Orijinal GPoD, Kafkaesk ve ile Geek Muhabbet’
Her hafta Party Chat'te oyun dünyası ve film-TV dünyasındaki haberler üstüne konuşuyoruz, arkadaş muhabbeti tadınla laflıyoruz :)
Selamlar; Sosyal Eleştiri de dizi, film, teknoloji ve oyun gibi birçok alanda sizlerle fikirlerimizi paylaşacağız.
Hazırsanız başlıyoruz! Burada filmleri, dizileri, sinema sektörünü ve endüstrisini, oyuncuları ve son gelişmeleri kısacası ekranları ilgilendiren her şeyi konuşuyoruz. Her hafta farklı konu başlıklarımız sıradan bakış açılarına meydan okuyoruz.
The Best Podcast for Pop Culture Geeks network features our Thrones Time Show that airs during the current season of Game of Thrones and in between seasons when new rumors and news items become available. We also have launched the ClusterCast, which aims to cover all things pop culture with topics from gaming, film, TV, and any other medium geeks consume. Tune in for all things geek related and fantastical.
Çizgi Roman, Film-Dizi, Oyun, Etkinlik haberleri, Cosplay galerileri ve Podcast yayınları!
Trevor Ikrath loves Neon Genesis Evangelion and knows it practically by heart. Dillon Flynn has heard of Neon Genesis Evangelion before and thinks it might be about big robots. Can this evangelionist convert his friend to the cult? Find out as they watch Hideaki Anno’s landmark 1995 mecha anime series week by week.
Daha büyük, daha kalabalık! GPoD yazarlarının toplu sohbeti
Tanıdık bir galakside, zamanı belirsiz bilumum Star Wars muhabbetleri.
The Week in Geek is a radio talk show broadcasting in the Metro New Orleans area from News Talk 99.5 WRNO FM on Sundays at 7pm CST. Thanks to the power of the internet our show has been heard around the world via the Spreaker radio app.
We cover all topics related to geekdom such as comic books, video games, movies, books, conventions, cosplay, and many more! We have been fortunate enough to bring our listeners interviews from actors in film, TV, and voice overs also authors, comic book artists, geek musicians, and fan groups.
The hosts of The Week in Geek are David Ducorbier and Brian Held, Jr. both members of the Gulf Coast Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fandom Community for many years. Our video game pick of the week correspondent is Skungy Scontrino, our Facebook Admin is author Ernest Russell, and our Chief Librarian for book reviews is D L Held. -
It's all in the name...we really don't know what we are talking about. Who are we you might be wondering? We are Pink Rabbit and Purple Dragon, your fearless hosts! (not true we have tons of fears). In every episode we pick two topics from a hat...or a bag...really whatever is laying around at the time. Once we have a topic we talk about it for 15 or so minutes, or if it's really good we might talk about that for the whole show. Who knows? We sure don't. Once in a while we might know...sort of...what we are talking'll see. Topics can range from anything pop culture to our favorite weird foods and everything in between! We post new episodes every Wednesday (or try too) so please join us in our podcast adventure!! ~ Purple Dragon and Pink Rabbit
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The Ship-it Show with Tara Strong & Greg Cipes is an animation love affair! Let's talk toons, fandom, cosplay, pop-culture, and con-culture! Visit us at
بودكاست هجوم العمالقة،بودكاست تابع لشبكة وإذاعة أنمي ثيرابي ومختص بعمل هجوم العمالقة
الموقع: -
Friends read old fanfiction that they think might be good. Sometimes they are right. Sometimes they are not.
Send us emails at [email protected]
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Just your average anime podcast. Definitely not cringe or deviant. It might just be some graceful bro's platonically reviewing and discussing anime. [NSFW]
Подкаст о аниме, манге и не только! Мы трое друзей, которые любят всем сердцем Японскую культуру и готовы обсуждать и спорить о ней часами, что вы и можете слушать каждую неделю.
Adam1TBCKlorFlorKetchunes3301 -
Berna Ece Gündüz ve Ada Ayman bu seride kurgunun her türlüsüne bulaşıyor, takipçilerini diziler, filmler, kitaplar, oyunlar, çizgi romanlar ve çok daha fazlasından oluşan bir evrene götürüyorlar. | Artwork Tasarım: Altuğ Altuntaş, Jingle Tasarım: Gökhan Bıyık & Burka Bayram | Soru, öneri, reklam ve işbirliği talepleri için: [email protected]
Yıllardır filmleri, dizileri, romanları ve de çizgi romanları hatta etkileşimli hikâyeleri ve dahi oyunları didik didik konuştuk; onlardan ibretler aldık yahut idealler çıkarttık. Şimdi sıra bizde: “Kahraman mı, Tehdit mi?” ile hepsini, tek tek yargılayacağız! Ömercan Güldal ve Cevdet Canver ile KMTM, her çarşamba yayında.
Подкаст «Гоним Сусло» - это место, где мы, ведущие Павел Жидков, Игорь Грядунов и Дмитрий Гончаров, обсуждаем свежие новинки кино и видеоиндустрии, вспоминаем культовые произведения современных медиа и откровенно делимся своими мнениями. Вместе с тем, мы не стесняемся высказывать недовольство по поводу того, что, на наш взгляд, заслуживает критики. Подкаст создан для всех, кто ценит качественный контент и готов к обсуждению волнующих тем. Присоединяйтесь к нам, чтобы узнать больше о мире медиа!