, definitely get onto that first and then come back to this one, as the content is designed to step you through in the right order.

    If you have listened to last week’s, I hope you’ve done your homework!

    This week, I’m diving into three specific business and marketing strategies you should be implementing right now if your sales revenues have plateaued or declined this year.

    Again, there will be some actionable advice in this episode that you’ll be able to take advantage of and implement into your own business.

    So, let’s dig into part 2 of ‘what to do and avoid doing to boost your ecommerce sales in 2024’.

    Episode: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-226-part2/

    Part 1: https://www.catherinelangman.com/episode-226/

    Links mentioned in this episode:
    If you’d like help to achieve your goals in 2024 I invite you to have a chat to find out how we can make that happen together.