
  • I had the great pleasure of speaking to Brok and Aaron from The Music NFT Podcast recently.

    Some of the stuff we covered:  

    • My content output (what it looks like) 

    • My web3 journey so far 

    • Giving value to my fans 

    • Plans for the NFT aspect of my EP rollout 

    Check out the lads here:



    Thanks for tuning in, please don't forget to drop a comment and review and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    With gratitude,

    Sav x

    When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

    We all know we need to journal, but life seems to always get in the way. My gratitude journal is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to start and build a healthy journaling practice. Click here to buy yours today. Join my weekly newsletter​ ‘Better Friend Society’. Click here to start receiving my emails direct to your inbox.

    Hit me on socials:




  • I had a very peculiar and sticky situation pop up recently.

    It was challenging to put together the best course of action, but it was happy to be presented with an opportunity to practice what I preach.

    This is the story of how I saw someone I knew on a dating app, how I spoke my truth despite feeling uncomfortable and the generous and vulnerable conversation that ensued.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Thanks for tuning in, please don't forget to drop a comment and review and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    With gratitude,

    Sav x

    When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

    We all know we need to journal, but life seems to always get in the way. My gratitude journal is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to start and build a healthy journaling practice. Click here to buy yours today. Join my weekly newsletter​ ‘Better Friend Society’. Click here to start receiving my emails direct to your inbox.

    Hit me on socials:




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  • I went to an event last week.

    Fried and Tasty in collaboration with Crooks Barbers in Fitzroy - it was such a dope night.

    Got to have food, drink beer, grab a haircut and have a chat to some of my favourite people in Melbourne music. One of those people is Dexter Seamus.

    We talked a lot of shit as you will soon see, but we got onto some really important topics in regard to the freedom of operating without management, and the impact of hard work and preparation.

    Enjoy this slightly loose and very unplanned chat with Melbourne rapper and artist Dexter Seamus.

    Dex on Spotify

    Thanks for tuning in, please don't forget to drop a comment and review and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    With gratitude,

    Sav x

    When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

    We all know we need to journal, but life seems to always get in the way. My gratitude journal is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to start and build a healthy journaling practice. Click here to buy yours today. Join my weekly newsletter​ ‘Better Friend Society’. Click here to start receiving my emails direct to your inbox.

    Hit me on socials:




  • I was reading Patrick Bet David's book 'Your Next 5 Moves', when a passage about conviction stuck out to me.

    "Sales should feel effortless, like a natural extension of who you are"

    This made a lot of sense to me when related to solopreneurship and personal brand. When it comes to me and the business I am trying to build, it doesn't really feel like selling because I have so much belief in what I am doing aka conviction.

    So, in this episode I talk a little more about that concept - conviction when selling and how it relates to my personal brand/products.

    Thanks for tuning in, please don't forget to drop a comment and review and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    With gratitude,

    Sav x

    When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

    We all know we need to journal, but life seems to always get in the way. My gratitude journal is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to start and build a healthy journaling practice. Click here to buy yours today. Join my weekly newsletter​ ‘Better Friend Society’. Click here to start receiving my emails direct to your inbox.

    Hit me on socials:




  • In this episode I dive into my gratitude practice, why I started it and why I decided to create my own gratitude journal.

    Gratitude is something that has fundamentally changed the direction and experience of my day to day life. It is something that I have turned to and leant on when facing challenges, and it has held me up when I felt like falling down.

    I made a song titled Gratitude…

    And I love the practice of daily gratitude so much that I even made my own gratitude journal!

    Anyway that’s enough about that, listen to episode for more insights and cop a journal here if you’re keen:

    Grab a Journal

    Thanks as always for tuning in, please don’t forget to subscribe and leave me a review - it all helps!

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • Recently I have had the privilege of feeling the weight of my own expectation - it’s something I am used to. But channeling it, fighting back, learning how to weather the storm… now that is a new set of skills.

    In this one I talk about the journey of the solopreneur and how daunting it can be as I attempt to forge a new path for myself and build the perfect life for myself.

    In the words of Dan Koe…

    Create or be created.

    Which translates to ‘dictate the terms of your life or have them dictated to you’.

    I am choosing to build, to forge, to craft and to toil until I have constructed something beautiful that I can call my own. I don’t know what it will be at this stage, or when I will get to it, but I know with time and effort, I will be rewarded.

    Thanks for tuning in, please don't forget to drop a comment and review and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    With gratitude,

    Sav x

    When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

    We all know we need to journal, but life seems to always get in the way. My gratitude journal is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to start and build a healthy journaling practice. Click here to buy yours today. Join my weekly newsletter​ ‘Better Friend Society’. Click here to start receiving my emails direct to your inbox.

    Hit me on socials:




  • With all the artificial intelligence and web3 chat around it’s safe to say that artists can become very quickly overwhelmed and confused on what to do next and where to put their energy.

    In a world full of technological leaps forward, your biggest assets to help you stay on track as a creator are:

    * Personal Brand

    * Compounding

    Both of these require you to zoom out from the day to day — tune out the bullshit and just do the work.

    Results are a lagging indicator for effort.

    Which means that the results for the work you do today won’t be seen tomorrow, or next week or maybe even for years to come. That doesn’t matter though, we do the work anyway.

    Applying concerted effort to these 2 points on a daily basis will ensure not only that you reach your destination, but that you get there quicker than anticipated — saving you time, energy and money.

    1. Personal Brand

    You are human (aka a meat-coated ghost) and nothing can replace you… not your exact experience anyway. That is what makes you important/special, so lean into it.

    Use social media to connect with an audience and tell your story/share who you are and what’s important to you. Put yourself out there, be raw, be vulnerable, go all the way with it.

    Go get yourself some haters!

    If nobody hates you, it means nobody can love you.

    Access to creative tools has mostly been democratised to the point where creating world class art is now cheaper and more attainable than ever. Sure there will always be nuance around taste and excellence, but there is no denying that the gap between the top 10% and the bottom 10% has shrunk significantly in recent years with tools like:

    * Capcut

    * Logic Pro

    * Landr

    * Canva

    * ChatGPT

    The thing that will continue to set people apart is their personal brand, their lens, their experiences and how they communicate those to the world in their most stunning forms.

    Put your personal brand on show, put your unique perspective on show, talk your shit like no one is watching — be bold, be brave.

    2. Compounding

    In the words of Dan Koe and prolly a whole heap of other smart people — “nothing happens and then everything happens.”

    One definition of compounding is this: reckon (interest) on previously accumulated interest.

    Examples of previously accumulated interest:

    * New industry related relationship

    * Book that you read recently

    * Real life experience you had

    * Showing up for a recording session

    * Jumping on a podcast interview

    * Playing a great set for a new crowd

    * Posting to socials consistently

    1 + 1 = 3

    Don’t moan about the nothing, just get ready for the everything.

    You don’t see compounding working, but it is. This is where trust for the process and the path you’re on comes into play. This is exactly when you don’t look up or look around. This is when you dig your head in the sand and you don’t come up for air until you can hear the roar of the crowd as you enter the arena.

    Drill down on your personal brand, invest in compounding and I guarantee there will be a light at the end of that tunnel.

    Thanks for tuning in, don’t forget to subscribe and review. 😊

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

  • I made my way to 2 amazing events last week.

    On Thursday rūku and I were invited to Fried and Tasty on Lygon street for their monthly event: Break n Bread.

    Then on Saturday night we made our way to Chapel Street up to the Revolver band room to watch an insanely talented lineup of Dexter Seamus, Drest, Jimmy Harwood and 01.Ekka absolutely shred.

    Both events were amazing and humbling and great reminders of rūku and I being in the right place and doing the right things with the right people.

    On top of that, ku put out his new single called ‘Keep Showing Up’ - this song is soooo vibey, you just gotta play it!


    Thanks for tuning in, don’t forget to subscribe and review. 😊

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • I was talking to my old Sensei recently - he congratulated me on the progress I have in my creative pursuits since moving to Melbourne 3 years ago. We touched on my martial arts journey since moving away and he gave me props on my fight walk out (goated walk out btw). 



    It gave me an idea of talking about my martial arts journey so far, touching on where it began, how it’s going and where I think it will end up.

    So far martial arts has given me mental and physical strength that a younger version of me simply didn’t possess. I feel like it has given me confidence and self-belief in a real way for the first time in my life.

    Not only has the practice been beneficial for my own health, it has allowed me to make friends with people and create bonds that I imagine will last a life time.

    Martial arts is beautiful and sacred.

    For me it has allowed a practice and spiritual journey that has revealed certain parts of myself, while silencing others.

    Forever grateful for Sensei Jase and his father Sensei Mick, as well as Jack and my brother Dave for their early encouragement and more recently Sam, Diellon and Jelly for continuing to fan the flame. The sharing of information and camaraderie cannot be understated.

    Isshogai = for life martial arts

    Thanks for tuning in, don’t forget to subscribe and review. 😊

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • My little brother Dave celebrated his birthday last week, and in typical fashion I reflected on our relationship and decided to make some content out of it.

    On top of that, Australia celebrated our national day of recognition for service men and women from past and present - ANZAC day. It is a special day of remembrance where we all take a moment to consider the sacrifices of those who have gone before us, and what the value of freedom really is.

    In relation to David, he’s someone I’ve always respected immensely. At times I probably haven’t shown it, but such is the burden of immaturity and a lack of self awareness ie. we hurt people close to us without realising it.

    As we have gotten older and developed into men, our relationship has developed as well. I was the best man at his wedding, he was the person I have turned to in some of my darkest moments etc etc.

    So, the 3 things that I have picked up from my brother Dave over the years are:

    * The power of self awareness

    * David took the cards he had been dealt and decided to play them in his own fashion - something that was amazing then and still amazes me to this day.

    * The power of knowledge acquisition

    * He has always been and still is one of the best sources of knowledge acquisition for me as he has always been so well read and genuinely cares about consistently levelling up his mind.

    * The power of being a man

    * Rolling your sleeves up when the going gets tough, doing the work that is required whilst maintaining a delicate touch, Dave has always possessed these traits and has shown me the essence of my favourite definition of being a man.

    Happy birthday Davo - love from your big bro!

    Thanks for tuning in, don’t forget to subscribe and review. 😊

    With gratitude, 

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • How do I know I am getting better at the art of living? How do I know I am living a happier and more fulfilling life?

    → Seneca has a thought on this…

    “What progress, you ask, have I made? I have begun to be a friend to myself.”

    I like this a lot. It keeps it simple and to the point.

    I don’t want to be rich or famous, not as a priority anyway, because neither of these things will bring me inner peace and happiness.

    No, what I want more than anything else is to be a better friend to myself. 🫂

    If I can get better at that every minute of every day for the rest of my life, then I know it is inevitable that I will be rich in one way or another. As for fame, if that is a byproduct of my commitment to this path then so be it.

    The other part of this, and the other quote that I bungled was on relinquishing expectation.

    “Happiness Equals Reality Minus Expectations”

    ―Tom Magliozzi

    Personally I think this is one of the most powerful ointments that we can apply to that the piercing feeling of pressure or overwhelm. 😰

    When you don’t feel like you’re moving forward, or you feel like it is all becoming too much, remember these 2 measuring sticks to remind yourself of exactly where you are at.

    * Am I becoming a better friend to myself?

    * Am I relinquishing my expectations to accept what is?

    If you can answer yes to both of these, then you’re living beautifully - keep going!

    Thanks for tuning in, don’t forget to subscribe and review. 😊

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • What do UFC star Conor McGregor, hip-hop artist Russ and the rock slinging Christian hero David have in common? 

    They were delusional.

    Through the lens of David’s epic triumph over Goliath we are given countless examples of the heroes potential. Great sporting triumphs, landmark legal settlements and entire wars have been likened to this significant story in our history.

    But for an underdog to overcome apparently insurmountable odds, surely more than courage is required?

    In this episode I talk about the concept of delusion and how it is a necessary driving force for anyone daring to dream big.

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • We witnessed something special at UFC 287.

    Israel Adesanya reclaimed his title by finally overcoming the obstacle that was Alex Pereira (after 3 previous attempts).

    The fight was short but epic as 2 of the most skilled strikers in MMA history stood in front of each other and technically exchanged blows until Israel finally landed a hammer fist from hell to seal his redemption.

    In this episode I unpack Izzy’s approach to the fight game/life and how that seems to rub people the wrong way. 

    I argue that he is a generational athlete with the mental fortitude to provide a shining light for anyone willing to learn and be shown the way.

    The epic moment provided to us by 2 titans on the biggest stage of the best MMA production on the planet was another timely reminder of the storylines and lessons that can be teased out of this beautiful sport.

    * Adversity and resilience

    * The dance between ego and arrogance

    * Defining your own history

    * Wanting the smoke (and getting it)

    * Great rivalries and how they can define us

    I hope you enjoy my take on Izzy and his historic victory at UFC 287.

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • I sat at my desk, in front of my microphone, with a plan.

    ‘Make some content on the Israel Adesanya UFC title win.’

    I put my mouth up to the microphone, hit record and… nothing came out. Doubt rattled around in my brain and refused me the opportunity to get on with my business.

    Head in hands, I sat and contemplated throwing the towel in - but then I remembered!

    I’m a different beast now.

    Not that self-pitying individual that inhabited this planet in the past. I seek the hard work in order to grow and evolve. This was an opportunity to stretch myself, to show up and do what needed to be done.

    I lifted my head, put my mouth to the microphone once again and pressed record.

    Time to go to work.

    With gratitude,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: 




    Theme music produced by Josh Garipoli: https://www.instagram.com/prodgaz/

  • Today is my lil brothers bday - so let me do the good big brother thing and celebrate him!

    I have grown into a huge fan of his work and work ethic and am elevated everyday to work alongside and be building creative avenues for ourselves as artists, brothers and friends.

    If you would like to wish him a happy bday, you can find him on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/ruku.music/

    If you want to stream his music, you can find him on Spotify here: 

    For those really keen, I have collated a selection of my favourite works of his from the previous 7 years, some old stuff, some new stuff and some in between.


    His first release on Soundcloud, self produced etc - his sound was very experimental for his time and age.

    Poltergeist EP

    He appeared twice on my 2015 EP, on Caught Up and Perfect. For someone so fresh to the game he held his own.


    FUYU was the 3rd mixtape in the Japanese season series, he was clearly getting better with each release. Specifically this song Full Clip, it was the first time I saw his star potential on show (especially in the accompanying clip which is linked below).



    This was his first proper release to Spotify - an important step in every artists ascent. He got some dope artwork made in collaboration with our brother Dave and then made some cool merch.


    The experimental as hell EP he made in the depths of covid lockdowns, gaining a lot of respect and self belief from this process.

    Dutch Boys EP

    Recorded, mixed and mastered with a tonne of production work on the project, Ku flexed his all round skills on this EP. It was a fond time for us both as we shot content on the streets of Melbourne late at night while the world was in lockdown. We were shackled in many ways, but we didn’t the moment inhibit our creativity and progress.


    One of his most recent drops and a song I’ve come to refer to as the soundtrack to the come up! His first solo release with a well produced music video and rollout - confidence on show.

    Happy bday big Ku!

    Love always your big bro,

    SAV x

    Grab a copy of my Gratitude Journal: https://payhip.com/b/5CZH7

    Hit me on socials: Twitter / Instagram / Tiktok

  • Today is a new day.

    Today I present to you the launching of my new podcast: The Sav Show!

    I launched Slap Happy in October of 2020 because I wanted another place to share my thoughts and ideas - and I believe that I achieved that.

    The podcast created an avenue for me to build relationships, learn new skills and develop a brand as an entertainer and conversationalist, but for sometime now it hadn’t felt quite right… it hadn’t felt 100% like me.

    Most likely because of the inner turmoil and constant back and forth that I experienced trying to brand it and give it direction and clarity. It had lead to a lot of misused time, trying to figure out what the podcast was and how to best present it to the world.

    I realised that it needed a rebranding and a clear mandate. The new mandate looks like this:

    Do cool shit. Make observations. Explore and experiment. Share what you learn/experience and call it content.

    I am the brand, I am the leverage - I always was, it’s just taken me some time (and the study of some great digital creators) to realise.

    Anyway, here it is, episode one where I basically ramble about those exact things and try to articulate my reasoning (not too well might I add).

    Thanks for joining me, thanks for listening and if you enjoy the pod or wanna know/hear more from me, pleaser subscribe to the podcast and drop me a rating.

    Thanks for tuning in, please don't forget to drop a comment and review and let me know what you thought of this episode.

    With gratitude,

    Sav x

    When you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

    We all know we need to journal, but life seems to always get in the way. My gratitude journal is the perfect tool for anyone wanting to start and build a healthy journaling practice. Click here to buy yours today. Join my weekly newsletter​ ‘Better Friend Society’. Click here to start receiving my emails direct to your inbox.

    Hit me on socials:


