Are you dealing with toxicity in your life?
Do you have people that are currently bringing nothing but negativity and drama into your life?
In this weeks episode of The Unlikely Power Couple we discuss the importance of valuing yourself enough to walk away from toxic people to allow you to become all that you are capable of becoming.
Those that you surround yourself with have an incredible impact on the direction of your life and continuing to surround yourself with negativity and toxicity will only hold yourself back in life.
Walking away from people can be challenging, and we often feel an immense amount of guilt in attempting to do so but the key to a more successful life is valuing yourself enough to know when someone is not adding value to your life and choosing to distance yourself.
We give some insight into our past experiences and hope to inspire you to start valuing yourself and your own happiness to choose to surround yourself with the right people and know when you deserve better than what others are offering.
As always, if you enjoy our podcast. Please help us spread our message by leaving us a 5 star review and recommending us to a friend or family member.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
We all live incredibly stressful lives. Between work, battling traffic, raising kids, dealing with our partner, and constantly feeling like there just isn’t even hours in the day, sometimes it all gets a little overwhelming.
We all deal with stress differently, but more often than not we take it out on those around us, especially our loved ones. In this weeks episode we discuss how to better communicate with your partner, how to talk about what you need from them when you are stressed and how to deal with your partner when they are stressed out and struggling.
Men and women like to deal with stress differently, but often we try help our partner the way we would want help which is not what they need to deal with the stress and frustrations they are feeling.
Tune in as we discuss how we have learnt to deal with each other through times of high stress, how we have learned to communicate better and take our own personal wants away and to be able to give each other what we each need to cope with the challenging times.
If you are finding our podcast useful, you believe in our message and you want to show your support. Please leave us a 5 start review and share our podcast with your friends and family.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
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Relationships are tough, they require a lot of work and a daily choice to grow together. We are by no means the perfect couple, but our strength comes from fighting to make our relationship work harder than fighting to be right.
The key to a strong relationship is to remember you are 2 individuals, both with your own identities, your own personal goals and dreams you want to achieve. In this weeks episode we talk about the importance of not losing yourself and your drive to be a couple, we discuss involving your partner in your personal goals, supporting each others' individuality and even how to handle an unsupportive partner that may feel insecure with your drive and chasing your own success.
We give insight into how we have learnt to be better partners, both chase our own individual goals and how we include each other in our own journeys to build a stronger relationship and become the unlikely power couple that we have.
As always, we truly value the support everyone continues to show us and if you want to support our podcast and our vision to positively influence the lives of others. Please share our podcast with your friends and family and of course leaving us a 5 star review is greatly appreciated
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
The Unlikely Power Couple are back from our overseas adventures and coming in with more drive, more focus and more clarity then ever!
In this weeks episode we talk about our trip to Vegas, discuss how Keegz went at the WBFF World Championships, How we handle set backs and disappointments, The mindset needed to be successful and how our perceived failures are actually nothing but valuable life lessons that allow us to grow, evolve and develop into more complete and successful humans.
As always we keep the raw and vulnerable and really open up about how we deal with our hurt ego’s and insecurities to bounce back, reframe our mindsets and continue working towards building our legacy and discovering our own greatness.
As always, we appreciate you supporting the podcast by leaving us a 5 star review and sharing this with those you know want to break through the norms or society and live life on their own terms.
Enjoy the episode guys!
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
In this weeks episode, This Unlikely Power Couple are coming to you from LA, California as we go into the final week of Keegz prep into the WBFF World championships. We are joined by Rach’s best friend and fellow successful working Mum, Melissa Hutchinson.
Melissa has joined us on our international adventure to help support our mission and we thought this was a brilliant topic to discuss on our podcast. To build a successful business, successful life, successful family, or any success in any field, You are going to need a strong support network built around you.
In this episode we talk about some of our support network, we discuss with Melissa what is like being part of our support network, we talk about having the self-awareness to know when you need support and Melissa also talks about what its been like seeing what goes on in our crazy lives and especially what its like as an outsider to be here and experiencing what both Rach and Keegz go through in the demanding process of prep and especially peak week.
This episode is an eye opener into the importance of your support network and we are sure you will get a lot of value by tuning in to our episode this week.
If you are enjoying our podcast, Please leave us a 5 star review and recommend our podcast you a friend or family member to help us spread our message as we set out to create our little impact on the world inspiring others to dream big and seek their greatest life.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
Raising a family while building our legacy comes with its challenges. We all aim to raise our kids to allow them the best opportunity to live a fulfilling and successful life for themselves.
In this weeks episode we give our take on parenting and our philosophies on creating our future leaders. We discuss how we manage to raise a family with our hectic schedules, what values we hope to pass on to our kids, discipline, nutrition and including our kids in our journey towards building our legacy.
This is bound to be an episode that gets you thinking and may even create some controversy, so you don’t want to miss this episode and we hope you see value in sharing this episode with your friends and family.
If you want to show your support for our podcast, please leave us a 5 star review to help us spread our message to those that need to hear it.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
This week we are dropping an extra episode for everyone as Rach interviews Keegz on how he has coped with the long and arduous prep he has had this year.
As this duo prepare to fly out to Vegas for Keegz to compete at the WBFF World Championships, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to give everyone an insight into what goes on behind closed doors and show some of the difficulties faced while in prep with our hectic lives.
Keegz really opens up about the insecurities an athlete faces, how Keegz has managed to still be a father, coach and partner while undertaking such a long prep throughout the year.
We also discuss how both of us have learnt to deal with each other through such an taxing experience on everyone involved and be able to show understanding and support for each other.
Make sure if you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and family. Please show your support for our podcast by hitting subscribe and leaving us a 5 star review.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
This week we sit down to talk about one of the most critical factors in building your most fulfilling life. Too many of us float through life, never chasing our true purpose and building our legacy because we are not taught how to get clear on our WHY.
Knowing your WHY gives you strength when life kicks you in the balls, it gives you a reason to jump out of bed in the morning, and it gives your life meaning.
Do not miss on this episode as we talk about discovering our own WHY, how it's evolved over the years, how knowing our why has allowed us to overcome adversity and setbacks, and we give you an insight into how you can discover your own why to give your life more purpose.
If you enjoy listening to our podcast and believe we bring value to your life, please share our podcast with your friends and family to help us create the impact we wish to create in making the world a better place.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
This week on The unlikely power couple, we are joined by the powerhouse force Pauline Newman and Ari Hamalainen that are the incredible duo behind the WBFF Australia as well as running one of the leading fitness centres on the Gold Coast, Empire Fitness.
Whether you are a competitor or not, there is a bunch of valuable information in this podcast episode as they discuss the work that goes into running these 2 extremely successful organisations, how they built a team of success around them, how they deal with all the issues when things go wrong, and why they are so passionate about what they do.
Tune in and listen as Rach and Keegz get a deeper insight into their brand, their mission and the individuals behind the scenes that allow these organisations to thrive.
Make sure you leave us a review and please help us spread our weekly message by sharing our podcast with your friends and family.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
In this week’s episode we chat to Australia’s Newest WBFF Pro Muscle Model, Chris Webb and his beautiful wife and also WBFF Pro Fitness Model, Christina Eleni about the dynamics behind their relationship, living in Thailand, and some key points to what they believe is necessary to build a strong relationship.
This is a brilliant episode as we delve into the mindsets behind the Pro Athlete Duo, moving to Thailand, living a fulfilling life, and building a strong relationship of understanding and support.
We also discuss some of the obstacles they have faced, how they choose to live each day with positivity and gratitude, and Keegz and Webby have some banter over who is going to beat who at the WBFF Worlds in 4 weeks’ time.
Whether you are into the fitness scene or not, this is an episode not to be missed as the mindsets these two have towards life, relationships, business and health will help you live a far more fulfilling life.
Make sure if you enjoy this episode you share it with your friends and family and be sure to leave us a 5-star review, so more people can find our podcast and join our community of people wanting more from life.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquirers contact Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
In this week’s episode, we talk to one of Keegz greatest mentors, his current coach, and the man who has made an incredible impact on developing Keegz into the athlete and coach that he is.
Chris Thomas is one of the countries most respected coaches, specialising in health optimisation and competition preparation. His knowledge when it comes to optimising health, digestion, and hormones is second to none and we are truly honoured to have had the chance to interview Chris to find out more about the man behind the successful coach and one of the country’s best Amateur IFBB Bodybuilders.
We discuss all kinds of great topics like Chris’s experience growing up in an extremely racist society, mindset, optimising health, nutritional tips, and why society so easily settles with average.
Make sure if you enjoy this episode you share it with your friends and family and be sure to leave us a 5-star review, so more people can find our podcast and join our community of people wanting more from life.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquiries contact:
Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
Why is it that once we are in a relationship we stop prioritising making time to do the little things like movies, dinners, star gazing or what ever it was you did when you first got together?
In this weeks episode we discuss openly our relationship, and how like everyone we made the mistake of not making a regular date night a priority and the problems that arose because of this.
We are by no means a perfect couple, we have our flaws like any other couple. But when we notice we have been neglecting a vital part to building the healthiest relationship, we make sure we start prioritising making time for each other to continue building a stronger relationship.
Podcasts don’t come as raw and honest as this episode so make sure you tune it, listen with your partner and start scheduling time to show each other that you do love each other.
As always, hit subscribe and share with your friends and family and help us on our mission to leave a positive impact on this world.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquirers contact Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Nearly every self-development podcast we have heard states this same message, But how do you upgrade your circle of friends?
In this weeks episode Rach and Keegz share their experiences of having to cut “friends” and give you some advice on how to attract more positive people into your life. Loser’s hang with loser’s so if you find yourself losing at life, This is a must listen episode!
Take control of your life and upgrade your circle because the last thing you want to do is live a life of regret, wishing you had of acted on your dreams and made them a reality.
Don’t forget to leave us a 5 star review and share this podcast with your friends and family. Help us spread our message to impact the lives of many.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquirers contact Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
A harsh but extremely true message. Keegz favourite quote from his man crush, Famous actor Will Smith goes “it may not be your fault for what’s happened in your life, But you can be damn sure it is your responsibility to do something about it!”
This is a message we believe in and in this weeks podcast we talk about taking responsibility for you life, becoming more conscious about your thoughts, and making the choice to not be such a negative Nancy.
We give some tools and methods we have found extremely effective to help us live a life of gratitude and look at the worlds obstacles in a far more positive light.
Don’t forget to leave us a 5 star review and share this podcast with your friends and family. Help us spread our message to impact the lives of many.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquirers contact Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
No one has the perfect relationship, even we have our issues.
As 2 extremely passionate individuals we have some heated disagreements but we forgive quickly and this week we hope to share some of what we have learnt about building a better relationship.
In this episode we discuss how to build a killer relationship by understanding your partners love language, learning to argue to understand each other rather than prove a point, and help you to understand that the key to building your relationship starts with you.
Don’t forget to leave us an awesome review and if you found this episode useful, please help us spread our message by sharing this with a friend.
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquirers contact Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
Welcome to the first EVER episode of The Unlikely Power Couple!!
A podcast like no other podcast. We are an unlikely duo that discovered each other at our lowest points but shared a common vision and a belief in each other to allow us both to succeed at our chosen paths in life.
We keep it raw and real as we tell our story to inspire others to dream big and build the life you have always wanted!
In this first episode we share a little of our back story because without knowing where we came from, it’s hard to picture where we are going.
Tune in, get to know our story and together we will inspire others to refuse to settle for average and live life on their own terms.
Join our mission by sharing this podcast with those you think will see value and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram: @theunlikelypowercouple, join our fb group The Unlikely Power Couple and subscribe to our YouTube channel The Unlikely Power Couple
Listen, share and enjoy
Edited & Produced by James Mayer
For media and sponsorship enquirers contact Rach @ rach@liftershq.com -
Our 1st Episode "Our Story, Our Purpose" is going LIVE on Monday 18th June @ 7am!