It has been a while since I have recorded a podcast, because I really haven't been feeling very inspired to. So many days, I think about quitting and think "why am I even trying to change a culture of consumerism." But then I think to all of the lives and stories that I have helped in the last 5 years.
Going against the grain is hard and that is mostly what I talk about in this podcast episode.
As always, whatever your money goal.. you can do it.
If you need tips on where to start with your money, START HERE!
I am back with season two after an unplanned break in the podcast while I did some soul searching.
I have a lot of thoughts on hustle culture and today I dive into a few of those thoughts.
What is the difference between hustle culture and determination?
Motivation Blog Post: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/stay-on-budget-motivation/
Support this podcast by donating on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/thesavvysagittarius
Listen to this podcast with captions on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL1MR7Kj7xEzXGUzv26ZHQ
Shop my Amazon Storefront: www.amazon.com/shop/thesavvysagittarius
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No Spend Challenges have been one of the keys to my success! My best one yet was $2,450 towards debt in one month thanks to just not spending money in October of 2018. A No Spend Month is like a detox diet for your budget! You focus on all the good while cleaning out some of the junk so you can hit goals and change habits!
Follow this link to get signed up for the No Spend September! https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-no-spend-month/
You can download the free mini budget workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Or Check out the full version of the workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-savvy-budget-workbook/
All transcriptions/captions available for podcast episodes on youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL1MR7Kj7xEzXGUzv26ZHQ/
There is a new podcast episode every Monday at 8 AM CST!
Creating a plan to pay off debt can be very overwhelming if you don't know where to start! On today's episode, I break down 3 different methods to pay off debt. I also give a few tips to help speed up your debt pay off journey!
What would your budget look like if you didn’t have any credit cards, student loans, car payments, and no mortgage/rent?
You can download the free mini budget workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Or Check out the full version of the workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-savvy-budget-workbook/
All transcriptions/captions available for podcast episodes on youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL1MR7Kj7xEzXGUzv26ZHQ/
There is a new podcast episode every Monday at 8 AM CST!
Emergencies funds are just that. Savings in case of an emergency. Some people have a lump emergency fund for car or house things, medical or pet emergencies, or job loss. Some people use sinking funds for house, medical and pet, and their emergency fund is really to only be touched for job loss or extreme emergency.
Remember, emergency funds are very personal based on your goals, but they will change the way you can operate with confidence in your finances. Because I had an emergency fund, I was able to throw every single dollar towards debt.
Here are just a few details that you need to get started with your emergency fund today!
You can download the free mini budget workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Or Check out the full version of the workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-savvy-budget-workbook/
All transcriptions/captions available for podcast episodes on youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL1MR7Kj7xEzXGUzv26ZHQ/
There is a new podcast episode every Monday at 8 AM CST!
We talked a lot about figuring out what expenses you have on Episode 6, so now where do you go from there? How do you cut back on your expenses and hit your money goals? Today's podcast episode dives into some money saving tips that you can take to getting closer to your goals.
Here is 25+ Tips on how to cut your food spending blog post: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/food-savings/
You can download the free mini budget workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Or Check out the full version of the workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-savvy-budget-workbook/
Discount Code PODCAST3 for $3 off any workbook in my store!
All transcriptions/captions available for podcast episodes on youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL1MR7Kj7xEzXGUzv26ZHQ/
There is a new podcast episode every Monday at 8 AM CST!
Today, we are focus on starting exactly where we are with a 30 Days of Spending Review. If you are spending $1000 on food right now, only budgeting $100 for next month is going to set you up for failure and frustration. I talk about lowering expenses in an achievable way and setting goals for the next month!
You can download the free mini budget workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Or Check out the full version of the workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-savvy-budget-workbook/
Discount Code PODCAST3 for $3 off any workbook in my store!
All transcriptions/captions available for podcast episodes on youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkL1MR7Kj7xEzXGUzv26ZHQ/
There is a new podcast episode every Monday at 8 AM CST!
Today, I am diving deep into The Savvy Budget Workbook. I created this workbook while I was on maternity leave with my son. It was my first product offered for my business and I am so proud of it! I walk you step by step through the first pages of the workbook to help you set up a budget that works for you!
My apologies if you can here my son and husband at the end of the podcast episode. This is Mom Life.
You can download the free mini budget workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Or Check out the full version of the workbook here: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/the-savvy-budget-workbook/
There is a new podcast episode every Monday at 8 AM CST!
"It can be really easy to set goals that aren't actually getting you to where you want to be."
Take your dream life and figure out EXACTLY what you need to accomplish to get there.
"Every good goal has three main specifics. It has a task. An amount. And a date."
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MINI BUDGET WORKBOOK: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Lately, I have been seeing a ton of posts about how millennials are behind compared to where other generations were when they were our age, but I don't believe that is 100% true.
Listen to this episode to see why I think dreams, pensions, college, and the industrial revolution are a big part of why millennials are "behind."
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MINI BUDGET WORKBOOK: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/ -
"In order to achieve your dream life, you can't keep doing what you are doing today."
Describe Your Dream Life. If you had one full week off, what would it look like? What do your weekends look like? What job do you have? Full/Part time? What do you do with your days? Where do you travel? Who do you spend time with? What are your hobbies?
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MINI BUDGET WORKBOOK: https://thesavvysagittarius.com/mini-workbook/
Very first episode! I am excited to jump into this whole new learning journey! Thank you for the patience as each episode gets better!
I was 22 years old, a full time bartender, and every night I would bring home the cash with no plan in sight. I remember trying to set up a budget. I asked my coworkers, I googled it, and searched the internet for a way to budget with an irregular income. Most websites told me to get one month ahead, but I didn't know how to pay next week's bills. There was no way that I could get one month ahead. So I sat down, figured it out, and then created my blog to share with other small businesses, bartenders, direct sales representatives, and anyone else with an irregular, inconsistent income.
I ended up paying off $34,000 in debt in 26 months and buying a home on a bartender / small business income!
*Full transcripts for episodes will be available soon!