
  • As entrepreneurs, we all feel safe with some people and unsafe with others. I learned that the hard way. Old trauma and memories can actually make you hide from the people who actually need your offers.

    Whenever you don't feel safe - and you want to enlarge your circle of safety - sit down, relax, get your blanket, close your eyes and listen to this healing.

    Esther will remove everything that slows you down and wears you out. She will give you a bright new energy so that you can end this month on a high note. If you want to manifest your iconic brand and serve more clients, give yourself 30 minutes of bliss.

    P.S. This is an unedited guided visualisation


    When I was a young student I worked for the Jewish Social Work in Amsterdam. Twice a week I cleaned the houses of Jewish clients. Somewhere between cleaning the bedrooms and the kitchen, there was always time for coffee and conversation.

    ‘My’ family was an elderly couple. They lived in the same apartment where they had raised their family. Nowadays the children lived somewhere else and it was just the two of them.

    One day, it was Friday, the chicken soup was already on the stove, the children would come home to be with their parents for the Friday evening Shabbat dinner, something happened that I will never forget.

    It was time for coffee. There was a carpenter in the apartment - the door needed to be fixed - and his tools were everywhere. While we had our coffee the carpenter apologized for the mess he made. He was trying to get everything done before Shabbat.

    “I’m sorry for the mess”, the carpenter said. “Oh don’t worry about it”, my employer said. He was standing in the middle of their small living room and pointed at his underarm. “After THIS I learned to never worry about the small stuff anymore.”

    He pointed at the tattooed figures on his arm.

    His concentration camp numbers.

    You could see the uneven shapes. Yanked into the arm of a young man. A young man who happened to be Jewish.

    The carpenter mumbled something like: “Yes… well”, and we looked at each other because those numbers opened the door to more suffering than we could possibly imagine.

    My employer carried a very public testimonial of the vilest hate against himself on his own body. For everyone to see.

    Look. This happened to me.

    The silence hung heavy in the living room.

    I was a 23 years old smart-ass student and had no answer.

    I had no solution, it felt too big, too painful, too intimate and I didn't know what to to do.

    This week it was 75 years ago that Soviet soldiers liberated concentration camp Auschwitz. One of the camps where over 6 million people were murdered because they happened to be ‘different’.

    Because they were Jewish, or Roma or Sinti, or mentally ill, or handicapped, or gay, or communist, or a fighter for justice …. Cold and systematically killed, tortured and starved because they were not fitting the ‘Purebred White Ubermensch’ norm.

    This week I watched an interview with one of the Soviet soldiers who had helped liberate Auschwitz. Liberating was the easy part: “We just shot the guards and opened the gates”. But what he could never forget was "the mountain of children's shoes in front of the ovens" 

    A mountain of 10 meters wide and 5 meters high.

    Only children's shoes.

    Keep reading How Entrepreneurs Can Make the World a Better Place
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  • You probably know everything about social media, communication, conversion rates, marketing, etc. Right? 

    You took courses, studied, and worked on it and it helped you to grow your business.

    But do you also study How to Love Yourself No-Matter-What? 

    Have you built the genuine confidence and self-worth that makes a business grow, even when your launch didn't go as planned? Did anyone teach you how to feel worthy and enough in every circumstance?

    Radical Self-love is the foundation of a successful business. 

    An entrepreneur who loves and values herself All the Time is a true Force of Nature. She's having way more fun, dares to take more 'risks' and makes more money.

    How do I know? Well, I teach this to my clients.

    Did I Go to some Self-Love School? No! Did I Always Love Myself? ⁣ No Freaking Way! I used the be the Mistress of Self Hate.⁣How to upgrade your self-love as an entrepreneur and practice every day

    There are many things you can do to upgrade your self-love. But you can start with these 3:

    1. Awareness once you see and hear how often you tell yourself that you're not worth it, that you can't do this because you are flawed, how often you say horrible things about your body, etc., you cannot go back.

    2. Small Daily Actions like putting cream on your hand and looking at your hands with soft and loving eyes, raising your prices (yes! that's self-love too) sharing a selfie and sharing how beautiful you feel.

    3. Dream bigger Do you feel you only deserve 1,000 Euro while in reality, you know you deserve 5,000 Euro? Go on do it. Dream bigger.


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For your Free Personal Feminine Retreat Week, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

  • Does your brand already help you get more clients and earn real money? 

    Do you know that a powerful personal brand will lead to epic success? 

    Here is everything you ever wanted to know about Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs

    Are you not sure if you have a real PERSONAL brand?

    What are your answers to the following questions?

    + Do you know who your clients are?

    + Do you know what they truly desire that only YOU can give them?

    + Do you know how to stand out from your peers?

    + Do you have a well-defined niche? A method?

    + Whose go-to person or expert are you?

    Does your brand help you to get more clients and earn real money doing what you're obviously good at? Does it bring you the level of success you long for?

    If I wake you up in the middle of the night can you tell me why you are completely different from the other health, wealth, birth, lifestyle, business, wealth . . . etc. coaches?

    Do you know what sets you apart from all the other health practitioners, artists, creatives, designers, organizers, social workers, musicians, shamans, photographers, researchers, yoga teachers, actresses, lawyers, chefs, farmers, scientists . . . all the entrepreneurs out there?

    Do you know why you are unique and do you capitalize on that uniqueness every day?

    Yes? Congratulations! You're rocking it Big Time.

    Not yet?

    Okay, you're not the only one. In fact, even well-known entrepreneurs find it hard to answer these questions. I've asked it thousands of times and it never gets easy.

    So, I'm going to help you!  Start listening.


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For your Free Personal Feminine Retreat Week, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

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  • 5 Easy Self-Love Practices that Bring in Clients and Money

    How to Manifest Clients and Money with Self-Love

    Here are 5 Easy Self-Love Practices that Bring in Clients and Money

    You might think that self-love is all nice and fun, but more something to focus on AFTER all your hard work.

    Can self-love help you manifest clients and money? Yes! Listen to how it works (and what to not do!)


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For your Free Personal Feminine Retreat Week, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

  • It will take you around 5 minutes to listen to my 'Stop Hating Your Body Plea', but I promise you it's worth your time 

    I have a complex relationship with my body. Or rather, I USED to have a complicated relationship with my body.

    And I'm not the only one. In our present Social Media age, it's easier to hate your body than to unconditionally love it.

    Like many, I have been on every diet out there. My mother told me: 'Stomach in and sit up straight' when I was 2 years old, and from there it was diet after diet. I absolutely hated my body. I tried the 500 calories diet (spinach and steak, no breakfast, no lunch) when I was 13 years old. I can still picture myself at the table, sitting at the dinner table.  

    Yes, I even prayed: "Dear God, make me skinny." 

    I clearly remember going through the teenage magazines and seeing nobody who looked like me. Every girl was skinny, pimple-free, blond and they all had mess-free rooms.

    But nowadays when I look at pictures of myself, I see a beautiful girl, with gorgeous shining brown skin, long black hair, and the most beautiful face (and yes, I didn't look anything like the Magazine girls)

    Now imagine I had grown up in our present time, with Instagram filters, supermodels and the media's constant focus on perfection. 

    It's a recipe for disaster.

    It somehow is easier to hate our bodies than to unconditionally love it. I personally know nobody whose body meets the media conditions. Tall, skinny, dimple-free, wrinkle-free. That's because in real life you can't wear a bloody Instagram filter!

    So, at 58 my boobs have dropped (so have my ass and belly) my legs are the very opposite of smooth, I have 'old ladies wrinkling skin' everywhere and I categorically Refuse to Dislike it. 

    Even though I wish my body looked like I was 28 again (but OMG I was SO unhappy when I was 28 )

    Why is Self Love important for entrepreneurs?

    Self-love and self-acceptance are crucial for your business's success.

    You can't expect your clients to like (or love) you when you hate yourself, or even when you simply dislike parts of yourself. Self-love is the antidote for perfectionism, procrastination, not deserving mindset, loneliness (or isolation) shiny object syndrome, or imposter syndrome.

    That's why I support women entrepreneurs to manifest money doing what they love by loving all themselves.


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For your Free Personal Feminine Retreat Week, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

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  • How to Create Content for your Brand the Easy Way.
    Authentic and effective content creation without overwhelm, is that even possible?

    Let's start with a quiz, okay? Tell me what obstacles come up when you think about your social media posts, being visible online, or getting clients with the use of effective content marketing.

    Is this something you have said or thought, somewhere in the past weeks:

    1. What I have to say isn’t interesting.

    2. Why do I have to post, why do people don’t get what I can do for them?

    3. It’s all already been said

    4. I’m not clear who I’m talking to

    5. I‘m afraid there will be an insulting comment.

    6. It never looks as good as other people’s posts

    7. I’m not good at writing

    8. I’m not clear on how I want to present myself and my company

    9. I don’t have time

    10. As an introvert, I can’t be online all the time

    11. I often don’t feel inspired

    12. Sometimes I share something and remove it again

    13. I’m afraid that all the time I invest will not turn into money

    14. I don’t think I can’t attract people to buy from me

    15. I’m embarrassed

    16. Nobody reacted to my post and I almost cried

    17. Who would be interested?

    18. I’m not clear on my message

    19. Sometimes it takes me 2 hours to write a post

    20. What I want and do changes all the time

    Count how many of these sentences you have said, thought about, or share in the past year.

    ✔︎ A. 1 - 4: You’re good to go, all normal feelings and emotions that every entrepreneur has.

    ✔︎ B. 5 - 10: Keep Reading, I’ve got a lot of advice for you.

    Listen, I hear and read these 20 quotes all the time. I’m not telling you to get over it and do it.

    I give you advice on every sentence.

    Are you ready?


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For your Free Personal Feminine Retreat Week, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

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  •  Goodbye fear-based masculine business goals

    You might have felt and sensed that something profound is happening in our entrepreneurial world and our day-to-day life. And it will change everything.

    Something big and beautiful is bubbling inside of us. It's new, ancient, confusing, challenging, and incredibly exciting at the same time. 

    Let me take you through what's happening at the moment.

    You and I started our business because we wanted to be free. We wanted to be free of bosses, free of the 9 - 5 days. We had a deep longing to express ourselves. All that longing for freedom, love, passion, knowledge, and experience needed a place to come to fruition.

    So we stepped up and became entrepreneurs.

    As entrepreneurs, we're impacting the lives of thousands of people. We position ourselves, we show up, we organize courses, we coach, we create, and we make money.

    Because we're all living inside our entrepreneurial bubble, we have grown to believe that this is normal. We forget that our mothers and grandmothers lived completely different lives.

    Now here comes the challenge that we're facing: on the one hand, we women have more power, and success than our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. But on the other hand, we feel this powerlessness, and sometimes, even helplessness to create the things that we most deeply yearn for.

    We're tired. We might not even know what we truly desire. And that's exactly what we talk about this week:

    Feminine Entrepreneurship, or as I call it: Selflovepreneurship


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For a Free Week in the Brave Leap Mastermind, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

  • I identified 6 Obstacles that can block your success:

    1. Perfectionism

    2. Not Deserving Money Mindset

    3. Procrastination

    4. Loneliness (Isolation)

    5. Shiny Objects Syndrome 

    6. Imposter Syndrome

    No matter how experienced you are as an entrepreneur, whether you're a starter or making millions, these 6 obstacles stand between "Working too hard, Feeling out of Alignment" and the light energy of "Ease, Joy, and Happiness".

    Let's start with Perfectionism and How to Transform it into Joy.

    Image of the 6 obstacles: https://www.estherdecharon.com/how-to-transform-perfectionism/


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For a Free Week in the Brave Leap Mastermind, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

  • Even though I'm the owner of a multiple-6 figures business, I've made so many mistakes.

    I'm spilling the beans and sharing the raw and unfiltered truth about entrepreneurship so that you don't have to make my mistakes.

    ✔︎ Are you an entrepreneur who's wondering when 'it' will finally happen for you? 

    ✔︎ Do you wonder how other entrepreneurs 'do it'?

    ✔︎ Are you waiting for a magical "You've Made It, You've achieved Entrepreneurial Super Status" sign, complete with fireworks and thunderous applause?

    ✔︎ Do you still think there's only 1 business path?

    ✔︎ Do you measure your business worth only by money, likes, and your email list?

    ✔︎Do you still believe in the "Predictable Outcome Promise" where coaches promise you the Sun and the Moon, without addressing your inner obstacles. (By the way: do you know that less than 9 % of all buyers actually finish their online programs. Often because they feel isolated, not enough, and unseen).

    🥽 Read the post here to see all the programs I've made (that never made me any money!)



    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For a Free Week in the Brave Leap Mastermind, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

  • The number one struggle for many entrepreneurs is: "Finding Clients". We have grown accustomed to complicated funnels and 1 million social media posts and completely forgot the old-school way of meeting our clients, without social media!

    But we don't own social media, the rules and algorithms change every day and we can get into social media jail without understanding why!

    So here are 11 proven ways to get clients - far away from the rules of social media. This is how I got to 10K months, weeks after I had quit my job. Trust me, this works!

    Have fun.


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For a Free Week in the Brave Leap Mastermind, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

  • We all know that 'Feeling Enough' is incredibly important. Right?  

    Feeling that You Are Enough is the backbone of a successful and profitable business.

    Yet, very recently, I stood in my kitchen during a lunch break and sobbed, like young children do, because I felt so incredibly Not Enough.

    I'm sharing something deeply personal with you. But this story is as much about you as it's about me.

    The focus on feeling enough - no matter what, yes, even when we feel like shit - is important for us entrepreneurs because when we nourish self-love and authentic confidence it becomes so much easier to achieve the things we're striving for. 


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For a Free Week in the Brave Leap Mastermind, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

  • Why it's hard to ask for support

    Do you find it hard is hard to ask for help? Do you rather grind, hustle and work throughout the weekend than ask for support?

    Especially when you're a female entrepreneur who never learned to ask for support.

    For years I was not able to ask for help - okay, who am I kidding, I still find it hard to ask for help. Fortunately, I run into a bunch of limiting negative beliefs that taught me - the hard way - that you don't have to do it alone! 

    My personal story lead me to buy into some pretty limiting beliefs that would impact the rest of my life.

    ✔︎ Be the helper and never ask for help (because you won't get it)✔︎ There's something profoundly wrong with me✔︎ If you want people to like you (and not be an outcast), you've got to give, give, give.

    So I worked. And studied, and worked more. Because working and having access to loads of knowledge, meant having value. 

    It's time to ask for support!


    🎧 For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/selflovepreneur-podcast

    🌕 For more about Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, please go to https://www.estherdecharon.com

    🌈 For a Free Week in the Brave Leap Mastermind, go to https://www.estherdecharon.com/taste-week-brave-leap-mastermind/

    🎧 Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts