
  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about how to get yourself back on track around the house when you’ve just come out of the newborn stage.

    I was out with friends, and a new mom commented that she’d just gotten out of the newborn phase with her daughter and was loving the fact that her cute little baby could play on her own for a smidgen – but several months was a long time to be out of the habit of cooking and cleaning regularly compared to pre-baby!

    She was feeling the pull to get self-disciplined again and start doing things around the house, but I could tell it was definitely a “should” and something that would take a lot of force.

    Here’s what I told her, as the gentler version.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Today we’re talking about why you can still be productive as a mom (if you aren’t the artsy planner type!), even if you hate bullet journaling.

    Because I used to think planning was just for ultra-organized moms with binders and planners.

    But that’s not me – on so many levels.

    Today’s topics:

    · Why your expectations around planning may be what’s derailing you

    · Whether you like the artistic aspects of bullet journaling, or they just make it harder

    · What you need most in your daily journaling (IF you need it at all!)

    If you don’t find it helpful, it’s out the window. Like, yesterday.

    You have my permission.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/be-productive-without-journaling/

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about how to break through to your next level in business by listening to your inner guidance.

    Have you ever thought about bringing God into your decision-making process? Of asking Him whether you should launch that thing this month, or wait till next? Or if your current income cap is where you’re meant to stay – the sweet spot for your business – or if He’s got something else for you? More for you?

    You should be asking these questions as an entrepreneur. A Christian entrepreneur, especially.

    Book: Memos from the Head Office, by Perry Marshall.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about whether you’re adding unnecessary steps to your workday – and here’s the fix!

    Is there something in your email funnel, or on your website, or in your client welcome packet, that actually shouldn’t be there? That’s adding additional steps for both you and your clients?

    You need to take off the template blinders for a moment, and see if you’re actually making a bunch of annoying work for yourself by not streamlining & customizing this process to YOU.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Today we’re talking about mom guilt: here’s why it’s so hard for you to release your own housework expectations and start a new routine for your family.

    I’m sure this scenario is familiar to you: you go to the fridge to start supper, but then realize you somehow forgot to thaw the meat for tonight’s meal.

    Which means you’re out of luck on that one and you have to come up with an entire entrée on the fly.

    After you’ve dealt with what to cook and checking for ingredients and actually getting it going, how’s your self-talk looking?

    Today’s topics:

    · The inner mindset game of adapting to your mom day

    · Where you’re not giving yourself enough grace in your daily life

    · Why shifting your self-expectations isn’t really the hard part about perfectionism

    What if we just opened our day with a plan (that we already surrendered to God), made our way through it with whatever adaptations we needed, and then rejoiced at the end in a day well done?

    What kind of mental relief would that leave for you today?

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/cant-quit-mom-guilt/

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about the balance between investing time for a big life change vs. going a little at a time (and when that’s good enough).

    Some coaches will tell you that if you’re going to make a big life change – like losing weight or really learning a new sales technique or turning yourself into an expert painter – that you need to go all in.

    I mean ALL. IN.

    I’m talking weekend course taking, evening journaling, everything on your podcast listen list is this person, skipping your regular routine and chores and cooking in favor of the program’s homework, all that sort of stuff.

    They say it’s because you need to push the reset button to give your brain a break.

    *Other* coaches say that it’s all bunk. That all you need to do is a little a day. That the only way to eat an elephant is a bite at a time.

    So who’s right? Or neither of them?

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about how to make yourself “just do it” even when you’re of steam – aka, I’m making an exception to my normal rule!

    Now, you guys know by now that I don’t do the “just push through your to-do list” stuff.

    But every once in a while, there’s an exception. Something came up (like a sick kid) and you HAVE to get an extra load of laundry done just before bed.

    Or you had a super bad day and still haven’t gotten to the one most important thing on your to-do list, and it’s due tomorrow.

    Real infrequent things there, but we know they happen.

    So what do you do, the unbusy way, when you’re in a situation like this?

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Today we’re talking about why waiting for a huge burst of energy to clear your to-do list isn’t working for you – because you need to do this instead!

    We’re going to tackle the myth going around the mom productivity space that if you can just wait for (or create) that magic burst of energy, you’re going to clear your to-do list, get like twenty things done, and cue angels singing (aka, everything gets fixed about your mom day).

    Ah, no – that’s not how it works.

    I think this “burst of energy” thinking is actually a myth – and a really dangerous one that’s holding you back from ever right-sizing your own supermom life.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/magic-energy-boost/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about what happens if you don’t like what your business coach just told you – are you being uncoachable, or following your intuition?

    Because there are two conflicting things going on in the business coaching arena just now.

    One side tells everyone, “Listen to your own gut! Never make a decision based on someone else’s feedback!”

    And the other side declares, “You hired the experts for a reason. Do whatever they tell you and it’s going to work.”

    So where’s the middle ground between these two *very* different advice-taking philosophies? And what happens when you and your coach disagree?

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about when you should schedule your to-dos if you’re still not crossing off enough of them.

    So my latest client came to me with this question, which I thought was so great I wanted to share with you:

    “I’m steadily working my way through my giant to-do list, which feels really good to do. I can see I’m making progress. But what concerns me is that I’m *still* not getting enough done in a day! I’m still putting too many tasks on my mid-afternoon project time, and just not getting them crossed off. It’s like I magically run out of energy when I arrive at that time of day. Which is really annoying because I’ve specifically set aside that hour or so for me to catch up on my to-do list! Can you help me?”

    Find out what I told her in today’s episode!

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Today we’re talking about the latest productivity showdown: is minimalism better than routines? Find out which method works better for moms, and why!

    (This might be kind of controversial, but here goes.)

    Today’s topics:

    · Which is easier if you haven’t finished a KonMari purge yet

    · Why your kids aren’t keeping up with their pickup habits

    · Where routines fit in a minimized #momlife

    So what do you think, looking through your day-in-a-life? Would minimalism help you more, or routines?

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/is-minimalism-better-than-routines/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about what happens if you slowed down your life, but you’re still feeling frazzled. It’s because there’s something you still need to change.

    You’ve got your schedule decluttered. Calendar minimized. Kids’ toys decluttered. (At least halfway!) The meal prepping simplified. A shorter to-do list.

    But you’re wondering why you don’t feel an instant sense of peace.

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about why you need to declutter your business to-do list – plus how to do it.

    Because you’re so used to this rat race of “do more, do more, do more, do the next thing,” that you’re not used to evaluating each and every item on your to-do list, to see if it should even be there!

    And when you start doing that for your business? Things change.

    Here’s what one of my clients just learned about this.

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Are you glaring at that giant to-do list, mad because you can’t cross off a single one of those to-dos, and it’s been weeks, and you aren’t making any progress?

    Good. I have the cure for you.

    Today we’re talking about what to do to get out of your #momlife overwhelm when you’re snowed under by to dos (plus, the sneaky reason why decluttering affects your productivity!).

    Today’s topics:

    · Why your brain can’t make progress in a cluttered environment

    · How decluttering relaxes your stress hormones

    · The cure for your off-hours overwhelm as a mom

    Go get this done, THEN come back to your to-do list.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/decluttering-affects-your-productivity/

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about why you need to be doing this daily meditation ritual – because it’s like mental decluttering.

    Guys, I’m not much of a meditation person, but a coach once shared this simple mindset ritual with me, and it’s truly going to knock your socks off.

    What you need: you, a flat surface, and a 10-minute timer. That’s it.

    Are you wondering when this 6-figures-business-dream is *ever* going to come true for you, 'cause you don't even have the time to get through *today's* to-do's? The biggest reason I see moms struggling to run the house AND the business is because you're not leveraging scheduling. Which is why I'd love to invite you to a free Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures audit with me. During this session, I’ll audit your daily work-at-home schedule for you to get you on the road to 6 figures and ready to smash those 10k months, by scheduling in the marketing time, content time, and serving-the-actual clients time you need to turn this business into your work-from-home money-making machine. Ready to find a way to fit everything in? Book your free Schedule Audit with me so you can run the family AND the business and still sleep! Limited spots available each week, so jump on my calendar now, and I can’t wait to see you on our call.

    FREE Schedule Your Way to 6 Figures Audit: https://yourunbusylife.com/schedule-audit/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is a Client Case Study, and today we’re talking about what to do when you’re always running late – in other words, how do you get disciplined about deadlines?

    So this comes from one of my clients recently, who had just gotten her schedule in order and was really feeling good about her work hours, kid bedtimes, how much time she had for housework, etc.

    But there was one more problem…. After living this ideal schedule for a week, she realized she was always running late!

    Not by a ton – just by 10 or 15 minutes each time. Again, this is not a lot – but it was enough to throw her off-kilter and make her feel like she wasn’t making progress. (When actually, she was!)

    So here’s what I told her – and what you can do if you’re in this situation, too.

    Need a better work-from-home schedule for your unique family situation? Does your mom-life-plus-business work day need a few (or a lot) of tweaks to turn into a schedule you’d *love*? Let’s create your *own* best day so you can start loving your actual, hour-by-hour experience of work-at-home mom life. Click here to give yourself the gift of balance in your work-from-home schedule - it’s just a call away!

    Book your free Work/Life Balance session: https://yourunbusylife.com/free-call/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Today we’re talking about the secret key you’re missing if you’ve ever failed at decluttering – it’s because you need this AND minimalism!

    You know the minimalism drill, right? “All you need to do is declutter.” “If you decluttered, then you’d have your life together.”

    Except by now, you’re getting kind of suspicious of them and wondering if this whole thing was a scam.

    Today’s topics:

    · Why minimizing won’t automatically fix your mom schedule

    · Why purging your kids’ toys doesn’t equate to getting help around the house

    · Why you DO still need minimalism to get over this mindset

    This is why you need both – both the decluttering AND the productivity hacks.

    Because moms don’t just manage the stuff, they manage the kids. And that means productivity efficiency PLUS purging chops are required.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/secret-key-decluttering-purging/

    And if you need to cut the overwhelm from your work-at-home mom-life - without ignoring the cooking, the cleaning, or the kids - I’ve got just the thing for you! Get 3 hours a day, every day, back for yourself and your business when you work with me. No, it’s not too good to be true - because I’ve got 5 kids! (And #momlife is easy for me!) And I want to get *you* to that place, too. So book yourself a free call and get started on being a super work-at-home mom - the no-stress way!

    Book your free Work/Life Balance session: https://yourunbusylife.com/free-call/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is motivation Monday, and today we’re talking about how to recast the vision for your flexible work at home life.

    Was this the version of #momlife you went for when you made the choice to stay home, and later on, when you added an online business?

    Need a better work-from-home schedule for your unique family situation? Does your mom-life-plus-business work day need a few (or a lot) of tweaks to turn into a schedule you’d *love*? Let’s create your *own* best day so you can start loving your actual, hour-by-hour experience of work-at-home mom life. Click here to give yourself the gift of balance in your work-from-home schedule - it’s just a call away!

    Book your free Work/Life Balance session: https://yourunbusylife.com/free-call/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • This is your #momlife transformation time, and today we’re talking about how to avoid regret as a mom and a business owner – aka, don’t let distraction steal your dreams!

    Because distracting yourself with housework and grading homework and planning the next menu is just a mask for why you’re not reaching for your own dreams.

    You – yes, you – have something (in addition to mothering) that you’re supposed to be doing with your life.

    Something that all your talents, gifts, and abilities have been given to you for.

    Stef Gass says, “A distracted life is death to your dreams.”

    And you know what? She’s right.

    Are you running a work-from-home business - but you’ve still got homeschooling or toddlers to take care of? Let me de-stress your workday for you and show you exactly where to create consistent work hours that still let you show up as mom - each day, every day. If this is you, I want you to reserve your very own Get Stuff Done in Your Business with Kids Around session - ‘cause you can absolutely do both without losing your mind. All you have to do is book in your free coaching session with me by April 12th.

    Book your free session here: https://yourunbusylife.com/gtd-kids-around/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/

  • Today we’re talking about why you aren’t getting any help around the house if you can’t seem to let go of the chores.

    “Your reality will always follow your expectations.” That’s from Allie Casazza.

    So if that’s true, and it is, what have you been telling yourself about your life, your home, or your kids? (Maybe even your husband?) What about your closets or kitchen?

    Today’s topics:

    · What you’re truly, deep down anticipating from your #momlife

    · How your family (especially the kids) is just fulfilling your expectations

    · How to create a new daily reality for yourself that you’ll actually enjoy

    Do you see how much your underlying expectations shape and shift your everyday life?

    That’s the power of this quote. I want you to use it to better your day-by-day existence in your family.

    You’ve got this!


    Routines for introverted work-at-home moms:


    Episode transcript: https://yourunbusylife.com/kids-not-helping-with-chores/

    Are you running a work-from-home business - but you’ve still got homeschooling or toddlers to take care of? Let me de-stress your workday for you and show you exactly where to create consistent work hours that still let you show up as mom - each day, every day. If this is you, I want you to reserve your very own Get Stuff Done in Your Business with Kids Around session - ‘cause you can absolutely do both without losing your mind. All you have to do is book in your free coaching session with me by April 12th.

    Book your free session here: https://yourunbusylife.com/gtd-kids-around/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Let me guess - your kids are home from school, you still have a business to run, and you don’t want to stop making money. But the summer schedule freedom has completely upset your normal work rhythms, and you’re worried you’ll have to put your clients or students on pause just to cope. Here’s the cure: book your free “Make Money When Your Kids Are Off School" session - ‘cause you can do both the kid fun things and the normal work things this summer. Grab your spot by June 7th to get back in control of your work-from-home schedule - it’s going to be your best business summer ever!

    Book your free session: https://yourunbusylife.com/summer-call/