Bekreftet – en prat om kreft og sånn er en podcast for unge kreftrammede og pårørende. «Alle» kjenner noen som har kreft, men dette er ikke en podcast om sykdom. Bekreftet handler om unge mennesker som har en historie å fortelle. Det handler om å leve, her og nå. Podcasten er produsert av organisasjonen Ung Kreft.
A sisterhood of women stepping into courage, self-love and feminine leadership. Insights from Meredith Rom and interviews with inspiring leaders to find your voice and walk a path of beauty, devotion and service. Listen to women leaders share their stories of overcoming fear, listening to intuition and honoring the sacred feminine within. Join us as we explore ideas of leadership, self-love, self-care, spirituality, yoga, and personal growth, with a focus on body wellness, women's entrepreneurship, and discovering your unique gifts.
FlowCast sitt mål er at det skal være en motiverende destinasjon for samtaler med interessante personer innen idrett, næringsliv, relasjoner og jakten på en optimal hverdag.
Hør Christoffer Solheim, daglig leder av FlowState, intervjue inspirerende personligheter hver uke der han henter frem unike historier og får innsikt i de som lever i eller av å være i flytsonen.
(Flyt (eller Flow) er et psykologisk begrep som først og fremst er blitt utforsket av sosialpsykologen Mihály Csíkszentmihályi og betegner en tilstand der man blir så oppslukt av en aktivitet at man glemmer tid og sted. En tilstand av flyt innebærer blant annet at man er motivert, tilfreds og går i ett med selve aktiviteten man holder på med slik at man glemmer seg selv og føler at man lever i nuet.) -
Oppveksten har kanskje vært på halv tolv, men det blir mye bra prat av det!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
MentorBox is the new way of learning. If you're like most of our members you believe in expanding your knowledge and leveling up your skillsets, but you just don't have the time to read the books that you know will get you there. We engineered a new, fun and engaging way to learn directly from the highest level authors and thinkers...
What The Actual Fork is hosted by professional dietitians Sammy Previte and Jenna Werner. Both ladies are parents within growing families, which makes them food savvy mothers, who have plenty of factual information, advice and experience to share on food, parenting, body image, and everything in between. Sam and Jenna not afraid to share secrets. They started this podcast so no human has to feel alone in their journey towards a balanced and informed freedom in life, whether that involve food, motherhood, or any other pressing topics.
Do you wish you were smarter, successful, happier, had more confidence, enjoyed life, had better relationships, better health, lived your dreams, took some more risks, didn't mind failing, had a positive attitude, loved more, helped more, and just become more of who you should be? Then I suggest you join the other 100,000+ subscribers to find out how to reset your life. This podcast is basically self-help 101. Changing your life is hard, but if you really want to change you can just by finding and pressing your reset button! Subscribe and life the life you are meant to live!!!!
The Lawyer Stress Solution is the only podcast that teaches lawyers concrete, practical and specialized tools for dealing with the stress, anxiety, and pressure of a legal career. Harvard Law School graduate and Certified Life Coach Kara Loewentheil combines her legal experience and coaching wisdom to teach lawyers how to deal with the unique challenges of the legal profession. You’ll be surprised how much you can enjoy practicing law when you know how to manage your “lawyer brain.” Download a free worksheet to help you kick-start this process and feel better today at
This award winning best personal finance podcast presents various topics around money and careers in a fun and lighthearted setting. The host, Shannon McLay, is a successful entrepreneur, author, and personal finance expert with a passion for helping people get financially fit. In each episode, Shannon will share a martini (or something similar) with friends and experts while discussing money and career topics.
A young entrepreneur and US Navy SEAL come together to deconstruct the mindset and habits of elite athletes, military leaders, and prominent masterminds in the game of life. Join Dannie and Brad as they question the status quo, breakdown current events and seek personal growth in every episode.
Health is the keystone to everything - your business, your relationships, your family, your success, and your happiness. Excel Radio is a bi-weekly series where I cover topics such as high performance lifestyle, health, fitness, nutrition, business, productivity, and even raising a healthy family. I specialize in working with executives, entrepreneurs, and transforming the health of the work force. I value your time and I will be delivering the most value to you in each episode. I interview executives, entrepreneurs, and health experts from all different walks of life who have mastered unique abilities to help you become the best, happiest, healthiest you.
Listen in and discover the REAL source of success and fulfillment in business and life. We're going to disrupt the old models of transformation and what it takes to achieve new levels of performance for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and business leaders. Hustle, hard-work, and sacrifice are old, limiting ideas. We're going to point you instead to a powerful game-changing truth. The REAL source of innovation, growth and impact is not what you do, but where you come from. Said another way…your state-of-mind. Get inspired by REAL insights and stories of transformation by entrepreneurs and business leaders as they have learned to tap more powerfully into their true self, the deeper nature of life and access new capabilities and potential.
Lean the F*ck Out is a podcast that is unapologetically for and about women entrepreneurs who are leaning out of the constraints of traditional careers to start their own businesses and create their own way of living and working. Gretchen DeVault and Tera Wozniak Qualls -- two bad ass female entrepreneurs themselves -- check in weekly with women business owners from all over the world who are living and working in their own way. Seasoned women business owners offer tips and advice from their own experiences launching a business, scaling a business, marketing a business, working as a mompreneur, coworking, balancing work and life, networking, running a side hustle, overcoming fears, working from home, being a solopreneur, marketing themselves and their businesses, small business financing, seeking investors, self care, and much more. Join us.
Hear the Secrets You Must Know to Earn Thousands, Reach Millions, and Make a Massive Impact On the World... (even if you’re just starting out as a coach...)
Peter Svenning and Leadership by Heart tells you How you can get your first client and your next 10 clients, What price you should charge for your coaching and How you can feel confident that you can change your clients lives. You want to hear the answers?
Then you are in the right place!
All episodes are 100% free, so please subscribe to and review our podcast. -
Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative coach and the best-selling author of six books including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution and The Space Within. His weekly radio show, Living from the Inside Out, has been a listener favorite on Hay House Radio for over a decade and his TEDx talk, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’, has been viewed by over 200,000 people around the world.
His weekly blog and podcast, Caffeine for the Soul, is now in its 18th year and going strong!