Honest to Dog is a weekly podcast aimed at strengthening your relationship and understanding with the dogs in your life.
The Brand Champion Marketing Network is a sister podcast to the Genuine JBH. This new innovative approach to podcast advertising allows an opportunity to speak on your product, service or event from an owner/representative perspective. Jump on the phone or in person with Brad and interact with your target audience in a new historical way.
Dogs know that the most delicious and nourishing treats are often found on the ground. In “The Long Leash,” we rescue tasty scraps from the editing room floor in an unscripted interview show. Listen in as James Jacobson, founder of Dog Podcast Network, chats with newsmakers and celebrated dog lovers. Go behind the scenes of a fledgling podcast network dedicated to helping improve the quality of life for dogs and the people who love them.
The Muttz with Mannerz Canine Academy Podcast hosted by Corey McCusker, Canine Coach. Corey and her special guests share dog training tips and educational information to help you raise your pup - young or old - so they can be a loving part of your family and your community for life. Enriching lives at both ends of the leash!
Hi everyone, and welcome to Val Talk’s Pets, the forum for pet parents and enthusiasts alike. Having been in the pet industry for over 10 years now I am going to share with you issues and questions that arise as I work with pet parents on a day-to-day basis. I am not a veterinarian but I do have certifications in Canine, Feline, Small Animal, Fish and Herptile and Avian Health and Nutrition from the University of California, Davis Extension. Thank you for listening to Val Talks Pets.
Join us on The Woofi Show as we embark on a tail-wagging exploration of everything dog-related. From how to be the best parent for your dog to decoding the quirks of canine behaviour and talking about the latest trends in the dog world, we've got it all covered. As passionate dog enthusiasts, we're here to share our insights, experiences, and a few doggy tales that'll warm your heart.
.Featuring the team roping industry’s movers and shakers and the inside story on iconic moments in team roping history. Part of the Horse Radio Network.
The Equestrian Collective Podcast explores the heartbeat of Equestrian Culture across the globe and celebrates the diversity in within the sport/industry. Join your host Marylin Anderson as she connects with guests who all share a deep passion of horses and their humans.
Thanks for listening! -
Hosts Anne-Marie and Amelia are two Certified Professional Dog Trainers from Ontario, Canada. Tune in to our discussions about all things dog!
Animals may not speak in our language, but that doesn’t mean they have nothing to say. In fact, they have tremendous wisdom and they have important messages for us. In Animals & Us, we explore intuitive interspecies communication and the incredible insights animals have for us all. Join your hosts Dr. Barbara Shor, veterinarian and animal communicator, and Avantika Mathur, public health professional and researcher, as they explore concepts of oneness, spirituality, telepathy, sentience and animal consciousness. Their hope is to inspire people to deepen their appreciation and reverence for animals, nature and all living beings.
The podcast about the working dogs of farming, ranching, homesteading, and rural living. Presented by Goats On The Go® and hosted by its founder, Aaron Steele.
We discuss the fascinating history and current practice of humans working with dogs to make a living from the land. Our chats with experts cover breeds, training, on-farm experiences, and more. Herding dogs (stockdogs) and livestock guardian dogs are frequent topics, but terriers, hunting dogs, and good ol' all-around farm dogs are up for discussion, too. If it produces, protects, or provides for our rural lives, we'll talk about it. -
Le podcast officiel sur la communication et le comportement canin. J’aurais l’honneur de recevoir des invités qui vous partageront leur expérience avec l’univers du chien. La mission du podcast est de sensibiliser et de partager des trucs et astuces sur la communication entre le maître et le chien.
Animal behaviour, animal welfare, animal protection. We cover it all.
(Cet épisode est une rediffusion d'une présentation en direct que j'ai donné le 3 avril)
Votre chien est réactif et vous avez tout essayé?
Vous avez des sueurs froides à l'idée d'aller le promener parce que vous *savez* qu'il va encore réagir?
Vous êtes tannée de vous sentir impuissante, sans contrôle sur votre chien et d'avoir honte pendant que tout le monde vous regarde croche?
Je vais vous aider à promener votre chien de la bonne façon pour que ce soit plaisant pour tous! -
J Ryan Chastain is a father and horseman from Aiken SC. Ryan delves into the horse community as a whole in this weekly podcast, showing the good and the bad that we all face as equestrians.
Co-hosts Anthony and Danielle Santilli educate pet owners on natural, raw and fresh food diets for their dogs and cats. Every week, the goal with this podcast is to help build a healthier, more educated, and united pet owner community. This includes presenting you with the most up-to-date information from trusted guests. And spotlighting the best products so that you can rest assured that you are doing the best for your family pet.
The Fangs & Fur store ( is locally independent and owner-operated in Columbus, OH. Our small shop is not your typical pet food store. We don't carry unnecessary pet supplies like a lot of other shops do. We don't saturate our little space with products that we don't believe in and feel are unnecessary. Our goal is to have a place full of positive vibes that you and your pet feel comfortable in.
And that's the way we want you to feel about the podcast. -
From the grasslands of ancient Eurasia into the chariots of the Coliseum, Medieval Battlefields, and the Wild West: Our modern world was built on horseback. Join artist and forever-horse-girl, MG Simonson, as we explore the brightest stars in the Pony Pantheon.
"Whiskey on the Tailgate”: A spirited journey through bird hunting, dogs, friendship, and the great outdoors. A podcast that combines the thrill of bird hunting with the bond between dogs and hunters, cherished friendships, and a dash of whiskey.Please subscribe, share, and support by clicking the link on my BLOG, A special thank you to those who are supporting this podcast with a monthly donation. Your generosity is huge in the success of each episode! #whiskeyonthetailgate, #turnemloose, #abirdhuntersthoughts. Support this podcast:
Hey guys! Follow me on my personal journeys. From rodeos to life lessons. I’ll be giving a true in depth, behind the scenes of rodeos and life.