
  • In this compelling episode of The Resilient Mother Podcast, host Tiffany Lorraine Galloway is joined by Emily Cleghorn, a Holistic Trauma Recovery Coach, author, and inspirational speaker. Emily shares her transformative journey of healing from trauma and finding her identity as a daughter of God. Through her powerful story, she reveals how trauma initially defined her but how intentional inner work and faith helped her reclaim her true self.

    Emily discusses the challenges of motherhood, particularly how triggers and unexpected changes can evoke past traumas. She provides insights into how she has learned to stay calm and create a peaceful home environment, even during her children's temper tantrums. Emphasizing the importance of self-care for mothers, Emily explains how doing the inner work can positively impact all aspects of life. She also highlights that while we are not our feelings, we need to be willing to face and work through the hard ones.

    Listeners will be inspired by Emily's resilience and her faith that God knows us and our children better than we do. She encourages other mothers on their healing journeys to keep going, highlighting that although the process can be three steps forward and two steps back, it is essential for personal growth and the well-being of the next generation.

    Guest Bio:

    Emily Cleghorn is an award-winning Holistic Trauma Recovery Coach, author, podcaster, and inspirational speaker on a mission to support trauma-surviving mamas. She helps them navigate triggers and tantrums as they heal their childhood trauma while parenting. Passionate about creating positive ripples for generations to come, Emily shares her story to inspire others that peace and healing are achievable.

    Key Points:

    Trauma tells you who you are versus who you are meant to be.
    Trauma work emerged as motherhood brought up the mother's womb.
    Embracing identity as a child of God.
    God knows us and our children better than we do.
    The significance of intention in motherhood and parenting.
    Overcoming feelings of being unwanted and unloved due to trauma.
    The impact of parental abandonment and neglect.
    Understanding that what others have done does not define us.
    Recognizing that trauma is a response to abuse, not our identity.
    Strategies for staying calm during triggering moments in motherhood.
    The importance of creating a peaceful home environment.
    The process of developing new neural pathways.
    The ongoing nature of trauma work.
    The correlation between inner work and overall life improvement.
    Feeling worthy to become the person we aspire to be.
    The necessity of self-care for mothers.
    The non-linear journey of healing from trauma.
    Encouragement for those on their healing journeys.
    The metaphor of falling further to bounce higher.
    God's non-logical yet purposeful ways.
    Trusting that God knows what we need and wants to bless us beyond measure.
    Raising the resilient next generation.
    We are not our feelings but need to be willing to face and work through the hard ones.
    Where You Can Watch or Listen:

    Podcast Audio: Apple Podcasts
    Podcast Facebook: The Resilient Mother
    Podcast YouTube: The Resilient Mother YouTube Channel
    LinkedIn: Tiffany Lorraine Galloway
    Guest Contact Information:

    Instagram: @emily.cleghorn.coach
    YouTube: @mamahoodaftertrauma
    Facebook: @mendedsoullife

    Tiffany Lorraine Galloway
    Website: www.tiffanylifecoach.com
    IG: @iamtiffanylorraine
    FB: tiffanylorrainecollectivellc
    Linktree: https://linktre.ee/theresilientmother

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Are you ready to embrace your resilient identity and transform your approach to motherhood? Join us for an enlightening conversation with Sheila Rempel, where we dive into faith, values, and the power of seeing yourself as a Child of God

    In this episode of "The Resilient Mother Podcast," host Tiffany Lorraine Galloway sits down with Sheila Rempel to explore the concept of resilient identity through faith and motherhood. Sheila delves into the following key points:

    Faith as the Foundation: Sheila discusses the importance of seeing oneself as a Child of God and how this identity provides strength and guidance in all aspects of life.

    Balancing Multiple Roles: As a mompreneur, Sheila shares her strategies for fulfilling various roles while maintaining a strong sense of self. She emphasizes the need for personal reflection and understanding of core values.

    Teaching Values to Children: Sheila highlights the significance of teaching children about core values from a young age. She believes that when children understand their parents' values, they are more likely to return to these principles throughout their lives.

    Daily Habits and Routines: Sheila shares practical tips for incorporating faith into daily routines, including morning practices like silence, scripture reading, and exercise. These habits help center her day around God and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Parenting with Boundaries: Sheila discusses the importance of setting boundaries for children while allowing them to explore and find their own paths. She emphasizes the role of discernment and internal reflection in parenting.

    Overcoming External Validation: Sheila talks about the dangers of seeking outside validation and how true identity comes from within and through one's relationship with God.

    Personal and Spiritual Growth: Sheila provides insights on how to nurture personal and spiritual growth, for both oneself and one’s children, by fostering a close relationship with God and encouraging children to find their own language with God.

    Sheila’s journey underscores the importance of resilience, faith, and intentional living in motherhood. This episode offers valuable lessons for mothers seeking to build a resilient identity and inspire their children to do the same.

    Sheila's journey is a testament to the power of faith and resilience in motherhood and entrepreneurship. For more information or to connect with Sheila, you can reach her at [email protected].

    Visit Tiffany Lorraine Galloway's website for more information and resources on personal transformation and living truthfully.

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

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  • Embracing Motherhood, Resilient Identity, and Faith with Kate McKay

    Guest: Kate McKay, CEO of Siena Strategy Group

    Kate McKay, an international best-selling author, transformational speaker, athlete, podcaster, and multi-million dollar business owner, delves into topics that resonate deeply with mothers and caregivers:
    Motherhood and Identity: Exploring how identity evolves with motherhood and the responsibility it entails.
    Resilient Identity: Understanding resilience as a key component in overcoming challenges and finding resolution.
    Nurturing Others: The importance of nurturing bodies and minds, and the role of food in nourishing and caring for loved ones.
    Faith and Strength: How faith in God provides strength and resilience, guiding us through life's trials.
    Raising Truthful Children: Helping children find and protect their identity, and encouraging them to live their truth.
    Kate also shares personal stories of loss and healing, such as the profound impact of losing her most spiritual child and how it led her to do the inner work necessary for growth. She discusses the significance of facing grief head-on, the healing power of love, and how these experiences have shaped her identity and purpose.
    Tiffany shares her own journey of supporting her daughter's mental health struggle and the transformative power of the arts in healing. Together, Tiffany and Kate emphasize the importance of serving others, embracing our unique qualities, and the ongoing evolution of our identities.

    Key Topics:

    Motherhood and Identity: The evolution of identity through the journey of motherhood and the responsibilities it entails.
    Resilient Identity: Building resilience as a foundation for personal growth and overcoming adversity, and how resilience contributes to our ability to find resolution.
    Nurturing Others: The lifelong importance of nurturing bodies and minds, and the role of food in nourishing and caring for loved ones.
    Faith as Strength: How faith in God and a spiritual higher power provide strength and resilience, guiding us through life's trials.
    Raising Truthful Children: Encouraging children to find and protect their identity, and supporting them in living their truth.
    Personal Stories:

    Kate's experience with losing her most spiritual child and the inner work she undertook for healing.
    How Kate nurtures her family through food and the significance of nourishment in their lives.
    Tiffany's journey of supporting her daughter's mental health and the transformative power of the arts in healing.

    Discussion Points:

    The evolution of identity and finding one's voice.
    The comparison trap in motherhood and doing what works best for oneself.
    Honoring personal and family identities and understanding what defines us as mothers.
    The role of a coach in helping others step into their best selves.
    The impact of grief and how to honor the memories of loved ones.
    The importance of not losing one's positive identity in the face of grief and using resilience to heal.
    Coming from a place of love and allowing faith to guide our actions.
    The process of rebirth and transformation when life shifts dramatically.
    Tiffany's constant faith in God as a source of strength.
    Encouraging children to grow at their own pace and nurturing their individual journeys.
    Quotes and Highlights:

    "Identity is an evolution."
    "Resilience is responsible for our resolution."
    "Helping your children find their identity and protect it."
    "Faith, resilience, and love did not fall away."
    "You have to do the work alone sometimes."
    "Transformation is the most rewarding thing to witness as a coach and a mother."
    "You are enough, and what you provide is enough."
    Call to Action:

    Visit Kate McKay's website: www.kate-mckay.com.
    Book Kate for speaking events: Call 978 387-7873 or email [email protected].
    Grab a copy of her newest book, "Claim Your Inner Hottie

    Visit TIffany lorraine Galloway's website: www.tiffanylifecoach.com

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Who Am I Now? Resilient Identity with Christy Crocker In this heartfelt episode of The Resilient Mother Podcast, we delve into the journey of Christy Crocker, a resilient and faith-filled adoptive mother of a special needs child. Christy opens up about her life experiences, including the profound loss of her husband and the challenges of showing up for her children amid grief. Through her story, Christy emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's plan and identifying oneself as a child of God. She believes that everything we go through is for our good and that we already have everything we need inside of us to get through anything. She shares her faith that there is a world of possibility waiting for us and that breaking our hearts open allows space for more things. Christy also discusses her adoption relationship and how God can make beautiful things out of hard situations. She encourages listeners to give more from the lessons they learn and to trust that God knows them better than they know themselves. Citing Romans 8:28, she reminds us that all things work for our good and that God trusts us with hard things because He knows we can handle them. Throughout the episode, Christy explores themes of agency, boundaries, and living intentionally. She acknowledges that we will make mistakes, but it is through these mistakes that we learn. Christ paid the price, and at some point, we must choose God for ourselves. When we fully rely on God as His children, we develop a belief that transforms into knowledge, making faith a part of our identity. As a mother, Christy strives to nurture who her child is and be an example of who they can become. She highlights the importance of developing a personal relationship with God and teaching children to make mistakes and learn in the safety of a home environment. She trusts that God knows her children better than she does and that He is the constant source of truth she can turn to. Christy reflects on the role of Jesus's adoptive parent and the idea that even imperfect parents can do their best. She believes in trusting children to know themselves and allowing them to be little, recognizing that kids are sponges who absorb what we do as part of their identity. Despite the miracles that didn't come this time, Christy finds purpose in her pain and is dedicated to building hope. She believes that God is always in our story and has a plan for us, even when processing grief. As a spiritual being having a human experience, she trusts that hindsight will make everything clear one day and that resilience is a form of hope. Finally, Christy encourages listeners to ask for help, seek support from those who have been through similar experiences, and ask for prayers on their behalf. She emphasizes the importance of parenting each unique child's needs and creating the support they need, reminding us that we are all after the same things. Tune in on June 4, 2024, at 6 PM MST for an episode filled with wisdom, resilience, and faith as Christy Crocker shares her powerful journey and insights on identity and motherhood.

    Contact Guest Christy: https://pensight.com/x/walkingfree?
    Contact Host Tiffany: www.tiffanylifecoach.com or https://www/linktr.ee.com/theresilientmother

    #resilience #motherhood #identity

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • In this episode of The Resilient Mother Podcast, airing on May 28th at 6 pm MST, host Tiffany Lorraine Galloway welcomes Claire Dore, the Wild Woman CEO and renowned dating and sex coach. Claire shares powerful insights on living resiliently, embracing self-love, and confidently navigating dating as a mother.

    Key Topics:

    Know Your Truth: Understand and align with your authentic self before seeking love. Own Your Voice and Sexuality: Embrace your desires without shame and express your truth. Resilient Love: Build resilience in your dating life and keep your heart open. Embrace Negative Emotions: Feel your emotions fully without fear and go all-in with relationships. Authentic Connections: Show up authentically online and in person to attract the right partner. Single Mom Dating Tips: Prioritize safety, be open with your kids about your dating journey, and model healthy relationships. Red Flags and Butterflies: Recognize butterflies as a warning sign and seek calm and peace instead. Self-Awareness: Develop self-awareness to identify who resonates with you and make decisions from a grounded place.

    Claire, who experienced divorce after 19 years, now navigates dating authentically, finding fun in the journey and learning from each relationship. She emphasizes the importance of teaching kids about healthy love, allowing them to use their voices, and setting them up for success in their future relationships. Claire Dore is a dating and relationship coach, keynote speaker, writer, dating expert on Dublin City FM, global retreat leader, and author. Passionate about helping individuals get out of their heads and into their bodies, Claire is on a mission to dismantle generational shame and rise above the b*llshit, enabling her clients to show up fully as who they are, own their sexuality, own their voice, and create a life on their terms.

    Follow Claire Dore:

    Facebook Instagram YouTube TikTok

    Follow Tiffany Lorraine Galloway:

    https://www.linktr.ee/com/theresilientmother www.tiffanylifecoach.com

    #FeelingSexyAgain #ResilientMotherhood #LoveAndResilience #ConfidentDating #EmpoweredMothers #ModernRomance #SingleMomLife #PodcastEpisode

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Join us for a powerful episode with Lainne Love, an award-winning intuitive business coach, bestselling author, and healer, who shares her journey and insights on transforming the path of motherhood through resilient love.

    This episode delves into a variety of poignant topics:
    Breaking Generational Cycles: Lainne discusses her own experiences of growing up without a voice and not feeling safe, and how she broke free to forge a new legacy.

    Self-Love and Identity: Explore how mothers can learn to love themselves by rediscovering their true identities, thus fostering healthier relationships with both themselves and others.

    Child Development and Parenting: Insightful discussions on the stages of child development, meeting children where they are, and the critical balance between parental control and love.

    Emotional and Energetic Management: Techniques for managing personal and familial energy, understanding children's behavioral responses, and the concept of children sharing our energetic field.

    Communication and Relationship Building: Strategies for empowered communication, allowing teenagers to have a voice, and building lasting relationships with children.

    Spiritual and Emotional Healing: Encouragement for mothers to embrace healing as an ongoing process, find personalized coping strategies and maintain higher vibrations through daily practice.

    Future-Oriented Parenting: Recognizing children as potential future leaders and nurturing their growth accordingly. This episode is a must-listen for any mother seeking to enhance her resilience, embrace imperfections, and promote positive change within her family. Tune in to be inspired, learn, and discover how you can become the parent you want to be.

    #theresilientmotherpodcast #motherhood #love #resilience

    Contact Guest Lainne Love: https://www.lainne.com/
    Contact Host Tiffany Lorraine Galloway: https:.www.linktr.ee.com/theresilientmother or www.tiffanylifecoach.com

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Victoria L Sanchez delivers a vulnerable and rare retelling of the loss of her son and her path to healing. Listen to discover how this woman became a Resilient Mother after the tragic loss of a child and how she is continuing to honor her son Cody through her new book. "Superhuman Healing Frequencies".

    More details to come...

    Contact Victoria - www.ridewithvictoria.com
    Contact Tiffany - https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • In this enlightening episode of The Resilient Mother Podcast, host Tiffany Lorraine Galloway sits down with Catherine Tyson to explore the profound impact of love in its various forms. From self-love as the cornerstone of personal well-being to the transformational power of maternal and romantic love, Catherine delves into her personal experiences and revelations. Key points of the discussion include:

    The Foundation of Self-Love: Catherine emphasizes the importance of self-love in attracting meaningful relationships and setting priorities in life.

    Maternal Bonds: A touching bath time memory highlights the deep responsibility felt when a child expresses trust and reliance, reshaping Catherine’s definition of love.

    Romantic Revelations: Post-single-motherhood, Catherine’s approach to finding love involved understanding what she did not want in a partner, helping her to identify and avoid potential pitfalls.

    Finding True Love: Catherine shares her unexpected yet fulfilling love story with her now-husband, illustrating that love often arrives in unexpected forms and is always worth the wait.

    Keeping Love Alive: The couple’s strategies include respecting each other’s love languages, continuous communication, and maintaining a courtship dynamic to nurture their bond.

    Unexpected Blessings: Catherine discusses the joys and surprises of motherhood later in life, emphasizing the unpredictable yet rewarding paths love can take. Join us as Catherine Tyson inspires listeners to remain open to love’s possibilities and to prioritize self-awareness and personal growth in the quest for fulfilling relationships.

    Contact Catherine @realcatherinetyson
    Be a Guest Contact Tiffany: https://www.

    #resilience #love #Motherhood #podcast

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Breaking the Chains: Unveiling Covert Narcissism with Cristy Murray

    Podcast Summary with Key Points: Join Cristy Murray, a Nurse Practitioner and Neo Coach specializing in nutrition and functional medicine at Bluebell Wellness, on a compelling journey into the depths of covert narcissism. In this enlightening episode, Cristy shares her personal and professional insights on breaking generational cycles of narcissistic abuse.

    Key Points:
    Understanding Covert Narcissism: Exploring the traits of covert narcissists, who appear charming in public but are manipulative and lacking empathy behind closed doors.
    Mother-Daughter Dynamics: Investigating the complex relationship dynamics between a covert narcissistic mother and her daughter, emphasizing the subtle manipulations and lack of genuine empathy.
    Breaking Free: Cristy discusses the importance of recognizing unhealthy patterns, establishing boundaries, and the power of resilience in overcoming these toxic relationships.
    Neo Coaching Method: Introduction to the Neo Coaching method, which helps individuals identify and alter detrimental thought patterns through a systematic approach.
    Spiritual Resilience: How faith and a relationship with God can provide strength and guidance in healing and breaking free from cycles of abuse.
    Empowerment Through Awareness: The significance of educating oneself and others about narcissism to prevent its perpetuation and protect future generations.

    Tune in to gain invaluable insights and practical tools for anyone dealing with or interested in understanding covert narcissism, fostering resilience, and nurturing healthier relationships. Join Cristy in empowering women to create a legacy of love and respect, free from the shadows of the past. https://www.blueveilwellness.com.

    To be a guest on The Resilient Mother Podcast contact host Tiffany lorraine Gallway at https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Welcome to a deeply special second-anniversary episode of the Resilient Mother Podcast, hosted by Tiffany Lorraine Galloway. This celebratory episode, emerging from the vibrant "Mother's Shape" Facebook group, centers on "Resilient Love" and employs a transformative love-based framework, exploring the profound assertion that "love is our very existence."

    In this episode, Tiffany dives into how the past episodes have sculpted her perspectives on motherhood and spiritual love, illustrating how these insights can be foundational in our daily lives. The discussion pivots around several key points within the love-based framework:

    Existential Love: Understanding love as the core of human existence and how this realization enhances our interactions and relationships.
    Educational Love: How to impart love through teaching, guiding, and nurturing, not only within our families but also extending to the community.
    Expressive Love: Exploring ways to communicate love through actions, words, and emotional support, reinforcing the bond between mother and child.
    Eternal Love: Discussing the role of a higher power or divine source in shaping our capacity for unconditional love, and how this sustains us through challenges.
    Listeners will gain insights into becoming steadfast, constant forces of love in their children's lives, thereby helping to nurture a generation that values resilience and emotional strength. Whether you are a seasoned listener or new to the podcast, this episode is packed with actionable advice and reflective takeaways on love's role in personal and community resilience.

    For those moved by our discussions and interested in sharing their own journeys of resilient love, Tiffany invites you to join the conversation as a guest. Please visit her contact page at https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother to schedule your appearance. Tune in to this episode to deepen your understanding of love as the essence of life and motherhood.

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Join the Resilient Mother Podcast for an in-depth exploration of financial resilience with Lindsey Konchar, an experienced financial coach. Gain insights into cultivating resilience with money, teaching children about financial literacy, and navigating common financial challenges. Lindsey shares invaluable tips to empower mothers in taking control of their financial futures and passing on essential money management skills to their children, ensuring a brighter financial outlook for generations to come.

    In this enlightening episode, host Tiffany engages in a deep dive conversation with Lindsey Konchar, delving into the intricate relationship between motherhood and money management. Drawing from her extensive experience as a financial coach, Lindsey offers practical solutions tailored to mothers looking to bolster their financial acumen and instill positive money habits in their children.

    Throughout the discussion, Lindsey underscores the significance of fostering resilience with money, emphasizing the importance of mindset and communication. She guides listeners through the process of navigating financial challenges, from overcoming bankruptcy to avoiding financial exploitation, empowering mothers to tackle obstacles head-on and emerge stronger than ever.

    Crucially, Lindsey sheds light on the pivotal role mothers play in shaping their children's financial futures. She shares strategies for teaching children about financial literacy from a young age, stressing the importance of instilling healthy money habits early on. Lindsey advocates for creating a supportive environment where children feel empowered to make financial decisions and learn from their mistakes under parental guidance.

    In addition to practical advice, Lindsey introduces listeners to valuable tools and resources designed to facilitate financial education within the family. From the interactive Cashflow game to personalized budgeting systems, mothers are equipped with the means to cultivate financial literacy and resilience in their children.

    As the conversation unfolds, Lindsey encourages mothers to embrace an abundant mindset and prioritize intentional action in their financial journey. By aligning spending with values and priorities, mothers can create a sense of purpose and security for themselves and their families.

    Ready to embark on your journey toward financial resilience? Visit Lindsey Konchar's website at copingwithlindsey.com to explore her coaching services and access invaluable resources designed to support mothers in mastering financial management. Connect with host Tiffany and explore additional episodes of the Resilient Mother Podcast on linktr.ee/theresilientmother. Empower yourself and your family with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive financially, starting today!

    #FinancialResilience #MoneyManagement #FinancialLiteracy #ParentingAndMoney #Empowerment #AbundanceMindset #BudgetingTips #FamilyFinance #PodcastInterview #FinancialCoach #CopingWithLindsey #TheResilientMother #PodcastEpisode

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    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • In this compelling episode of "The Resilient Mother Podcast," Tiffany Lorraine Galloway welcomes guest Valerie Cantella for an enriching conversation about resilience in the throes of motherhood. The episode, titled "Resilient Reflections: Embracing the I CAN Attitude in Motherhood's Mosaic," covers a broad spectrum of topics that resonate deeply with mothers facing diverse challenges.

    Beginning with Personal Stories:
    Tiffany opens the episode by sharing her journey towards embracing imperfection and the freedom it brought her, setting the stage for a candid discussion. Valerie responds with her personal narrative of adoption, highlighting the emotional and psychological challenges she faced, including the sense of displacement her adopted child experienced. She stresses the importance of understanding and empathy in overcoming these hurdles.

    Facing Addiction:
    The conversation shifts to Valerie's family who battled alcoholism and drug addiction. She discusses the pivotal role that support groups and intentional community building played in her ability to heal and support her family. Valerie and Tiffany talk about the transformative power of acknowledging one’s vulnerabilities and the strength found in collective support.

    Embracing Authenticity:
    As they delve deeper, the focus turns to shedding the layers of perfectionism and people-pleasing. Valerie shares how her divorce was a turning point towards living more authentically, leading her to eventually find love and stability in remarriage. They discuss how these experiences reshaped their identities as mothers and individuals.

    The Role of Faith and Community:
    Valerie attributes much of her resilience to her faith, which provided a foundation during her most challenging times. She emphasizes that trusting in a higher purpose helped her navigate the complexities of her journey. Both speakers advocate for finding one’s tribe—like-minded individuals who provide emotional and practical support.

    Redefining Success and Motherhood:
    The conversation explores the concept of success, challenging traditional views and advocating for a definition that embraces personal well-being and deep, meaningful relationships with children. They discuss strategies for intentional parenting, setting boundaries, and maintaining a positive attitude.

    Sharing the Journey:
    Valerie concludes by discussing the importance of sharing her story, which has not only been therapeutic for her but also inspirational for other mothers dealing with similar issues. She talks about the beauty found in the broken pieces of life, encouraging listeners to see the value in their struggles.

    Closing Thoughts:
    Tiffany wraps up the episode by reflecting on the themes of gratitude, intentional living, and the unique paths each mother walks. They reaffirm the message that every challenge faced is an opportunity to grow, not just as mothers but as individuals, ultimately impacting their children positively.

    This episode is a deep dive into the realities of motherhood, filled with raw, honest testimonies and practical advice for mothers everywhere who are striving to overcome their challenges and thrive amidst adversity.

    Here are the key points:

    Adoption and Displacement: We need to understand the unique challenges and emotional journeys of adoptive children and parents.Overcoming Addiction: Support groups and communities play a vital role in recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction.Authenticity and Imperfection: We need to learn to let go of perfectionism and people-pleasing to embrace our true selves.Faith and Resilience: Faith can guide mothers through tough times and help them trust in a higher purpose.Community and Support: Finding a tribe, creating a supportive community, and being intentional in parenting is crucial.Personal Growth: Life’s challenges should be embraced as opportunities for growth, from raising teens to navigating remarriage.Valerie's Story: We can gain insights from Valerie on writing her story, finding beauty in brokenness, and the power of sharing personal experiences.
    Adoption and Displacement: Understanding the unique challenges and emotional journeys of adoptive children and parents.
    Overcoming Addiction: The role of support groups and community in recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction.
    Authenticity and Imperfection: Learning to let go of perfectionism and people-pleasing to embrace one's true self.
    Faith and Resilience: How faith can guide mothers through tough times and help them trust in a higher purpose.
    Community and Support: The importance of finding a tribe, creating a supportive community, and being intentional in parenting.
    Personal Growth: Embracing life’s challenges as opportunities for growth, from raising teens to navigating remarriage.
    Valerie's Story: Insights from Valerie on writing her story, finding beauty in brokenness, and the power of sharing personal experiences.

    If you would like to be a Guest on the Episode or work with Tiffany Lorraine Galloway connect at https://www.linktr.ee.com/theresilientmother

    If you would like to continue the conversation with Valerie Cantella you can find her at https://valeriecantella.com/

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • In this empowering episode of the Resilient Mother Podcast, host Tiffany, a certified high-performance coach, engages in a profound conversation with guest Tiffani, a licensed therapist with a depth of experience in facilitating meaningful change. The episode delves into themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.

    Key Highlights:

    Grounding in Self-Discovery: Tiffany and Tiffani discuss the critical first step of coming back to oneself, emphasizing the power of grounding in basic principles when faced with overwhelming life challenges.Building Resilience: The conversation highlights the importance of laying a strong foundation, step by step, to foster resilience. This process involves honoring one's truth and body as central to personal growth and empowerment.Navigating Life's Journey: The episode explores strategies for navigating toward success, emphasizing the importance of resilience and a can-do attitude in overcoming obstacles and achieving one's goals.Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse: Tiffany shares her insights on helping women overcome narcissistic abuse, offering guidance and resources for starting the journey towards body awareness and self-transformation.Empowering Mothers: The podcast underscores the mission to support and empower mothers in embracing their sacred roles while thriving resiliently in all aspects of their lives.

    Key Points:
    -Embracing Self-Discovery: The importance of reconnecting with oneself and adhering to fundamental principles in overwhelming situations.
    -Laying a Strong Foundation: The value of incremental progress in building a resilient foundation for personal growth.
    -Valuing Truth and Body: The significance of honoring one's truth and body as crucial steps towards personal empowerment.
    -Navigating Success: Strategies for moving towards the success you envision in your life with resilience and determination.
    -Tiffany, Host and Certified High-Performance Coach: Shares insights on overcoming narcissistic abuse and transforming lives through high-performance coaching.
    -Tiffani, Guest Licensed Therapist: Brings her expertise in mental health, trauma recovery, and leadership development to foster change and resilience.

    Listeners looking to connect with Tiffani for therapy services, insights on mental health, and strategies for implementing change can visit her website at https://www.tiffanidomokos.com.

    Those interested in learning more about high-performance coaching, overcoming narcissistic abuse, and resources for personal transformation can reach out to Tiffany at her Linktree page, https://www.linktr.ee.com/theresilientmother.

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone seeking to embark on a journey of personal growth, resilience, and success. Whether you are navigating the challenges of motherhood, seeking to overcome personal obstacles, or simply looking to thrive in your personal and professional life, Tiffany and Tiffani offer guidance, inspiration, and support to help you on your journey.

    #resilience #resilientyou #motherhood #podcast #theresilientmother #attitude #Icandoit #parentingtips

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • The discussion on The Resilient Mother Podcast with guest Catherine Tyson centers around the crucial role of parenting in shaping a better society and the legacy we leave for our children. Here’s a summary encapsulating the essence of their conversation:

    Embracing Parenthood with a Resilient 'I Can Do' Attitude
    In this enlightening episode, Catherine Tyson shares her insights on the importance of instilling resilience and a proactive 'I can do' attitude in both ourselves and our children. The dialogue opens up with a focus on how parents are pivotal in planting seeds for a more compassionate, understanding, and resilient society.

    The Legacy of Motherhood
    Catherine passionately speaks about the legacy of motherhood, emphasizing that our actions and attitudes as parents carve a path for future generations. By fostering resilience and a sense of responsibility in our children, we contribute to a society that is better than it currently is, highlighting the long-term impact of our parenting choices.

    Empowerment Through Support and Self-Belief
    A significant part of the conversation revolves around empowering mothers to realize their own strengths and potential. Catherine encourages listeners to dig deep, harness their inner power, and move forward with determination. She stresses the importance of creating a supportive network that encourages mothers to pursue their goals and create a nurturing environment for their children.

    Building a Resilient Future
    Towards the end of the discussion, the focus shifts to the collective responsibility of parents to leave a legacy worth having. Both Catherine and the host, Tiffany Lorraine Galloway, inspire listeners with a message of hope and empowerment: Believe in yourself, embrace your resilient spirit, and work towards building a future where both you and your children thrive.

    The episode closes with a powerful call to action for listeners to adopt a resilient 'I can do' attitude and make a positive impact on their children and society. Catherine’s final words encourage listeners to connect with her on various platforms, where she continues to share her journey and insights on parenting, resilience, and empowerment.

    This conversation is not just a dialogue but a beacon of motivation for mothers everywhere, reminding them of their power to shape the future through resilience, love, and determination.

    Don't forget to connect with Tiffany Lorraine Galloway for more inspiring content and resources at https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother and reach out to Catherine Tyson on her Instagram @realcatherinetyson to continue the conversation and join her on her journey of empowerment and resilience.

    Tune in, get inspired, and remember, together, we're building a legacy of resilience for our children. See you on the podcast, resilient mamas!

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Key Points:
    Stewardship and Gratitude: Understanding the value of what we have and being open to more.
    Divine Trust and Plans: Recognizing that God has grand designs for us that may be beyond our current comprehension.
    The Power of Love: Central to our existence and relationship with the divine.
    Empowering Mothers: Highlighting the diversity of motherhood and the ability to positively shape the future through nurturing.
    Resilience in Children: The significant role of mothers in developing strength and resilience in their children.

    Guest Bio: Nina Borum
    Nina Borum, an author, speaker, and mother to four adopted and foster children, weaves her unique life experiences into her work, offering perspectives that inspire and empower. Raised in Tennessee and now running Bo Society & Books, she dedicates her life to intellectual and spiritual growth, both for herself and others. Nina’s journey through adoption and foster care underscores her message of hope, identity in Christ, and the discovery of one's gifts. Off duty, she enjoys life’s simple pleasures like a good cup of tea or the humor found in internet memes.

    Calling all moms! Get ready for a soul-stirring episode of our podcast that you won't want to miss. On March 26th at 6 pm MST, we are honored to welcome Nina Borum, an incredible author, speaker, and mother of four beautiful souls through adoption and foster care. Nina brings her unique perspective on the divine intricacies of motherhood, stewardship, and embracing the unexpected journeys that faith can lead us on.

    In a world where the essence of motherhood is often glossed over, Nina dives deep into what it means to truly embrace this sacred calling. She opens up about the challenges and joys of being a steward of God’s little ones, highlighting the importance of gratitude for the present and openness to the future plans that surpass our understanding. This conversation is an invitation to reflect on the profound impact of motherly love and the resilient strength it instills in both ourselves and our children.

    Nina's journey is one of hope, redemption, and the discovery of identity in Christ. She passionately shares how adopting and fostering have shaped her view on the power of unconditional love and the significant role mothers play in nurturing strong, resilient children ready to face the world. Her insights remind us that motherhood is a journey of endless learning, growing, and loving in ways we never thought possible.

    This episode isn't just another discussion; it's a heart-to-heart conversation about the realities, struggles, and triumphs of motherhood. We talk about the diversity of mothering experiences, the empowerment that comes from leaning into our faith, and the universal truth that no matter the path, you are capable, and you can make the most out of this sacred experience.

    So, whether you're sipping your morning coffee or folding laundry after the kids have gone to bed, join us for an episode that promises to uplift, inspire, and empower. Let's explore together how to navigate the beautiful complexities of motherhood with faith, strength, and a whole lot of grace. Remember, you're not just raising children; you're nurturing future leaders, thinkers, and doers. Believe in the power of your influence and the beauty of your journey.

    Don't forget to mark your calendars for March 26th at 6 pm MST. This is more than just an episode; it's a celebration of all forms of motherhood and the divine challenge it presents. We believe in you, and we know that together, we can face anything. Tune in, be inspired, and let's continue to support each other on this incredible journey of motherhood. God bless! 🌟💖👩‍👧‍👦

    Contact Information:

    Nina Borum: Explore our collection and join our community for growth at Bo Society & Books. Follow Nina on social media for daily inspiration and insights into making the most of life's sacred experiences.
    Host, Tiffany: Connect with Tiffany and join the resilient mother community at The Resilient Mother.
    #EmpoweredMoms #FaithFilledMotherhood #NinaBorum #MotherhoodJourney #ResilientStrength

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • Join The Resilient Mother Podcast on Tuesday, March 19th, at 6 PM MST for an empowering episode steeped in the wisdom of faith and the courage of resilience. Our host, Tiffany Lorraine Galloway, and guest, Tiffany Harvey, both survivors of narcissistic relationships, impart transformative insights that transcend personal challenges.

    Key Points

    Strategies that merge spiritual strength with actionable steps to handle co-parenting with a narcissist.
    Wisdom to recognize the early signs of narcissistic abuse.
    Empowering discussions that reinforce your faith-driven resilience.
    Inspiration to reclaim your story and courage to embark on a path of joy and triumph.

    Together, we'll discover how the love and strength of God can light our way through the darkest times, guiding us to a place of healing and power. We'll connect the dots between our spiritual foundations and the practicalities of daily life affected by narcissism.Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here:

  • 🌼 Welcome to "Resilient Strength to Live Your Truth," a transformative episode of The Resilient Mother Podcast, where we dive deep into the heart of authenticity and empowerment in motherhood.

    🎙️ In this extended episode, your favorite host, Tiffany Lorraine Galloway, has an intimate and inspiring conversation with Nicole Lawson – a powerhouse of perseverance and an advocate for living a life of unshakable authenticity.

    🔍 In the detailed summary and notes, you'll find a treasure trove of wisdom as Nicole shares her riveting story – from overcoming personal struggles to becoming a vocal advocate for women's and mothers' rights. Her life is a testament to what it means to live boldly in your truth.

    💖 Through heartfelt discussions, Tiffany and Nicole touch on key topics such as:

    The Art of Boundary Setting: How to establish and maintain boundaries that protect your peace without feeling the weight of guilt.Voice and Validation: Strategies for nurturing a family environment where speaking up is not just encouraged but celebrated.Raising Resilient Children: Practical advice for guiding your children to understand and embrace their own truths.Success and Self-Care: Insights on balancing entrepreneurial aspirations with motherhood, and how to cultivate a presence that allows you to thrive in both worlds.

    👩‍👧‍👦 Nicole’s approachable and actionable tips offer a blueprint for mothers everywhere to foster resilience and authenticity in their children – shaping them into successful, confident, and genuine individuals.

    👂 In the audio notes, listen for Nicole’s personal practices that have helped her build lasting and meaningful relationships with her children – ones rooted in respect, understanding, and true connection.

    🙌 Join this empowering conversation and become part of a community committed to growth, courage, and living a truthful life. The episode comes with a downloadable PDF summary and a set of reflection questions to help you integrate the discussed concepts into your daily life.

    🌐 For more on Nicole’s journey and services, explore www.nicolelawson.com, and for a deeper connection with The Resilient Mother community, visit https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother.

    📣 Don't forget to share your experience using the hashtags #ResilientStrength and #LiveYourTruth to inspire others in our community. Your journey is powerful, your story deserves to be heard, and together, we can raise the tide for all resilient mothers.

    We're excited to support you on this journey. Let's harness our collective strength to craft a life of truth and joy for ourselves and our children. 💪💕

    #TheResilientMotherPodcast #NicoleLawson #StrengthInTruth #MotherhoodEmpowered #TeachThemYoung #AuthenticityIsPower

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • 🌟 Experience the intersection of resilience and strength on The Resilient Mother Podcast this March 5th, with an episode that's as moving as it is insightful. 🌟

    📅 Our host, Tiffany Lorraine Galloway, birth mother and a beacon of resilience, sits down with Angie Grandt, The Adoption Coach, to unfold the layers of adoptive motherhood with love and strength at its core.

    💪 Together, they share an all-encompassing view of parenting—a dialogue that spans the full spectrum from a birth mother's loving sacrifice to an adoptive mother's nurturing embrace. This special episode is dedicated to understanding how resilience and strength can shape the best outcomes for children, rooted in love and enriched by the right guidance.

    💞 Angie and Tiffany tackle the tough topics: the effects of early trauma, the path to healing after separation from a birth mother, and the individual journeys of children who face these adversities. It's an honest look at the varied outcomes of children raised in different homes and the understanding that, as guides, parents provide the compass, but it's the children who chart their own course.

    #ResilientMotherPodcast #StrengthInMotherhood #TheAdoptionCoach #BirthMotherExperience #AdoptiveMotherhood #ParentingWithPurpose #TraumaInformedCare #ResilienceInAdoption #StrengthOfLove #GuidingWithResilience #ResilienceAndStrengthInParenting

    🔗 Join us in embracing the resilient strength required to nurture, love, and guide our children. Listen to our profound conversation: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089725045012

    Be a part of our journey as we explore the vast landscape of motherhood with strength and resilience. Don't miss this episode! 💖🎙️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦✨

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • 🎙️✨ Tune in this Tuesday, Feb 27th at 6 PM MST for an unforgettable episode of "The Resilient Mother" Podcast! Join our inspiring host, Tiffany Lorraine Galloway, as she welcomes the indomitable Karen Dean, a Resilience Expert and beacon of empowerment. 🌟

    In this heart-to-heart, Tiffany and Karen delve into the gritty, graceful world of motherhood. They share their personal journeys as divorced single parents, raising children to navigate and conquer life's hurdles with grace. These two resilient mothers will reveal true stories filled with empowerment and unwavering strength. 💪📚

    Expect to walk away with an arsenal of tips and ideas that any mother can implement to foster resilience and success within their own family. 🌱💖

    📅 Set your reminders for an evening of transformation: "Empowered Resilience: The Power of Mother" airs on Feb 27th at 6 PM MST.

    👩‍💼 Connect with Karen for a dose of inspiration and guidance at Karen Dean Speaks.

    🎧 For more empowering content from Tiffany, visit her at The Resilient Mother.

    #EmpoweredResilience #MotherhoodUnplugged #KarenDeanLive #TiffanyGallowayHost #ResilientMotherPodcast #InspirationTuesday #PodcastTime #MarkYourCalendars #MotherhoodJourneys #ResilienceInAction #SuccessCoachingMoms #RealMotherhoodStories #ParentingTips #JoinUsLive #MST6pm #PodcastAlert

    🔗 Can’t wait to have you with us on this journey of empowerment and resilience. Don't forget to tune in!

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother

  • On February 20th at 6 PM MST, the Resilient Mother podcast, hosted by Tiffany Lorraine Galloway, proudly presents an empowering episode featuring Luniara Gaia. Luniara, a distinguished keynote speaker, best-selling author, and renowned confidence coach, brings her vast experience to this episode focused on resilient empowerment. With a dedication to supporting mothers in their journey towards self-empowerment, Luniara embodies the essence of resilience and strength.

    In this episode, Luniara and Tiffany delve deep into the transformative power of inner work for building confidence and resilience. Luniara shares her unique journey as a segregate mother, highlighting the diverse paths to motherhood and the strength found in each. Tiffany, opening up about her experience as a birth mother, complements this narrative, showcasing the spectrum of empowerment that all kinds of mothers can achieve.

    The conversation transitions into practical strategies for mothers to empower themselves and, in turn, foster resilience and confidence in their children. By leading through example and the power of nurturing words, they discuss how mothers can be the cornerstone of resilience and self-assurance for the next generation.

    More about our guest: Luniara Gaia's career spans over 14 years of guiding individuals towards confidence, self-worth, and resilience. As a global influencer with a following of 40,000 on social media, her keynote speeches, best-selling books, and personal coaching have inspired countless individuals. Luniara’s work is a testament to the power of personal transformation and empowerment.

    Don't miss this inspiring episode of "Empowered Resilience: Cultivating Unshakeable Confidence from Within" on the Resilient Mother podcast. For those looking to delve deeper into Luniara's empowering journey or to explore the possibility of having her speak at your next event, visit linktr.ee/lunariagaia.

    Join Tiffany and the Resilient Mother podcast community for more empowering stories and insights by following https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother. Let's navigate the path of empowerment and resilience together, embracing the strength that comes from all aspects of motherhood.

    Thank you for listening!!!


    Would you like to be a guest on the Podcast? Connect with Tiffany here: https://linktr.ee/theresilientmother