De todos os ismos que por ora grassam no mundo, às vezes falta-nos o mais bonito, o optimismo. Por isso, o que quero saber é: como é que vamos desta para melhor? Mas ficando vivos, claro está.
CLIMATE QUEENS is a monthly environmental podcast series aiming to raise awareness about the effect that we, as humans, are having on our shared planet and what we can do about it. Join us, Katie and Clodagh on the last Friday of every month, where we will be covering everything from: what even is global warming, fast fashion, the minefield that is recycling and everything in between! We are no experts, we are just two Dublin gals who met volunteering and have been best pals ever since.
When we know more, we can do more so come join the journey and channel your inner Climate Queen! Keep up to date with us on our Instagram @climatequeenspodcast. -
Um podcast feito para quem tem menos tempo disponível. Oiça aqui, semanalmente, alguns dos melhores momentos das conversas do podcast 45 Graus.
Website -> -
O “Assunto Sério” é um podcast maçónico criado pela Grande Loja Soberana de Portugal para aqueles que se interessam pelo estudo da Maçonaria e a arte do aperfeiçoamento pessoal.
You can only grow outside of your comfort zone. Learn how to take back control of your happiness to create the life that you want to live.
IG: @jacklyn_q -
Get ready to experience the ALL NEW WAY to thrive throughout your engagement by embracing who you are, prioritizing what you value, and ultimately designing an unforgettable wedding celebration of your dreams!
Welcome to the WEDDING PLANNING PODCAST, where we say “NO” to the $72 billion dollar wedding industry, and we say “YES” to a more joyful engagement season where your mindset, values & wedding strategy are all in perfect alignment with YOU.
Ready to get started? -
Learn English, build your vocabulary, and advance your English grammar and speaking skills with our weekly episodes.In English Plus Podcast, you can expect to listen to these episodes regularly: 1- Vocabulary Builder: learn words in context and use the links we provide to the extra practice and the downloadable worksheets.2- Grammar: learn essential grammar concepts with as many examples as it takes to help you understand and use grammar correctly.3- Essential Guides: we talk about important topics and you can get the essential introduction you need to know before you decide to dig deeper and learn more. 4- Literature: we talk about immortal books from the plot to the characters, the themes, and more.5- Misc: we have different topics to talk about from idioms to usage notes, to pronunciation tips and more.
A treasure trove of ideas in psychoanalysis. History, theory, and psychoanalytic perspectives on a diverse range of topics.
A selection of seminars and special lectures on wide-ranging topics relating to practical ethics. The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics was established in 2002 with the support of the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education of Japan. It is an integral part of the philosophy faculty of Oxford University, one of the great centres of academic excellence in philosophical ethics.
Professor Michael Sandel, the 2009 Reith Lecturer, is one of the most influential political theorists of our time. In this short introduction to Sandel's philosophy, two prominent British political theorists, Michael Sayward of The Open University, and Matt Matravers of the University of York, discuss the key themes of Sandel's work and their relevance to modern politics and new citizenship.
Exploring various aspects of modern and ancient metaphysics as they relate to the hypothesis that powers (or dispositions) are the sole elementary building block in ontology.
Gap Year Radio is a podcast that brings you information and inspiration to plan a life-changing gap year adventure.
We focus on bringing you interviews from people from across the gap year spectrum - people who run or lead gap year programs, gap year alumni who can tell you about adventures and travel experts who can give you advice on how to turn your dream of a year out into a reality.
Intro music credits:
Quasi Motion Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License -
Todos enfrentamos desafios nas nossas relações: seja porque não conseguimos chegar a entendimento, porque não conseguimos conectar com o outro ou porque nos sentimos incrivelmente sós!O que nos separa das relações harmoniosas é um mundo complexo e extenso, que quero ajudar-te a desmistificar, através da comunicação consciente!No podcast CONECTANDO, vou percorrer contigo este caminho da conexão nas relações, para que possas viver relações mais harmoniosas mas acima de tudo para que descubras o quanto começa em nós, a mudança que queremos ver no mundo.Conectando é um upgrade do podcast GCREW, que percorre também os desafios das mulheres nas suas relações e traz luz ao poder da comunicação não violenta como uma ferramenta de ativismo, primeiro nas nossas vidas, depois para o mundo!Segue-nos em: Subscreve a newsletter:
Um lugar amigável para discutir inovação escolar, novas metodologias e educação
Weekly conversations about the Liberal Arts and The Great Books with Wyoming Catholic College professors, board members,and guests.
Análise sobre a origem da alienação dos nossos tempos, como se livrar dela e viver uma vida real e consistente.
Este podcast tem como base os 17 objetivos propostos pelas Nações Unidas (ODS) - Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável.
In a world that loves to talk, do, achieve, promote, preach, sell....what does it mean to connect, be, and listen. A podcast about #humanconnection #mentalhealth #socialhealth #empathy #belonging and #loneliness. And always thinking about justice and inclusion in all things. Join us. And share far and wide. Or start your own chapter of Sidewalk Talk in your community.