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    Speaker 1 (00:02):

    Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one.

    Speaker 2 (00:41):

    What's going on. Solars Taylor Armstrong here, your host, back with another episode, we're coming up on Christmas at the time of this recording. So if you're listening to this, when it's first coming out, Merry Christmas to you, hopefully you have a great day of no, so and So okay. You can take a break on Christmas, but if you're listening to this after the fact happy new year or happy summer, whenever you're listening to this hope you are having a prosperous year and are dominating. So today we're gonna keep it a little bit interesting and forgot to do my usual. We're here to help you generate more leads, referrals, and have a better time in the industry. So, sorry, I forgot about that, but we're gonna jump right into it. And first, before getting the content just need to say we are not going to have an episode on Friday if you're listening to this when it comes out because Friday's Christmas Eve.

    Speaker 2 (01:45):

    Okay. And I'm about you. But I typically don't listen to a ton of podcasts on Christmas Eve. So we're gonna take it a, we're going to take a day off and bring it to you the following Tuesday. So next Tuesday, we are releasing the interview with the one and only Michelle Lowry. She calls herself the queen of door to door. I think I'm getting that right, but fantastic episode we had with her. We're gonna be previewing that a little bit today, getting you excited for it. So for now we're keeping it here. Hope you have a great holidays. So the topic of 10 day is just really alternative Legion. And it got me thinking, I am going to Utah for the holidays. I'm leaving on the 23rd of December. I'm gonna be there for about a week, week and a half, and knock gonna be, you know, knocking on doors during that time.

    Speaker 2 (02:42):

    So how can you still be, be generating leads? And the reason I started thinking about this is because I heard from Michelle, Rishi is in the power organization, which if you haven't heard of power you love him. You hate him. There's a lot of people that hate power. Okay. It's basically kind of a network marketing in solar. They get their recruits kind of have it be a downline, like the network marketing organizations. So a lot of pros to it. Some people hate that model. A, but I know though there's guys crushing it, having a ton of success too. And what's really interesting about what they do is not a ton of 'em door knock. And there's something to say. Some of 'em maybe don't see as much success as they could. If they were door knocking for the listeners of the podcast. First premier peeps.

    Speaker 2 (03:37):

    You probably heard me talk more than anything about door knocking, just because I think that's the single best way to go out there and get leads. You can start as a beginner day one, go out and set a same day appointment knocking on a door, make a $10,000 commission depending on the market, depending on the system size, right? So door knocking is always gonna be bread and butter in my opinion here, but I think it's important to at least realize that there are other ways of Legion out there. We've had a lot of episodes on, you know, alternative forms of Legion. So you can go back and listen to those that go more in depth, pros and cons of both of them. But I'm just gonna reiterate a few, few things that I think are really important. And then just give you a sampling of some ideas and we're gonna go more in depth as well.

    Speaker 2 (04:28):

    On Michelle Lowry's episode, she calls herself to clean a door to door. So she is in the power organization, still knocking a ton of doors. That's her bread and butter too, but she recognizes that there's a lot of other ways to get leads. And if you're not doing these things, I think you could be selling yourself short. So it's important to realize 'em, it's important to start opening yourself to the idea of generating other leads, but a word of caution to those that embark on the other forms of Legion. Make sure it doesn't take the place of you going out and grinding of hitting doors of putting in work and effort. Cuz I've seen it way too many times in this industry. Can I say, oh, I don't wanna knock doors. How else can I get leads? I don't wanna knock. I'm just gonna focus on referrals.

    Speaker 2 (05:15):

    I'm gonna focus on online marketing. I'm gonna focus on going to BNIs bus, business network, and guess what they see, you know, that's more of like a long term game, right? Cause they're getting slow leads coming in that way, where if they focused, you know, most of their effort on hitting the doors and then also did those things on the side, they would see way more success because their way, and they're playing the long game and they're not willing to go out there. So just whatever you do do not let these things replace your bread and butter, which I think should be door knocking, whatever you're doing to get most of your leads, don't abandon ship and just dump all your eggs and other baskets. Yeah. I think you should have a primary form of Legion, which for me is door knocking and then the rest should be supplemental.

    Speaker 2 (06:08):

    Right. Okay. So here's what we're gonna talk about today. Two things. Okay. And the first just even a little bit about Michelle Lowry's episode next week, we go more in depth on this, but she talks about how does she does lunch and learns for real estate agents. And then also they've got some roofers that we, they work with. They get tons of leads out in Dallas, Texas, where she's working just from working with these roofers and doing lunch and learns with real estate agents. Okay. And I will admit I have not done this myself. Okay. So it's something that I'm gonna try, but maybe you call up a real estate organization offer to put on a lunch and learn, Hey Michelle, she's gonna tell you how she goes about doing this in the next episode. So, you know, don't take my word for it.

    Speaker 2 (07:01):

    I've never actually done it yet. but I thought that was a unique way. And then also working with roofing organizations, particularly roofers that don't do solar already. Guess what? These people have a huge source of solar leads because they're on the roofs of your potential customers. Right? So I thought that was genius. If you can use, utilize their network, utilize their customer base and work out some sort agreement, some sort of partnership that could be a lead source that just blows up for you. Okay. So again, listen to the next episode. She's gonna talk much more on that. Okay. But two things just to kind of preview that. Okay. But the number one source of leads that I forget about sometimes being in this industry for almost six years now, and I see experienced people forget about this too, because this is primarily something that you do when, and you're first starting out.

    Speaker 2 (08:00):

    But I think it's important also, no matter how long you've been doing solar, you need to remember this one thing and that is utilizing your power base. Okay. Hopefully, you know what a power base is, but that is the people that are closest to you, your inner circle of contacts. So that's your friends, that's your family, that's your people. You go to church with, that's your guys on your basketball team that you go play, you know, your rec league, whatever, that's your gym buddies. That's your in my case, jujitsu people that I do jujitsu with, it's utilizing all those people because not only can they be a great source of solar leads, a lot of these people are homeowners. But the other thing that I'm realizing they can be great recruits, especially if you're playing on, let's say a rec league, or if you're going to, you know, fighting jujitsu like myself, I'm already seeing that there's potential recruits from these matter of fact, I've got one coming in here soon.

    Speaker 2 (09:01):

    Just need to find, find a time to meet with them. So don't underestimate the power pun intended of your power base. And if you have, if you're starting out, if you have not done this, this is the number for one thing that I coach our new reps to do. Go take out your pen and paper, take out your contacts on your phone, write down all the people who own homes, write down all your buddies that parents owns own homes that could potentially go solar, get it out on a piece of paper. And then, and that is how you start working your power base. Your first sell should be your family members. Okay. And if you have not sold your family, you need to check yourself. Do you actually believe in your product? Okay. I actually had an experience last week with a buddy of mine in solar.

    Speaker 2 (09:53):

    And he's listening this, sorry to call you out, but you gotta sell to your friends and family. I was hanging out with one of my buddies and he is also in solar and we were at one of his, it was his brother-in-law's house and they don't have solar. So I get talking to him, I'm like, Hey, you guys got solar yet. And, and he goes, oh, we no, we don't. We've been here about a year and a half and I was actually gonna check it out. But then my brother-in-law who is my friend that sells solar told us to just get on a discount program for electricity first and just, just do that. And if it still gets bad, then we can maybe look into solar. So at that point he's telling me that he suggested him to not get solar to first, get on, look at some discount programs and then maybe do it.

    Speaker 2 (10:49):

    And we're talking about we're in Southern California where the discount programs are still usually like, I don't know, 25, I have 30% cheaper than you could get solar for. And that's still selling high. So at this point, I'm like, dude, are you kidding? Obviously I'm not gonna, you know, call him out in the family, gathering with everyone. But in my head, I was like, are you kidding me, man? Like you got your brother-in-law and he does not have solar in one of the most expensive states for electricity. You gotta be kidding me. So I was, I was surprised, but just goes to show. If you have family members do not be embarrassed to sell them your product. Okay? If you are embarrassed or if you are not pushing your family, friends, coworkers, whatever, if you're not pushing everyone, you know, to get on solar, to get on your product, are you really sold in your offering?

    Speaker 2 (11:49):

    Probably not. Hey, probably not. If you're not pushing them. So check yourself. If you have not made your power list, if you have not sold all your family and friends and potential people that you know that could have your product go and do this today, and most powerful sales you can get. And I see new guys come in all the time. This is where I was at a dis vantage, cuz I grew up in Utah. We recruit people out here in California. Some of these new recruits come in, they're coming in with 10 sales under their belt in their first month. How do they do it? They sold their family and friends. So I was jealous of all those people. They got super easy, quick sales because they knew they knew people out here. And I didn't so huge advantage if you know people in your market, but also think outside your market at my first sell or one of my first sales were my parents in Utah.

    Speaker 2 (12:50):

    Hey, so just cuz you don't have family in your market. Well guess what? There's companies outside of your market that are doing solar. So even if you don't work with installers in those particular states hit me up. I can connect you with people that work in basically, you know, every state and not every state, but I would say at least probably have the states. I can figure out a way to help you get glass on the roof of your family and friends. Okay? Hit me up if you don't know how, Hey, it's a little bit of a rant, but I just got thinking, especially as you are going to your holiday parties here, coming up on Christmas, you're gonna be hanging out with family. You don't have to sell solar, but make sure people know what you do. Does your family even know that you sell solar?

    Speaker 2 (13:39):

    Have you told 'em about your product? Do they know that you don't have to pay thousands of dollars outta your pocket to have panels put on the roof? They might not even know that. So your job when you're going to your holiday parties, when you're going through these family gatherings, at least make sure people know, right? At least explain to 'em give 'em some education at the very least. And you don't have to be like annoying about it. Hey, we're not doing MLM network marketing where you have to be that annoying guy that like sends all your friends and family messages on Facebook. Right? Where it's obvious you're gonna pitch. 'em Something thing. But you can be casual about it. Say, Hey, how's work going. What do you do? Yeah. Oh, I'm doing solar. It's cool. If you guys ever like looked into it for your house, it doesn't have to be an awkward conversation.

    Speaker 2 (14:29):

    Okay. And you're not gonna push 'em obviously if they, you know, express no interest then whatever, but they should at least know you're doing and you should be the first one. They hit up. If they are gonna go solar, right? The worst feeling in the world will be seeing aunt Susie have panels added on her roof by some random company out in North Dakota, because you didn't tell her that you were doing solar. Right. So make sure they know that. Make sure you don't let those ones slip through the cracks. And then the last little story I have with this is, you know, go to church or something too. Okay. I've gotten I think you or three sales this year just from people from my church. Okay. So give good reason to go to church. So all you sinners out there, get yourself to church.

    Speaker 2 (15:20):

    Guess what? In addition to hopefully being a better person, maybe you'll get some extra sales this year by going to church. Okay. So use that. And another point with that, I mean make sure people at your church know what you're doing. Hey, you can bring it up casually. We'll be sitting in Sunday school and I'll bring up a comment about door to door sales cuz that's all I do. It's my life. I sell solar. So any like principle, even if I'm talking about the gospel, the scriptures, whatever, lot of times it's gonna come from, like the story of, you know, me out there selling solar. So you're not, you know, that's not the purpose of church. Okay. So I mean, I guess don't get greedy with it. Okay. But people can know what your church that you're doing solar and even in competitions, I think I've told this story before company has sales competitions or whatever, use that as an excuse, go hit up the people at your church or maybe the people that you don't know as well, but are more acquaintance types.

    Speaker 2 (16:25):

    Hit them up. That's a good reason. Hey, I'm in a competition. I know we haven't talked much at church, but we're just doing this competition in our company to see how many people we can get information about solar. Have you guys ever looked into it dropped by their house? One of a huge, well, a huge sales organization that actually one of my buddies used to sell for living scriptures. Maybe heard of 'em. These are like church video videos about Jesus like cartoons, right? And these videos are marketed to members of the LDS church, right? Church of Jesus Christ. And what are they doing? They're just working their power base, essentially. Cuz if you come by, if you're a member of that church, you say, Hey, we're doing living scripture videos. You heard of 'em you're already a member. Well, if you're selling those things, you're probably a member of that church already.

    Speaker 2 (17:22):

    You have a connection and then really it's a warmer lead. So in a way they're just working the power base. So remember, always build those connections. Especially during the holidays, you, your friends and family, your neighbors know that's another thing I can't believe I'll go into neighborhoods all the time where I will sell not all the time, but there's been a handful of times where I have sold people, solar, where they've literally told me that their neighbor worked for a solar company or sold solar, whatever. So it blows my mind. If you are in a neighborhood and you have not told your neighbors about what you're doing, make sure you do that too. That would be another terrible feeling to see your next door, go solar with another company, knowing you could have helped them out. So do not let those people slip through the cracks. Okay? My rent is over. Have a good Christmas party, have a good time in the holidays and we will see you again. Next Tuesday. Don't miss out with Michelle Lowry's episode, super powerful, an alternative Legion on how she manages her time with a family being a mom and just being a super powerful female door, knock knocker in the solar industry. So check it out. Happy holidays. And we'll see you on the next one.

    Speaker 3 (18:48):

    Hey, Solarpreneurs quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs, and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day. For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community, exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry. And it's called the Solciety, this learning community with designed from the ground up to level the playing field to give solar pros access to proven members who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry. Brightest minds four, are you ready for it? Less than $3 and 45 cents a day currently Solciety is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to Solciety.co To learn more and join the learning experience. Now this is exclusively for Solarpreneur listeners. So be sure to go to solciety.co and join. We'll see you on the inside.



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    Thanks to our friends at Pi Syndicate for sponsoring this episode! 



    Speaker 1 (00:02):

    Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one.

    Speaker 2 (00:41):

    What's going on Solarpreneurs, Taylor Armstrong here with another episode. And as usual, we are bringing the heat, helping you close more deals, generate more leads and referrals, and hopefully have a much better experience in the solar industry. Hope you're doing well. We're coming up in the Christmas season in here at the time of this recording, and we got a special episode. Something that I haven't done before, at least not in this kind of format. So excited to run through some gifts for solars. pretty cool episode. I don't know about you, but I love hearing about different, cool, like findings, cool gifts, especially one that pertain to like sales and that can help me just have a better experience in my sales game. And so I'm gonna go through a list of gifts that you can get from maybe your people on your team yourself.

    Speaker 2 (01:40):

    You can send it to your significant other, have he, or she pick up these things for you, whatever you wanna do with it. These are all gonna make awesome gift ideas or incentive ideas for your team rather. So let me know if you like these type of episodes. Again, I haven't really done one like this before, so before we jump, it wanted to give a quick shout out and thank you to a couple new reviews. Guys. If you haven't left me a review or shared the podcast, please, please, please. Especially if you listen to multiple episodes, come on, leave a review, go share it with someone. We, we do a lot, put a lot of effort, end up bringing rush content every week. That is the one ask that I have go drop us our review or share the podcast, tag me on Instagram and much appreciation tos that shot me their Spotify year in review.

    Speaker 2 (02:39):

    I'm honored to see that I am at the top of few of a few people's lists on the spot wrapped. You don't know what that is. That's Spotify basically summarizing your most listened to content throughout the year. So I'm honored to see Solarpreneur podcasts at the top of a few of those lists. I onto a few reviews. We have a CF Henry 72. He says, great resource. So I'm older, but new to the solar field work for a company who presets appointments, but I'm very interested in doing my own appointment setting. I've jumped to a 50% close since I started listing in the podcast. Super stoked about society as well. Thanks Taylor, and to all your guests. It's nice to hear you guys talk about the things I spend so much time thinking about. See a penny, appreciate it. Keep crushing up. My man.

    Speaker 2 (03:31):

    And then we got a sports master 92. I love sports as well. He says I listened to I for the first time last week, my team was in a slump and I made all my reps start listening and we have had a big turnaround that quickly have and will keep recommending appreciate that. So again, leave this review and much love, much appreciation to those that have already done that. That being said, let's jump in into this. Hey, and I'm gonna go through these gift ideas. These incentive ideas order I am kind of doing in them here is generally kind of more expensive to less expensive, higher value to lower value. Okay. So if you were looking to drop some bigger money, don't wanna listen to the beginning ones. If you're looking for the lower ticket items, then maybe skip to the end.

    Speaker 2 (04:27):

    And before we jump into these, I will say that all these are gonna be in the show notes. So if you're at the gym, if you're driving your area, whatever, don't worry about writing these down because you're gonna be able to just click the show notes, see links for all of these. It's gonna make it super easy to go check 'em out and go buy 'em for yourself or for your teams. And another, I guess, disclaimer, before we jump into these, they're not all necessarily sales related, but if you haven't noticed in the podcasts or if you Haven been in sales for a while now, there are a lot of aspects of your life that directly relate to how well you're gonna do in sales. If you're not taking care of your body, guess what? It's gonna affect your sales game. If you're not eating right, it's gonna affect your sales game.

    Speaker 2 (05:17):

    If you're not sleeping, right, your sales are not gonna be as, as they could otherwise. So keep that in mind as we go through these gifts, a lot of these things have to do with that, have to do with treating your body and just different aspects of your life. So let's jump into it. And the first one is actually sales related. Okay. And the first one I think is probably the most important gift you could give, and that is the gift of sales training. Okay. So number one, go get some sales training in the form of a society membership. Okay? Most, most economical sales training out there super affordable right now we're at 99 bucks a month. You can go and give yourself the gift of education, learn from top floor professionals and get, in my opinion, the best feature we have in the industry.

    Speaker 2 (06:11):

    And that is direct feed feedback from other sales coaches, recording self in your presentations and getting feedback sent straight to your phone. Okay. So that's number one, get yourself a society membership. And the other piece of this is just other sales training. So we have the door to door con coming up door, door conference, that's coming up next month. The time that recording in January, and as I've mentioned in the previous few episodes, we have a discount code. It's Armstrong D two D. That is another great incentive idea. Great gift idea. Give yourself the gift of networking and education from the best solar salespeople best or, or sales on the planet. Okay. So that's number one, get yourself some education. Number two, we got a S segue mini, or you can also get a S segue, scooter. Another thing I've mentioned a few times, you follow me on social media or been listening to the podcast for a while.

    Speaker 2 (07:15):

    I think having a segue is essential. And for me, it's not, not even so much just the efficiency part. Hey, you're zooming door to door. It's saving me you time. But the other piece of this, for me, it gets me in a much better mindset. If someone throws me off their doorstep, if someone slams a door on me, I know in my head, I'm gonna be happy zoom into the next door of my sway. So that's the dual purpose of it. Get your SEG. I think bees round about 500 bucks for the segway minis. The scooters are more expensive. I think they're 700 to a thousand and I do prefer the S segueway versus the scooter S segueway mini. The reason is, is because I'm holding my, my slicks, my folders, my qualification cards. I'm holding all that in my arms as I go to the next door.

    Speaker 2 (08:08):

    If I'm on a scooter, little difficult to be holding stuff in your hands and writing a scooter, maybe I'm just UN uncoordinated, but in my opinion, a little bit easier to have a SEG versus a scooter. So that's number two. Hey, number three, we got an R ring. I think I'm saying that right. Or a whoop band and keep in mind. I do not have, I don't own all these products. I would say probably about half of these on the list. Maybe a little more than half I own and use pretty frequently, but the others I've seen 'em going around. I've had, 'em recommended to me. They seem awesome to me and I'm gonna get 'em soon. So that's why I have 'em on this list. And I think they would make great, you know, gifts and incentives for your team. So number three an R ring, if you have not heard of that, it's a ring that you can wear these round.

    Speaker 2 (09:04):

    I think about 300 bucks you wear 'em and they tell you your heart rate. They tell you how much sleep you're getting. They tell you supposedly when you're sick and all these stats on your daily life, they give you, you know, your exercise stats, stuff like that. Pretty much breaks everything down tells you exactly how your body's functioning. And the other thing is a whoop band. It does essentially the same thing, but it's just a band. Now it's a little bracelet you wear. So I list them both. And the difference between 'em and ordering, I think is 300 bucks. And then you pay about six bucks a month to stay connected with a membership. The what band you pay, just the membership, but it is last. I checked about 30 bucks a month versus like the six bucks that you'd pay for the ING.

    Speaker 2 (09:58):

    So a little bit give and take, and then just a preference, I guess. Do you like wearing bands or do you like wearing rings? It looks like they both do pretty much the same thing. I don't have either of these. So maybe one is better have to hear from our audience. Hit me up if you have one or if you try both of 'em and you like one better than the other, I think this is super cool. Especially if you are knocking doors or if you're train to be healthier, it's gonna help you major little stats and just a cool product. Cool thing to stay healthy. And especially with the sleep noticing how much sleepy get. Okay. So number four, we got a Peloton bike. Things are dope. I want one soon. I do not have one yet, but I have been on them a few times.

    Speaker 2 (10:43):

    So if you haven't seen these, you're probably leaving, living under a rock, but a Peloton bike is just the you know, bikes that give you the exercise classes and a higher ticket thing. I think these started around a thousand bucks. I've for, they're getting a little more affordable, but I've seen these going around in sales competitions has incentives has prizes for like sales tournaments. So I think this would be an awesome thing. Get your sales squad in shape and get your guys exercising or girls exercising for it. The winter at number, this is I think the highest ticket thing on here. Another exercise type item we got here, and that is a tonal it's if you watch sports, you've probably seen these in commercials, LeBron James, and the commercials, but it's basically one of those mirror type video things that goes on your wall.

    Speaker 2 (11:36):

    And then it has these arms come out. That's pretty much like a cable system. And then I guess it adds like resistance. You have all these trainings classes on there and you can do pretty much any, you know, gym movement. You could think of with these adjustable, like lever, arms, and then a bench that comes with it. That looks pretty awesome. And yeah, cool item to have. And yeah, this one, like I said is pretty high ticket. These are like three grand. So maybe this is like your top price, top incentive, whatever. Maybe it's your winner incentive for the, the quarter, but I think it's pretty cool item, pretty unique thing. That's gonna help your guys stay in shape. OK. Number six. Sorry to have so many health type items on here, but as you can see, I think health is super important to your success and exercising super important to your success in door to door sales.

    Speaker 2 (12:35):

    Or even if you're not doing door to door, anything in solar, it's gonna help you perform better because it's gonna get you mentally in a right space. Okay. So number six is a VI a mix blender. And I think these are essential because you need to be drinking in your grain smoothies. I love my greens smoothies. I'm off and on on 'em, but if you haven't tried a green smoothie, you put all your spinach in there, you blend it up with some fruit and some protein powder and you pour it down. The hatch, vitamin AIX, these things I think are about 300 bucks and the best blender, in my opinion, on the market, another sweet item you can use in your incentives and competitions and number seven, going along with a blend is an ice maker. Okay. And the reason I think this is cool is because when I think of sales teams, especially door to door, a lot of us start out in, you know, apartments, junky apartments.

    Speaker 2 (13:35):

    Maybe you got a bunch of like younger guys, like, like I'm on my team right now. We got a bunch of younger guys on our squad. In these apartments, there is never ice. And the story behind this, I actually lived an apartment. You know, my current apartment I'm living in, actually we not have an ice maker. And my dad, he comes out here, gives us a visit. My dad he's super into biking. He does like hundred mile road road, RA races, 200 miles. So he comes out and he notices we don't have ice. We're just drinking straight from the top. And he's like, how do you guys survive? I would die if I didn't have ice. There's no way you can guys are just drinking, water, drinking the top. I'm like, yeah, dad, that's what I've been doing for two, three years now.

    Speaker 2 (14:26):

    And I'm just used to it next day. He shows up at our house. He goes on old errands. He brings it back and ice maker says, I can't allow you guys to live. Like he, you man need your ice. okay. So I love having ice now. I can't go back to no ice. So we have a little ice, little portable ice maker, and I've seen some cool ones that are the Pella ice makers. These things are only like a hundred, a hundred to 150 bucks, pretty good value. And I think it's definitely worth getting your sales teams, especially if they're hanging out on apartments, whatever, get 'em a ice maker gonna make 'em happy. And number eight is an e-bike. And for those that let like biking or those that are, you know, biking fans, but maybe not the fastest on a bike, or maybe you need to keep up.

    Speaker 2 (15:19):

    I think e-bikes are sweet. It's kind of the new craze. A lot of people are biking around on these things. And what's cool is maybe you went out too far for a ride and you're too tired to get back. We'll just hit on the that's engine or I guess, whatever you call it, battery, turn on the battery and you're flying back home in no time at all. So I'm gonna link to this, but there's a pretty sweet one that's available. I think it's like four, you have four or 500 bucks. So pretty affordable too. Okay. Number nine is one that I think would be super cool for improving your sleep. I do not have this, but I think it would be sweet. It's called a chili pad. What it does. It's basically a pad you put underneath your sheets and it has water, I guess, kind of like a water bed running through and it set the bed to a specific temperature.

    Speaker 2 (16:15):

    So maybe you're always hot. Maybe you're selling out in Texas or Arizona and you're always just burning up every night. You can set this pad to be like 60 degrees, cool. You down, or maybe you're freezing, or maybe you're married like myself. Maybe both have different temperatures. You can set the both sides of the bed to be at different temperatures. You can sit. I don't know your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend. You can set theirs to be a hundred degrees and yours to be 50. So pretty cool. Another thing I thought would be super useful to help your guys improve on their sleep. Number 10. Okay. We got five more. We're going, Hey, and this, we could probably go all day, but we got five more and then we're gonna wrap it up. So number 10 is a massage gun. Okay. A lot of my friends have a, the gun, but you can get some pretty sweet massage guns on Amazon for like a hundred bucks.

    Speaker 2 (17:14):

    And to me it looks like they're all doing the same. I've used both of 'em. I've used that Aragon that are like 400 bucks. And then I've used a hundred dollars ones. They seem pretty much the same. okay. So I'm gonna wait to one that I think is 120 bucks and it seems dope. So whatever you wanna do, Aragon, we can get cheaper options. And if you are grinding, let's say you're out on a blitz. You're knocking 10 hours, whatever that day, nothing better than getting home and just taking a massage gun straight to the glutes, loosen up those muscles after a hard day of knocking doors or a day where you just ran. I don't know, six appointments. Okay. So that's number 10. Number 11 is something that I think is becoming more and more important. Let's be honest. Most of us are on our phones or iPads or computers.

    Speaker 2 (18:09):

    Oh, many hours during the day. If you're like me, you get to the end of the week and you get the notification popping up on your iPhone. This says, congrats. You averaged seven hours on your phone every day. Okay. and it's not like, you know, we're wasting time, but if you're using mocking apps, if you are using sales we're portals, if you are sending texts out to customers on the phone, if you were using your phone to get to your area, you're putting in directions, then you're racking up tons of hours, tons of time on the phone. So what's better to have than blue light blockers. Okay. That's those glasses that you put on. It's gonna block out the blue light and especially talking about the topic of sleep. You need to be blocking out the you know, this light as you're getting ready to hit the sack.

    Speaker 2 (18:59):

    Hey I still struggle with it, but if you don't have the routine of just shutting down your devices you know, an hour before you go to sleep, the next best thing is on these blue light blockers. So like 20, 30 bucks, you can get just these glasses gonna block out the blue light for you. OK. Number 12 is something I've been seeing more and more of, especially if you go to a lot of sales conferences like myself that is a remarkable, if you haven't seen these things are basically like an iPad and it's a tablet that you write on, but what's unique about it is it doesn't have, you don't get apps on it. All it is, it's a tablet and you can write on it, that's it. And then it categorizes your notes into different folders. You can access 'em I super, you know, kind of lightweight, portable, durable, so cool thing to have.

    Speaker 2 (19:56):

    If you're going to a lot of trainings you don't have to be toting own 20 notebooks, losing them. Then you can easily set up folders. So as I've been going to the knock star events, the door door cons, all that I've been seeing more and more people get these I do not have one myself yet, but I think it is a great, I would love one. So shoot me one. If you're listening, I'll probably get one soon, but I think it would be a great incentive idea or great thing to get as a gift for you. Soul pretty friends, head number 13. You've heard me talk about this before. It, it is a boom, boom stick. Okay. If you have read the weight of the Wolf by Jordan Belfort, you know what I'm talking about here it is these basically essential oil sticks that you can just, you know, shoot up, snort up there as you are getting ready for your appointments.

    Speaker 2 (20:50):

    And the idea is that you trigger your senses and it's kind of a form of NLP neural linguistic programming. You're trying to trigger your senses and have that sense of smell attached to the really, just the sense of sick, excess, the sense of you closing the deal. So these things I think are awesome, gets me in the right mood to get out there and sell. You can get 'em in fruity flavors and nothing better than getting you fired up, go out there and sell. So these things are super affordable. You can get a pack of, I don't know, five for, I think 30 bucks, 20, 30 bucks, super affordable. Get one of these today. Okay. And our last two last but not least number 14, we have Nike gift cards or, you know, Adidas, whatever you're into. I was all about the Nikes, but I'll be honest.

    Speaker 2 (21:44):

    These Adidas I'm right now I'm rocking the Adidas ultra boost. I think that's what they're called. Yeah. Ultra boost. And I'm a big fan. Have a ton of cushion. Super comfy. Okay. Love Nike. But man, these Adidas ultra boost, they're no joke. So these are always, you know, if you've been in sales, you know, any shoes are just great incentives. Cause we're out on our feet, we're out to appointments. We're out knocking doors. You gotta have some nice kicks. Get that feet that foot support. Okay. And then the last one we got here is a lanyard. Hey, I've been talking with people over and over like, Hey, what do you do? It gets dark so early. Now out here in San Diego where I'm at it is dark by five o'clock right now. And so what do you do? How do you still get people's attention?

    Speaker 2 (22:36):

    Still get their trust as you're out there knocking. So I was recently asking a few of my mentors, Danny Pessie Taylor McCarthy. I'm like, guys, do you got any ideas? Anything else you do? So heard this from a people, but that is get a light up lanyard. A and Danny pissy actually told me this. He said, man, just look like a Christmas tree going to their house. They're gonna think you're some WCO nut job walking in the door tonight, join to sing Christmas carols. They're not gonna think you are sewing. 'em Something. So what a better way to grab the attention. They get a lanyard that looks like you're. I don't know, out Christmas, Carolyn. So that is number 15. Again, super affordable. Go and get your sales teams some light up lanyards, throw some name tags in there. It's gonna grab some attention.

    Speaker 2 (23:24):

    It's gonna generate credibility because you have your need tag in there and you're gonna feel great knocking in the dark, cuz you're gonna see yourself glowing in the dark as you'll look at your lanyard. So that's my 15 gift ideas for solar, premier or incentives. Let me know if you think of any other ones. Let me know if you appreciated this episode. If you like the gift ideas. I love hearing about gift ideas. I love Christmas and I hope you do too. So don't, don't be knocking doors on Christmas guys. Take Christmas off please. I know you're working hard. I know you're trying to hit your 120 deals for the year, but come on, take Christmas off. So let, let me know what you think of this guys. Share it with someone that needs some Christmas cheer in their life. Maybe send them one of these gifts and we will catch you on the next, on the next episode. Thanks again for listening.

    Speaker 3 (24:20):

    Hey, Solarpreneurs quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs, and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day. For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community, exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry. And it's called the Solciety, this learning community with designed from the ground up to level the playing field to give solar pros access to proven members who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry. Brightest minds four, are you ready for it? Less than $3 and 45 cents a day currently Solciety is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to Solciety.co To learn more and join the learning experience. Now this is exclusively for Solarpreneur listeners. So be sure to go to solciety.co and join. We'll see you on the inside.



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    Speaker 1 (00:02):

    Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one.

    Speaker 2 (00:42):

    What's going on. So premiers today, we have a very special episode coming. We are here alive with my friend, a high performance coach, Mike and I just double checked his last name before we started the call. It's Mike Szczesniak. Mike, thanks for hopping on the podcast here with us today.

    Speaker 3 (00:59):

    Taylor, thanks for having me brother looking forward to this. Yeah.

    Speaker 2 (01:02):

    And then yeah, it's been a, a little bit common here. Mike, I know you've been helping out a ton of reps and managers, all types of people in the solar industry, and it's been pretty crazy just hearing your results. You know, we have a mutual friend, Mikey Lucas, I know you've helped him out a ton. He was on the podcast and was just raving about you, how you've been able to just help reps turn it around and achieve, you know, and seen results. And what's even more cool about it is we were just talking before this you've have you even knocked a door yourself, Mike, have you even done door to door yourself?

    Speaker 3 (01:35):

    Not to sell anything? Which is like, I, I gotta be really careful. I like M and M eight mile this thing, like, I, I don't claim to be a door to door sales guy. I just claim to know how to help. 'em Make a lot more money than they're currently making . Right. So but yeah, Mikey's the reason that we got into this space, which I'm sure we'll dive into, but yeah. Yeah, I've been in sales my whole life, right. Starting in eighth grade. My first job was selling retail. I built like started my first comp for anyone watching the video, like these duct tape wallets in fifth grade. So like I've been selling my whole life. But yeah, not door to door. So like can't even compare I sell on zoom and on the phone. So my job's way easier than y'all, but our systems sell really expensive problems for our clients. So

    Speaker 2 (02:24):

    Yeah. Well, that's awesome. I think it just goes to show for me, like you don't have to be like you don't have to be a master door to door guide and be able to coach people. And I know we'll get into that more, but I think a lot of what you do is help guys turn their mindsets around and just really achieve the right kind of mindset they need out on the doors, out closing deals. And that just was the show. I think that's probably, you know, 80% of the game is just getting your mind right. And getting all the thing that's happening above right as you go out there. But no. So we'll dive into all that and excited to kind of hear about your background, Mike, he has a podcast he's been coaching. How long have you had your coaching business going on now? Mike?

    Speaker 3 (03:04):

    Geez. Four or five years. And working with door to door specifically. I mean we niche fully into door to door during COVID. So I guess that's like year and a half come on two, two years or so that we've been working with door door though.

    Speaker 2 (03:23):

    Okay. Right on. So yeah. Incredible results. You've achieved for people. And I mean, with a last name like that, how could you not be a coach? I keep thinking you know, Duke's coach Micah. Yeah. Chef, coach Kate. I say, yeah. I keep looking at man. Yeah. so you guys must be something in the, in the water there with coaching, but , that's awesome.

    Speaker 3 (03:45):

    A hundred percent.

    Speaker 2 (03:47):

    Yeah. But so Mike let's get into yeah. I want to hear kind of how you transitioned specifically in the door-to-door space, why you got into coaching. I know you have a cool story with your anxieties and all that. So can you give us some of your background and how you got into whole, all coaching side of things that you're doing? Yeah,

    Speaker 3 (04:02):

    Totally. So like I mentioned, like been in sales, my whole life spent about a decade in the retail space from eighth grade through the beginning of my software career, cuz the beginning of my software career was unpaid training. I spent seven years in corporate as a software engineer. Well once I graduated college, I went straight down to wall street and wrote code for a living for seven years. And I used all of that money to pump into myself, my businesses, mentors, masterminds, coaches, whatever I could do, right. Like I wanted to grow. And a large reason that was just the people I had surrounded myself with. Like, you know, I started three companies while I was in corporate. The first was in the network marketing space. Second was in e-com and drop shipping and third was finally coaching and consulting.

    Speaker 3 (04:48):

    So I learned a ton in the first two, surrounded myself with badass humans that really preached personal development. They preached investing in yourself and I learned pretty quickly that I needed to deploy the money that I was in software engineering. Cuz you make pretty good money over there from a salaried perspective. It's pretty much like as close to Fu money as you'll get outside of commission sales or business owners or yeah. You know, whatever. So I, I knew that I had to deploy that. And like you mentioned, during that process, I was really quickly figuring out what anxiety and debilitating panic attacks were and wouldn't wish that on my like most mortal enemy. But this is at a time where like in corporate, on the outside, everything looked great, right? Like every year was big pay, raise, big promotion, like very linear climb in corporate America.

    Speaker 3 (05:41):

    And I was like the youngest, senior engineer on my team. I had the six figure salary. I had the luxury apartment on the up grease side of Manhattan with the fountains outside the doormen, the fountains inside. Like by the way only did that. Cause my roommate had connections. Right. But like all this stuff that we're supposed to want, right. Like the vanity stuff. Right. And behind closed doors, it was like nothing even close. Like it was completely in shambles. Hmm. Because I was experiencing that and I bring that up because after a year and a half of this journey, right. Like my first panic attack was wow. Right. Which kind of tells you about the mental side of this whole thing. Right. The new year. Granted of course you're a little hung over that day. I was like a single me three year old dude living in Manhattan.

    Speaker 3 (06:28):

    Right. Yeah. But you know, from that moment it was a year and a half journey of, you know, going to the doc, getting my chest, x-ray doing breathing tests. Like I legitimately thought it was a physiological issue. I had no idea what any of this stuff was like, never heard of anybody going through it and no one in my personal life could relate to it. Right. So like I thought my lungs straight up didn't work. Wow. And I'm grateful that I found out, like I basically self-diagnosed it afterwards. I'm like this, I started hearing like anxiety and like this kind of sounds like what it is. I started doing research and you know, I say I'm grateful because then they, would've probably just tried to push a bunch of pharmaceuticals into me, which I proved I didn't need with disrespect. That's just not a route.

    Speaker 3 (07:17):

    I would've more wanted to go for me personally. And mm-hmm after that year and a half journey being the engineering nerd that I am, I had to like reverse engineer. What was going on? Like what was happening in the attacks? Why was I going through what I was going through? And what I found Taylor was 100% of the attacks happened in a where I felt guilty for not working. Right. Cause back then remember I was doing the whole, I was selling 40 to 60 hours of my week to the corporation that I was working at. And then I would do the whole five to 7:00 AM, seven to 11:00 PM side hustle. Right. Like I very much fell into the toxic hustle mindset and like that, that call and it worked for me until it didn't and I was starting to figure out how and when and why it didn't mm-hmm right.

    Speaker 3 (08:10):

    So what that made me realize like, okay, cool. Well, how can I not feel so guilty? And I, I realized if I was able to show up more powerfully when I was working and pair it with a little bit of a healthier mindset, I might not feel so when I wasn't working. Right. And ultimately I realized I had no idea what it meant to be productive. Like no idea. I thought I did, but I was very quickly realizing that like doing things doesn't matter if the things you're doing don't matter. Hmm. So I like to say that that kind of like cracked the door open cuz productivity is just a small subset of the work that we do with our clients. Yeah. Right. For me it will always be my baby. I joked that it was like my gateway drug to high performance. Right.

    Speaker 3 (08:56):

    Cause it cracked that door open, but it, it wasn't for, you know, a couple more years I met some of the leading coaches in the world and like really kicked that door through and started coaching on my own. Yeah. But that started it. So you know, this company that is the results engine, it started as a side hustle. So like I, the third company that I had started and built it as a side hustle for a year and a half, then finally got to a point where I was like, screw it. I dove off the clip, figured out how to fly. That was two and a half, like three, I don't even know how many years I feel like time's moving faster now and just like COVID era. But that was probably about three years or so ago. Okay. And we've been running the business for about four or five years, so yeah. Little bit of a ramble, but hopefully that answers your question. Yeah.

    Speaker 2 (09:44):

    No, that's cool. Yeah. It's interesting. Cuz most engineers, I know they want nothing to do with that. You know, like personal development stuff, hiring coaches, I've never heard of like an engineer. Usually they, you know, know if they usually, they just think they know everything and , there's like no, no coaching to be at that I've seen

    Speaker 3 (10:01):

    To be honest, it's like the fact that like I could communicate, like I, I don't resonate with engineers as much. Right. Like I think like one, but I definitely did not fit there. right. Yeah. So that almost was like to a benefit because I was like, okay, well I can actually communicate the work we're doing. And I used that. I was pretty average. I was like, I was a good engineer, but yeah. I wasn't like, I wasn't the best I wasn't any of that. I excelled because I could communicate and people liked working with me. Right. So I just used that to get where I wanted to go

    Speaker 2 (10:33):

    To. So you had the skill set though. Prior mosts engineers don't have, you're good. The engineering and the talking part of it and stuff. That's cool. And so, yeah. Were you so it sounds like your anxiety, it was caused by, you were saying it was just caused by not like you felt like you weren't working enough type thing or was that the cause of it or how, what was the cause of all the anxiety? Exactly.

    Speaker 3 (10:56):

    I mean, it was just like, I have very high goals and very high expectations for myself, which I'm sure a lot of people listening to this can relate to. Yeah. But I didn't know how to navigate it. I didn't know how to work in alignment with those things. And I didn't know how to manage my thoughts around it. So I kind of had to learn a lot of that. It started with, you know, started with navigating my time effectively showing it powerfully when I was working. Right. Actually being productive, learning what that really meant. Not busy but productive. Yeah. And then it led to a really long journey of, you know, figuring out how to navigate my thoughts, learning what meditation was doing, personal development. It, I hate the word realistic, but like understanding how to like manage that balance between ring being realistic and being completely unrealistic when it came to those really high goals and expectations and like marrying those two together. But it was always work related. It was like, I just want to be more, do more and have more, which I think a lot of high performers can relate to. I just didn't know how to get there effectively. And I had to go on a journey to figure that out.

    Speaker 2 (12:06):

    That's awesome. It's cool to hear cuz as I'm sure you've seen too, Mike, a lot of people in this industry struggle with, I think anxiety, it addictions just different stuff going on. You know, a lot of us sells guys. We have a D D and I know there's a lot of like mental disorders in the space, stuff like that. Yeah. So it's cool to hear guys that have gone through this. Yeah. One of my best friends in the industry, he had, had struggled a ton with anxiety and I don't know if he figured out some of this stuff. I remember I went to his wedding and he had so much anxiety that Dave, his wedding, it took him, we sat there for the ceremony. We sat there like two and a half, three hours before he even showed up just cause he was literally in the bathroom just like puking. Cause he he's like so nervous probably. Yeah. Going through a panic attack. So yeah. And yeah, I don't, I don't understand this stuff, but to me at the time I, man, come on, it's not that big of a deal. I'll just get out there. You're making, you're making this sit here for three hours. Yeah. But no, I it's always,

    Speaker 3 (13:02):

    It's always tough. Cause if you haven't experienced it, it's like, you can't relate to it. And it's like, what, what triggers my anxiety might have nothing to do with you and vice versa to your buddy. Like what triggers his anxiety might have zero effect on me. Yeah. The part I didn't share about that January 1st, 2014 is while I was in the middle of that attack, I picked up my phone and I called my mom because you like, you want some connection in that moment. And I literally press mute on the phone cuz I was head a toilet, pu my brain's out and I like, I didn't want to freak her out. I pressed mute cuz I didn't wanna freak her out more than my tonality already clearly was freaking her out. Yeah. Right. Cause like my roommate was outta town. It was new year's day.

    Speaker 3 (13:47):

    So he always went up to Vermont on a ski trip or whatever. Yeah. And like, you know, I was like chilling on new year's day. Like what do I have to really freak out about like, yeah. I was 23 years old. I was a mid-level engineer already making a ton of money, beautiful apartment, just watching captain Phillips. Like it's supposed to just be lounging. Right. Like on the surface it doesn't make any sense. Right. But your body doesn't agree. And yeah. I wouldn't, I wouldn't wish any on anybody, you know? I don't think you'd cure it either, but like I think you just learned to navigate it a little bit better.

    Speaker 2 (14:27):

    Yeah. So no doubt. And so for you, was it working with, like you mentioned, like your schedule, things like that, was it like therapy that helped you or was it like working with coaches or was there any one thing or was a combination of all that that kind of helped you get through all that?

    Speaker 3 (14:40):

    Yeah. Combination of all of it. I've never personally done therapy. I'm a huge advocate of it. I've heard. It's amazing. And I believe that it's a great work, a great bit of work. And I, I, I love to see that the stigma's being chipped away yeah. At it. Because it's not a weakness, it's like it's a tool and a lot of my most powerful, like most successful friends, like use it religiously. Yeah. As a tool to continue to grow. For me, it was just like this E like I think it's epic, like per development journey, just consuming everything that I could learning, how I navigated learning, what was most important to me and also just graduating through seasons of my life. And as I did that, as I started getting connected with systems that you are like building out systems that worked for me and then getting connected with the science of why it worked right.

    Speaker 3 (15:34):

    Again, being the nerd that I am, I need to understand why, what we do works. That was really, I, I kind of just dumb lucked my way into it. Right. It was just like catching pieces in every, every position. And obviously I had my own coaches and mentors throughout that process, like still have my own coaches, still a member of multiple, you know, high level masterminds. So I'm a massive, massive advocate for those things. Yeah. But it was kind of like this eclectic journey, I guess. Like you can't really put a, put your finger on like why something happened. Yeah. You know, at least I've struggled too, so yeah. It's kind of yes. Like all of the above minus therapy, but I'm sure I'll have that at some point in my life too.

    Speaker 2 (16:22):

    Yeah. That's awesome. I think that's important for our listeners to hear you guys that, you know, do struggle with that. But yeah, I guess just to kind of transition, I know we don't have a to time here, Mike, so you you've been coaching and I know you talked how you decided to transition in the door to door mm-hmm you tell us, why did you decide to kind of niche down into the solar space and is that, are, are all your clients right now? Are they in solar

    Speaker 3 (16:49):

    Right now? All but one are the short answer. This question is Mike. Okay. But the longer answer is, so when we got into coaching space, I was very passionate about serving millennials. Right. I felt that we were a very misunderstood generation. I was working with a lot of older people in corporate and I felt like we were just misunderstood. So I was really passionate about people serving, serving in my age demo. But I also understood that most people didn't think like me and most people were not willing to invest in themselves at the level that I was, they weren't willing to get that uncomfortable. So I feel like I navigated towards working with commission sales and, and small business owners, because I knew that if I could at least loosely associate dollar sign with the promise, not making income claims, but you know, associate the work we would do to an increase in sales or an increase in revenue, then it would be easier for me to paint that picture and get paid what I was worth.

    Speaker 3 (17:47):

    Yeah. So that's where we started. And we, you know, when we were, when I, we started working with Mikey, him and I met through one of these masterminds, he saw me speak and he came up to me afterwards. He had just joined the mastermind. I had been there for, I don't know, a year and a half or so two years mm-hmm and he came up, introduced himself. He was like, dude, I need your help. And apparently this was my introduction to door to door sales. Like I'm from New York. No, one's knocking my door. Right. Like I always joke, like I think vivid has one office in all of my county, in New York. And other than that, it's pest control teams that get sent out to the Hamptons and long island on the summers. Right. So I was very, very foreign to the concept, but you know, Mike, he was like, Hey, I sell solar, I knock doors.

    Speaker 3 (18:34):

    I'm like, okay, that's weird. But like, cool. Let's, let's talk about what it would look like to work together. So we got to work. He, he got stupid results and I was like, is this a fluke? Like what's going on here because no other we've worked with sales pros and callous industries and nothing compareds to solar. Right. Nothing from an earning potential and also an opportunity for impact. Right. And like doing really good stuff in the world. And I don't think people outside of sales realize how important that is to sales people. Right. But that's another conversation. So Mikey being Mikey kept trying to get me to fire all my other clients and only work with door-to-door industry, specifically his team. Right. And I told him to kick rocks, I'm like, go away, bro. Like, let's just keep making sure that you keep getting results that you're getting.

    Speaker 3 (19:24):

    Right. so slowly but surely he started moving some of his guys into our program and we started working with a bunch of them. They got great results as well, and then COVID hit. And when COVID hit, you know, at that point we had, I don't remember exactly which industries we had staffing and recruiting. We had some consultants, we had some sports coaches, some content creators really like all across the gamut and people were doing well up until that, that point. But when COVID hit, they were all impacted in such different ways. Right. some of their industries were, we had one client who was one of the top sales guys, his entire company, and his whole team was let go. Right. He wasn't affected outside of the fact that all of their work went on his plate. So our work shifted a lot.

    Speaker 3 (20:11):

    The, and thankfully he wasn't, you know, he didn't lose his position, but like some industries were decimated dude. Yeah. And at the same time, our door-to-door clients were going through the roof. I'm like, I, I was so perplexed by this. Right. But that was ultimately the moment where we're like, screw it. Maybe I should have listened to this crazy dude from Vegas. And all of our messaging went straight to door to door. Nice. Now we have one client who's not door to door. And that's because I went to high school with him and he is a great dude and he just has seen our journeys. Like I know you can help me. Nice. But of that 99.9% that is door to door, I'd say probably like 87% of it or so is solar. Wow. So that's really where we've like kind of built a name for ourself, but we have clients, we've had clients in roofing, pest control, alarms, water filtration, windows. Yeah. Yeah. A

    Speaker 2 (21:05):

    Lot of stuff. That's awesome. Yeah. No, I know you've had some CRA I mean, just before this, I was watching some of your testimonials and it's crazy to hear almost everyone, you know, doubled their, their sales, their commissions. Yeah. Just crazy stories. So you're obviously doing something that works for all your clients. But yeah. Can you tell us, I don't know, do you have any like stories of maybe one, one or two students that were super successful, maybe you got crazy results for 'em or maybe they're in a terrible situation. You helped turn them around, turn them around, get some massive results. Maybe just so some of listeners that haven't heard much about, you can hear what you've done for some of your students.

    Speaker 3 (21:43):

    Yeah. We, we, our clients are badass students. So, so let me start with this. Like our clients win because they're very good at what they do. Right. we just help them do more of it without burning out and while making their life super freaking dope. So that, that's the most important piece. If our clients didn't already know how to close deals, I can't help. 'em Close more of it. We're not sales training, we're not sales coaching, none of that. So that's, that's the insert disclaimer here. Right. Okay. But you know, we spoke about Mikey. I think when we started working with him, I think he added like 14 extra personal deals a month. So in Vegas for him, that was like an extra 50 grand a month in commissions. We've had clients go from, you know, two to eight deals a month.

    Speaker 3 (22:33):

    We've had go from three to nine. Earlier this year we had a client that was making about 50 grand a month. He graduated the, the year he, the month he graduated, he made a hundred, two grand. And I think this quarter we're recording this in Q4 of 2021 is 2021 or right. Yeah. I always forget the year. I just like stop caring about it. And then I say it out loud. I'm like, is that right? he stands to earn depending on how the installs line up, obviously, but he stands to earn close to half a million dollars in Q4. Oh gosh. Which is just wild. Right. 26 year old sales guy. Like what? Like that since pain. Yeah. So you know, really all across the gamut, but what we're helping all these guys with is really adding structure into their days.

    Speaker 3 (23:21):

    Right. Treating it like a business, knowing how to navigate that and execute consistently consistency is the number one word we hear in this industry street, consistency of output, consistency of income, consistency of energy management. Right. If we can't execute consistently, we're constantly chasing the wheel. We're constantly rebuilding the snowball and we're burning way too much energy to do it. Right. so it usually boils down to a lot of those things. But when we get those things dialed in the floodgates open, because when we execute consistently, that leads to all the discipline, all the self confidence, all the momentum that we're striving for. And when that's going, the energy manager just gets so much easier. Right. Like you, you know what I mean, when you're in flow state. Right. And it feels like every, any kitchen table that you sit down with is going solar.

    Speaker 3 (24:14):

    Yeah. Right. Like that's the, that's the, the holy grail. That's where we want to get to. And it takes high performance to get there. So we just work on those pillars. Things will like the productivity, right. Things like energy. How do we create it? How do we manage it effectively? Right. Because sales is a transfer of emotion and emotion is just energy and motion. Right. Right. So we might say, everyone's always like, oh, I just need more customers. Well, cool. What gets to that? Do you need to talk to more people like what's happening when you get a ton of no on the door? Or how do you manage it effectively? Mm-Hmm right. All these are the, these are the types of things that we're working with our clients. So it's great to talk about dollar amounts and deal value, but you know, most people get on the phone and they think they're just not saying the right thing.

    Speaker 3 (24:59):

    And I'll tell you what, like 99% of the time that's wrong. , it's not that we're saying wrong things. It's that our energy behind it is off. Right. Or, or we're not navigating it confidently when we can do those things half the time. It doesn't matter. Like, I, I look back at some of my sales and I'm like, wow, that was the worst question I could have asked to answer that object, handle that objection. Yeah. But it freaking closed because I came from the right space. My energy was on point. I came at that, the objection confidently and they knew I was coming to serve. Right. Yeah. So there's a lot going on behind the scenes. But that's kind of what we do and how we're serving our clients.

    Speaker 2 (25:43):

    Okay. No, that's awesome. Yeah. And I mean, it's crazy cuz most people, I think you probably agree. Most people get tons of sales training in their meetings. You know, most companies have their correlations, they're doing sales trainings, but I don't think very many people are focused on the mindset and the consistency and you know, the structure like you're talking about. So I think that is a big key that a lot of guys are missing is just having that extra piece like you're and about. And so for you, when you're coaching your clients, Mike, do you notice that like, are some people in different stages, do you coach 'em differently or do you pretty much have the same set framework for almost everyone? They all need help with like, I don't know their routine and stuff like that. Or how does that work when you first start coaching someone? What's what do you put 'em through? And what's the structure with all the,

    Speaker 3 (26:28):

    Yeah. So the, the structure, like the skeleton of what we take our clients through is pretty much well it there's two programs that we have, like our launch program is where we're taking pretty much all reps to build that foundation. And then we have our accelerator, which is, you know, guys and girls that are company owners, VP of sales, right. Regionals people striving for golden door, that type of stuff. That's like really intimate support. But everyone that goes through either those programs, the structures are the same. Okay. Right. Well, launch structure is always gonna be launch structure. Accelerators are, is gonna be accelerator structure. But what fills those structures? When I say structure, think of it as like a skeleton, right? We have a skeleton of what works, but what populates that skeleton is gonna be unique to their journey. Right. So that will vary slightly depending on where the clients are at.

    Speaker 3 (27:20):

    Right. And what they need to focus on. But we, we need data to get there. Right. So the short answer is yes and no. Like everyone has the same structure, but the action items that plot that fill that in or like how we navigate it will be different depending on where they're at. But that just to target, right? Like what you're struggling with right now, Taylor might be completely different than what Mikey's struggling with. Yeah. Now we leverage the same exact mechanisms to get the generate the growth mm-hmm . But the action items that populate that structure is gonna be completely different. Cause we're trying to solve different problems. Okay. Right. We just go up STR and solve the problems behind it, not the symptoms of the problems, if that makes sense. So yeah. It's tough to talk about it like specifically and abstractly, but like I guess the answer is yes. Ultimately you know, it's like, we we'd be stupid not to follow the structure. Everything is customized for our clients to make sure that we're working intentionally. Right. We're very data driven, obviously creating engineering nerd. So like, you know, we just, men lie, women lie numbers don't lie. So we just gotta gather the right numbers. Yeah.

    Speaker 2 (28:41):

    Okay. So say, for example, I know you've worked with a lot of people this, but so say you have a rep, maybe it's closing $5 a month, which is pretty decent in solar. That's pretty great. Money can pretty much every market. So what do you, I don't know if there's like pretty common things that you would notice with a rep that's trying to go to from five deals to 10 a month, but there's, is there some pretty common things that you notice that you like can help change right off the bat? It's like, okay, let's get this right. Let's do this. And this is gonna, these are gonna be the things that take you to tens. What are some common things or like, I dunno, factors or maybe it's energy. I dunno. What do you, what do you change with this rep to gets?

    Speaker 3 (29:21):

    So the, the first piece is obviously like sales is obviously numbers, right? Like it, but that's a blessing and a curse because everyone's gonna be like, oh, just go knock more doors, bro. Like you just knock more doors and the deals are gonna come. Yeah. That's not how it works. And you know that so like if you were to spend, if your energy's completely off and you just go spend another hour knocking, you're wasting that hour because those clients, those prospects are gonna feel that. Yeah. Right. So yeah, sales is numbers. So we gotta work the numbers, but we need to know how to make the numbers work for us. So the first thing is we have to figure out what does the volume look like right now? Right. That client who went from 50 to a hundred thousand dollars a month, he was knocking 20 doors a day when we started wow, just 20.

    Speaker 3 (30:13):

    He was hyper selective about what doors he knocked. He was literally only knocking a door that he knew someone was home. Like see someone through a window, saw them, just pull the, the driveway, whatever. Right. Wow. By the end of it, we got him to 30 doors a day. That's it? That's it. And cause he knocked so effectively. He was just like, even adding five doors a day. He was like, how on earth are we gonna do that? So that's where we have to start. Right. We have to understand what does that volume look like on a day to day basis? And what is the consistent since see, look like, okay. Because unfortunately a lot of people will just be like, oh, well, you know, they, they call the day short. They don't knock the doors that they say that they're knocking or they're like, not that they're lying, but they think they're knocking way more.

    Speaker 3 (30:55):

    So we track all that data because we need to look like, look at what the trends are. Right. Okay. Once we dial the mindset piece in, then we can slowly increase, increase that volume. But we need to do it effectively because we're not trying to just do it once and then burn out. Right. Because I think that's what happens far too often in the space because we hear so often just go knock more doors. You go and you knock a hundred doors one day, but you're used to knocking like 35. Yeah. Right. And then you don't knock for another four days. Right. If you're lucky and you get back that fast. Yeah. Right. Or you go and close three deals in a week and you make more in seven days that you've made in six months working your, you know, hourly paid paying job. And you're like, you allow complacency to kick in.

    Speaker 3 (31:46):

    Right. We need to, we need to build the consistency. That's the number one piece. Right. That's what it all boils down to. So what that looks like is going to change from client to client obviously. Right? Yeah. But those are a couple examples of like what we have to do to gather that data. Then the question becomes, how do we increase that volume? Not just going to knock more doors for the sake of knocking more doors, but how do we do it sustainably? Okay. Right. Cause that's the key. If it's not simple, it's not sustainable. And if it's not sustainable, what the hell are we doing this for? Yeah. Right. Otherwise you fall victim to the solar coaster because the complacency kicks in. You go really hard. You make a, your money and then you allow yourself to completely obliterate all the momentum that you've built. Yeah. And you have to build that snowball over again. That's not what we're about. So we're striving for that consistency. We have to poke around to figure out what's lacking and then we know what to solve. Right. You hit on energy management before. That's one of the most important pieces that we need to do to maintain that consistency. But we gotta know what it looks like first before we can spot treat. If that makes sense.

    Speaker 2 (32:52):

    Okay. So kind of like, I don't know, maybe similar to someone that's trying to go to the gym for the first time, instead of saying, Hey, you need to go to the, the gym seven times this week. Just like make it to the gym and do one pushup stuff like that. 700%,

    Speaker 3 (33:04):

    One extra. That, that client, when I was, you asked me for some numbers, I said, we took a client from two to eight deals a month. Literally he hit eight deals a month when we dropped his daily door volume down to one door a day. Right. because for him, the hardest was, and a lot of people experiences it's that first door it's his own door. Right. Like he couldn't get out and go and knock. Like that was a big barrier for him. So we dropped it to one door. But what happens then? It's like, I know Michael, O'Donnell's a massive advocate of mini habits. He's talking about it on his Instagram stories every other day. It seems. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Well, no matter who you follow, right. Whether it's the author of mini habits or, you know, John ASRA calls it, reducing it to the ridiculous right.

    Speaker 3 (33:48):

    Making it so ridiculous that it would be silly not to execute or, you know, Jim quick calls it small, simple steps. It's all the same thing. We chunk something down such that it's so simple that it would, would be absolutely ridiculous for us not to execute on it now for, for that client. What happened there? Well, like literally I think there was one day that he actually only knocked one door, right. Where he went out, he was just not feeling it. He knocked that one door. He is like, screw this. I'm going to Chipotle. I don't think it was actually Chipotle, but I love Chipotle. So I just used that in the story. But you know, every other day he went out and he is like, you know, maybe he'll do five. Maybe he'll do 20 some days he'll do 50. And he closed eight deals that month. Wow. Coming from an average of two. And the other part that we didn't talk about is the month before the eight, he did HED for the entire month. Wow. But we dropped that number down. So simply that, and we reduced it to the ridiculous, such that he could execute and we got the execution up. And what happens is, you know, every time you keep your word to yourself, those micro promises you're stacking wins, which builds them momentum. And that momentum leads to all the results that we want.

    Speaker 2 (35:05):

    Hmm. Right. That's crazy. So, but yeah, no, it's, and it's so easy as you've seen for guys to be lazy and the solar industry, cuz yeah. I mean it's the curse commissions are through the roof. So couple deals a month is great money. And so it happens to me too. I'll close I'll the other day I got, you know, first door I knocked same day, closed them. And then I had family in town. You know, we just had our kid, this was last Monday actually. So I guess I kind of had a couple good excuses, but I'm like, all right, I closed this till I'm done for the day. this one took off. So it's like, it's so easy. Get in that mindset. And I think if guys can conquer that and yeah, just do the minimum whatever the minimum exert at least do that minimum thing. And then it's gonna be a lot easier to do the next thing. Yeah.

    Speaker 3 (35:51):

    So I think the problem is like you, you had solid reasons to call that a short, like I think most people would understand family and Tom for holidays just had a kid. Right? Like those are good reasons. The problem is most of us have excuses that we mask as reasons. Right. Right. Like that's a huge difference. And I mentioned, consistency is the number one word complacency is the number two. It's those dirty sea words when it comes to solar space and really all commission sales. Right. But solar specifically, because the deals are so fat. So you know, it it's we need to make sure to navigate that properly.

    Speaker 2 (36:29):

    So yeah. That's awesome. Well, Mike, I know we're running short on time here, but I had kind of two more things I wanted to get to the first. Yeah. And the first was so with the clients you work with I mean, I've worked with coaches you know, many times as I've, as I've been selling, but something that I try to fight is like the day after I stop working with that coach, maybe they work. I don't know how long you usually work with someone three months, maybe whatever it is, what do you do or what tell people to not let their results dip after they're done working with you. Cause I think that's something that I've noticed. I'll work with a coach I'll be super dialed in, but then it's one part of my brain. It's almost like a relief after I'm done working with a coach, I'm like, oh sweet. I don't have to be as accountable. I'm gonna kinda let myself you know, drop down. So what do you tell people as you're done working with them? Maybe I know you probably, I don't know, maybe keep working with them, but if someone's done working with you, how do you kind of like hopefully inspire them to keep those results high in, not let it dip after you're done working with them. Yeah.

    Speaker 3 (37:31):

    I love the question and I love like the openness and transparency because I think a lot of people feel that way, but no one has the balls to actually say it. right. So here's, here's what I would say. We talked about sustainability, right? And we talked about consistency. Those, those are the keys, right? Because if we're doing something sustainably, we don't need the motivation of the accountability from someone else to allow us to continue to execute and our goal. And this is obviously not sustainable business practice for us cuz we're like not creating recurring revenue, but like our goal is to make it to the point where like our clients can walk. And you know, one of the clients that I mentioned, the guy went from 50 to a hundred K he's gonna do 500 K in this quarter. And he graduated in March.

    Speaker 3 (38:18):

    Wow. Like it just, it, he, he got what he needed and that was it. Like, that was cool. And now we have a working relationship. We're gonna partner on some stuff moving forward. Like that's amazing. Yeah. But notice that everything kept growing because we did it sustainably. Right. So when we do that properly, we have the discipline dialed in. That's all that matters. And you know, we just build it in a way that's in alignment with how we wanna operate our lives. You know, when you do that properly, you, you shouldn't need the external accountability. Right. And, and this is what I say, whenever clients are enrolling there's I believe there's two types of accountability. Right? There's the external accountability, which is what most people think of accountability partners, how much people rely on their coaches. Right. Whatever. It might be reverse pets, anything like that, or we're dependent on something externally to incentivize us to act.

    Speaker 3 (39:13):

    Right. And then there's the end accountability, are we accountable to ourselves? And for me that's the holy grail and bridging the gap from one to the other is what we help our clients do. Right. So I dunno if that answers your question, but our goal is to the point where our clients don't feel that way, because they know cool. If they need continued support and they want to continue growing, cuz they there's always another level awesome. We're here to support them. Yeah. But they don't need that if they don't like they don't have to go that route if they don't need that and the results aren't gonna go to if they don't continue to invest. Right. Yeah. Which unfortunately I think is something that gets sold in this space a little too often. But but yeah, hopefully that answers your questions really about the consistency and the inability when you do that and you have your non-negotiables dialed in the game changes. Right. And we just make sure that those are things that we can hit even on our worst days. Right. Then we don't need to be dependent externally and we don't have to invest in something that we don't necessarily need because people don't pay high ticket to get a babysitter. Like accountability. Coaching is a thing in the past. If there's not more baked into the coaching and the growth, then you're frankly wasting your money. yeah.

    Speaker 2 (40:24):

    Yeah. That's BA I'm sure that's something you help guys with as they're, you know, working through your coaching. But I like that what you're saying, you know, external internal cuz. Yeah. I, I think about a lot of these competitions I've won. I've had to like just get myself an insane, you know, external accountability. I dunno if you use that like stick app where you like, you know, bet money to charities, you don't like

    Speaker 3 (40:47):

    We do, we do something similar with our clients in some of the phases of our launch program. It's a powerful tactic man. Reverse bets are a crazy little little trick.

    Speaker 2 (40:56):

    Yeah. So it's good. But no, I think it's even more powerful if you can do that internally and not have to rely on all these, you know, gimmicks and external things sometimes. Bingo. That's awesome. So Mike, last question, and then we'll talk about where people can connect with you more, but what advice would you give to like we, we got a lot of managers in the space. Lot of we talked before the recording here just to how it's see how much turnover there is in the solar industry, guys quitting. So for maybe managers or just guys bringing in recruits, what advice can you give to those people on coaching them to, you know, stick, stick in the industry and start achieving success. And I don't know what advice can we give

    Speaker 3 (41:34):

    To those people? Yeah. I freaking love this question because it's so important. I, I was sharing with you Taylor, like one of my, one of my missions, which is weird, cause I'm like a transplant in this space, right? Like I'm not a, I'm not a door knocker. So I feel like in a foster at times, but like I see what's happening. And like for one of my missions is to help chip away at that turnover because we see like, you know, young guys and girls getting sold this pipe dream in these sunshine and rainbows and then sometimes like not given the support to really bring it to fruition. And obviously there's the, the agency of those people. Like they need to take advantage of the opportunity, but you know, it's our job as leaders to grow into the person that can support them to take your advantage of this opportunity.

    Speaker 3 (42:18):

    So I encourage every leader listening to this, whether you're really managing a team or you're just someone that gets looked up to because you're a stud in your company, you need to keep growing and you need to pour into the people around you, whether there are overrides involved or not, right. If you're a killer, you were able to take advantage and harness this opportunity and really allow it to change your life. And it's our duty to make sure that other people can do the same thing. And especially when they're overrides involved, like if your people don't win, then obviously your income is heavily impacted. So whatever your incentivization is, you know, I think we need to continue to pour into ourselves. Whether that's being in masterminds, hiring coaches, reading books, listening to podcasts, doing whatever you need to do to stay tapped in and growing.

    Speaker 3 (43:10):

    Because if you don't build those assets, you're not gonna be able to pour into your people. Yeah. And unfortunately I think it gets overlooked because the, usually a lot of the way that you grow in a sales organization is based on your sales volume. Yeah. Right. So if we don't all of a sudden then if we're not conscious of this and we're not really intentional around this, we have a bunch of sales studs that are now in leadership that might have no idea how to lead. Right. Other than leading a prospect into a transaction. Yeah. Right. So we need to focus on those leadership skills. Right. Go to the conferences. It doesn't matter what it is. Just keep doing it because I've heard it far too many times. Success of a new rep often is entirely dependent, not entirely, but it's very dependent on what regional they're working under.

    Speaker 3 (44:03):

    Mm. Like we gotta make sure that we are that regional or we are that leader. Or we are that person that inspires them to show up powerfully that helps guide them along this process. And not just throws them out to the wolves because you're are trying to play the numbers game too. And you're throwing at the wall to see what sticks. Yeah. Like if we're selling people a pipe dream, we better be sure to give them the resources and the support to bring it to life for them. Yeah. So end rant take for what it's worth. But like you gotta keep growing because you gotta keep pouring into people. Yeah.

    Speaker 2 (44:34):

    Love that a hundred percent. That's so true. Cause so many people, maybe they're good at sales, but they've never been in leadership roles. And I think that's a mistake. Some people MIS make just, cuz you're really good at selling doesn't necessarily mean you can teach it or you can lead. So yeah. I think, especially for guys like that, some important to go develop those leadership skills, invest in yourself, invest in the coach like Mike or we've got programs over here at solar and that's gonna keep things fresh I think. And help guys lead. So Mike, we appreciate your time and I know you gotta hop on another call here in a minute, but before we let you go work and guys potentially I don't know, apply to have you as a coach or connect more with you or find your podcast, give us your your plugs for where people connect with you a little bit more.

    Speaker 3 (45:19):

    Yeah. First of all, Taylor, appreciate you having me brother. This is this is super fun. I honestly, man, the best places is Instagram at Mike says yak on Instagram probably got a link back. Cause all the Polish is like really hard to spell. Wow. And be aware of the freaking crypto scammers everyone's getting fake profiles made. I'm never gonna DMU pitching crypto. I will DMU pitching high performance coaching, but never crypto . Right. so just sliding the DMS. If anyone has questions around anything, we talked about once like to go a little bit deeper on stuff, slide in there. Either my team we'll answer or if they don't know the answer, they'll flag it for me and I'll get you an answer. But yeah, that that's literally like the inside of our funnel anyway. So don't worry. You're not gonna follow and just get relentlessly pitched if you don't want to be, we will open conversation cuz it's social media. Right. But yeah. DMS are already, oh, always open. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

    Speaker 2 (46:15):

    Love it. Well Mike, thanks for coming on the show today. Today. Shoot Mike at DM. Let him know you appreciated the knowledge bombs he drops for our solarpreneurs here today and Mike, I'm sure we'll people connecting with you soon. Thanks again for coming on the show with us today.

    Speaker 3 (46:29):

    Thank you brother. Appreciate it. Okay.

    Speaker 2 (46:31):

    Talk soon. Hey, Solarpreneurs quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs, and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day. For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community, exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry. And it's called the Solciety, this learning community with designed from the ground up to level the playing field to give solar pros access to proven members who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry. Brightest minds four, are you ready for it? Less than $3 and 45 cents a day currently Solciety is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to Solciety.co To learn more and join the learning experience. Now this is exclusively for Solarpreneur listeners. So be sure to go to solciety.co and join. We'll see you on the inside.



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    10 Affirmations you can use to bring yourself back up to that powerful state of mind. 

    Sales are easy.First comes the action then comes the motivation.I like myself. I love my job.I'm alive. I'm alert and I feel great.They've been talking about doing this already.We get to do this. We don't have to.They're lucky to speak with us. Not the other way around.I get off a private jet and go directly to their house.Some do some don't. So what.He who angers me controls me.

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    Speaker 1 (00:03):

    Welcome to the Solarpreneur podcast, where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and I went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in a year and cracking the code on why sales reps fail. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bringing the top solar dogs, the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, falling up like a pro and closing more deals. What is a Solarpreneur you might ask a Solarpreneur is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one.

    Speaker 2 (00:42):

    What's going on Solarpreneurs Taylor Armstrong back with another episode. Hope you're doing well. Hope you're having a fantastic week of sales and just gonna preface this episode. I'm recording this around the time that we're putting our kid to bed here. So if you hear some banging on the door or some screaming, it's probably my kid. So I apologize in advance. If any of you are parenting experts, someone help us out. This kid is an animal. He's always a, you know, banging on the door, running out of his room, takes like an hour and a half to get him to bed. So I'm not definitely not qualified to speak on how to put kids to bed, but I am qualified to teach you how to close more deals and to have more success in the solar industry. And that's what we're gonna be talking about today.

    Speaker 2 (01:35):

    Specifically this episode, we're gonna jump into five hacks. You can use to have a better mindset in sales. And the reason we're talking about this, I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed on my friend Mike Szczesniak's podcast. If you don't follow him over on Instagram, go check him out. We'll put 'em in the show notes here. And we were talking about this very topic, but the other thing he is, I interviewed him for the podcast. That's section gonna be drop in on the next show here. And it just got me thinking Mike, you aren't familiar with him. He does not have a sales, well least a door to door sales background. He, his, I don't think knocked a door in his life yet. He's training sales reps to like double even triple their sales and he's doing it because he's helping 'em change their mindset.

    Speaker 2 (02:32):

    And there's, you know, more other things as well. But a big piece of success is just the mindset that we need to have in sales. And if you can tweak your mindset, it does wonders. I would say that's, you know, 80% of the equation here. So if you haven't thought how you can improve your mindset, that's what we're gonna be jamming on today. We're gonna talk about five ways. You can improve your mindset. And of course you are not gonna wanna miss out on next episode because Mike himself, he's gonna be on the show, dropping some heat, dropping some nuggets, and it's an awesome episode. So make sure you don't miss out for the next one. So let's jump into it five ways to have a better sales mindset. So number one, okay. And I've talked about a few of these bits and pieces and other episodes, but the first one is find your motivation, right?

    Speaker 2 (03:29):

    It should be pretty straightforward, but if you're not, if you've, if you've not figured out a way to motivate yourself and sell, it's gonna be pretty hard to get out prospect to get out and go on your next sales call. Specifically, if you are doing door to door for solar, you need to have some deep motivation. Okay. And something that helps with this is the seven wise exercise. And I talked about this probably been six months ago on a podcast, but super powerful exercise. You can take yourself through and that is write your wife or whatever you're doing at seven layers deep. Okay. So for example, if you set a goal in sales that you want to close, I don't know, 10 deals this month that you want to make. I don't know if 50 grand this month, whatever, write down seven layer deep.

    Speaker 2 (04:24):

    Why you wanna achieve that? Hey, so if it's, I wanna make 50 grand, why, why do I wanna make, why, why do I wanna make that this month? Because I want to give my family an awesome Christmas. Why do I want give my family family an awesome Christmas? Because growing up, I didn't have great Christmases and I want to give them a better child ex experience than I had. So you get the idea, do this seven times. And if you do that, you're gonna have a pretty Bulletproof reasoning as to why you want something. As, I mean, I think this is a super powerful way to that motivation find the reasoning behind your goals. So first, you know, set the goals, then second, dig out the why behind it. Okay. Find that motivation. So that's the first tip with it. Okay. Do that exercise.

    Speaker 2 (05:17):

    Find out the why. Okay. Number two, use a vision board. Another thing that we've brought up in the show before, but if you're not using a vision board, I'm actually not currently, but I need to get mine back up, but this is, if you're not familiar with it, it's just a board. Some people even just throw like a square of tape on the wall, just something your mind can focus on. And you're putting basically your goals, your visions, whatever you wanna call 'em, you're putting it on the board. Okay. And it's super powerful because you're activating both sides of the brain that you're putting the text on the board and you're putting an image. So I print out the picture of what I want. So for example, one of my goals back in the day was to win my sales competition and win my trip to Hawaii that our company was doing.

    Speaker 2 (06:10):

    So what did I do? I printed off a picture of Hawaii. I put become the next Ironman. That was the name of our competi. I woke up in the morning and while I was brushing my teeth, I just stared at it. Okay. And I pictured winning the competition. I imagine what it would feel like, what it would smell like in Hawaii. I imagine the breeze running through my air, the sand between my toes. So you're just becoming super clear on what you want and you're manifesting it. Okay. And I know it sounds like I don't know some Sourcery whatever, but this is what super successful people do. Right? Hey, you go read success books. This is what they're talking about. They're talking about manifesting these things, manifesting your visions and your goals, and it's a super power way to do it. Okay. So try that.

    Speaker 2 (07:00):

    That's number two, create a vision board and we'll probably do more podcasts, go more in depth on this stuff, but I'm just firing at you quick five ways to start getting this better mindset today. Okay. So number three is affirmations. Okay. So have a list of phrase. Is this and man mantras, you can go to specifically when you're out there knocking doors, or maybe you're in a tough moment. Maybe you had two deals, fail credit, maybe had three other deals that just rejected you, whatever, slam the door. This is where I find it. Super powerful to just have affirmations and little freezes. You can do to bring yourself back up. So I'm gonna give you 10. Hey, a few of these I got from my friends over at kn star. Hey, but you can make your own. You can make the super powerful, write out a list of whatever your goals or sorry, whatever your phrases are that you, you can use to bring yourself back up to that powerful state of mind.

    Speaker 2 (08:03):

    So here's 10. Hey, we can put these in the show notes, but where you can write 'em down, whatever is easiest. So here it is. Number one, sales are easy. Number two first comes the action then comes the motivation. Number three, I like myself. I love my job. Number four, I'm alive. I'm alert and I feel great. Number five, they've been talking about doing this already. Number six, we get to do this. We don't have to number seven. They're lucky to speak with us. Not the other way around number eight, I get off a private jet and go directly to their house. Number nine, some do some don't. So what number 10. He who angers me controls me. Okay. So there's 10. You can use today. Try it out next time. You're on the doors. And also do these even when you're not having a tough time.

    Speaker 2 (08:56):

    Okay. Some of my most powerful sales weeks, I was doing affirmations morning and night right after I got done looking at my vision board. Okay. So strike your Superman pose in the mirror, do it before you go to bed, whatever. Start firing off these affirmations, guaranteed. It's gonna get you into a more confident state. It's gonna get you in that better sales mindset. Okay. So number four is have a morning routine. If you're not doing this already, you are selling yourself short, make sure you have a routine you can fall in the mornings that helps you stay focused. That helps get you fired up for the day and that you enjoy doing. And I talked about yeah, again, this was 78 months ago that I got done doing a 75 hard. Okay. And you can go back and listen to that episode, but super powerful thing to do.

    Speaker 2 (09:52):

    If you don't already have a morning routine, go check out 75 hard. I this is Andy Fela's program where he has you follow a specific set of things that you need to do in the morning. You know, do your two workouts for the day, drink or gallon in a water. Take your progress, picture just a checklist of things and stuff to keep you focused. So consider doing that or just write out a list of things that you're gonna do in the morning. If for me, it's go to the gym or do some type of exercise. Then it's read my scriptures, do some type of spiritual study. Then it's read a sales book or read, just educate myself. I read 10 pages of a book non-fiction and book. Hey, and then it's take a cold shower. Hey, for me, I do 32nd cold shower started out.

    Speaker 2 (10:44):

    Hey. And when I'm doing these things, I feel so much more dialed in for the day. Hey, if I don't do these things, my mindset is immediately not as good as it needs to be. And I feel myself less folk this. And if you're doing that, it should be challenging too. Hey, it's not easy for me to get through all these steps and I'm not perfect this the week. I've matter of fact, I've missed a lot of things that are on my list of my morning routine, but don't beat yourself up over it, reset, restart, and then go at it every new day, trying to hit your morning routines. Okay. So write out that, make sure you're following a specific morning routine. Okay. And the last step here last and final one, number five. You ready for? It is increase in knowledge. Okay. It goes along with something you could do in your morning routine.

    Speaker 2 (11:35):

    Hey, so listen to this podcast. So if you're listen the show today, then you are doing one of these steps, right? Hey, join a coaching program. You know, read your books, listen to audio books, audible. You should be doing all this stuff on the way on drives to your appointments and doing this. What I've found is it gets me more excited to go out there and try what I've learned. If I'm constantly educating myself, I'm in coaching groups, I'm fired up to go try something new that I learned a, and hopefully you're doing this. As you hear stuff on the show you're going out and trying that play. It could, I am much more excited when I'm constantly educating myself. When I know I can get out and try a new close in a home. When I know I can get out and try a new phrase that I heard on the doors, whatever it is.

    Speaker 2 (12:26):

    Okay. So make sure you are always staying educated, always trying to increase in your knowledge and it's gonna help with your mindset hundred percent. Okay. So hope you enjoyed these five ways. So again, number one was find your motivation. Find your wise. Number two was use a vision board. Number three was affirmations. Write them out. Use 'em throughout your day. Number four was have 'em warning. Routine. Number five was increase in knowledge. You're looking for another way to increase in knowledge. Make sure you go check out Solciety as our app. And we are getting the best of the best in their content. And we added the new feature to where you can get direct feedback, recording your presentations on the doors or in the homes. You can get feedback from myself and our other coaches that are in the platform. So that is one of the best ways to also increase your knowledge.

    Speaker 2 (13:20):

    Go check out Solciety. So that's it for the podcast today. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget. Come on the next show because we're gonna have the master of mindset. Mike says NAK himself. You're gonna hear some buyer tips to further your knowledge on this topic. And then also, again, a reminder, if you don't have your ticket to door to door con yet, go get your ticket. Love to see some of you there. Let me know if you're coming and go use the the discount code. Okay. We'll drop that in the show notes got exclusive discount code for our listeners. So that being said, we'll see you on the next episode, go close some deals. Hope you have an awesome and, or start to this week, whatever it is for you. And we'll see you on the next episode.

    Speaker 3 (14:12):

    Hey, Solarpreneurs quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs, and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day. For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community, exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry. And it's called the Solciety, this learning community with designed from the ground up to level the playing field to give solar pros access to proven members who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry. Brightest minds four, are you ready for it? Less than $3 and 45 cents a day currently Solciety is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to Solciety.co To learn more and join the learning experience. Now this is exclusively for Solarpreneur listeners. So be sure to go to solciety.co and join. We'll see you on the inside.