Johannes Mellinghoff
@ JMellinghoff
Johannes is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Nursing at Kingston and St George’s University London, United Kingdom.
Johannes's academic interests are in the area of outcome and process management of patients admitted and discharged from Intensive Care Units. Over the years he has participated in interventional & observational research trials focusing on neurological outcomes, family satisfaction and hemodynamic monitoring.
He is an elected member of the Nursing & Allied Healthcare Professional Committee of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and active member in the congress committee which organises the yearly scientific affairs.Takeaway points:
15 minutes of BRIGHT light in the morningWe don’t know how ICU lighting is impacting staffThere are serious impacts on older people and their families after discharge from ICU. -
The faculty interview the amazing SICS team from the Netherlands! Echo masters who have developed their own incredible ultrasound training course in intensive care.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Dr. Adrian Wong & Dr. Segun Olusanya interview Prof. Tony Maclean.
Great podcast by Mr. Aidan Baron, Prof. Mervyn Mer (Chair of Global ICU Working Group for ESICM & Past President of Critical Care Society of Southern Africa) & Dr. Arthur Kwizera (Staff Specialist in ICU Medicine, Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda + Lecturer at University of Cambridge) on SEPSIS in resource limited companies.
Catching up with Prof. Giacomo Bellani, Italy - known for his brilliant research on mechanical ventilation and breathing effort detection. Prof Bellani gave a masterclass on MV yesterday at LIVES2018. We talk about current issues, future perspectives and research as well as what is coming up at the main conference next week.
The Day 1 Summary Podcast!
Dr. Adrian Wong & Dr. David Lyness discuss the take-home issues from the LIVES 2018 masterclass on Mechanical Ventilation.
A brief intro into the PK/PD session in antibiotic prescribing in the critically ill! Catch all the slides at #LIVES2018
See Aoife's amazing infographics here: www.twitter.com/whistlingdixie4
See David's work here: www.twitter.com/gas_craic
See the #LIVES2018 feed on twitter
We talk about what you can expect at #LIVES2018, our personal highlights and more!
A disclaimer though... Our podcasts do NOT necessarily represent the views of ESICM or any of the speakers at the conference. We talk about our views as individual clinicians and practitioners. This is the entire point of our diverse and interesting podcasts! These talks do not represent the views of our departments or employers in any way. #LIVES2018
Irish Association of Emergency Medicine Conference. ASM. Day 1 of Talks. Summary. Dr David Lyness & Mr Aidan Baron.
My talk for the Irish Association of Emergency Medicine Meeting (ASM) in October 2018.
Grab another coffee and join us for a chat about FOAMed and personal learning networks with the excellent Dr. Cian McDermott - Consultant Emergency Physician, POCUS Teacher and general all round great guy.
In a fireside chat format discussion, we talk about the concept of online personal learning networks, professional development, medical students, teaching, tools for making the most out of your network and the THREE types of people who use Twitter for #FOAMed....
Welcome to the Propofology Podcast! Today we have Dr. Juan Pablo Gonzalez, Emergency Physician and Telemedicine Director for Chile. We talk about thrombolysis (including the need to thrombolyse his aunt!), FOAMed in Chile, Language Barriers, Geographical Barriers and the art of telemedicine in an evolving medical landscape.
We take a look at some of the social media metrics! Find more on SYMPLUR.com
Here we focus on Social Media and Presentations at IFAD2017
Why are presentations at conferences so bad?
How did infographic use at IFAD2017 facilitate online discussion in a controversial way?
Interviewing student nurse Mark Dornan M.A, B.D, ATCL - about his role in the Northern Ireland Healthcare Leadership forum as well as his project 'The Student Nurse Leadership Course' (click here) that he presented at the Leaders in Healthcare Conference in Liverpool this year.
In our first podcast we explore what some of the topics were at IFAD2017! This Podcast will direct you toward main conversation themes on www.propofology.com/ifad and signposts some of the conversations that used the #IFAD2017 hashtag.