Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS).
Democracy on the Move is a podcast tribute to all those people and organizations who dare to re-imagine our nation and drive it back to its true principles of democracy
Max Blumenthal challenges legacy media narratives. -
Jajca – tedenska kolumna Anje Zag Golob o metaforah, pa tudi o umetnosti, kulturi in družbi – ne nujno v tem vrstnem redu.
"Don’t tell me what I can and can’t say." Veteran journalist Taylor Ferber wrote this in her unprecedented Playboy feature, challenging the idea that brains and beauty are mutually exclusive, as the only woman who both posed and was a featured writer. After years as Hollywood's "Celebrity Whisperer" who interviewed and humanized the biggest A-listers at every major event, her irreverent show empowers viewers to think freely outside rules around wokeism, conservatism, gender, media, and culture, getting big guests (like Blake Shelton, Josh Duhamel, Dave Portnoy) to say what they really think.
Expert political analysis and debate from a real-life political encyclopaedia. Nathan Eckersley is diving deep into the biggest political news and current affairs impacting young people around the world. Recorded live from Manchester every Sunday afternoon, with listener phone-ins and messages.
Listen to the live broadcast every Sunday on W!ZARD Radio Station to get involved: -
The podcast is the podcast extension of the blog page. Here you will listen in on the "morning meeting" Freeze & Marky have every week. Topics include gun collecting, competitive shooting, gun auctions and unfortunately gun politics.
Pregled trga je serija videoposnetkov, kjer naši strokovnjaki pri ILIRIKI predstavijo ter komentirajo aktualno dogajanje na kapitalskih trgih, z namenom osveščanja ter izobraževanja investitorjev.
Vas zanimajo finance, trgovanje, gospodarstvo in delniški trgi? Na pregledih trga se dotaknemo tem kot so inflacija, obrestne mere, aktualno politično dogajanje, generalno makroekonomsko okolje in sentiment na trgu – vse to in še mnogo več so teme pregleda trga, ki ga za vas skrbno pripravijo strokovnjaki podjetja ILIRIKA borzno posredniška hiša d.d. -
Between Headlines follows journalist Alison Hall as she interviews the people behind top news stories. The podcast features regular human beings (who turn out to be far from it) whose stories will inspire, educate and challenge your views. Go beyond the 24-hour news cycle and listen in to hear guests’ unfiltered version of their story, how their lives were impacted and what they learned.
A weekly podcast about the worst of the tabloids - from Page Sucks to Hell No to the very rag that inspires the name of our show. Hosted by journalist Maura Currie and culture critic Kristen Meinzer.
This is a very simple informative podcasts.
Podcast Zelenega omrežja študentov, v katerem se pogovarjamo o trajnostnem razvoju v praksi, brez dodatnega balasta, iz več zornih kotov. Da to dosežemo, se pogovarjamo s strokovnjaki na svojih področjih.
Študentje se z gosti pogovarjamo o vročih temah, ki se razvijajo v Sloveniji. Želimo, da vsi mladi poznamo dobre prakse ter zakaj slaba praksa ne deluje in vidimo, kako pomembno je, da se izobrazimo o temah, ki nam bodo v prihodnosti prišle še zelo prav na delovnih mestih. -
S projektom Obnavljamo Slovenijo podpiramo in spodbujamo pomoč pri sanaciji posledic grozovitih poplav. Nadaljujemo raziskovanje na terenu, razkrivamo zgodbe in največje junake ter iščemo rešitve za izzive v prihodnosti.
Der ZEIT Studio Podcast zum Gespräch auf Auf der Erde leben fast acht Milliarden Menschen, die alle die Chance haben sollten, in Gesundheit, ohne Armut und Hunger zu leben. Aber das bisherige Wachstumsmodell führt den Planeten an seine Grenzen. Damit Entwicklung weltweit im Einklang mit der Natur gelingt, haben sich 2015 alle UN-Mitgliedsstaaten auf die Agenda 2030 mit ihren 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung verständigt. Aber was wurde bezüglich der "Sustainable Development Goals" bisher erreicht? Wo gibt es Handlungsbedarf und an welchen Stellschrauben sollte die Weltgemeinschaft drehen? Diesen "Zeitfragen des Jahrhunderts" widmet sich eine neue Reihe, in der jede Woche zentrale Nachhaltigkeitsziele skizziert - und im Video-Cast von Expertinnen und Experten diskutiert werden. Eine Sonderveröffentlichung von Engagement Global und dem Bundesmisterium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung.
Sproščen pogovor, kjer spoznavamo znane in manj znane, a vseeno zanimive ljudi na svojih področjih.
Make Some Intelligent Noise Justice Movement is a Real Voice of the People! Rachelle Wilson Advocates for Justice! Support this podcast:
Pogovorna oddaja z zanimivimi gosti v studiu Radia Brežice EU.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Spectacles editors Harry and Philip for Bird's Eye and Reflections as they sit to down to explore the news, current events, and big ideas in politics today through the lens of democratic theory. We won't just explain a headline to you, but we'll try to help you make the connections between today's stories and what they all mean for democracy.
The Saving Elephants Podcast features engaging conversations about conservative values with a mercifully modern twist. Tired of political shock-talk and rank punditry on your radio and TV? Curious about what conservative thinkers of yesteryear had to say but don't have time to read some terribly long, boring book they wrote? Want to learn why conservatism still holds value for Millennials today? Join us as we re-ignite conservatism for Millennials!
Where we take New Situations and Everyday Occurrences and show how one, could have, or could not have been, Keepin It P.WIth Knowledge, B1 Perspective and Insight. Become One Consulting our purpose is to catalyze personal and organizational growth. Black First FBA network. Home of Hotlava Music Tv, Von Savage Media and Keep It P Podcast on WKippB1Tv and KIPP B1 SHORTS with host Jay Lava and Tz Von Savage. Black News Media Information on Reparations and Tangibles. Support this podcast: